Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: BitMaxz on June 16, 2017, 07:59:09 PM

Title: Why other people afraid about activating segwit through BIP148?
Post by: BitMaxz on June 16, 2017, 07:59:09 PM
I just want to know why other bitcoin user's don't want to activate segwit through BIP148.
I just read some article release from blogs and news and i found a thread like bad about BIP148 t but for the others they said that BIP148 is bad.
But other bitcoin users and miners agree about segwit.

Title: Re: Why other people afraid about activating segwit through BIP148?
Post by: Nagadota on June 16, 2017, 08:33:22 PM
BIP 148 would involve a chain split, unless a majority of hashrate signals for it.  The idea is that economic support for the new chain eventually leads to miners feeling pressured to move over, resolving the chain split.  However, BIP 148 is a premature UASF and would not necessarily succeed in doing this.  It would also cause a lot of hassle and FUD while not necessarily achieving a lot.  It's even caused some unwanted opposition such as a "UAHF" from BITMAIN.

The majority of Core devs are also not favouring it yet.  Seems risky, not enough support IMO.