Bitcoin Forum

Other => Meta => Topic started by: infanrt on June 06, 2017, 08:28:11 PM

Title: Why my account was banned?
Post by: infanrt on June 06, 2017, 08:28:11 PM
Today, a lot of accounts are blocked for non-compliance with the rules.

Title: Re: Why my account was banned?
Post by: unsoindovo on June 06, 2017, 08:33:49 PM
Tell me how to unblock my account. I did not do anything wrong.
My account;u=478535 (;u=478535)
Please admins, mods please unban me, I was given no warning or nothing !
Once again I'm sorry

if you are lucky, you can try to ask for theymos or badbear.
better if you have a proof of account digitally signed!!
good luck!

Title: Re: Why my account was banned?
Post by: actmyname on June 06, 2017, 08:34:42 PM
Your account is no better than a news outlet. There is no point of you posting all those replies, copy & pasting from the sites with a link.

Title: Re: Why my account was banned?
Post by: mr.bitcoinerf11 on June 06, 2017, 09:01:23 PM
how sad

Title: Re: Why my account was banned?
Post by: italianMiner72 on June 07, 2017, 07:00:57 AM
How can I unblock an account, I did not spam wrote news help please

hey... did you ask to theymos or badBear.
I repeat...
they are bitcoin talk forum admin
they can help you!

Title: Re: Why my account was banned?
Post by: numanoid on June 07, 2017, 11:56:30 AM
You did. You have broke one of important rules on here, because you got caught copy/pasting posts. Your account won't be unbanned forever and that's why no one mods (ussually hilarious) replying on this thread
Proof posted by LoyceV
User romanekras (;u=478535) (also S O N M sig campaign) copy/pastes most of his posts, and addes a link "more" to the site he copied it from. He doesn't even bother to do some proper formatting, adding a link is not enough to justify copy/paste spam:
Ethereum Roundup With Vitalik
Metropolis Recap
Meetings 15 and 16 for core developers were announced.
Accepted Ethereum Improvement Proposals (EIPs) are now listed, many of which have been implemented in C++ and Python. Tests for other clients are being run as well.
Hive readiness for GeneralStateTests is underway by way of conversion to BlockchainTests and is enhanced from old statetests. Clients that have yet to implement GeneralStateTests are encouraged to provide a docker image and contact Martin Swende for Hive testing.
A finalized release date based on when the testing phase has reached the milestone of passing on major clients is still pending. An increase in block difficulty underpins the continued delay of the ice age. Buterin's prognosis is that block times won't exceed 20s until July 12, and won't exceed 30s until September 12.More (

Ethereum Domains Trigger New Digital Gold Rush: Altcoin Watch
While investors around the world, particularly in Japan, are buying up any digital currency at an unprecedented rate, a new market sector in this space has just begun. Ethereum offers another arrow in its quiver that Bitcoin does not, and it is becoming quite the hot investment in its first week. Are you in the right place at the right time?
If you want to send Bitcoin to someone, you have to enter a public key address that no one will remember, or even really want to use.
You’ll begin by copying and pasting a fairly random set of numbers and letters like “0xffF067E7ebe44Cc949C1c49Ca069BCFb4022b5fc.” This is not so much of a problem as it is a phase of early development Bitcoin needs to grow out of, like diapers or training wheels.
"Ethereum has hit this next level of usability and development, as of May 4, with the new Ethereum Name Service (ENS) run through a website. This provides Ethereum users with the ability to cherry pick their name, or even a famous name, add .eth and have Ether sent to them in a much less technical, more familiar way, like sending an email to someone’s address."More (

Waves launches landmark Euro gateway
Waves, a decentralized platform for launching crowdfunding campaigns and issuing digital assets, has launched its flagship Euro gateway, allowing users of the platform to deposit and withdraw Euros from within the lite client, holding and trading them directly from their Waves accounts as WEUR blockchain tokens.
The Waves Euro token is provided through a financial arrangement with a fully licensed and compliant gateway partner. All regulatory requirements including KYC and AML are met by the partner, at the point at which money enters or leaves the blockchain.More (

OneGram Sharia Compliant, Gold-Backed Cryptocurrency Announces ICO
Dubai holds the distinction of being the financial capital of the Islamic world. Now, a firm based out of the Emirate has decided to redefine the digital “gold standard” with OneGram, while factoring in the 1.6 billion followers of the Islamic faith. The gold-backed cryptocurrency has announced its ICO at the recently concluded Consensus 2017.
OneGram calls itself the world’s first Sharia-compliant cryptocurrency whose value is backed by actual gold reserves. Hailed as a Bitcoin alternative for the Islamic world, the ICO was announced to coincide with the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan. The OneGram platform is aiming to raise a total of $500 million against 12 million OneGram tokens (OGC).More (

He does the same in Russian:
Oпyбликoвaли в нoвocтяx:
Пpoeкт ZrCoin coбpaл $1,4 млн зa cyтки пocлe cтapтa ICO
B xoдe cтapтoвaвшeгo 11 мaя кpayдceйлa пpoeкт ZrCoin зa пepвыe 24 чaca coбpaл oкoлo $1,4 млн oт 800 yчacтникoв ICO. Maкcимaльный paзмep инвecтиции cocтaвил $300 000.
B пepвыe дни пocлe cтapтa кpayдceйлa тoкeны ZrCoin мoжнo пpиoбpecти пo цeнe $1,40. Ближe к oкoнчaнию ICO цeнa тoкeнoв бyдeт пocтeпeннo yвeличивaтьcя дo $1,55.
Пocлe зaвepшeния cтpoитeльcтвa пepepaбaтывaющeгo зaвoдa и cтapтa пpoизвoдcтвeннoгo циклa, opгaнизaтopы кpayдceйлa oбязyютcя выкyпить y инвecтopoв тoкeны ZrCoin пo pынoчнoй цeнe 1 кг cинтeтичecкoгo диoкcидa циpкoния, кoтopaя нa тeкyщий мoмeнт cocтaвляeт $ 2,80. Пocкoлькy тoкeны пpoeктa выпyщeны нa плaтфopмe Waves, инвecтopы cмoгyт cвoбoднo пepeдaвaть иx дpyг дpyгy и тopгoвaть ими нa биpжe.Пoдpoбнee (

Title: Re: Why my account was banned?
Post by: LoyceV on June 07, 2017, 01:02:27 PM
No need to PM me, I didn't ban you, and I can't unban you.

I just wrote important news.
You just copy/pasted to earn from your signature campaign.

Title: Re: Why my account was banned?
Post by: Shofiqul on June 07, 2017, 07:11:48 PM
Very sad.  :'(