Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: IdiotCoder on May 25, 2017, 12:21:30 AM

Title: Bitcoin job or manual labour in crack city?
Post by: IdiotCoder on May 25, 2017, 12:21:30 AM
While I admit I had a bit of a drinking problem in the past, I have at the very least cut back. However, after moving heavy rocks and dumping them into a truck all day long makes me sore and tired. But hey, I pretty much am only 50% experienced in website development. I have the intellectual capacity to program, but I would rather do manual labour now rather than improve my coding ability. It's good for the  body anyway.

While being slightly socially quirky is good in the sense of understanding computers, I got this new job right by crack park in my North American city. A crackhead, while acting completely normally (probably not high) came in, put a hard hat on, and asked for my coworkers bag containing his wallet with credit cards, $200CAD cash, and a one-of-a-kind sweater worth $600. Thinking he was a superior to my work (I don't know the faces at the site it's only my second day on the job).

On my break, I ran to my bank and took out the remaining of my disability cheque and gave it to my coworker.. He was very appreciative of the money, and I think I might have made a new friend.

I don't know if I get sucked into scams, sometimes working my ass off spending the day staring at a computer screen making my brain hurt coding (while smoking some weed to keep me alive), being expected to pay hosting fees for a site that is being accused of being a scam site. (I know I might have fucked on Cryptoflip.  I didn't know about PHPUnit, and I even asked the partner/client to get a real hacker better thasn me to test it. I got scammed by some Argentine guy pretending to be Canadian and he didn't send me Bitcoin. I just can't win working, Bitcoin or manual labour.

So here's my question, would you rather play with power tools, dig ditches, and do hard work all day,. but considering the amount of scams on this forum, it really is hard to win. I go to a temp;. labour agency, and I get sent out to a worksite surrounded by people who will do anything to get their fix, weather it be crack or whatever the fuck they are doing. I keep thinking I have the upper-hand with a junkie since I don't think any of the scammers on this forum are addicted tgo those kinds of drugs/ Am I wrong? Is it possible for a crackhead to use Bitcoin?

Title: Re: Bitcoin job or manual labour in crack city?
Post by: MingLee on May 25, 2017, 12:25:39 AM
It really depends. There is no good catch-all term and I have a feeling that there is very simply no way for crackheads to use Bitcoin in a way that they make enough money to fuel their addiction just solely from the work they do through Bitcoin. Signature campaigns probably wouldn't cut it, and you'd be looking at more specialized work required to make better amounts of money. Most of them probably wouldn't be able to get into those kinds of work.
Personally I enjoy manual labor.

Title: Re: Bitcoin job or manual labour in crack city?
Post by: GreenBits on May 25, 2017, 03:10:01 AM
Crackheads have an obvious problem. Their drug isn't something you get to keep under wraps, you don't get to have a stealth crack habit. Same with meth. This makes them dangerous, but a known known. The guys on these forums are a much rougher lot. The drugs you want to be concerned about are the drugs that people can abuse on the slick. There is someone reading this post that just did a line, there are several more people reading this post taking some form of prescription opiod. The crackhead would be obvious enough to avoid, if you know what to look for. The covert drug users have alot of the same issues, you just won't see it coming. They understand the importance of maintaining the semblance of normalcy ;) known unknown. I say better the enemy you know than the one you don't, ID rather know who to look out for than get blindsided by a 'friend' or 'associate'.

TLDR; people suck generally; don't discriminate in your suspicion. :)

Title: Re: Bitcoin job or manual labour in crack city?
Post by: DoublerHunter on May 25, 2017, 05:51:50 AM
I will prefer bitcoin job because it is more decent than a crack city because it is not a good way to earn money and bitcoin is also easier and you don't need to risk your life for money. Well, it is faster to earn for being a crackhead but it is fast and more decent in bitcoin way.

Title: Re: Bitcoin job or manual labour in crack city?
Post by: Kakmakr on May 25, 2017, 05:53:39 AM
""(while smoking some weed to keep me alive)""

I looked at this and thought to myself, people are not allowed to drive whilst they are under the influence of any kind of drugs or alcohol, and should this not be applied to people using a computer too? The drugs affect your decision making and this is why some people get scammed easier than other. < pause and think about that >

I would suggest that you stay away from your computer, after you used weed. Yes, some people doing hard labor might work better under certain conditions when they use weed, but making sound financial decisions are not one of those scenarios. ^smile^

Title: Re: Bitcoin job or manual labour in crack city?
Post by: Kemarit on May 25, 2017, 06:05:26 AM
Well the only problem I see is that you are always under the influence of weed and that make you decision clouded. Why not try to quit, focus on your bitcoin activity or computer programming and see what the result maybe. It looks like you are one intelligent dude so make use of your brain instead of your brawn. I'm sure if you can just stop your bad habits, pretty much earn a decent money through bitcoin and can totally forgot all about drugs. Goodluck to you!!

Title: Re: Bitcoin job or manual labour in crack city?
Post by: nidacoinlove on May 25, 2017, 06:23:26 AM
While I admit I had a bit of a drinking problem in the past, I have at the very least cut back. However, after moving heavy rocks and dumping them into a truck all day long makes me sore and tired. But hey, I pretty much am only 50% experienced in website development. I have the intellectual capacity to program, but I would rather do manual labour now rather than improve my coding ability. It's good for the  body anyway.

