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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Alik Bahshi on June 27, 2017, 07:39:34 AM

Title: Stalin phenomenon
Post by: Alik Bahshi on June 27, 2017, 07:39:34 AM
Alik Bahshi
Stalin phenomenon

     Josef Stalin (Dzhugashvili) personality is very unique in many criteria, primarily in the field of psychology. With a natural gift of understanding of the people, Stalin, like x-ray machine to read minds, seeing the man through and through, knowing the pros and cons of all those with whom you have dealt with a strong devious mind allowed him to use all the twists, goals and plans surrounding the many leaders of the revolution, to build a more cunning scheme of physical elimination, not only rivals, but also all the possible contenders for power. He could not speak well, he could ignite the crowd fiery speech as Trotsky or Rykov, but he's like a spider waiting, waiting for unsuspecting prey will be in his web. And not infrequently the victim and took part in the construction of the web.
      Could Trotsky (Bronstein), fully-developed intellectual, skillful orator, who had concentrated in the hands of the military power, to assume that this dork, Georgians, bad speaking in Russian, a former terrorist-robber hold him as a boy. In relations with people, Stalin never made a single mistake on the way to power, and being on top of it. And he spent Roosevelt and Churchill, and entirely dependent on the supply of materiel and military actions of America and England! Stalin was able to bargain with them in Tehran and Yalta ancestral territories in Prussia, Germany, and Japan on Sakhalin Island in addition to the Kurils, to retain the Baltic States, Finland and part of Romania, and it is precisely because of the seizure of these countries the Soviet Union was expelled shortly before the war of League of Nations. Moreover, the West has put a fait accompli, when Soviet troops moved suddenly to the west, deep into already defeated Germany, leaving far behind Berlin, which was a complete surprise to the Allies.
     Churchill later realized the true error (Fulton speech), but it was too late, Stalin, in fact, already had to redraw the whole map of Europe by making the satellites of the USSR in Eastern Europe, which eventually led to the Cold War. And that's due to one person of Joseph Stalin, the ruler he created a vast empire of the USSR. Stalin could remove the need for a person of any rank, even the closest associates, who have experienced the fear of the animal in front of him and with all this, the common people favored leader, showing just a fanatical faith in him. Incredibly, - were shot by his orders man shouted, "Long live Stalin!". It is unlikely that you will find in the history of the person, which could be put side by side. Even after death, people honor him, that in itself is a rarity in Russian history. Khrushchev could not erase the love of the Russian people to his executioner, and not strange, that the Russian people, and this despite the fact that the Georgian Stalin has repeatedly talked about the Great Russian chauvinism, and this despite the fact that the body of Stalin, Khrushchev pulled out of the mausoleum, Lenin left alone. But who remembers the dead man lying Lenin, calling at the moment except that quiet smile. This, in my opinion, is the main phenomenon of Stalin. So far, after more than half a century, many people in Russia are praying for him, trembling remembering the name of their beloved leader - Joseph Stalin.
     The only who managed to outwit Stalin, Hitler is, but it's a stretch, for deceiving Stalin, Hitler actually signed his own death warrant. It should be noted that even when the German troops violated the alliance treaty between Germany and the Soviet Union - a non-aggression pact and invaded the borders of the USSR, Stalin could not believe what had happened, he was so confident of Hitler. Stalin thought that Hitler was a strategic mistake; take such a risk to attack the USSR. Yes, Hitler was unpredictable. Perhaps Hitler was hoping that, if in the eyes of the West, too, is an enemy of the Soviet Union, and in fact it was true in reality (annexation by the Soviet Union countries of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, parts of the territories of Finland, Poland, Romania), it is still unsophisticated web browsers England and France will understand what it is, Germany will be able in a short time away with the Jewish Bolshevik regime in Russia, so that the Russian people will be grateful. Stalin was more prepared for war with Turkey, which the Soviet Union as well as the Baltic States issued an ultimatum to allow the creation of on the Bosporus Naval Base, but not with Germany.
    Fortunately for unleashing the Second World War, the two aggressor grappled with each other in mortal combat, and if this had not happened, I'm sure, the political map of Europe would have been different. Can be a lot of options and guesses suggest, but one thing is clear, this does not happen, the world would be different today.


