Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: PremiumCodeX on June 08, 2017, 07:21:39 AM

Title: How long will the big crypto rise last? What will happen to us after that?
Post by: PremiumCodeX on June 08, 2017, 07:21:39 AM
The prices of major crypto are rising heavenly and the world is just starting to recognize the potential in blockchain-technologies. However, how long will this rise last? What will happen then? And what will happen to us, crypto-dedicated communities?

Title: Re: How long will the big crypto rise last? What will happen to us after that?
Post by: Yuuto on June 08, 2017, 07:24:16 AM
The prices of major crypto are rising heavenly and the world is just starting to recognize the potential in blockchain-technologies. However, how long will this rise last? What will happen then? And what will happen to us, crypto-dedicated communities?

The thing is that nobody knows. Even experts cannot predict the price of bitcoin let alone us normal people.

I think that the price right now is indeed too high to be sustainable. The climb upwards has slowed down drastically in the past days and is exhibiting signs of a correction coming. However I don't think that you should get too worried. Nothing bad will happen to the community apart some shills trying to take the opportunity to say how shit bitcoin is. And i don't think that it's going to go under $2k either.

Title: Re: How long will the big crypto rise last? What will happen to us after that?
Post by: SingAlong on June 08, 2017, 08:16:16 AM
The prices of major crypto are rising heavenly and the world is just starting to recognize the potential in blockchain-technologies. However, how long will this rise last? What will happen then? And what will happen to us, crypto-dedicated communities?

The thing is that nobody knows. Even experts cannot predict the price of bitcoin let alone us normal people.

I think that the price right now is indeed too high to be sustainable. The climb upwards has slowed down drastically in the past days and is exhibiting signs of a correction coming. However I don't think that you should get too worried. Nothing bad will happen to the community apart some shills trying to take the opportunity to say how shit bitcoin is. And i don't think that it's going to go under $2k either.

Future is unpredictable really but not 100% since we can get grasp as to what possibly may happen and what not based on the facts of today and upcoming updates and developments that would take place. The price of Bitcoin has rise up though it might not reach $3000 as we want it to be but there's a high chance that it will and maybe been waiting for the official use of Bitcoin as currency in Australia next month. Surely though, Bitcoin would not go under $2000 since it has a strong market support with increasing users and Japan making a wider use of it.

Title: Re: How long will the big crypto rise last? What will happen to us after that?
Post by: on June 08, 2017, 08:29:45 AM
The prices of major crypto are rising heavenly and the world is just starting to recognize the potential in blockchain-technologies. However, how long will this rise last? What will happen then? And what will happen to us, crypto-dedicated communities?

There were stones than shells and then coins and than banknotes and than money backed by coins and than FIAT money
now you have BITCOINS and FIAT cryptocurrencies and
NO-FIAT but backed with something more or less usable or trade able in real world so you have
 asset cryptocurrencies
WHAT will be next depends on technology ... maybe some kind of virtual patterns with pieces of skills or memories or personalities transferable [ some people working on brain interfaces ]

so chill for next 20-30 years this is cryptocurrencies round in history of economy.

Title: Re: How long will the big crypto rise last? What will happen to us after that?
Post by: MadGamer on June 08, 2017, 08:32:27 AM
It will continue to rise over the years until people decide to stop buying which they probably won't because more people now see the real potentials of bitcoin and crypto currencies in general and since the price is based on supply and demand, do the math.

Title: Re: How long will the big crypto rise last? What will happen to us after that?
Post by: NorrisK on June 08, 2017, 08:38:50 AM
Blockchain is finally starting to get the attention of more mainstream public and investors.

The rise is definately not done yet as everybody is still figuring out how to it works and how to get in.

Title: Re: How long will the big crypto rise last? What will happen to us after that?
Post by: hosseinimr93 on June 08, 2017, 09:11:25 AM
I think bitcoin price  and other major cryptocurrencies price will rise till all people know bitcoin as they know dollar. A day all people need bitcoin for their life. I think a day cryptocurrency will be such common like fiat. But we can not say that cryptcurrency will be bitcoin. It might be a crypto which do not exist now.  But I know the peoples who know cryptocurrencies before others might be rich.