While being slightly socially quirky is good in the sense of understanding computers, I got this new job right by crack park in my North American city. A crackhead, while acting completely normally (probably not high) came in, put a hard hat on, and asked for my coworkers bag containing his wallet with credit cards, $200CAD cash, and a one-of-a-kind sweater worth $600. Thinking he was a superior to my work (I don't know the faces at the site it's only my second day on the job).

On my break, I ran to my bank and took out the remaining of my disability cheque and gave it to my coworker.. He was very appreciative of the money, and I think I might have made a new friend.

I don't know if I get sucked into scams, sometimes working my ass off spending the day staring at a computer screen making my brain hurt coding (while smoking some weed to keep me alive), being expected to pay hosting fees for a site that is being accused of being a scam site. (I know I might have fucked on Cryptoflip.  I didn't know about PHPUnit, and I even asked the partner/client to get a real hacker better thasn me to test it. I got scammed by some Argentine guy pretending to be Canadian and he didn't send me Bitcoin. I just can't win working, Bitcoin or manual labour.

So here's my question, would you rather play with power tools, dig ditches, and do hard work all day,. but considering the amount of scams on this forum, it really is hard to win. I go to a temp;. labour agency, and I get sent out to a worksite surrounded by people who will do anything to get their fix, weather it be crack or whatever the fuck they are doing. I keep thinking I have the upper-hand with a junkie since I don't think any of the scammers on this forum are addicted tgo those kinds of drugs/ Am I wrong? Is it possible for a crackhead to use Bitcoin?
I am sorry to say if you are a drug addict and you use weed while using a computer it is your own mistake, how could someone make a smart decision while he is high??? I don't think it will work. The computer work needs you to be smart enough and if you don't act upon you can never be successful with such habits.

Title: Re: Bitcoin job or manual labour in crack city?
Post by: fathur.aza on May 25, 2017, 06:38:19 AM
I will choose the bitcoin because it's faster to make money that makes me even better, than working in a cracked city because it's not a fast-earning way. It also needs very heavy energy, draining the mind to power as well.
Bitcoin is an anternative way of making money quickly.

Title: Re: Bitcoin job or manual labour in crack city?
Post by: fanita on May 25, 2017, 07:07:27 AM
It's better to work on bitcoin than in a cracked city job, more bitcoin produces.

Title: Re: Bitcoin job or manual labour in crack city?
Post by: JimmieA on May 25, 2017, 07:31:40 AM
In my opinion, if I had to choose one of the two jobs I would choose bitcoin jobs. Because, first of all, if you talk about working time, a manual work must be done 8 hours every day but bitcoin jobs aren't needed. Secondly, in terms of profit, if bitcoin jobs are invested in time and effort like manual work, the profits it brings can be many times higher. And bitcoin jobs are done simply by computer or smartphone with internet.

Title: Re: Bitcoin job or manual labour in crack city?
Post by: IdiotCoder on May 31, 2017, 12:47:10 AM
Well the only problem I see is that you are always under the influence of weed and that make you decision clouded. Why not try to quit, focus on your bitcoin activity or computer programming and see what the result maybe. It looks like you are one intelligent dude so make use of your brain instead of your brawn. I'm sure if you can just stop your bad habits, pretty much earn a decent money through bitcoin and can totally forgot all about drugs. Goodluck to you!!
The only other problem is when I started this job I had absoulutely no money. I am in a building speccifically for people who are at risk of homelessness. I am one of the lucky few to have this kind of housing in the city, and I would be homeless otherwise. I had to get a real job since the current jobs availible are above my skill level. I want ot learn more right now and learn programming nights and weekends.

Title: Re: Bitcoin job or manual labour in crack city?
Post by: freedomno1 on May 31, 2017, 01:59:02 AM
Is it possible for a crackhead to use Bitcoin?

It rather be that was a big part of the markets back in the day when Silk Road and the other sites were where people traded.
That said its safer to lock your coins somewhere and then deposit into it over time, that said finding cash may be your challenge still its worth trying.

Title: Re: Bitcoin job or manual labour in crack city?
Post by: farharhadi on May 31, 2017, 02:28:41 AM
They are not something that can be wrapped in a kind of medicine, lest you can not have a habit of cracking stealth. Same with meth. This makes them very dangerous, but always known. The people in this forum are even more rude. The drugs you want to worry about are drugs that can be misused by those who are cunning. There is someone who read this article that just got underlined, there are some more people who read this post by taking some form of prescription opiod. The crackhead will be pretty obvious to avoid, if you know what to do and you are looking for.

Title: Re: Bitcoin job or manual labour in crack city?
Post by: Azkabal on May 31, 2017, 03:40:05 AM
Definitely bitcoin, comrades), manual labor has not been canceled - it's super, when it's a favorite thing (if there's no such thing, it's better to be the boss for yourself) bitcoin is cool in this way

Title: Re: Bitcoin job or manual labour in crack city?
Post by: kidmodo on May 31, 2017, 04:42:33 AM
I prefer bitcoin job, we can spend time with family, it is initially difficult to produce bitcoin but if tau way will be easy enough to produce bitcoin