Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: bootlace on May 08, 2013, 03:14:06 PM

Title: Drug Raid In Israel - Bitcoin Involved
Post by: bootlace on May 08, 2013, 03:14:06 PM
Article here:

Thoughts if Bitcoin is really indeed involved here:

1) So while the media has been incessantly talking about the supposed link between Bitcoin and online illegal drug sales, there is now direct evidence supporting this claim and I envision this story to be referenced ad infinitum from here onwards - a permanent smear that will hurt public perception.

2) Apparently undercover detective were involved buying drugs from the darknet. How does this affect Silk Road and anyone who sells/buys on there, surely precautions will be taken and this could hurt that service severely.

3) The trend of online drug sales shifting online with Bitcoin serving as the monetary agent allowing the transactions to be possible will not be lost on the authorities.  They will either step up such honey trap efforts and catch more culprits or alternatively a more severe crackdown on the currency is possible (not sure how this would be imposed).

Not the end of Bitcoin, but certainly could be a bump on the road.

Title: Re: Drug Raid In Israel - Bitcoin Involved
Post by: SAQ on May 08, 2013, 04:58:30 PM
That's like saying, Drug Raid in Israel - Money Involved

Title: Re: Drug Raid In Israel - Bitcoin Involved
Post by: granolageek on May 08, 2013, 04:59:22 PM
That's a worse piece of slanted reporting and police puffery than the Australian police press release about the Silk Road customer the busted because he resold via text messages.

Title: Re: Drug Raid In Israel - Bitcoin Involved
Post by: ineededausername on May 08, 2013, 05:02:37 PM
I hate when someone posts something tangentially FUD-related to Bitcoin, especially when it goes right in the Speculation section, not Press or Discussion.  It's obviously meant to troll down the price.

Title: Re: Drug Raid In Israel - Bitcoin Involved
Post by: byronbb on May 08, 2013, 05:25:16 PM
Money does not buy drugs, people do.

Title: Re: Drug Raid In Israel - Bitcoin Involved
Post by: superduh on May 08, 2013, 05:27:31 PM
Right, because this is the first drug bust involving a type of currency, possibly

Title: Re: Drug Raid In Israel - Bitcoin Involved
Post by: paraipan on May 08, 2013, 05:33:47 PM
Right, because this is the first drug bust involving a real currency, possibly

FTFY, is like reporting people are buying drugs with gold and not using paper money...

Title: Re: Drug Raid In Israel - Bitcoin Involved
Post by: pera on May 08, 2013, 05:33:56 PM
afaik it doesn't have any relation with SR :) so who cares

Title: Re: Drug Raid In Israel - Bitcoin Involved
Post by: Rygon on May 08, 2013, 05:35:51 PM
So... is this bullish because presumably whomever had their computer confiscated could have had a large BTC balance that is now inaccessible? Or perhaps they are in jail and won't be able to spend it anytime soon unless they had a friend who had a backup? Less coins circulating for the rest of us!

Title: Re: Drug Raid In Israel - Bitcoin Involved
Post by: w00t on May 08, 2013, 06:05:50 PM
Money does not buy drugs, people do.

+1 exactly my thoughts. I'm even wondering when something is connected with drugs or guns it's negative.

If a drug dealer uses MS Windows and MS Excel to maintain list of clients does it imply it's tool of bad people?

Title: Re: Drug Raid In Israel - Bitcoin Involved
Post by: gollum on May 08, 2013, 06:07:15 PM
In most cases US Dollar bills are involved in drug deals. If you analyze a dollar bill you will most likely find small doses of cocain in that randomely selected bill.

Title: Re: Drug Raid In Israel - Bitcoin Involved
Post by: ewitte on May 08, 2013, 06:14:13 PM
How about "drug raid in Afghanistan US military/government involved.  Collusion from a dozen more countries involved."

Or how about HFBC caught laundering drug money but prosecuting them may hurt the economy so we are letting them go

THIS is why the world needs bitcoin.  Most people don't know all the sick things going on in the background these days.

Title: Re: Drug Raid In Israel - Bitcoin Involved
Post by: countryfree on May 08, 2013, 06:26:12 PM
The trade would have been in dollars, nobody would have complained about the currency.

There were drug dealing 5 years before bitcoin was invented and I doubt anyone could prove that drug trade has increased because of bitcoin.