Title: Re: How long will the big crypto rise last? What will happen to us after that?
Post by: haroldtee on June 08, 2017, 09:37:34 AM
The prices of major crypto are rising heavenly and the world is just starting to recognize the potential in blockchain-technologies. However, how long will this rise last? What will happen then? And what will happen to us, crypto-dedicated communities?

Like I always say, I am sure this is just a starting point for blockchain technology. How long? Even satoshi himself cannot even predict that let alone have a knowledge regarding that. But I don't see how that should be a worry for the crypto-dedicated communities but instead, huge joy. After all, that is what we are all looking out for.

Title: Re: How long will the big crypto rise last? What will happen to us after that?
Post by: gentlemand on June 08, 2017, 10:57:44 AM
All it takes for the whole thing to collapse is a handful of people to think 'hmm, what exactly have I paid all this money for?' and then a few more start to agree with them.

It's all very well saying awareness is growing, it is, but that doesn't mean any of it has delivered anything of genuine value. Most people putting money in don't have the slightest clue what they're doing. They probably can't even pronounce most of the names properly.

Most of the companies shouting 'blockchain, blockchain, yeeeeaah' will never get around to actually doing anything with it.

The prices can be absolutely vapourised and it won't matter in the long run. The ideas and tech will endure. The saps who piled in knowing nothing won't be remembered.


Title: Re: How long will the big crypto rise last? What will happen to us after that?
Post by: Chikito on June 08, 2017, 11:31:56 AM
The prices of major crypto are rising heavenly and the world is just starting to recognize the potential in blockchain-technologies. However, how long will this rise last? What will happen then? And what will happen to us, crypto-dedicated communities?
For now it is very difficult to predict whether bitcoin will rise again, when bitcoin rises to 3000 $, that's a very risky price in my opinion, people are worried about whether to sell or buy.

Title: Re: How long will the big crypto rise last? What will happen to us after that?
Post by: PremiumCodeX on June 10, 2017, 09:50:35 PM
All it takes for the whole thing to collapse is a handful of people to think 'hmm, what exactly have I paid all this money for?' and then a few more start to agree with them.

It's all very well saying awareness is growing, it is, but that doesn't mean any of it has delivered anything of genuine value. Most people putting money in don't have the slightest clue what they're doing. They probably can't even pronounce most of the names properly.

Most of the companies shouting 'blockchain, blockchain, yeeeeaah' will never get around to actually doing anything with it.

The prices can be absolutely vapourised and it won't matter in the long run. The ideas and tech will endure. The saps who piled in knowing nothing won't be remembered.


Haha. Yes, a friend of mine said he liked trading crypto because it was made easy by the people who buy and sell it without knowledge in trading. But again, crypto is more than a stock, it is a currency and many people who use it do not even want to learn trading with it, just pay for things.

Also, let us remember someone who knows what he is doing can make profit even from shitcoins atm.

The question is in the long run, will the wave of shitcoins ever stop (so that only the technologically advanced coins stay) or not?

Title: Re: How long will the big crypto rise last? What will happen to us after that?
Post by: lionheart78 on June 10, 2017, 10:05:07 PM
I think blockchain and smart contract is a trend now and being developed further by different banks and institution to further enhance its capability and/or further take advantage of it.  I think it will last for a very long time until such time that they discover a better system of recording stuff.  We will be long gone probably so why would we care?

Title: Re: How long will the big crypto rise last? What will happen to us after that?
Post by: Hydrogen on June 10, 2017, 10:42:01 PM
If a day comes when the US dollar or euro hyperinflate, demand for crypto could go through the roof.

One neglected area of crypto valuation is a "safe haven" of wealth storage for those concerned with nations attempting to spend and tax their way out of debt.

The way this works in practice is, Warren Buffett is worth $72 billion dollars.

If the value of the us dollar decreases by half, Warren Buffett might only be worth $36 billion dollars(if he were holding all his wealth in usd).

