Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Mikcik on May 25, 2017, 10:32:18 AM

Title: "Fork friendly wallets"?
Post by: Mikcik on May 25, 2017, 10:32:18 AM

If there will be a fork on BTC to the core and the big blog version. That means 2 blockchains.

Which wallet should i use to be able to get the also the coins on the other fork (the big blocks one?)

I read somewhere that some wallets (by wallet i mean something like armory or electrum, multibit etc.)

will not allow me to "extract" the coins from the other chain...?

Is this possible or is it some hoax and whatever wallet i use i will NOT be prohibited to acces the coins on the other chain?

Title: Re: "Fork friendly wallets"?
Post by: European Central Bank on May 25, 2017, 10:44:19 AM
if it looks like there's a fork on the horizon then choose a wallet that gives you control of your private keys. a paper wallet is probably the simplest. that would be completely fork neutral.

Title: Re: "Fork friendly wallets"?
Post by: franky1 on May 25, 2017, 11:49:48 AM
some people have their own personal versions that are tweaked to allow certain changes to be made at runtime to cope with some new proposals.
EG some people running with blocklimits of 4-8mb right now, happily able to accept 1mb blocks but also happily able to accept blocks if the size changes without needing to download new versions as much as devs spoonfed out.

though there is no current version that can be 100% customisable at run time where only small altrations to parameters are needed or 'patches' but oneday when devs decide that bitcoin is viable and not in their mind as just a beta software 'experiment' we might finally get som proper coded nodes that are not relient on the whims of devs

best advice is do not use webwallets to store funds. have your funds linked to private keys YOU have full control over and keep those private keys safe and backed up in triplicate in different formats.

then make the decision if you only care about your funds to only need a lite wallet(spv). or if you care about the longevity of bitcoin to want to secure it against network malicious influencers.. by running a full node, which then requires you for now to keep upto date and make decisions of what you feel is best for the network to help consensus

Title: Re: "Fork friendly wallets"?
Post by: Catmony on May 25, 2017, 11:55:06 AM
To get coins in both chains after hard fork, you should have full control over your bitcoin address i.e. you must have private key to bitcoin address where you are holding your bitcoins before HF. Many web wallets doesn't give you access to your private key but there are few which gives for example electurm or you can simply generate a pair of bitcoin address and private key from and keep that as paper wallet.

Title: Re: "Fork friendly wallets"?
Post by: BTCLovingDude on May 25, 2017, 12:10:35 PM
EG some people running with blocklimits of 4-8mb right now, happily able to accept 1mb blocks but also happily able to accept blocks if the size changes

isn't implementing this right now going to cause bugs for those modified nodes?
for example imagine a malicious node giving them blocks bigger than current 1 MB consensus, like what happened a while back (i forgot which pool it was) with the one bigger than 1 MB block.

won't these modified versions accept that block as a valid one and cause some troubles? like being blacklisted by other nodes since they are broadcasting an invalid block as their inventory?

Title: Re: "Fork friendly wallets"?
Post by: ralle14 on May 25, 2017, 01:37:16 PM
I know there's a staff here that made a thread/guide for hard fork. I remember that he mentioned some wallets that are recommended  and not recommended for the fork. I'll edit this post once I found it.

Edit :

Title: Re: "Fork friendly wallets"?
Post by: panju1 on May 25, 2017, 03:24:29 PM

If there will be a fork on BTC to the core and the big blog version. That means 2 blockchains.
Which wallet should i use to be able to get the also the coins on the other fork (the big blocks one?)
I read somewhere that some wallets (by wallet i mean something like armory or electrum, multibit etc.)
will not allow me to "extract" the coins from the other chain...?

Is this possible or is it some hoax and whatever wallet i use i will NOT be prohibited to acces the coins on the other chain?

Electrum can be used. Here is a detailed document on how to 'extract' coins from the other fork.

People were prepared for the fork months back, when BTU seemed to be getting traction.