Title: Re: Stalin phenomenon
Post by: AgonyPaid on August 23, 2017, 04:30:22 AM
Stalin phenomenon.
My ancestors lived in the days of this dictator. Some of them died of hunger in 1937. Not think, that Stalin is the phenomenon. Here rather fear of people before this dictator was simply enormous.

Title: Re: Stalin phenomenon
Post by: Sithara007 on August 23, 2017, 04:35:42 AM
Stalin as the head of the USSR was a disaster for all the Slavic people. In addition to the tens of millions of deaths which he caused as a result of mass-starvation, gulags and purges, he is also responsible for tens of millions of indirect deaths, caused as a result of warfare (esp. WW2). Without the mass murders by Stalin, Russia would have had a population even bigger than that of the United States.

Title: Re: Stalin phenomenon
Post by: Norihiro on August 23, 2017, 10:43:03 AM
Great leaders were usually hated by their people, time always helped to re-think their achievments...
I don't think that's Stalin's case really ;D

Title: Re: Stalin phenomenon
Post by: yourboss on August 23, 2017, 11:53:33 AM
Great leaders were usually hated by their people, time always helped to re-think their achievments...
I don't think that's Stalin's case really ;D

very accurate, totally agree about hatred towards great leaders. He killed and ruined life of thousands of people but at the same time without his leadership USSR could have hardly won the war..

Title: Re: Stalin phenomenon
Post by: 0Pirats0 on August 23, 2017, 03:51:39 PM
He was a cruel ruler and because of him a lot of people died, but still someone loved him and regretted his death. I can not say anything from myself, because I did not see it personally.

Title: Re: Stalin phenomenon
Post by: Jerry_Hype on November 10, 2017, 05:19:40 AM
Stalin phenomenon.
My ancestors lived in the days of this dictator. Some of them died of hunger in 1937. Not think, that Stalin is the phenomenon. Here rather fear of people before this dictator was simply enormous.

Hello from Putin

Title: Re: Stalin phenomenon
Post by: Namecom on November 10, 2017, 06:21:19 AM
Trying to assess Stalin's personality will eventually turn into a long lasting discussion like whether a glass is half empty or half full

Title: Re: Stalin phenomenon
Post by: winnersss on November 10, 2017, 06:58:37 AM
The main merit of Stalin, he took upon himself the blow of World War II. Not everyone can cope with this, of course there is a merit of all people, but still. Yes, and as if he had not been tried for execution before, if now it was, and there was less corruption and the culture was both on the street and on television.

Title: Re: Stalin phenomenon
Post by: Alik Bahshi on August 02, 2022, 09:16:38 AM
The main merit of Stalin, he took upon himself the blow of World War II. Not everyone can cope with this, of course there is a merit of all people, but still. Yes, and as if he had not been tried for execution before, if now it was, and there was less corruption and the culture was both on the street and on television.

  Then the West helped Stalin, but today the leader of Russia, Putin, is like Hitler and one cannot count on support from the West, except perhaps from Iran.

Title: Re: Stalin phenomenon
Post by: btcbeograd on August 05, 2022, 08:08:07 PM
Stalin phenomenon.
My ancestors lived in the days of this dictator. Some of them died of hunger in 1937. Not think, that Stalin is the phenomenon. Here rather fear of people before this dictator was simply enormous.

My grand grand father took part in the 2nd world war, was injured, had a very very difficult life, but if somebody said anything bad about Stalin's repressions or politics, he got totally crazy, because Stalin was like a god for him. So probably it's not just about fear, it's indeed a real phenomenon ???

Title: Re: Stalin phenomenon
Post by: Alik Bahshi on August 07, 2022, 07:05:00 AM
Stalin phenomenon.
My ancestors lived in the days of this dictator. Some of them died of hunger in 1937. Not think, that Stalin is the phenomenon. Here rather fear of people before this dictator was simply enormous.

My grand grand father took part in the 2nd world war, was injured, had a very very difficult life, but if somebody said anything bad about Stalin's repressions or politics, he got totally crazy, because Stalin was like a god for him. So probably it's not just about fear, it's indeed a real phenomenon ???

   Yes, for many people in Russia, Stalin was a god. Recently, the name of Stalin is increasingly mentioned in the media.

