Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Technical Support => Topic started by: ryanc on May 23, 2017, 04:14:55 PM

Title: How to spend coins to a non-standard p2sh address
Post by: ryanc on May 23, 2017, 04:14:55 PM
I've been trying to experiment with P2SH addresses and non-standard scripts. I've sent some coins on testnet to 2NGDaDjuNuXz1wzHkusqUKCEtvwGr1q3JUc, but I'm having a hard time spending the output.

The redeemScript is
$ bitcoin-cli -testnet decodescript 210251ec22f0bd150d3ffd84f627b1e65b9b17921dd1676c5e90627ab21d18158df7043133333775ac
  "asm": "0251ec22f0bd150d3ffd84f627b1e65b9b17921dd1676c5e90627ab21d18158df7 926102321 OP_DROP OP_CHECKSIG",
  "type": "nonstandard",
  "p2sh": "2NGDaDjuNuXz1wzHkusqUKCEtvwGr1q3JUc"

I was able to add it to my wallet using importmulti, but when I do listunspent it is not shown as spendable, and I haven't been able to spend via signrawtransaction. Can anyone point me to a tool that I can use to build the spending transaction?

I tried following along with this example: (

but when i call VerifyScript(txin.scriptSig, txin_scriptPubKey, tx, 0, (SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH,))

I get "P2SH inner scriptPubKey returned false"

Edit: Got it working, needed to use python3

Title: Re: How to spend coins to a non-standard p2sh address
Post by: SopaXT on May 24, 2017, 03:06:46 PM
I know this amazing service:, which supports custom scriptSig/scriptPubkey spending.
AFAIK, it supports both testnet and mainnet.