Title: Re: Drug Raid In Israel - Bitcoin Involved
Post by: yona on May 08, 2013, 06:36:06 PM
too bad people were involved

Title: Re: Drug Raid In Israel - Bitcoin Involved
Post by: bootlace on May 08, 2013, 07:47:42 PM
I hate when someone posts something tangentially FUD-related to Bitcoin, especially when it goes right in the Speculation section, not Press or Discussion.  It's obviously meant to troll down the price.

I was speculating how this news could affect Bitcoin - wtf is wrong with that..whether right or wrong, justified or not, public perception doesn't give a shit about all the comparisons you guys are making to US dollars. Too many blind fanboys in here to engage in any worthwhile discussion..

Title: Re: Drug Raid In Israel - Bitcoin Involved
Post by: iCEBREAKER on May 08, 2013, 08:04:31 PM
Money does not buy drugs, people do.

According to the Government Media Complex

-Bitcoins buy drugs (Bitcoins are notorious for their love of getting high and staying addicted at any cost.)

-Guns kill people (Guns are notorious for their unquenchable thirst for blood and propensity to initiate violence.)

-SUVs cause accidents (SUVs are notorious for being self-absorbed, terrible drivers and texting instead of paying attention.)

-Islam creates terrorism (The Koran is notorious for hijacking planes and crashing them into tall buildings.)

-People are at the mercy of inanimate objects (People are notorious for their lack of free will and propensity to be swayed by Bad Things.)

-Only the GMC can protect us from the dangers listed above (Internet media is notorious for telling secrets we don't need to know for our own good.)

Title: Re: Drug Raid In Israel - Bitcoin Involved
Post by: bootlace on May 08, 2013, 08:05:37 PM
Money does not buy drugs, people do.

According to the Government Media Complex

-Bitcoins buy drugs (Bitcoins are notorious for their love of getting high and staying addicted at any cost.)

-Guns kill people (Guns are notorious for their unquenchable thirst for blood and propensity to initiate violence.)

-SUVs cause accidents (SUVs are notorious for being self-absorbed, terrible drivers and texting instead of paying attention.)

-Islam creates terrorism (The Koran is notorious for hijacking planes and crashing them into tall buildings.)

-People are at the mercy of inanimate objects (People are notorious for their lack of free will and propensity to be swayed by Bad Things.)

-Only the GMC can protect us from the dangers listed above (Internet media is notorious for telling secrets we don't need to know for our own good.)

This is what I mean, I agree this is wrong, but this is reality. Perception unfortunately matters more than reality folks.

Title: Re: Drug Raid In Israel - Bitcoin Involved
Post by: Kluge on May 08, 2013, 08:16:48 PM
That hilarious video of Chuck Schumer looking at the Silk Road site on a laptop and appearing outraged is what initially brought me back to look at Bitcoin seriously, so.... I'd rather have a US Senator talking about it being impossible to trace than in an article about a drug raid. Drug rave, maybe - but not a drug raid.

Bitcoin being a tool for monetary privacy is great, but I doubt we'll see many articles where journalists buy drugs and report the police haven't been in contact with them, yet.  :D

(I can't find the original nor load that one to tell if it's even the right video -- sorry if I picked the wrong one.)

Title: Re: Drug Raid In Israel - Bitcoin Involved
Post by: hammz on May 09, 2013, 03:45:42 AM
Further analysis will probably reveal there were no actual drugs or people involved...

Title: Re: Drug Raid In Israel - Bitcoin Involved
Post by: repentance on May 09, 2013, 04:22:13 AM
Tide laundry detergent is used as an intermediate currency in drug sales too but nobody's going to try to shut down Proctor and Gamble because of that.

A lot of people simply don't care about end users buying drugs so Bitcoin being used for that purpose isn't going to taint its public image.  If it became the preferred currency of drug cartels, the public might care more about associations between drugs and Bitcoin but right now that association operates at a level which most people don't care about.  Either they think SR is great because is gives people expanded access to recreational drugs or they don't care that it exists because the only people being affected by its existence are "drug users" (who they don't give a damn about anyway).

There are certainly things which could happen to make the general public give more of a shit about Bitcoin being used to facilitate drug transactions, but they haven't happened yet.