Title: Re: Stalin phenomenon
Post by: Synchronice on August 07, 2022, 07:39:48 AM
Stalin was a brutal killer, an inhuman and cruel person. People in the soviet union often wonder that he was alive and let me explain why people like him very much, he is a great example of Stockholm Syndrome.

Stalin had these politics: During his leadership, in school, children were told that Stalin was a great savior. It was prohibited to say otherwise about him not only in school but in public, in family and everywhere. If you had a conflict with a neighbor and he would falsely claim that you said bad about Stalin, you would be banished, yes, it's true, you would be banished even if he had no proof that you said so.

For years and years, you would only hear good about Stalin, you would only talk good about Stalin because otherwise you would be punished, so, after tens of years of dictatorship, the words "Stalin is a great savior" went so deep into people's blood and bones that it's hard and almost impossible to root out this from some people.

In reality, he was a terrible dictator who killed millions of people, fathers of millions of children. Stalin banished millions of mothers with their children from their homes to other villages, he even banished people from living areas into very cold and taught Siberia.

Anyone who says that Stalin was a good person, has a serious mental illness.

Title: Re: Stalin phenomenon
Post by: paid2 on August 09, 2022, 06:04:48 PM
Stalin was a brutal killer, an inhuman and cruel person. People in the soviet union often wonder that he was alive and let me explain why people like him very much, he is a great example of Stockholm Syndrome.

Stalin had these politics: During his leadership, in school, children were told that Stalin was a great savior. It was prohibited to say otherwise about him not only in school but in public, in family and everywhere. If you had a conflict with a neighbor and he would falsely claim that you said bad about Stalin, you would be banished, yes, it's true, you would be banished even if he had no proof that you said so.

For years and years, you would only hear good about Stalin, you would only talk good about Stalin because otherwise you would be punished, so, after tens of years of dictatorship, the words "Stalin is a great savior" went so deep into people's blood and bones that it's hard and almost impossible to root out this from some people.

In reality, he was a terrible dictator who killed millions of people, fathers of millions of children. Stalin banished millions of mothers with their children from their homes to other villages, he even banished people from living areas into very cold and taught Siberia.

Anyone who says that Stalin was a good person, has a serious mental illness.

Everyone knows that, especially people from former USSR.
I talked to so many elderly people from Eastern Europe / Russia, they all have the same way to say it : ''Brutal yes, terrible dictator too. But we had no homeless, villages weren't dead as they are now, and Stalin made Russia/USSR powerful and efficient country, and started with a country stucked in Middle age''

I think things are not black OR white, a lot of people think that they are grey concerning Stalin

Title: Re: Stalin phenomenon
Post by: Alik Bahshi on August 09, 2022, 08:27:19 PM
Stalin was a brutal killer, an inhuman and cruel person. People in the soviet union often wonder that he was alive and let me explain why people like him very much, he is a great example of Stockholm Syndrome.

Stalin had these politics: During his leadership, in school, children were told that Stalin was a great savior. It was prohibited to say otherwise about him not only in school but in public, in family and everywhere. If you had a conflict with a neighbor and he would falsely claim that you said bad about Stalin, you would be banished, yes, it's true, you would be banished even if he had no proof that you said so.

For years and years, you would only hear good about Stalin, you would only talk good about Stalin because otherwise you would be punished, so, after tens of years of dictatorship, the words "Stalin is a great savior" went so deep into people's blood and bones that it's hard and almost impossible to root out this from some people.

In reality, he was a terrible dictator who killed millions of people, fathers of millions of children. Stalin banished millions of mothers with their children from their homes to other villages, he even banished people from living areas into very cold and taught Siberia.

Anyone who says that Stalin was a good person, has a serious mental illness.

Everyone knows that, especially people from former USSR.
I talked to so many elderly people from Eastern Europe / Russia, they all have the same way to say it : ''Brutal yes, terrible dictator too. But we had no homeless, villages weren't dead as they are now, and Stalin made Russia/USSR powerful and efficient country, and started with a country stucked in Middle age''

I think things are not black OR white, a lot of people think that they are grey concerning Stalin

  The villages were not dead, yes, but they were like prisons, because people could not leave the village and live without a residence permit in the city. Yes, Stalin made Russia a powerful country, but at the expense of the slave labor of a poor, disenfranchised population. I do not think that you would agree to live in the conditions that Stalin created.