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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: PeterTheGrape on May 31, 2017, 05:44:20 PM

Title: Who profits from the N Korea fiction?
Post by: PeterTheGrape on May 31, 2017, 05:44:20 PM
There has been a lot of effort to portray N Korea as a threat to other countries. Who would be behind it?

Some facts

1) There are still a lot of old Americans who are traumatized by the Korean war. A lot of older Americans who were involved in that conflict still have questions. Some survivors have questioned for decades whether the deaths were 'in vain'. For some reason this question has been asked of the Korean war more than the Vietnam war. Of course much more so amongst South Koreans who have paid a much higher price.

2) The Korean stalemate is one of the most profitable 'cold conflicts' in the world. For weapons manufacturers it is a golden goose that keeps on laying. No other region has produced comparable profits to that industry.

3) North Korea does not actually have the tech skills, nor the technology, to do the things they are claimed to do. There have been credible questions raised about all aspects of their technology, including their nuclear program. There is evidence that their first "nuclear test" was actually a huge mound of conventional explosive, the blast was consistent with conventional explosives and was not consistent with a nuclear detonation. Similarly, their tech sector is utterly non productive. They are unable to produce any tech products whatsoever without direct help from their benefactors in China.

So what do you think is the goal of this heavy fiction in the media?

Profit? Psychological operation? "To mask malicious activity, the hackers used a three-layer C&C infrastructure and pretended to be Russians."   :o  ;D  ::)

Title: Re: Who profits from the N Korea fiction?
Post by: Lancusters on May 31, 2017, 06:53:58 PM
This is very similar to the truth. In fact, this behavior is Trump not only increases its rating in America, but also distracts from conversations about relationships his team with the Russian. I do not believe that Trump himself could think of such an operation. All this reminds me of the operation of Russian secret services to divert suspicion from his agent.

Title: Re: Who profits from the N Korea fiction?
Post by: GreenBits on June 01, 2017, 02:49:06 AM
This is very similar to the truth. In fact, this behavior is Trump not only increases its rating in America, but also distracts from conversations about relationships his team with the Russian. I do not believe that Trump himself could think of such an operation. All this reminds me of the operation of Russian secret services to divert suspicion from his agent.

For once, I don't think this is about Russia. Trump.seems to be highly incentivized to engage in conflicts, and increase military spending. We shot a smal nation's GDP of ordinance at an airfield and didn't kill anyone. That is skillful, you have to try to fail that completely. Because there is money in war, specifically, the technologies we use to wage war, we will jump at the chance to engage in conflict under this administration. Trump didn't start this; our interventionist stance has caused us a lot of trouble over the decades. But not being diverted certainly doesn't help the situation; the conflict of interest that arise when Trump wages war must be considered.

Title: Re: Who profits from the N Korea fiction?
Post by: Sithara007 on June 01, 2017, 03:23:52 AM
The American defense sector is profiting out of this. Just recently, the Japanese ordered Tomahawk missiles from the US, in order to counter the North Korean threat. South Korea has been just slapped with a few billion $$$ worth of due receipts by the US, for the THAAD system.

Title: Re: Who profits from the N Korea fiction?
Post by: CryptoGriff on June 01, 2017, 03:33:39 AM
Military-Industrial-Media Complex in the west and western aligned countries are paving the way for Corporations to set up operations in this market and profit from the war itself and the rebuilding of the Korean Peninsula and surrounding regions after its destruction. War will also help reset the global balance of power. China, in the short term wants hegemony in Asia and global dominance longterm. China will act accordingly and will most likely seek to avoid war with western powers. You will most likely see China aligning with Western interest in regards to North Korea bc it aligns to their short and long term interest. In short term The US and its military allies wants to retain global dominance and see all other powers in a subservient position to US interest and a war in this part of the world would be an excellent way to ensure this outcome as long as victory can be assured at Chinas and up until recently Russia's expense. US policy with regards to Russia and the EU or European countries has shifted with the Trump administration. Eu/Europe is realizing it cannot depend on the US to counter perceived Russian "aggression" or exertion of power and influence beyond eastern Europe. Very complex web of interest and power plays. In the end we can be certain North Korea will be adversely impacted/ destroyed as we know it. What world order emerges from this chaos will be interesting to see.

Title: Re: Who profits from the N Korea fiction?
Post by: solbiere on June 01, 2017, 05:48:12 AM
Scapegoating North Korea obviously benefits plenty of sides, mostly the US government which can turn the attention of some easily fooled citizens away from the internal problems of the country and justify spending on defense contracts. South Korea and Japan are the only countries that really have reasons to be scared of the North since their missiles(and maybe nukes) can potentially get to all their major cities. The overreacting by the US to all things the North does plays to South Koreas and Japans interests, it's understandable.

Title: Re: Who profits from the N Korea fiction?
Post by: PeterTheGrape on June 01, 2017, 06:29:49 AM
... plays to South Koreas and Japans interests...

There is at least some discussion amongst Koreans regarding demographics, specifically the North has a lot of younger people, something missing from the south...

