Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: pereira4 on May 28, 2017, 04:33:26 PM

Title: UASF and signature campaings
Post by: pereira4 on May 28, 2017, 04:33:26 PM
I was just wondering how is it going to work after august 1st arrives. As we know, there will be a split where you have to choose legacy coins or 148 coins. I wish to see segwit activated for once to get rid of this mess, but im not sure if I want to stay away from the safe option of just holding 50/50 coins. The problem is when you are receiving payments, they will be in either legacy coins or 148 coins...

Is there any way to demand ongoing campaigns to pay you on both chains by delivering two addresses?

In the case you are accepting coins in the wrong chain (specially if UASF actually wins and legacy gets destroyed) you are risking to lose your hard earned money....

Title: Re: UASF and signature campaings
Post by: Itty Bitty on May 28, 2017, 05:07:08 PM
I am sure we'll all learn a lot more about the chain split as it gets closer to reality, no doubt it will be pretty much the ONLY topic of discussion in July if it is not averted somehow...Until then , all i can really do is parrot what is being said right now....Hold your own keys, hold your own keys, squawk...hold your own keys hold your own keys, squawk squawk (I know, weak parrot imitation)....

Title: Re: UASF and signature campaings
Post by: 25hashcoin on May 28, 2017, 05:17:59 PM
Support SW+2mb or big block bitcoin. UASF is a pathetic failed attempt to threaten miners.

Title: Re: UASF and signature campaings
Post by: franky1 on May 28, 2017, 05:21:27 PM
who cares about sig spammers income.
maybe they should care more about bitcoin and less about spamming posts for an income

trying to force something in where
only 30% of the nodes want to keep uptodate with the latest core software - Satoshi:0.14.1   (30.54%)

only 32% of pools want segwit

and even on litecoin the pools are not even using segwit.. their blockrewards remain as L addresses not segwit 3 addresses.
discusfish(f2pool) - LajyQBeZaBA1NkZD... - LTCPodKwHJoVsRJn...
givemecoins - LachGCFMERH3SbVB... - LTr4CoxaLaKLRn9x...

just goes to show how many are actually wanting to change

what should be don now is not make it mandatory activation.. but instead make a plan B. something the community can accept.
no more cludgy code of bad maths, temporary/empty gestures of hope and fake features.. but actual code that can actually do the job

most of these blockstream huggers have no clu how segwit even works after activation. and should have spent more time reading code and learning the reality of it and not just sig spammed for income their fake worship of wanting core as their god.

to: pereira4 &billy bob. no matter how much you kiss ass copying each others glossy images of pie charts and scripted out of context crap. most people care more about the code than your sig spamming wishes

Title: Re: UASF and signature campaings
Post by: pearlmen on May 28, 2017, 07:02:58 PM
who cares about sig spammers income.
maybe they should care more about bitcoin and less about spamming posts for an income

trying to force something in where
only 30% of the nodes want to keep uptodate with the latest core software - Satoshi:0.14.1   (30.54%)

only 32% of pools want segwit

and even on litecoin the pools are not even using segwit.. their blockrewards remain as L addresses not segwit 3 addresses.
discusfish(slush) - LajyQBeZaBA1NkZD... - LTCPodKwHJoVsRJn...
givemecoins - LachGCFMERH3SbVB... - LTr4CoxaLaKLRn9x...

just goes to show how many are actually wanting to change

what should be don now is not make it mandatory activation.. but instead make a plan B. something the community can accept.
no more cludgy code of bad maths, temporary/empty gestures of hope and fake features.. but actual code that can actually do the job

most of these blockstream huggers have no clu how segwit even works after activation. and should have spent more time reading code and learning the reality of it and not just sig spammed for income their fake worship of wanting core as their god.

to: pereira4 &billy bob. no matter how much you kiss ass copying each others glossy images of pie charts and scripted out of context crap. most people care more about the code than your sig spamming wishes

If you have issues with those who are paid for signature campaigns you are right but you cannot totally condemn the fact that they are all spammers and whether you accept or not they are the ones that add colour to the forum because those that don't spam when they earn, they invest in projects upcoming there making the forum a place for investors to come in and at the same time spreading the news about the forum. Other btc forums have started up and no where to be found today not only because of signaute spammers, but they bring in other qualititative advantages as well.

