Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Porkchops on May 26, 2017, 11:40:27 AM

Title: Pulling a crazy stunt for bitcoin
Post by: Porkchops on May 26, 2017, 11:40:27 AM
A stunt that lands up in international wake up everyone to the life of these coins ..the person that gets arrested must shout out...everyone buy will be filthy rich!or something like that..


Title: Re: Pulling a crazy stunt for bitcoin
Post by: -ck on May 26, 2017, 11:56:02 AM
Wannacry has done that already.

Title: Re: Pulling a crazy stunt for bitcoin
Post by: alani123 on May 26, 2017, 11:59:00 AM
As if people haven't heard about Bitcoin already. If the majority of people weren't as sceptical about disruptive technology we wouldn't be seeing just a speculative bubble but adoption would also be a thing. IMO this scepticism is healthy but being told to buy Bitcoin wouldn't help in the case of most people, especially if it was coming from someone arrested.

Title: Re: Pulling a crazy stunt for bitcoin
Post by: Juggy777 on May 26, 2017, 11:59:26 AM
What is this, you need to be more specific, however based on your words, I am intrepeting you mean to say that you are looking for some recommendations for doing a stunt that lands you on the newspapers front page and for that you want Bitcoins. Or you are doing this stunt so you to promote Bitcoins. I am really confused either way I would advise you not to do anything stupid and edit your post so people are able to help you. Yet cant get it, but I don't have a good feel on this.

Title: Re: Pulling a crazy stunt for bitcoin
Post by: Hambahaldjas on May 26, 2017, 11:59:46 AM
When it's nighttime and dark out, go and post as many posters as you can with "Bitcoin " introduction.

I mean like every single tree in the city.

Title: Re: Pulling a crazy stunt for bitcoin
Post by: davis196 on May 26, 2017, 12:14:01 PM
When it's nighttime and dark out, go and post as many posters as you can with "Bitcoin " introduction.

I mean like every single tree in the city.

This is the best idea to promote bitcoin.
Also put such posters on every single tree in the forest. ;D
BTC will become more and more popular after every price increase.

Title: Re: Pulling a crazy stunt for bitcoin
Post by: bitjoin on May 26, 2017, 12:16:19 PM
When it's nighttime and dark out, go and post as many posters as you can with "Bitcoin " introduction.

I mean like every single tree in the city.

The trees dont want a ton of stuff stuck to them :) but yeah i usually write bitcoin various places i go like in the sand at the beach massive haha

Title: Re: Pulling a crazy stunt for bitcoin
Post by: olushakes on May 26, 2017, 12:24:28 PM
A stunt that lands up in international wake up everyone to the life of these coins ..the person that gets arrested must shout out...everyone buy will be filthy rich!or something like that..


Noise like this by the newspapers I believe create more problems to be handle with because people having access to this kind of information wants to come and make quick cash without understanding the risk involved and by the time they buy at $2600+ and the following day it falls to $2500+ they lost an amount of money, they come and about scam among other bad name calling for bitcoin especially those who are not interested in holding long-term.

Title: Re: Pulling a crazy stunt for bitcoin
Post by: SingAlong on May 26, 2017, 12:50:18 PM
A stunt that lands up in international wake up everyone to the life of these coins ..the person that gets arrested must shout out...everyone buy will be filthy rich!or something like that..


There are alot of stunts to ake Bitcoin known to the whole world but don't just aim for publicity rather it should be a good publicity. You can collect a thousand BTC and say your the richest is a good one but seems impossible though. Or you may want to purchase a huge amount of Bitcoin and store it in your wallet then await for 10 years which your money gave increased multiple folds then post a screenshot of it. Its hard to think of a international scale news without having what you can do or anything but I suggest you start with your own neighborhood first or create a group with the same love for Bitcoin as yours the surely as a group you will produce a lot of ideas and etc.

Title: Re: Pulling a crazy stunt for bitcoin
Post by: AGD on May 26, 2017, 02:54:58 PM
This thread has a lot of potential. Keep going OP.

Title: Re: Pulling a crazy stunt for bitcoin
Post by: bamboylee on May 26, 2017, 03:18:11 PM
Bitcoin price soaring very high and breaking new ath is all the stunt we need. You can break all your bones and shout bitcoin all you want but I don't think people will listen to that.

Title: Re: Pulling a crazy stunt for bitcoin
Post by: eternalgloom on May 26, 2017, 03:20:56 PM
Wannacry has done that already.
Yup, and we all saw what that did to the Bitcoin price, OP must be on to something here!  8)
Everybody knows correlation DOES imply causation!

Title: Re: Pulling a crazy stunt for bitcoin
Post by: Porkchops on May 26, 2017, 04:15:50 PM
Let's all run around naked screaming and shouting bitcoin bitcoin bitcoin etc....go nuts like a madman in a lunatic asylum...get a team of of like 100 people to carry it must be done at the same time....can't think of anything else that wouldn't get you into too much probably wouldn't go to jail....but definitely would hit the papers if so many people are doing it...lool

Title: Re: Pulling a crazy stunt for bitcoin
Post by: Porkchops on May 26, 2017, 04:22:01 PM
On the extreme side...someone could take hostages in a bank or wherever and demand that the whole world must buy bitcoin...lool....that guy will make a lot of people stinking would be in a jail for a while but I bet he will be nicely compensated by the top dogs...imagine the news headlines on television...'hostage situation-man demands everyone to join bitcoin'...loool

Title: Re: Pulling a crazy stunt for bitcoin
Post by: SONG GEET on May 26, 2017, 04:32:11 PM
- Many are buying atleast $300 worth of bitcoin from exchange to pay ransom
- More people are buying bitcoin as future investment
- Millionaires are investing in bitcoin niche projects/products.