Title: Re: Who profits from the N Korea fiction?
Post by: bartolo on June 01, 2017, 09:58:53 AM
The ones that benefit the most are all the governments that govern against the majority of its people. Since the cold war the world has always been frightened by a threat that was about to blow up the apocalypse and while people were afraid by this imminent end of the world, they have relied on rulers who have cut their freedoms, reduced their purchasing power, have acted corruptly stealing public money, increased unemployment and poverty and left them with no future. People have accepted this because they have believed that their bad rulers were their only defense against that end of the world that has always been scaring them. This is what is known as the shock doctrine.

Title: Re: Who profits from the N Korea fiction?
Post by: Sithara007 on June 02, 2017, 05:07:07 AM
Scapegoating North Korea obviously benefits plenty of sides, mostly the US government which can turn the attention of some easily fooled citizens away from the internal problems of the country and justify spending on defense contracts. South Korea and Japan are the only countries that really have reasons to be scared of the North since their missiles(and maybe nukes) can potentially get to all their major cities. The overreacting by the US to all things the North does plays to South Koreas and Japans interests, it's understandable.

You may be wrong when you say only the Japanese and the South Koreans have to worry about North Korea. Recently, North Korea has succeeded in assembling ballistic missiles, which are capable of targeting installations far beyond Japan. Even American territories such as Hawaii and Guam may be within their range.

Title: Re: Who profits from the N Korea fiction?
Post by: joebrook on June 02, 2017, 03:52:05 PM
There is only category of people who will profit from an attack on North Korea and its going to be the weapons manufacturers and military contractors. This in turn will make the US government more money from taxes.

Title: Re: Who profits from the N Korea fiction?
Post by: cybersofts on June 03, 2017, 12:39:16 PM
The American defense sector is profiting out of this. Just recently, the Japanese ordered Tomahawk missiles from the US, in order to counter the North Korean threat. South Korea has been just slapped with a few billion $$$ worth of due receipts by the US, for the THAAD system.

Both parties, Indeed! U.S & N.K... I think N.K is also making a huge profit over their effort because they'll get a lot of support from the U.S enemies from money to merchandise :D     

Title: Re: Who profits from the N Korea fiction?
Post by: Sithara007 on June 04, 2017, 04:46:12 AM
The American defense sector is profiting out of this. Just recently, the Japanese ordered Tomahawk missiles from the US, in order to counter the North Korean threat. South Korea has been just slapped with a few billion $$$ worth of due receipts by the US, for the THAAD system.

Both parties, Indeed! U.S & N.K... I think N.K is also making a huge profit over their effort because they'll get a lot of support from the U.S enemies from money to merchandise :D     

I am not sure about how the North Koreans can profit out of this. Since the embargoes and sanctions are in place, they are not allowed to sell weapons to anyone (at least legally). Perhaps they could get some commissions from the American defense corporations, such as Lockheed Martin (manufactures the THAAD systems), Raytheon (manufactures Tomahawk missiles).etc.

Title: Re: Who profits from the N Korea fiction?
Post by: PeterTheGrape on June 05, 2017, 12:23:47 AM
...I am not sure about how the North Koreans can profit out of this... Perhaps they could get some commissions from the American defense corporations, such as Lockheed Martin (manufactures the THAAD systems), Raytheon (manufactures Tomahawk missiles).etc.

Title: Re: Who profits from the N Korea fiction?
Post by: LeeMinHoa on July 29, 2017, 07:06:05 AM
Koreans they manage to amass hard currency through black market trading within the country of china, they have a force labor and its believing to work
in industries like mining, logging, and textile.

Title: Re: Who profits from the N Korea fiction?
Post by: Sithara007 on July 29, 2017, 08:46:25 AM
Koreans they manage to amass hard currency through black market trading within the country of china, they have a force labor and its believing to work
in industries like mining, logging, and textile.

The money-flow from China has been reduced considerably. China has banned coal imports from North Korea. Right now, the DPRK is mostly getting foreign currency by exporting slave labor to Russia.

Title: Re: Who profits from the N Korea fiction?
Post by: Eminem23 on August 09, 2017, 08:39:42 AM
There has been a lot of effort to portray N Korea as a threat to other countries. Who would be behind it?

Some facts

1) There are still a lot of old Americans who are traumatized by the Korean war. A lot of older Americans who were involved in that conflict still have questions. Some survivors have questioned for decades whether the deaths were 'in vain'. For some reason this question has been asked of the Korean war more than the Vietnam war. Of course much more so amongst South Koreans who have paid a much higher price.

2) The Korean stalemate is one of the most profitable 'cold conflicts' in the world. For weapons manufacturers it is a golden goose that keeps on laying. No other region has produced comparable profits to that industry.

3) North Korea does not actually have the tech skills, nor the technology, to do the things they are claimed to do. There have been credible questions raised about all aspects of their technology, including their nuclear program. There is evidence that their first "nuclear test" was actually a huge mound of conventional explosive, the blast was consistent with conventional explosives and was not consistent with a nuclear detonation. Similarly, their tech sector is utterly non productive. They are unable to produce any tech products whatsoever without direct help from their benefactors in China.

So what do you think is the goal of this heavy fiction in the media?

Profit? Psychological operation? "To mask malicious activity, the hackers used a three-layer C&C infrastructure and pretended to be Russians."   :o  ;D  ::)
It is difficult to present, who turns to from it the account. Here in fact main safety of whole region. However there it was, I thought it is needed to be finished speaking and search the peaceful ways of exit from this crisis.