Bitcoin Forum

Local => Romānă (Romanian) => Topic started by: SpiryGolden on June 26, 2017, 10:40:07 PM

Title: Nod Electrum
Post by: SpiryGolden on June 26, 2017, 10:40:07 PM
Pentru doritori am creat un nod de ElectrumX, l-am facut pentru uz personal, serverul va fi up 24/7 garantat timp de 12 luni.

2XIntel Xeon L5630 - 2Gbps Uplink - 2-4 ms latenta - 600GB SAS 6Gbp/s

Adresa la nod: - NON-SSL - SSL

ANON_LOGS = 1 - IP-urile sunt mascate si nu se logheaza nici un fel de date personale.


Title: Re: Nod Electrum
Post by: mr.robot8 on July 16, 2017, 07:41:55 AM
scuza intrebarea unui ce foloseste?care este utilitatea?

Title: Re: Nod Electrum
Post by: U.R.M2017 on July 18, 2017, 11:26:11 AM
in signing p end process it said for me to aste this into announcement would that mean here too here is the tag -->>   1597sig     <<--  I copied and pasted

BTC  This is important I have major coins ether, and classic also and also some way other coins need to know how to transfer ??

I am not dumb as far as it goes to bitcoinsBTC , github , perks , wallets , paper wallets and pips and so forth. Good thing I have found out been working on to see if it works  { field Test} see if the government can see my cell phone and what i was doing on it mainly my bitcoins etc. WELL IT WAS COMPLETELY IDEN THEY ARE UNAWARE HOW I DID IT SO I CAN TALK,CHAT IN FORUMS,TEXT,MINE,HASH,CHECK MY EMAILS AND LOOK AT MY SHARES ETC. WITH WORRY IF THE GOVERNMENT WILL FIND OUT AND TAKE THIS BITCOINS AWAY FROM US.

I have Blog Talk Radio station I broadcast for 2 hours a day I split - 1 hour for business and one hour for the ministry even though they go hand -n- hand they are together. I build webpages working on embedding ether, and also ether classic in a web page along with litecoin found out they both help each other they boost each other's rate speed by say 15% that's good .

                                                                                                                                                                          Unlimited Resources Ministry [URM]
                                                                                                                                                                          Rev. Ray

Title: Re: Nod Electrum
Post by: SpiryGolden on July 21, 2017, 03:02:00 PM
scuza intrebarea unui ce foloseste?care este utilitatea?

In caz ca doresti sa sti ca tranzactile tale trec prin o sursa mai rapida cu latenta cat mai mica cu un update mai rapid al fee-ului in retea si anonimitate.

Title: Re: Nod Electrum
Post by: zoltanb on July 24, 2017, 07:17:15 AM
Daca instalez un nod electrum exista posibilitatea de a mai economisi din fee-uri la trimitere?