All this doing enough stunt right now to boom bitcoin price and it is already setting new ATH every month.

Title: Re: Pulling a crazy stunt for bitcoin
Post by: Porkchops on May 26, 2017, 04:34:48 PM
Slow though:/

A stunt would speed things up by a few years I bet!lol

Title: Re: Pulling a crazy stunt for bitcoin
Post by: poptok1 on May 26, 2017, 04:45:27 PM
Wannacry has done that already.
LOL but seriously @OP why would you propose to "advertise" bitcoin in such childish fashion?
I think it would bring more harm than good, just like ck said, stupid viruses did just that, making crypto currency look like some bandits way of extorting goods.
Key, like everywhere else is a good information and education, without hype or promises for "golden mountains".
Let's say someone popular, like a prankster/youtube fruitcake did what you just said, same effect, no one takes him seriously, just another prank. 

Title: Re: Pulling a crazy stunt for bitcoin
Post by: tiggycomb on May 26, 2017, 06:35:00 PM
You would need to do something crazy, interesting and not-bad in world view to get some comical interest, anyway that's hard nowadays even you climb a skyscraper with your hands. BTC would get good attention IMO but the person himself wouldn't have gotten anything mostly.

Title: Re: Pulling a crazy stunt for bitcoin
Post by: cjmoles on May 26, 2017, 07:39:14 PM
Wear a GoPro and publish it to youtube....make sure it's captured on FacebookLive....Hype the stunt well in advance with your bitcoin address for donations....And, don't forget to take out a life insurance policy!  Good luck!

Title: Re: Pulling a crazy stunt for bitcoin
Post by: Kava on May 26, 2017, 08:01:08 PM
Wannacry has done that already.

Ha ha, to the point! Many say that this virus was distributed in order to make advertising crypto currency. Maybe it's true.

Title: Re: Pulling a crazy stunt for bitcoin
Post by: ekoawandi on May 27, 2017, 11:21:57 AM
Can say everyone has never heard of bitcoin

Title: Re: Pulling a crazy stunt for bitcoin
Post by: Xester on May 27, 2017, 11:37:18 AM
A stunt that lands up in international wake up everyone to the life of these coins ..the person that gets arrested must shout out...everyone buy will be filthy rich!or something like that..


Bitcoin is still young and it has still big potential to increase it value amidst the 1000$ fall just this day. Bitcoin can still go back to where the highest peak that it reached since the number of users are increasing and the demand is also increasing. If we buy bitcoins today and hold it for a year or two it is guaranteed that we will get a huge profit. Just look at 2015 then compare the price of bitcoin back then to the price today you will see a vast difference. It just means that many have already become a millionaire just because they invested in bitcoins.

Title: Re: Pulling a crazy stunt for bitcoin
Post by: soul-impact on May 27, 2017, 11:50:15 AM
A stunt that lands up in international wake up everyone to the life of these coins ..the person that gets arrested must shout out...everyone buy will be filthy rich!or something like that..


I think bitcoin does not need any advertising in the press. The development of bitcoin depends on the acceptance of governments. Government is like a catalyst to accelerate the development of bitcoin, and then, bitcoin is popular for everyone.

Title: Re: Pulling a crazy stunt for bitcoin
Post by: Tyrantt on May 27, 2017, 01:32:36 PM
A stunt that lands up in international wake up everyone to the life of these coins ..the person that gets arrested must shout out...everyone buy will be filthy rich!or something like that..


I think bitcoin does not need any advertising in the press. The development of bitcoin depends on the acceptance of governments. Government is like a catalyst to accelerate the development of bitcoin, and then, bitcoin is popular for everyone.

I'd actually like to see bitcoin advertised as a good investment opportunity, it would probably pull in more investors and that wouldn't be a bad thing at all or might encourage local businesses to accept bitcoin. You mean further development of bitcoin?

Title: Re: Pulling a crazy stunt for bitcoin
Post by: abubakrrali on May 27, 2017, 02:13:07 PM
That kind of stunt that attracts people is usually one of those football field hoppers or nude in the streets, Honestly speaking I don't see that doing any use to bitcoin right now as people will just regard it as awkward and wouldn't really think about it, The other issue is the one who will do it, If someone enters the SuperB field for example, it will result in a heavy penalty and some jail time so... not worth it for the guy as well.

Title: Re: Pulling a crazy stunt for bitcoin
Post by: GXHPP on May 29, 2017, 01:53:00 AM
The only stunt that will get you attention big enough is a dash in the nude to Soccer's ECL final, NBA Final "somehow jumping to the arena", NFL Superbowl :D
Seriously speaking, more publicity is good but BTC is getting these regularly, people should've though of crazy stunts before when media never mentioned bitcoin.

Title: Re: Pulling a crazy stunt for bitcoin
Post by: fathur.aza on May 29, 2017, 02:02:40 AM
Do it with bitcoin to keep all the light together in this great city.