Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: r0ach on July 01, 2017, 08:14:59 PM

Title: This is when you know you should immediately dump Eth as fast as possible
Post by: r0ach on July 01, 2017, 08:14:59 PM

and another:

These people are pure scum trying to get old, senile people to invest retirement money in this artificially propped up, R3 banking consortium scam.

Title: Re: This is when you know you should immediately dump Eth as fast as possible
Post by: clardalan on July 01, 2017, 08:18:21 PM

I actually am curious to google income out of this whole cryptothing.

seems we are creating an economy around us?

thousands of people employed
millions investing
hundreds of companies


Title: Re: This is when you know you should immediately dump Eth as fast as possible
Post by: nominee on July 01, 2017, 09:23:06 PM
I never dump my valuable and promising ethereum just because of a stupid Google adsense advertisement. It has a bright future.

Title: Re: This is when you know you should immediately dump Eth as fast as possible
Post by: rdnkjdi on July 01, 2017, 10:28:55 PM
Or when you start seeing "Launch your own ICO in minutes" advertisements on facebook & reddit . . .

Title: Re: This is when you know you should immediately dump Eth as fast as possible
Post by: johnny5johnny5 on July 01, 2017, 11:51:59 PM
I would accumulate ETH not dump it, especially with Metropolis and Casper around the corner.

Title: Re: This is when you know you should immediately dump Eth as fast as possible
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on July 02, 2017, 12:23:18 AM
LOL, there's no effing way a retirement-aged person, grandma or grandpa, is going to invest in something they probably wouldn't see anyway.  Nevertheless, I wouldn't invest anything in a retirement fund in anything like ETH.  Or any cryptocurrency for that matter.  All my crypto investing is purely for masturbation purposes, and I do it in the comfort of my own lounge chair.  All the retirement planning and investing I do with a silk smoking jacket and ascot.  Cigar in hand.

Title: Re: This is when you know you should immediately dump Eth as fast as possible
Post by: shirackjs on July 02, 2017, 05:54:50 AM
Just because of some advertisements doesn't mean we should dump ETH immediately. There is nothing wrong with ETH, isn't it? I will accumulate while the price is low.

Title: Re: This is when you know you should immediately dump Eth as fast as possible
Post by: Herbert2020 on July 02, 2017, 06:07:57 AM
that is the advertising department of ethereum hard at work for you. instead of development and fixing the bugs and issues like the network congestion and transaction delays and lots of others they spend money on fooling people. and that is why i dumped ethereum for profit and got out a long time ago.

i don't think if anyone reads this they will continue holding any ether anymore

Title: Re: This is when you know you should immediately dump Eth as fast as possible
Post by: gokayc on July 02, 2017, 06:28:44 AM
Or when you start seeing "Launch your own ICO in minutes" advertisements on facebook & reddit . . .

Yes. I started to see some advertisements like this one. Everywhere full of ICO but Like It is not enough so they want to produce more and more ICO everyday. Because millions of investors are waiting out there. It's getting more dangerous everyday. Hope wont end bad.

Title: Re: This is when you know you should immediately dump Eth as fast as possible
Post by: Documan on July 02, 2017, 06:30:31 AM

I actually am curious to google income out of this whole cryptothing.

seems we are creating an economy around us?

thousands of people employed
millions investing
hundreds of companies


I agree with that. Cryptocurrency is internet 2.0.

Title: Re: This is when you know you should immediately dump Eth as fast as possible
Post by: Spoetnik on July 02, 2017, 07:43:21 AM

I actually am curious to google income out of this whole cryptothing.

seems we are creating an economy around us?

thousands of people employed
millions investing
hundreds of companies


I agree with that. Cryptocurrency is internet 2.0.

Like a dot com bubble?
That is a bad thing.

Tell me about the DAPPS you all love and can not do with out.
And your grandma's favorite.. Or does she just like them ICO SCAM ROI's too?

Know what?
It's not internet 2.0
It's the housing market derivatives bundle fiasco all over again.