Not every wealthy person holds wealth in usd but the fact of the matter is many wealthy people and corporations do have usd stockpiles.

The wealthy and large corporations of the world, the people of the world, need ways to protect their wealth from the ravages of currency devaluation and hyperinflation.

A case could be made for bitcoin and crypto being the best method ever invented to achieve this.

It might be accurate to say: the larger the accumulated deficit and debt of nations becomes, the better and more attractive bitcoin and crypto will appear.

People are looking for an end to btc's price growth. What they're seeing could be the tip of the iceberg.

Title: Re: How long will the big crypto rise last? What will happen to us after that?
Post by: clickerz on June 10, 2017, 10:50:27 PM
As long as there are people willing ti shell out their cash for it, invest n it and a community that will support the said coins, it will last. Community or supporters  and coins usability is the major factor that  can determine its stay.

Title: Re: How long will the big crypto rise last? What will happen to us after that?
Post by: buwaytress on June 10, 2017, 10:53:49 PM
I hope historians and others are taking note here for the interest of posterity. We'll be able to read articles in the future which can analyse trends on price, market movement, events. But the sentiments here in this forum, the speculation on all those trollboxes. I wonder who will have the depth to analyse all of that?

Title: Re: How long will the big crypto rise last? What will happen to us after that?
Post by: freebutcaged on June 11, 2017, 01:09:16 AM
I believe it wont stop since there is limitation to the supply of each crypto, it will continue to rise and as new tech comes around then the market share

Will be divided between them just like what happened with Bitcoin and altcoins which came afterwards. this circle will continue to roll for ever and or the

Current coins will adapt to the new changes and evolve or stay behind and perish.

Title: Re: How long will the big crypto rise last? What will happen to us after that?
Post by: Kizaki on June 11, 2017, 01:31:05 AM
Untill new adoptions from different country  major or minor small or bug country are happening cryptocurrencies will just boost up in price no matter what it will be unstopable due to builds of exchanges on the market

Title: Re: How long will the big crypto rise last? What will happen to us after that?
Post by: BrewMaster on June 11, 2017, 01:37:14 AM
half of the cryptos (aka altcoins) are pure pumps so they will die and many will lose a lot of money, the other half are half pumps which will go down and people will again lose money.
as for bitcoin, the rise seems scary at first because it was big and rather faster than normal but when you look at the attention and all the fresh money that is coming in, you can see it is even smaller than it should have been.

Title: Re: How long will the big crypto rise last? What will happen to us after that?
Post by: thecodebear on June 11, 2017, 02:12:59 AM
If you're talking about the recent crazy appreciation of crytpo marketcap that's been going on this spring...i've been wondering the same thing.

I think at some point soon this train has got to slow down. I don't think, for example, we're gonna keep going up $1000/month for bitcoin or $200 per month for ethereum for much longer. Can't see bitcoin hitting $10k this year. I think there will just be longer periods of consolidation as we keep moving up. For example maybe bitcoin will hang around $3000 for a few weeks instead of getting pumped up close to $4000 this month. Certainly Ethereum has got to slow down soon. I'm thinking we'll have some serious corrections soon that will keep Ethereum in the $300s for a bit.

But I do think this is the start of the exponential rise of cryptos. There will be periods of great appreciation of price, corrections and consolidations along the way. Spring of 2017 is obviously the former, I'd expect growth to slow down greatly and dip some for a while this year before skyrocketing again. I still think BTC/ETH will hit $4000/$500 for the year, but if things continue as they are for even a couple more months they will go much higher than that so I gotta imagine it'll slow.

Then again, if the Bitcoin ETF happens and if that sparks a significant portion of rich investors to jump into bitcoin then maybe 2017 will just be nuts all year - I mean there could very easily be hundreds of billions of dollars that could flow into bitcoin if people just jumped on the opportunity, but I think it will be a bit more gradual, expanding and contracting every few months as the price goes skyward.