Title: Re: Drug Raid In Israel - Bitcoin Involved
Post by: Minor Miner on May 09, 2013, 04:37:36 AM
Money does not buy drugs, people do.

According to the Government Media Complex
-Guns kill people (Guns are notorious for their unquenchable thirst for blood and propensity to initiate violence.)

Guns rarely kill people, more often it is the bullets that come out of the guns.   Guns make poor blunt force trauma instruments.  /sarc

Title: Re: Drug Raid In Israel - Bitcoin Involved
Post by: Timbert33 on May 09, 2013, 07:16:53 AM
Sorry, I couldn't read the article through all the clutter on that website

Title: Re: Drug Raid In Israel - Bitcoin Involved
Post by: virtualmaster on May 09, 2013, 10:46:19 AM
Journalists are people with limited understanding but good demagogue abilities.
They don't have the time to understand everything but they want to write about everything.
So they can only push emotions-buttons.

Many people read about bitcoin but didn't understood it - this created a bad feeling which is stored in the brain.
They will forget the logical aspects but will remember the bad felling.
Drugs are also associated with bad emotions. They forget that pharmacists call every medicine as drug which help you against diseases.
Woman's are using every day cosmetics from drugstores.

Now a journalist with no idea about technique with limited information supply about what happened writes an article. He picks up two key words: drugs and bitcoins.
He just groups the words which created in his(and in many others) brain bad feelings and it seems everything plausible.
Why should he loose his time to make some investigations and find out at least what is the name of the drugs which is involved ? It was a really bad substance or just a medicine for hearth disease not registered(with a complicated process) in the country ?(the pharmaceutical industry can be very selfish and their own win is more important than the life of the patients) Doesn't matter. Important is he have done quickly his job and the newspaper has more reader. This is a general problem in the mass media. Political manipulations, demagogue articles and no real, balanced and informative content.

Title: Re: Drug Raid In Israel - Bitcoin Involved
Post by: Rampion on May 09, 2013, 03:27:58 PM
"Drug Raid in Israel - Cash Involved"

Wow man, we must ban cash. Too difficult to trace, and it's the choice of criminals.

Title: Re: Drug Raid In Israel - Bitcoin Involved
Post by: Jakewell on May 09, 2013, 03:35:47 PM
Bitcoins is only another way to do business, if the drug addicts dont have access to dark net, they will buy the drugs in another part and usually with cash.

Title: Re: Drug Raid In Israel - Bitcoin Involved
Post by: CasinoBit on May 10, 2013, 10:45:43 AM
Article here:

Thoughts if Bitcoin is really indeed involved here:

1) So while the media has been incessantly talking about the supposed link between Bitcoin and online illegal drug sales, there is now direct evidence supporting this claim and I envision this story to be referenced ad infinitum from here onwards - a permanent smear that will hurt public perception.

2) Apparently undercover detective were involved buying drugs from the darknet. How does this affect Silk Road and anyone who sells/buys on there, surely precautions will be taken and this could hurt that service severely.

3) The trend of online drug sales shifting online with Bitcoin serving as the monetary agent allowing the transactions to be possible will not be lost on the authorities.  They will either step up such honey trap efforts and catch more culprits or alternatively a more severe crackdown on the currency is possible (not sure how this would be imposed).

Not the end of Bitcoin, but certainly could be a bump on the road.

What actually happened:
1. The cops have arrested multiple people involved with the Kiosk designer drugs that became illegal a couple of days prior.
2. The Kiosk owners are all "nice kids" that were slapped a couple of times so they have snitched on the people selling them the designer drugs.
3. Of course the same people that have sold them the designer drugs are the same people selling it on you-know-where.

The media is just twisting it to give the Israeli police more credit, in reality they are a bunch of 70 IQ donut eating idiots with most of the detectives unable to track the shit in their large intestine let alone catch someone on the darknet (who isn't a complete fool).

Everything is 99% snitches in Israel, the law enforcement is non-existent and impotent just like the politicians. I had a friend who was an Admin in an Israeli community board and there was a member posting links with pedophilic content, so the admin has grabbed his IP and wanted to give it to the police station on his way to work, when he got there and tried to explain everything nobody knew what an IP was, then they put handcuffs on him, put him into the investigation room and slapped him around for about two hours asking him to take the blame for posting the pics. I absolutely cannot convey with words just how idiotic these people are.