Trading worthless garbage for profit then others getting sucked in because of greed.
And sorry Investards.. There will be no bail outs.  :D

OH and how about that ETH transparency?
You do realize butters was not rich before hand right?
And we only seen him admit he dumped a million bucks worth way back by accident..
It's not like he's held accountable or the "foundation"
Speaking of which I really do need to start my own crypto foundation...
I've been meaning to for years but never got around to it LOL $$$ :P

Should I go on about how great ETH is?

You know back in my day when a coin was launched as an IPO / ICO it was considered a scam..
And when the developer took most of the supply for uhhh what ever reason they felt like it was scammier..
Then when a mysterious rich whale was buying them all on launch day in 100 BTC chunks it was considered even more scammy..
Then when it was odd how Coindesk wouldn't shut up about it before during and after launch it too was scammy given their Doge scam bullshit history..
Then when they manipulated the market price it was scammy too..
And the early 2016 super hype pump spam shit was scammy also...

You know profiteers I'm just not sure here which part to tell you is bad guys.
What part don't you understand?

How about the fork after the DAO hack?
You kidiot NOOB investards know ETC was created for a reason right?
Get this.. It was because of ideology  :o it ;)

Should I get into that?
Well I will... But first I want a reply as to what app's grandma likes.
You see what I am driving at is.. Utility & Adoption (feel free to Google that too)
What exactly is the usefulness of ETH the scam coin?
Now.. Let alone in the future.

You all must be pretty high on dem ROI's if you think ETH has any kind of future.
Let alone dethrone Bitcoin.

Did I mention ETH is not even a currency... Today?
So how do you replace a currency with a non-currency?
And how do you do that when one was launched fairly and the other was not?

All I can say at this point is.. Derivative mortgage bundle stocks *used to be worth lots way back too and guess what?
Those collapsed economies across the globe and triggered wide spread inflation we are still suffering from today!
Hell everything where I live has damn near doubled in price and there is no signs off it slowing down.
And not only that but many economies collapsed like Greece.

So yeah live it up scam coin aficionados..
Just be aware there is no bail outs coming and no one is going to save you from yourselves.
Your lookin'at it Investards LOL
But you are too fucking stupid to see it.

Profit is fine.
Profit from deliberately "investing" in scammy fraudulent garbage for profit is not.
There is in fact a very real distinction.

So please feel free to drop the little facade of not knowing right from wrong.
And spare me the cliche'd retorts like Spoetnik hates all coins..
On the contrary I like fairly launched digital currencies.

..not pointless scammy rigged ICO SCAM coin gimmick bullshit.

I did not come here to support app's or blogging or some shit pointlessly tacked onto a block chain for centralized govt controlled shitcoin ROI's.

Have anything to say?
Feel free to wiggle your little dick holsters at me.
I enjoy a good laugh :D

Title: Re: This is when you know you should immediately dump Eth as fast as possible
Post by: NorrisK on July 02, 2017, 07:50:03 AM
Just because of some advertisements doesn't mean we should dump ETH immediately. There is nothing wrong with ETH, isn't it? I will accumulate while the price is low.

Price isn't low anymore. The time to accumulate while it was low was a year ago.

The reason these advertisements are bad is that it is only marketing to draw new money in so early adopters can cash out.

Guess everybody needs to burn their fingers at one point to learn.

Title: Re: This is when you know you should immediately dump Eth as fast as possible
Post by: the_hodler on July 02, 2017, 07:59:55 AM
Just because of some advertisements doesn't mean we should dump ETH immediately. There is nothing wrong with ETH, isn't it? I will accumulate while the price is low.

Price isn't low anymore. The time to accumulate while it was low was a year ago.

The reason these advertisements are bad is that it is only marketing to draw new money in so early adopters can cash out.

Guess everybody needs to burn their fingers at one point to learn.

Everyone has to make their money someway. So this is a good opportunity for those who bought at < $100 to cash out, coz returns are nearly 3 times already.

Title: Re: This is when you know you should immediately dump Eth as fast as possible
Post by: Mr. Green on July 02, 2017, 08:48:36 AM
You know back in my day when a coin was launched as an IPO / ICO it was considered a scam..