Title: Re: How long will the big crypto rise last? What will happen to us after that?
Post by: andrei56 on June 11, 2017, 04:03:43 AM
The prices of major crypto are rising heavenly and the world is just starting to recognize the potential in blockchain-technologies. However, how long will this rise last? What will happen then? And what will happen to us, crypto-dedicated communities?
I think bitcoin will go for a long time, think of it the same way as the dot com bubble, at that time everyone was investing in tech stocks, some of them were very valuable, Google, amazon, but there were other that were worth nothing, some coins will appear and disappear but the good projects are going to remain and become extremely valuable.

Title: Re: How long will the big crypto rise last? What will happen to us after that?
Post by: CryptoBry on June 11, 2017, 04:16:47 AM
The thing is that for now it is so hard to predict when will this ongoing rise of the cryptocurrency market can peak. Of course, the time will come when the growth will reach a certain plateau and then after that it might be seeking new ways to is just a natural pattern of things.

For now and for many years to come, the growth is really here because we are still scratching the surface and have not yet  started digging the whole thing. There is now a wide room to grow and those pioneers will always experience a record avalanche of profits.

Title: Re: How long will the big crypto rise last? What will happen to us after that?
Post by: crazyivan on June 11, 2017, 05:03:29 AM
It can go on like this for years, with some dumps in between. Crypto s still uncharted territory and not even 0.1% of the population and investors are into it. Lots of space to grow, would not be worried about it.

Title: Re: How long will the big crypto rise last? What will happen to us after that?
Post by: dinofelis on June 11, 2017, 05:12:25 AM
Very hard to tell.   The total market cap of the thing that comes closest to crypto, namely speculative derivatives (no, not "gold"), on which the financial world gambles big time, is 10 times the world economy, or about 1.5 quadrillion dollars.  Crypto being the purest form of speculative gambling, and some countries putting up a legal frame for professional finance gamblers to enter the market, the potential is huge.  There's still a factor of 10000 from the current market cap.
No, crypto has nothing to do any more with tech or block chain or currency: it are abstract gambling tokens on clearing houses, called, exchanges, who will be the next big financial institutions.   Crypto is one of the better greater-fool games in town.  If ever it takes off with professionals, the next big financial crisis it will cause will make the crisis of 1929 and 2007 look like small dips.
In the end, it will crash of course, because apart from a greater fool game, there's not much in it.  But in the mean time, it has the potential to become HUGE, and it can take years, but it could also go much, much faster.

What is almost impossible, is a steady rise for decades in a row, that strongly outperforms other investments.  Indeed, no professional investor is going to play in the "normal investment market" when there are systematic double-digit profits to make systematically with crypto.  A steady rise for years and years in a row is the only thing that cannot happen.  At a certain point, when it is "established" that crypto is much more profitable than normal economic investment, crypto will suck in almost ALL investment capital, and that will go VERY FAST.  The only restrictions can be of legal nature (banks not ALLOWED to do this or something of the kind, but they will set up constructions, like shares in fake private companies that invest in crypto).  When the normal economic investments will be asphyxiated because all capital flows into crypto games, the inevitable crisis will start.   This can be 10 years from now, or 6 months from now. 
Professionals will not want to be left out of this juicy game, and their very inflow will make the prices explode (is this the modest effect we're seeing right now?), which will bring in more professionals... until there's no more greater fools left, just IOU on exchanges, representing numbers on block chains.

Title: Re: How long will the big crypto rise last? What will happen to us after that?
Post by: PremiumCodeX on June 11, 2017, 01:28:55 PM
One neglected area of crypto valuation is a "safe haven" of wealth storage for those concerned with nations attempting to spend and tax their way out of debt.
A case could be made for bitcoin and crypto being the best method ever invented to achieve this.

Sorry, for shortening your answer down. I just wanted to point out these things.

Yes, on the one hand, crypto could be a "safe haven" because it works with a decentralized, global communication network so no nation's or company's economic collapse will destroy it.

On the other hand, there are volatility and hacking. New crypto are often vulnerable to hacking, therefore the "safe" is questionable and even with old crypto, we have a high volatility, which endangers the safety of the value that you hold.

What is your opinion on these two threats: hacking and volatility, that endangers crypto being a "safe haven"?

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