Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Web Wallets => Topic started by: wdmcm on May 27, 2017, 07:04:56 AM

Title: 4.50 $ fee and not confirmed after 30 hours
Post by: wdmcm on May 27, 2017, 07:04:56 AM
I know that usually all transactions getting confirmed, if you are just patient.

But this is very strange, I have this transaction with a fee of around 4,50$ and still not confirmed after 30 hours.
So why should we pay a high fee like I did if there is no result?
This is the link:

This one has a low fee (0,40 cent) and has not been confirmed for more then 48 hours now(although with a low fee)

I am curious what is going on here

Title: Re: 4.50 $ fee and not confirmed after 30 hours
Post by: Quartx on May 27, 2017, 07:11:10 AM
I know that usually all transactions getting confirmed, if you are just patient.

But this is very strange, I have this transaction with a fee of around 4,50$ and still not confirmed after 30 hours.
So why should we pay a high fee like I did if there is no result?
This is the link:

This one has a low fee (0,40 cent) and has not been confirmed for more then 48 hours now(although with a low fee)

I am curious what is going on here

Ok your first one tx 6fdd998794209cc98735102e7612a00b0d0bcd307e6f5c78a0f608ba90e5d035

304 satoshis / byte, not exactly what you call high fee, its kinda the average fee to get into next 15 blocks , use for fatest and cheapest reccomended fees, currently at 420 sats/byte

Your second transaction has a fee of 49 sats/ byte, it belongs to the kind of tx that miners wont even look at, I give you an estimate of forever for that tx to be confirmed.

You are not paying high fees at all, what result do you hope to achieve by complaining?

Also, if you are that desperate , use the viabtc accelerato, that or do a replace by fee tx or a child pay for parent tx.

Title: Re: 4.50 $ fee and not confirmed after 30 hours
Post by: wdmcm on May 27, 2017, 07:15:55 AM
Thanks for your reply.
In my opinion 4,50 I s a high fee. Especially if You consider the amount of only 300$
For example, I made a transaction one day later with a fee of 2$, and this was confirmed within 1 hour.
What is wise to do here? TO use your sugestion for viabtc accelerator ? I tried this one in the past and again yesterday, but there is always a limit problem.
Maybe after all just wait for it to be confirmed?

Title: Re: 4.50 $ fee and not confirmed after 30 hours
Post by: Quartx on May 27, 2017, 07:49:03 AM
Thanks for your reply.
In my opinion 4,50 I s a high fee. Especially if You consider the amount of only 300$
For example, I made a transaction one day later with a fee of 2$, and this was confirmed within 1 hour.
What is wise to do here? TO use your sugestion for viabtc accelerator ? I tried this one in the past and again yesterday, but there is always a limit problem.
Maybe after all just wait for it to be confirmed?

If you treat fees in fiat, let me tell you what will happen. You basically just treated yourself to slow confirmation times.

I would love to see your transaction with $2 fee though, maybe I can tell you why it confirmed so quickly.

It is not to say that there is no chance of low fee transaction being confirmed quickly, just that the odds isnt exactly in your favor with low odds.

Like that 2nd transaction you posted in your op, that 49 sats/byte tx probably has a lower chance of getting mined in the next 5 blocks than you getting struck by a meteor from the van allen belt.

To miners, no one cares about fees in fiat, they look at the sats/byte. You pay more fees than others, I mine your transaction.

Viabtc only mines one block every 6 or so hours, and every block has a max  number of txes mined. The accelerator accepts a fixed amount of transactions to accelerate each hour, and has a limit to how many they accept, even if accepted, it is placed in the queue with other previously accepted transactions. Many people like you who refuse to send txes with a reasonable fee to miners are spamming the free service the moment the hourly quota resets, which is why the limit problem arises.

You can choose to wait for your transactions or do a replace by fee / child pays for parent transaction.

Fair warning though, waiting for your 2nd transaction to get confirmed without doing anything will take super long, assuming it doesnt drop out of the mempool in the first place

Title: Re: 4.50 $ fee and not confirmed after 30 hours
Post by: wdmcm on May 27, 2017, 08:39:08 AM
Look at this transaction, 1.21 fee and confirmed within minutes. I always give fee around 2$, always fast confirmation. Because of this I thought the 4,50 was  a high fee. But what is your recommendation? I do not want to blew it, so that the money is gone for example which I read bu double spending for instance. I have no problems with aying higer fees.

the 2 minute transaction with onlye 1,21 fee:

Title: Re: 4.50 $ fee and not confirmed after 30 hours
Post by: Quartx on May 27, 2017, 02:19:50 PM
Look at this transaction, 1.21 fee and confirmed within minutes. I always give fee around 2$, always fast confirmation. Because of this I thought the 4,50 was  a high fee. But what is your recommendation? I do not want to blew it, so that the money is gone for example which I read bu double spending for instance. I have no problems with aying higer fees.

the 2 minute transaction with onlye 1,21 fee:

For the tx you gave, the fees in sats/byte was 265, not super low, nor high, it was in the probability of getting mined in 3-15 blocks.
There are certain miners who do not choose transactions, they merely include transactions as they come randomly.
Most big miners do have a transaction piority system whereby their own txes and high fees txes have piority.

Winning the jackpot once or a few times means nothing in terms of probability, doesnt mean you will win forever and always.

Transaction fees is based on sized of transaction which depends on number of inputs, if you keep receiving inputs from small amounts, when you try to send a big transaction, this is what we call a dust transaction, your transaction size would be huge because of too many inputs. For the last time , no such thing as always giving the same amount of fees.

Or to use an example you like so much, assume that you are paying for a 1 million usd house, the seller of the house will increase fees based on number of notes you use with each note increasing your fees by 2%.

If you pay with a fictional 1 million dollar note, you only pay 2% of that 1 million in fees as only 1 note.
If you pay with 2 dollar notes, your total fees might be higher than the price of the house.

I recommend you using electrum wallet and enabling the dynamic fees feature. It automatically calculates your transaction size and gives you a small slider. Once again, no such thing as a static fee, optimal fees all depends on transaction sizes which in turn depends on number of inputs to the transaction. Assuming you know the size of your transaction, consult for the optimal fee in sats/ byte and calculate from there, or simply using the electrum dynamics fees calculation feature.

Not sure what you mean on money being gone. For the last time try not to see cryptos in fiat... Even in a double spend, assuming it was made by you, only one or the other would get confirmed ultimately, how is the bitcoins lost? In a double spent, you use the same inputs for two transactions, nothing is lost even if only 1 confirms, it is usually not possible to do a double spend accidentally from common desktop wallets anyways.