They are still considered scam. All of them.

Title: Re: This is when you know you should immediately dump Eth as fast as possible
Post by: the_hodler on July 02, 2017, 09:38:14 AM
You know back in my day when a coin was launched as an IPO / ICO it was considered a scam..

They are still considered scam. All of them.

That does not necessarily mean that all are scams.

Title: Re: This is when you know you should immediately dump Eth as fast as possible
Post by: Xavofat on July 02, 2017, 09:48:21 AM

I actually am curious to google income out of this whole cryptothing.

seems we are creating an economy around us?

thousands of people employed
millions investing
hundreds of companies


I agree with that. Cryptocurrency is internet 2.0.

Like a dot com bubble?
That is a bad thing.
Yes, for now...

But if you bought Amazon stock in 1999, I doubt you'd feel so disappointed by this point.  It's not like e-commerce didn't work out in the end.

Title: Re: This is when you know you should immediately dump Eth as fast as possible
Post by: wenzuo on July 02, 2017, 09:59:00 AM

and another:

These people are pure scum trying to get old, senile people to invest retirement money in this artificially propped up, R3 banking consortium scam.
though ethreum dropped recently, i will still hold it, eth has a big imaginary space for me, i just worried about other alycoins

Title: Re: This is when you know you should immediately dump Eth as fast as possible
Post by: Spoetnik on July 02, 2017, 10:03:08 AM
You know back in my day when a coin was launched as an IPO / ICO it was considered a scam..

They are still considered scam. All of them.

That does not necessarily mean that all are scams.

No but I explained how bad is bad ever since over and over.
Problem is people show up making dumb excuses like I need to be paid...
Which does not make them good.

They are not an improvement over Bitcoin.
So if the Altcoin in question is worse than BTC.. We have a problem.

It's not about right or wrong.
It's about progress and success.
And no one watching this ICO shit thinks it will end well.

You all keep lowering the bar on ideology.
For example..
If users are willing to hand over their picture ID to Coinbase?
While they hand it over to govt agents who get us arrested (Kickasstorrents)
How can we expect decentralized exchanges to take over.
And the ICO is centralization to the extreme and as exploitable as possible.
The initial distribution is as important as the properties of the coin itself..
So I have a problem when people imply the scammy ends justify the means.

I say this so crypto can be successful.
I don't care about your scammy short term profits.
And you scammy losers don't care about crypto.
Pretty simple really.. ICO=SCAM.

Title: Re: This is when you know you should immediately dump Eth as fast as possible
Post by: Makka on July 02, 2017, 10:05:08 AM
Why immediately train your guns at ETH just because a stupid scam ad coming out? Does that come from ETH people themselves? Of course not. Why would the people behind ETH commit a suicide on such a scam when they are already trusted? That would be suicide. Why the obvious hatred to ETH? It is fast gaining and investors are banking on it. I would say I would love to invest on it.

Title: Re: This is when you know you should immediately dump Eth as fast as possible
Post by: Minutal on July 02, 2017, 10:07:37 AM
There has been much more Bitcoin scams lurring people, so why just attacking Ethereum ?

Title: Re: This is when you know you should immediately dump Eth as fast as possible
Post by: Spoetnik on July 02, 2017, 10:11:23 AM
There has been much more Bitcoin scams lurring people, so why just attacking Ethereum ?

Bitcoin is a sincere and honest attempt at an adopted fully functional currency..
Ethereum is not.
ETH is coin #1721 that rips off the concept but with a stupid gimmick attached to it.

One is a currency and the other is a profits platform.
See the difference?

Need more reasons?
See my comment 2 posts back or..  wait 5 minutes and I will repost it all over again.

NOOB I created a scam topic on ETH in 2014.. Read it?  
You have 5 posts here kid LOL

Why you ask?
You've been told but your ears are plugged with ICO shitcoin ROI's :D

Title: Re: This is when you know you should immediately dump Eth as fast as possible
Post by: European Central Bank on July 02, 2017, 10:24:36 AM
i've seen ethereum and ico ads on youtube and in my yahoo inbox. it's crazy how far they've spread around. i don't know if it's all being directed by one group but it's certainly impressive.

i still think ethereum is a(n even bigger) disaster waiting to happen so i wouldn't put my lunch money into it.

