Bitcoin Forum

Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Masha Sha on May 17, 2017, 04:30:11 PM

Title: Trump should make insider trading from congress illegal
Post by: Masha Sha on May 17, 2017, 04:30:11 PM

1. Executive order banning congressional insider trading with the same penalties that apply to everyone else.

2. Investigate MSM for illegal insider trading. You know how they get all those leaks...

3. New FBI director with focus on those 2 objectives.

It's called gaining a breathing space in a strategic term. How couldn't it not work?

Title: Re: Trump should make insider trading from congress illegal
Post by: GreenBits on May 17, 2017, 04:44:28 PM

1. Executive order banning congressional insider trading with the same penalties that apply to everyone else.

2. Investigate MSM for illegal insider trading. You know how they get all those leaks...

3. New FBI director with focus on those 2 objectives.

It's called gaining a breathing space in a strategic term. How couldn't it not work?

1) Trump's on the way out. His final executive order may not stand, I'm curious to see how they will treat his retroactive doctrine if he gets impeached.

 The SEC already has draconian penalities for this, but has been weakened a bit by Trump with the repeal of Dodd-Frank. Still, the teeth should be sharp enough, we just need a Justice Dept. that's not in bed with the banks, that will aggressively prosecute them.

2) Privacy of sources is protected, and must be for the fourth estate to function properly. The leaks would originate at the company itself; these are usually folks telling people to liquidate a position before it goes to shit. For the bull market manipulators, it's pretty obvious to buy a bunch a sideways stocks right before it goes north. These secrets aren't shared if the net gain is too great; the SEC is really, really attentive to this sort of stuff. It's their bread and butter, it's literally how they keep the lights on.

3) We will have a new director, but the repeal of Dodd Frank really takes.away alot of his power in this sphere. Obvious malfeasance could still be prosecuted, BU intent is much harder to prove innthe new legal climate.

I can't attribute anything 'fourth dimensional' to Trump at this point. So, I have to take his actions at face, he's in over his head. He won't go after this even if he does persist, because this would fuck up his bottom line. The conflict of interest is real, y'all.

Title: Re: Trump should make insider trading from congress illegal
Post by: Masha Sha on May 17, 2017, 07:11:46 PM
your post is like a propaganda piece... well done.

1) Wrong the Congress has never criminalize insider trading; for themselves they have specifically legalized it. Then no one knows what's in Dodd franck (typical obama admin failure like sickcare) but as no one knew what's inside it tamed some practices.

2) the only person in the world jailed or annoyed for insider trading was martha steward... they have no idea what's going on. Trillions trades, shell entity on shell entity wrapped in multijuridiction beyond extradition. However it's rasy to track specific known people : msm workers and co and specifically their assets (irs). There is no reason to believe that the SEC is better than the FDA or EPA. They live a little from taxes and mostly from inflation through deficit spending. I bet you they have a negative balance ratio between their fines and their costs. Where is corzine...

3) LoL again no one can know or have dodd franck in mind. Too much. And it's not like physics where it's demonstrable, inferable or thinkeable.

Your final point is maybe true or not. But it's true that by being a fat cat nourrished by fiat printing in a hot real estate market lacking regulation for tax evasion through building, his capavity may have been overestimated. Sadly he seems to lack the spirit of war. He still seems to want to appease his opponents. Obama didn't care of what they thought. He vaccinated, supported his unions, imposed his view etc. But don't believe it was easy... he was the worms in the apple. Trump seems to care too much of others thinking and specifically of little princess (which is good (ivanka) but worst her husby...

So to resume obama crew, necessiates strong answer from kremlin and bejing. Trump seems to need supports against this group... becsuse if he goes, they comeback. And back to confrontation, scaled. And if they believe to be able to win... many did.

DRAIN THE SWAMP kushner snd ivanka are little precious, never fought, never accomplish anything not already given, formated and programmed tools used by the opposition to America great again. Diamond spooners.

And finally it says a lot about them... they have no problem to jail someone for a plant, bit for themselves...

