Bitcoin Forum

Other => Beginners & Help => Topic started by: d3wo on June 19, 2011, 06:19:44 AM

Title: *- RED CROSS donate suggestion -*
Post by: d3wo on June 19, 2011, 06:19:44 AM
Hi guys, I've sent this letter to

Greetings Red Cross,

We would like to donate to red cross,
but because of our international rules, it won't play fair.

You see, if we donate U$100, our bank will deduct it almost 15% for fee cost + etc.
They will ask our home address, our jobs, etc. just to check our tax.
So, in a developed country like we lived in right now, in order to donate,
we have to follow those steps !

It is sucks, to be honest.

It would be very best if you open a new donation in form of Bitcoin address.
And if you do, We will gladly  put your donation address to Bitcoin networks.
There will be no taxing, no wire transfer cost, no bullshit.

Thank You so much,
your sincerely,

I've put this thread in the discussion thread, but I also know that newbies cannot post there.
Because being Newbies here doesn't mean also newbies in real-world right ?
So I post another thread here (if mod's don't mind).

I know it is not proffessional way to write a letter.
Any help would be nice  ;)

What do you think about this idea guys ?  :)

Title: Re: *- RED CROSS donate suggestion -*
Post by: Xenland on June 19, 2011, 06:23:31 AM
I think a solution to add on to this already great idea,
would be to send them a donation along with a note that it was converted to bit coins and notify them how easy it is to accept bit coins and how much it would benefit them.

Update: i ment convert from bitcoins

Title: Re: *- RED CROSS donate suggestion -*
Post by: BitcoinPorn on June 19, 2011, 06:57:38 AM
I like this idea, I hope this sparks similar letters to large foundations that take donations.  It'd be nice to get a public piece saying a "non-terrorist" organization is taking this new digital currency.  Anytime Bitcoin can be used for the power of good, people can see 'it's just like money' in the sense that it does it all.  We just have to make sure it does do it all... see my sig ;)

Title: Re: *- RED CROSS donate suggestion -*
Post by: fascistmuffin on June 19, 2011, 07:01:01 AM
The only reason why I can see a donation origination refuse something like this is not wanting "bad press" associated with them. So far bitcoin hasn't gotten the most friendly news stories in the non-techie world. But hey, donated money is donated money.

Also, using Bullshit in a professionalish letter is quite unprofessional.  ;)

Title: Re: *- RED CROSS donate suggestion -*
Post by: BitcoinPorn on June 19, 2011, 07:02:55 AM
I would suggest link stuffing the email with articles like The Economist or others that do more positive jobs showing what Bitcoin is, rather than it's abuse.

Title: Re: *- RED CROSS donate suggestion -*
Post by: fascistmuffin on June 19, 2011, 07:04:59 AM
I would suggest link stuffing the email with articles like The Economist or others that do more positive jobs showing what Bitcoin is, rather than it's abuse.

But when did non-sensationalist articles ever get attention? Maybe we should get them to write something like, "Brad Pitt films new move purely with bitcoin." Marketing success.

Title: Re: *- RED CROSS donate suggestion -*
Post by: BitcoinPorn on June 19, 2011, 07:15:44 AM
I would suggest link stuffing the email with articles like The Economist or others that do more positive jobs showing what Bitcoin is, rather than it's abuse.

But when did non-sensationalist articles ever get attention? Maybe we should get them to write something like, "Brad Pitt films new move purely with bitcoin." Marketing success.

This is why I would suggest positive links, The Economist is decent.  Some others

Bloomberg / Businessweek
Bitcoins: Currency of the Geeks
The untraceable new virtual currency is exploding in usage, notoriety, and value

The Future of Money (Hint: It’s Virtual)

It sadly takes just a few good headlines but too many things to click for someone to glance over the actual reading and get a vibe on things.  Or so I think.

Title: Re: *- RED CROSS donate suggestion -*
Post by: d3wo on June 19, 2011, 07:23:32 AM
Ya, if there is anyone from the networks who have professional touch* can help this idea would be nice  :)

It would be a very wonderfull news if our bitcoins can saves lifes  :D

I believe the power of the bitcoin community might make this idea comes true ;D

Title: Re: *- RED CROSS donate suggestion -*
Post by: bitcola on June 19, 2011, 08:31:55 AM
Ya, if there is anyone from the networks who have professional touch* can help this idea would be nice  :)

It would be a very wonderfull news if our bitcoins can saves lifes  :D

I believe the power of the bitcoin community might make this idea comes true ;D

Let's see some major charitable donations from those who lucked in by getting in early then.

So long as these early adopters from an invented currency insist on holding on to their gains, this currency will never flourish.

Being first to extract finite materials from the earth or helping seed a company that actually creates real wealth in the economy is one thing. But being first to profit from the early days of a totally made up currency (there is no reason why anyone cannot create 100 different bitcoin clone currencies if they want to) is a totally different matter.

Title: Re: *- RED CROSS donate suggestion -*
Post by: d3wo on June 19, 2011, 09:40:42 AM
Hi guys,

So after I read all your replies, I decided to browse, and found this address (
And i've emailed two more, let us see if there is some respons from them   ;)

It's ( and (
and I've "upgrade" the letter a little bit :

Greetings MAP,

We would like to donate to MAP, but our international rules doesn't play fair.

You see, if we donate U$100, our bank will deduct it almost 15% for fee cost + etc.
They will ask our home address, our jobs, etc. just to check our tax.
So, in a developed country like we lived in right now, in order to donate,
we have to follow those steps !

It would be great if you open a new donation in form of Bitcoin address.
And if you do, we will gladly  put your donation address to Bitcoin networks.
There will be no taxing, no wire transfer cost for us.
Expect us, expect our donations Wink

Thank You,
Your sincerely,

What do you think guys ?
Any help from bitcoin community would be wonderfull  :D