Title: Re: This is when you know you should immediately dump Eth as fast as possible
Post by: bitcoin-shark on July 02, 2017, 10:32:51 AM
nobody can know the future ethereum can continue go down or suddenly go up...must follow the market and study the candle stick...

Title: Re: This is when you know you should immediately dump Eth as fast as possible
Post by: xbiv2 on July 02, 2017, 10:33:25 AM
It was in Russia before

Title: Re: This is when you know you should immediately dump Eth as fast as possible
Post by: HTracer on July 02, 2017, 10:37:19 AM
There has been much more Bitcoin scams lurring people, so why just attacking Ethereum ?

It wasn't the first time, it won't be the last one. A successful idea attracts scammakers to do their own dirty scemes under the bright name.

Title: Re: This is when you know you should immediately dump Eth as fast as possible
Post by: rdnkjdi on July 03, 2017, 02:22:59 AM
ICO craze ... the year Spoetnik decided Monero was pretty fair for a cryptocurrency.

Title: Re: This is when you know you should immediately dump Eth as fast as possible
Post by: oddwh on July 03, 2017, 04:52:10 AM
For me, this is not that ad itself that is important, but mostly the fact it's becoming mainstream, and this is not better  :D

These ads traget ETH but this could target another crypto, that would be the same thing.

Title: Re: This is when you know you should immediately dump Eth as fast as possible
Post by: danherbias07 on July 03, 2017, 05:05:47 AM
Or when you start seeing "Launch your own ICO in minutes" advertisements on facebook & reddit . . .

Yes. I started to see some advertisements like this one. Everywhere full of ICO but Like It is not enough so they want to produce more and more ICO everyday. Because millions of investors are waiting out there. It's getting more dangerous everyday. Hope wont end bad.

But who are really the people profiting from this?
Ain't we all? With just a little knowledge with ICO's we could try to make a use of it.
Yes I agree they have the biggest income out there. But there are also people who want to have a part of it.
With a cheap price we ciuld buy and wait for it to end with a blasting price then maybe profit from it by selling even if for just an average amount.

Title: Re: This is when you know you should immediately dump Eth as fast as possible
Post by: Liquid71 on July 03, 2017, 07:00:32 AM
I never dump my valuable and promising ethereum just because of a stupid Google adsense advertisement. It has a bright future.
yeah it's the greatest ponzi tech ever invented. don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise and ignore any facts that disagree with what you have already decided, you made up your mind ignore any evidence to the contrary that's smart

Title: Re: This is when you know you should immediately dump Eth as fast as possible
Post by: Spoetnik on July 03, 2017, 07:57:42 AM
ICO craze ... the year Spoetnik decided Monero was pretty fair for a cryptocurrency.

I have said before i would put fair launched ANON coins above any ICO.
EVEN if i did not like the ANON concept or felt it would succeed.

I get what you are saying but i was on the record saying that in previous years. ;)

Anyone supporting an ICO is a scammy greedy douche that is damaging crypto's future.

The people who do that are not project supporters but profiteers.
They pile in like vultures screaming buy then run out in a stampede screaming sell.
..leaving the project a dead drained husk.

But i get what you mean though.. this ICO craze really sickens me.
I also couldn't care less what any of them are worth.
You have to draw a line in the sand at some point guys.  >:(

Title: Re: This is when you know you should immediately dump Eth as fast as possible
Post by: CrowdFunder on July 03, 2017, 08:12:22 AM
I never dump my valuable and promising ethereum just because of a stupid Google adsense advertisement. It has a bright future.

I think people want to justify the fact they didn't buy ethereum by calling it a scam or doomed to fail. I must say though that its short term prospects seem a bit bleak with regards to the scaling problems it faces even though I believe in it for the long term.