4 drug testing on congress, if the weasel of i don't know his name was a man...

There is 2 choice in survival: surrender or kill. Trump needs to speak with putin about swarm cleaning operations... or outsource to chineses. Against the obama crowd... there is no middle path. It's total victory or annihilation. They will exploit all weakness or sign of mercy.

Or as kim would say: blast them, hash them. Chop chop!

Title: Re: Trump should make insider trading from congress illegal
Post by: GreenBits on May 17, 2017, 07:49:11 PM
your post is like a propaganda piece... well done.

1) Wrong the Congress has never criminalize insider trading; for themselves they have specifically legalized it. Then no one knows what's in Dodd franck (typical obama admin failure like sickcare) but as no one knew what's inside it tamed some practices.

2) the only person in the world jailed or annoyed for insider trading was martha steward... they have no idea what's going on. Trillions trades, shell entity on shell entity wrapped in multijuridiction beyond extradition. However it's rasy to track specific known people : msm workers and co and specifically their assets (irs). There is no reason to believe that the SEC is better than the FDA or EPA. They live a little from taxes and mostly from inflation through deficit spending. I bet you they have a negative balance ratio between their fines and their costs. Where is corzine...

3) LoL again no one can know or have dodd franck in mind. Too much. And it's not like physics where it's demonstrable, inferable or thinkeable.

Your final point is maybe true or not. But it's true that by being a fat cat nourrished by fiat printing in a hot real estate market lacking regulation for tax evasion through building, his capavity may have been overestimated. Sadly he seems to lack the spirit of war. He still seems to want to appease his opponents. Obama didn't care of what they thought. He vaccinated, supported his unions, imposed his view etc. But don't believe it was easy... he was the worms in the apple. Trump seems to care too much of others thinking and specifically of little princess (which is good (ivanka) but worst her husby...

So to resume obama crew, necessiates strong answer from kremlin and bejing. Trump seems to need supports against this group... becsuse if he goes, they comeback. And back to confrontation, scaled. And if they believe to be able to win... many did.

DRAIN THE SWAMP kushner snd ivanka are little precious, never fought, never accomplish anything not already given, formated and programmed tools used by the opposition to America great again. Diamond spooners.

And finally it says a lot about them... they have no problem to jail someone for a plant, bit for themselves...

4 drug testing on congress, if the weasel of i don't know his name was a man...

There is 2 choice in survival: surrender or kill. Trump needs to speak with putin about swarm cleaning operations... or outsource to chineses. Against the obama crowd... there is no middle path. It's total victory or annihilation. They will exploit all weakness or sign of mercy.

Or as kim would say: blast them, hash them. Chop chop!

I blushed ;) Never been accused if shilling for a bank before.

1) I didn't think Dodd Frank was that nebulous. Not a lawyer, but DF seemed to do a lot of things to regulate a market that was the Wild West, like bitcoin at its inception. This was also coming out of the Recession, bear in mind.

Dodd Frank eliminated the concept of 'too big to fail', and allowed the gov to divide a bank if it's scope became so large that failure would be an imminent threat to domestic economic security. It regulated derivatives, which make bitcoin look mundane, in my opinion.  It also established the FIO, ensuring insurance companies can't crash markets, or manipulate rates at the expense of customers. And most importantly, it established the CFPB, protecting our asses from outright malfeasance from our investment managers, and mailing a certain clarity in bank/customer relations.

And, it protected whistleblowers.

2) oh nah. Read Forbes or IB. It happens, not frequently enough, and never to the people that deserve it, usually Jr traders that are fall guys.

Maybe celebrities over net worth should have to disclose assets, in order to prevent this. Oh wait, that happens already. That's how the got Martha.

3) don't know how to respond...

4) drug test em, every last one of them. I have no problem with that.

So we had Dodd Frank, but that wasn't good enough. Was it because it was regulation, and you are small gov? This regulation actually helped, it penalized industries that were taking advantage of consumers.

