Bitcoin Forum

Other => MultiBit => Topic started by: DanielVG on May 23, 2017, 06:49:48 PM

Title: Need some help with multibit wallet
Post by: DanielVG on May 23, 2017, 06:49:48 PM
Hi all,

I’m having big problems with my multibit HD wallet.  I use it a lot and have it often open for long times.
I’ve seen the same with multibit classic, it works like a charm but after a while an unconfirmed transaction gets stuck andit makes the entire app useless.

So here’s what happened and what i tried:

- Send a transaction and didn’t confirm
- Found out from merchant fee was’t high enough

-Send out another transaction with higher fee, worked
-had some unconfirmed balance and coins from first unconfirmed transaction didn’t reappear.

-send out another transaction, with 80000 satoshi’s as fee, didn’t work

-send out too more with increasing fees, also got stuck

-started stressing out why i couln’t send any bitcoins anymore
-installed electrum and used “empty wallet” in multibit with fee over 100000, didn’t work

-in electrum i used “child to parent fee” and it costed me 57$ but this confirmed the transaction coming from the “empty wallet”-transaction in mutibit.

-A lot of bitcoins vaporised and are still stuck in multibit, the transactions don’t confirm

-every time i use “repair wallet” it seems as if the last transaction that were made are the stucked onces, see screenshot.  I’ve made these transactions over a couple of days, but after “repair wallet”, they are shown as “today”.
-I’ve restored from wallet words, same story

-i’ve installed on 3 different computers and each time i recover from wallet words i see different numbers with the stuck transactions.  Like they randomly appear.
-I estimate i have a little less than 0.2 BTC stuck in uncofirmed transactions.
_it all started with a low fee transaction but i have been using the same fee since i downloaded mulitbit.
-I think the first unconfirmed transaction that started this bug was about a week ago, on 15/05

If anybody could help me investigate this please send a PM, i can give you the wallet and it can get burned.  I've already recovered most of it, but i still have some stuck transactions.
And while we"re at it...i still have a multibit wallet from around 2012-13, it had the same problem.  I have one wallet file which is 2 MB, which means it still has private keys right?
Multibit HD really failed me over & over again, i hope electrum is better now, i remember checking it out years ago and back then it wasn't stable so i chose multibit, but now i noticed it evolved much more than multibit did.
Either someone helps me recover the stuck transactions or i lose the coins, i've treid so many things, i can't fix it....I've send emails to multibit support but not a single reply.
If you're interested please PM me.

Title: Re: Need some help with multibit wallet
Post by: DanielVG on May 23, 2017, 06:51:23 PM
here's a screenshot (

Title: Re: Need some help with multibit wallet
Post by: hexafraction on May 23, 2017, 06:52:28 PM
Just sent you a PM.

Title: Re: Need some help with multibit wallet
Post by: HI-TEC99 on May 23, 2017, 06:54:33 PM
Try installing bread wallet on your phone and importing your multibit HD wallet's seed phrase words into it as described here.

To recover a multibit classic wallet try these instructions.

1. Download multibit classic
2. Create a new wallet with the exact same name as your old wallet
3. delete the .info and .wallet of your new wallet
4. replace them with the ones of the wallet you're trying to recover
5. very long synching
6. works!!!!

No script needed or other crazy computer stuff, I'm really not that tech savvy when it comes to all those things you guys mentionned

If you don't know how to open the hidden folder containing your multibit wallet files then use these instructions.

Click the windows start button, then copy and paste the line of text below into the search box that appears, then press the enter key to open the hidden folder containing your multibit wallet files.


This is what your search box should look like after you have copied and pasted the line above into it.

Inside the folder that opens there should be your multibit wallet files.

If nothing else works for a multibit classic wallet then try these instructions.

Title: Re: Need some help with multibit wallet
Post by: hexafraction on May 23, 2017, 06:57:22 PM
Try installing bread wallet on your phone and importing your multibit wallet's seed phrase words into it as described here.

I'm not sure if a mobile wallet has enough control and tools to effectively assist with recovering/fixing stuck transactions.

Title: Re: Need some help with multibit wallet
Post by: HI-TEC99 on May 23, 2017, 07:06:13 PM
Try installing bread wallet on your phone and importing your multibit wallet's seed phrase words into it as described here.

I'm not sure if a mobile wallet has enough control and tools to effectively assist with recovering/fixing stuck transactions.

If they are really stuck the network should eventually forget about them, and the Bitcoins should return to your wallet as if they had never been sent. Afterwards you can send them wherever you want from within bread wallet.

Multibit HD has some bugs that make it appear a transaction is stuck when it's not. Have you checked in a block explorer like if your transactions exist and are stuck?

There is another highly technical solution, the details are in this post.