Title: Re: UASF and signature campaings
Post by: pereira4 on May 29, 2017, 04:12:39 PM
who cares about sig spammers income.
maybe they should care more about bitcoin and less about spamming posts for an income

trying to force something in where
only 30% of the nodes want to keep uptodate with the latest core software - Satoshi:0.14.1   (30.54%)

only 32% of pools want segwit

and even on litecoin the pools are not even using segwit.. their blockrewards remain as L addresses not segwit 3 addresses.
discusfish(f2pool) - LajyQBeZaBA1NkZD... - LTCPodKwHJoVsRJn...
givemecoins - LachGCFMERH3SbVB... - LTr4CoxaLaKLRn9x...

just goes to show how many are actually wanting to change

what should be don now is not make it mandatory activation.. but instead make a plan B. something the community can accept.
no more cludgy code of bad maths, temporary/empty gestures of hope and fake features.. but actual code that can actually do the job

most of these blockstream huggers have no clu how segwit even works after activation. and should have spent more time reading code and learning the reality of it and not just sig spammed for income their fake worship of wanting core as their god.

to: pereira4 &billy bob. no matter how much you kiss ass copying each others glossy images of pie charts and scripted out of context crap. most people care more about the code than your sig spamming wishes

An indonesian school dropout posting in broken english has more value than your broken record blockstream/core FUDding.

Anyway, this is not only about signature campaign but any payments.

For example, if I use, I want to know if they will pay in UASF or legacy coins after a poker match.

I wish Bitmain would give up on his covert ASICBOOST scam for the betterment of bitcoin and just activated segwit already, but since they control the hashrate with covert ASICBOOST and want to keep milking high fees indefinitely, we will need to go through the clusterfuck that UASF is. Have fun and thank Jihad for any price crashes.

Title: Re: UASF and signature campaings
Post by: BillyBobZorton on June 03, 2017, 02:02:05 PM
Support SW+2mb or big block bitcoin. UASF is a pathetic failed attempt to threaten miners.

The only thing that failed here is their pathetic attempt at a corporate agreement while ignoring users:

This is what happens when you only invite computer illiterate morons instead of Core devs. No Bitmain-bribed miner wants to scale bitcoin anyway since it lowers fees, specially with a segwit softwork which kills covert ASICBOOT.

Sorry, frankeinsegwit hf is dead. The only way to scale bitcoin is with UASF, or if a (proper) Core-backed 2MB hf + segwit sf is somehow achieved.

But remember that august 1st is here and if snowball effects kicks in, everyone on ASICBOOSTed jihancoin chain will lose all their coins, oh and this chain will forever have the reorg Damocles sword menacing their heads while uasf-chain doesn't.

Title: Re: UASF and signature campaings
Post by: 25hashcoin on June 03, 2017, 04:31:06 PM
Support SW+2mb or big block bitcoin. UASF is a pathetic failed attempt to threaten miners.

The only thing that failed here is their pathetic attempt at a corporate agreement while ignoring users:

This is what happens when you only invite computer illiterate morons instead of Core devs. No Bitmain-bribed miner wants to scale bitcoin anyway since it lowers fees, specially with a segwit softwork which kills covert ASICBOOT.

Sorry, frankeinsegwit hf is dead. The only way to scale bitcoin is with UASF, or if a (proper) Core-backed 2MB hf + segwit sf is somehow achieved.

But remember that august 1st is here and if snowball effects kicks in, everyone on ASICBOOSTed jihancoin chain will lose all their coins, oh and this chain will forever have the reorg Damocles sword menacing their heads while uasf-chain doesn't.

Asic boost? Core backed segwit2x only? Where is your info coming from lol? And you're reposting old tweets. Segwit2x is reformulated, renamed, and made more clear. Code will be relased on the 16th.

Title: Re: UASF and signature campaings
Post by: BillyBobZorton on June 03, 2017, 04:34:00 PM
Code will be relased on the 16th.

Which nobody will run unless its Core-dev supported. Enjoy running your shitcoin software, can't wait for the first exploits to happen.

You are an idiot if you believe anyone is going to support this shit unless it's Core approved. You might be forgetting 95% of the network trusts Core software only.

ps: Jihan Wu buying 100000 amazon servers to run nodes doesn't count.

Title: Re: UASF and signature campaings
Post by: 25hashcoin on June 03, 2017, 04:56:10 PM
Code will be relased on the 16th.

Which nobody will run unless its Core-dev supported. Enjoy running your shitcoin software, can't wait for the first exploits to happen.

You are an idiot if you believe anyone is going to support this shit unless it's Core approved. You might be forgetting 95% of the network trusts Core software only.

ps: Jihan Wu buying 100000 amazon servers to run nodes doesn't count.

Wow you must live in a tiny uasf cave alone with lukejr. Core is losing trust day by day. 95%? Highly delusional. You must hang out on /r/bitcoin. People want to fork away. You realize segwit2x has over 80% hashrate committed? Lmao.