Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: lmfsthefounder on May 19, 2017, 05:49:18 PM

Title: Been out of cryptocurrency game for 2 years.. where to start?
Post by: lmfsthefounder on May 19, 2017, 05:49:18 PM
I've been out of this for a while but looking to come back in for mining and trading.

I dont have much for hardware, yet, but my GPU wont seem to mine using cudaminer or cgminer, maybe its just this card or maybe I've gotten amnesia?

Card is pulling 146 kh/s on (so says GUIminer-scrypt), but pool shows NOTHING.

Occasionally, the console part of GUIMiner gives me this:
2017-05-19 13:45:39: Listener for "cuda": [2017-05-19 13:45:39] GPU #0: GeForce 8500 GT result does not validate on CPU (i=766, s=1)!

Also, where are the good exchanges? Preferably something high volume with 2fa.


My GPU is a GeForce 8500 GT and should be able to get more than it is getting...

Title: Re: Been out of cryptocurrency game for 2 years.. where to start?
Post by: dissident on May 19, 2017, 06:06:18 PM
For exchanges:

GDAX for bank ACH deposits and withdraws, and Bittrex and Poloniex for trading altcoins.   I don't know much about mining. Honestly this is the type of stuff you should do google and forum searches to find out, but meh I'm not a mod.

Title: Re: Been out of cryptocurrency game for 2 years.. where to start?
Post by: Patatas on May 19, 2017, 06:09:20 PM
Jump to -> Poloniex -> Deposit some bitcoins-> Look at the chart->Take any coin out of the first 10 most traded ->Check history -> Pray to Almighty ->Blindly invest in the coin -> Close poloniex for a week -> Open and sell the coin you invested in ->Instant Rich.

Title: Re: Been out of cryptocurrency game for 2 years.. where to start?
Post by: dissident on May 19, 2017, 06:10:03 PM
Jump to -> Poloniex -> Deposit some bitcoins-> Look at the chart->Take any coin out of the first 10 most traded ->Check history -> Pray to Almighty ->Blindly invest in the coin -> Close poloniex for a week -> Open and sell the coin you invested in ->Instant Rich.

Someone's got it figured out.

Title: Re: Been out of cryptocurrency game for 2 years.. where to start?
Post by: Bigzilla on May 19, 2017, 06:14:10 PM
Jump to -> Poloniex -> Deposit some bitcoins-> Look at the chart->Take any coin out of the first 10 most traded ->Check history -> Pray to Almighty ->Blindly invest in the coin -> Close poloniex for a week -> Open and sell the coin you invested in ->Instant Rich.

Someone's got it figured out.

Pretty easy to make money, even a monkey could profit atm.

Title: Re: Been out of cryptocurrency game for 2 years.. where to start?
Post by: lmfsthefounder on May 19, 2017, 06:21:11 PM
Used to be alot easier to mine lol. Its likely this graphics card to be honest, but doesn't make sense why it mines and won't display at the pool side

Title: Re: Been out of cryptocurrency game for 2 years.. where to start?
Post by: Patatas on May 19, 2017, 06:25:26 PM
Pretty easy to make money, even a monkey could profit atm.
Shh..that's a secret.People are still trying to mine coins to generate profits,they just hate shortcuts.

Used to be alot easier to mine lol. Its likely this graphics card to be honest, but doesn't make sense why it mines and won't display at the pool side
It's 2017.What are you trying to mine ?More like,why are you mining at all ?

Title: Re: Been out of cryptocurrency game for 2 years.. where to start?
Post by: lmfsthefounder on May 19, 2017, 07:02:31 PM
Pretty easy to make money, even a monkey could profit atm.
Shh..that's a secret.People are still trying to mine coins to generate profits,they just hate shortcuts.

Used to be alot easier to mine lol. Its likely this graphics card to be honest, but doesn't make sense why it mines and won't display at the pool side
It's 2017.What are you trying to mine ?More like,why are you mining at all ?

Speculation. Every satoshi matters at this point, even if losing money currently on electricity.

Title: Re: Been out of cryptocurrency game for 2 years.. where to start?
Post by: SwagGirl on May 19, 2017, 07:39:46 PM
Prices are increasing so much right now the money is in trading.  Check out Whaleclub and Magnr

Title: Re: Been out of cryptocurrency game for 2 years.. where to start?
Post by: Spoetnik on May 20, 2017, 12:41:43 AM
Re: CRYPTSY stopping withdraw locking accounts without notifying users! Class Action (

Mintpal and MCXnow are gone too.. others i prob forgot about also.

Title: Re: Been out of cryptocurrency game for 2 years.. where to start?
Post by: White sugar on May 20, 2017, 01:29:53 AM
Sell everything, including family members and hourse. Take all the loans you can take, then wire everything to an exchange. Buy Bitcoin then transfer it to somewhere safe.

Then take some time thinking about what to do with the bitcoins

Title: liek jeez do y0u even crypto ?
Post by: Spoetnik on May 20, 2017, 07:10:46 AM
Sell everything, including family members and hourse. Take all the loans you can take, then wire everything to an exchange. Buy Bitcoin then transfer it to somewhere safe.

Then take some time thinking about what to do with the bitcoins

Agreed !

I would turn some tricks too though..
And i would head to a casino and put my young teenagers ass on the roulette table and gamble her virginity and then use that money too !

Hmm i wonder if there is a sperm bank in my area ?
Semen for coins anyone ? ..i can setup a shop and do crypto masturbation for ROI's maybe ?
Shoot your load in a cup and i can give you sum coinz !

Back alley anal sex for bitcoin ? yup.. sell it all ..fuck it.. if it's not nailed down

Raging chucklefucks are flooding in and did i mention China ?
HOLY FUCK GUYS ..China !!! Seriously i'm cereal ! CHIIIIINA !!!!! guys !


..what about it ? i dunno, just make up some shit ok ?

Title: Re: Been out of cryptocurrency game for 2 years.. where to start?
Post by: Patatas on May 20, 2017, 07:33:22 AM
Speculation. Every satoshi matters at this point, even if losing money currently on electricity.
No it doesn't.If it does,you might just buy bitcoins by your money instead of wasting time on mining and money on electricity.You either way are paying for it.

Sell everything, including family members and hourse. Take all the loans you can take, then wire everything to an exchange. Buy Bitcoin then transfer it to somewhere safe.
Then take some time thinking about what to do with the bitcoins
Did you mean a horse ? ::)
You have given the worst suggestion ever.So unrealistic.Op would be left with no options but to jump off a cliff if bitcoin prices start flowing downwards.