Are you anti gov, or just anti Obama like everyone else here? ;)

Title: Re: Trump should make insider trading from congress illegal
Post by: Masha Sha on May 17, 2017, 11:00:06 PM
Thank you very much for your construct answer. I have a recent tendency to be very aggressive in my answer due to the number of trolls and others paid posters.

I think you are in the second category because again I sense gramd mastery in the way you constructed your post. Or at least well above my current skill.

I have never said anything about banks. This is an astute way of starting but sadly even if it works against some, it just push me to write a better reply even if flawed by it's construct.

But sadly you are on a lost cause here. Bitcoin strengh is it's lawlessness! Glory to the truthful', those that beyond all the temptations, pitfalls and other dangers have succeed building great business or new chains. You may know the famous downfall ( MtGox, Cryptsy, the austrialian kids running the exchange and disappearing,  the countless altcoins pumped and let to rot) but some succeed.

No rules, no law, but trust.

Financial, fiduciary come from the word trust. The bond in silence, signs or words that make two people do what they said they will do.

Dodd frank ceeated the same problem that some american soldiers experienced recently in combat. It goes with the other one who had to explain war zone (nice guy btw) and combat. There was almost the need to have a lawyer before doing anything.

DF had the same impact. It's 28 tolstoi war and peace, 14000 pages, 15 millions words, because don't forget there is the "law" (848 pages) but there are the annex, applications etc etc. 4000 stakeholder meeting. Only an AI can grasp it.

dodd frank failed on all aspect you cite even if i don't agree with the goal. (Profit = private, loss = private, bank account at bad bank wiped, systemic element syncronize, mega collapse, reboot, on!) the real goal was to legitimate the biggest welsth transfer in the history of the world. It succeed.

For example Goldman sachs could have survived AIG by killing them all... weakened sure, but as sole. Who cares. But as the others muppets through their scams were looting the people, on board or die.

I am sur those who understand know. For the other you have it.

2 i know what is forbes but IB? Another bolschevik globalist propaganda outlet? Expert / gatekeeper / without us taking loot your are doomed? LoL. Again where is corzine? Where is the outrage? It was comey buddy right?

4) it was just to annoy them, destructive intent. If the fucker want to take c or amphetamines or what ever to what ever or the conteary i don't care. However his interest above all else, means jungle. And by being there he will not survive.

5) monsanto takes lives, gradually, almost unproveably... but little by little it's revealed in data. Fracnkkg fluids spreads... rain and wind, rivers and dusts, same nuclear. Banks? Nathanel rotschild never imagined those things... money was still flowing.

Consummers have a responsability in what they do. They want big mcmansion but don't have sustainable income to pay mortgage and prefer to listen to dream sellers? Think that food must be dirt cheap, like energy? What i say isn't about moralization, they alone will face the consequences. For some it's essier to believe in dream that to face reality.

Onenof the most famous saying goes: On a long enough timeline the survival rate for everyone drops to zero.

Private gains can only be private as long as loss are private too. As soon as they are collectivized they deligitimize all past profits.

And if you think it's typically what an advance bolshevik would do. Make a few so wealthy that all wealth become suspect. Divide society among stupid issues (wcwars) until all those tensions explode to try to take down the usa to merge and create the new world order. Rememeber he can't comeback to chicago. Know why? Because they know.

One last note of doom for your belief / mission, Max Keizer is implying that a cool trick is to give shares of corporation to politicians to get authorizations and co! Look st the boards of some "hot" corporation and lol (those same morons aren't in banks;)).

But all those questions are the same since a long time. He said share and love.

Rome felt, Beijing was invaded and edo/meiji period is gone.

I prefer the imagery of begining of the opening in japan before firearms got useful in open range, aka when the swords were. Nuclear plants (4) in the country of the word tsunami, near the tokyo, at the sea... in the past... because now blah blah blah:


By lacking it there is a denial of it's own past and as such a negation of it's living.

Some fight with the swords others for the beefsteaks. Most girls love steaks (apples).