Bitcoin Forum

Other => MultiBit => Topic started by: NickFi on June 12, 2017, 07:04:47 AM

Title: MultiBit wallet unable to restore my wallet
Post by: NickFi on June 12, 2017, 07:04:47 AM
I created a wallet last year (12-Jun-2016) and I wrote down the Wallet Words. I didn't do any transactions, so the wallet is empty. I wrote down the password somewhere else and it happened that today I could not remember it. I have not used the MultiBit wallet since last year. In fact, I could not even remember I had a MultiBit wallet installed on my computer. Today I downloaded the latest version of the software and proceeded to upgrade the previous version.

I tried to restore my password, using the wallet words. I entered the wallet words and I was prompted to answer "what created these wallet words". How the heck can I remember something I was not told I have to remember when I created those words? Anyway, there are just two choices - Multibit, Lighthouse (BIP32) or Trezor/KeepKey device, Mycelium (BIP44). No matter which one I select, the Next button remains inactive, so I can't proceed further.

After being unable to restore the password, I started searching in all my old notebooks and I eventually found the password and I logged in into my wallet (unfortunately, it's still empty...).
But if I had not found it and if I had some money into my wallet, how in the world would I have been able to restore the password?

I am still unsure if I am doing something wrong or is this a major weakness of the software?


Title: Re: MultiBit wallet unable to restore my wallet
Post by: ranochigo on June 12, 2017, 09:28:14 AM
This isn't a problem with the wallet. The current implementation of the wallet seeds is rather complicated. For many of the wallet client, they have different kind of seeds and derivation method. Even if the method of seed generation is the same, the method used to generate address from the seed may be different. For this reason, wallet clients needs to know what wallet you were using.

You may have keyed the seeds in wrongly. Could you double check? This shouldn't happen.

Title: Re: MultiBit wallet unable to restore my wallet
Post by: NickFi on June 12, 2017, 09:51:15 AM
Hi Ranochigo,

You were right. In my notebook I had two sets of wallet words. The first one was crossed out, as being invalid and the second set was left as being valid.
I tried now the "invalid" sequence and as soon as I typed it, it activated the Next button. I can't remember what made me cross the first set and have no idea how I ended up with two sets of wallet words.
I am sorry for the misleading post.
