Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: krishnapramod on July 03, 2017, 02:52:23 PM

Title: Bitcoin Marketing - Ideas to promote bitcoin
Post by: krishnapramod on July 03, 2017, 02:52:23 PM
There is already a discussion thread, "What's your way of spreading Bitcoin knowledge?" Most of the answers are centered around sharing bitcoin knowledge directly with friends/family or through social media.

Now let's make it a bit broader. Apart from social media, what innovative or out of the box marketing ideas can be used to promote bitcoin. It is not necessary that you are using this idea, but you think that an idea like this would be helpful to make more people aware of the existence of bitcoin.

Bitcoin is not a brand, but brands associated with bitcoin are promoting it through TV commercials so it is an effective way to promote bitcoin. Some of the other ideas would be:

1. Bitcoin clothing, wear bitcoin T-shirts.
2. Handing out bitcoin pamphlets locally.
3. Asking local vendors if they accept bitcoin.
4. Organizing bitcoin themed parties, be it birthday, anniversary, or any special occasion.Yeah, this might be expensive, but each and every guest would come to know about bitcoin.
5. Local bitcoin treasure hunt, find hidden bitcoin. I have seen some treasure hunt threads on this forum.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Marketing - Ideas to promote bitcoin
Post by: Meuh6879 on July 03, 2017, 02:54:47 PM
Paste 1000 easily detach stickers on your town by night. 
8) I like this propaganda solution.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Marketing - Ideas to promote bitcoin
Post by: mindrust on July 03, 2017, 03:08:18 PM
Whatever you do, choose a way to promote bitcoin which won't lead to your real world identity. Anonymous ways like stickers/graffiti are ok but wearing a bitcoin t-shirt might cause problems. A rare possibility but can happen.

Happened to that guy:

Title: Re: Bitcoin Marketing - Ideas to promote bitcoin
Post by: snowcrashed on July 03, 2017, 03:17:55 PM
There is already a discussion thread, "What's your way of spreading Bitcoin knowledge?" Most of the answers are centered around sharing bitcoin knowledge directly with friends/family or through social media.

Now let's make it a bit broader. Apart from social media, what innovative or out of the box marketing ideas can be used to promote bitcoin. It is not necessary that you are using this idea, but you think that an idea like this would be helpful to make more people aware of the existence of bitcoin.

Bitcoin is not a brand, but brands associated with bitcoin are promoting it through TV commercials so it is an effective way to promote bitcoin. Some of the other ideas would be:

1. Bitcoin clothing, wear bitcoin T-shirts.
2. Handing out bitcoin pamphlets locally.
3. Asking local vendors if they accept bitcoin.
4. Organizing bitcoin themed parties, be it birthday, anniversary, or any special occasion.Yeah, this might be expensive, but each and every guest would come to know about bitcoin.
5. Local bitcoin treasure hunt, find hidden bitcoin. I have seen some treasure hunt threads on this forum.
Some ideas they are doing, it was not so affective. Some other ideas is so expensive so that no one wants to hold them, one of another reason is that there's not many Bitcoin users in therir place so they don't want to hold that kind of promotions.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Marketing - Ideas to promote bitcoin
Post by: BrewMaster on July 03, 2017, 04:05:21 PM
1. Bitcoin clothing, wear bitcoin T-shirts.
2. Handing out bitcoin pamphlets locally.
3. Asking local vendors if they accept bitcoin.
4. Organizing bitcoin themed parties, be it birthday, anniversary, or any special occasion.Yeah, this might be expensive, but each and every guest would come to know about bitcoin.
5. Local bitcoin treasure hunt, find hidden bitcoin. I have seen some treasure hunt threads on this forum.

1. i find this weird LOL
2. this is not bad, if you have the time
3. this is the best option but it needs 2 things first. first is the customer or people who already hold bitcoin to want to spend it in that local vendor and the other is the regulation rules, for example what the government says about bitcoin, what are the taxes, ...
4. i have actually done this once when price went up the first time. i used the profit to throw a party
5. this takes a lot of innovation and i lack the talent  ::)

adding 6. tipping on social media. when changetip was around it was a good way of tipping others bitcoin and introducing them to bitcoin.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Marketing - Ideas to promote bitcoin
Post by: Slow death on July 03, 2017, 04:45:03 PM
Another very simple way would be to post the bitcoin symbol with the address of a website that explains what is bitcoin at the gas stations

Give lectures in the communities to explain what is bitcoin, this would be very effective

Title: Re: Bitcoin Marketing - Ideas to promote bitcoin
Post by: BitcoinBallerina on July 03, 2017, 05:26:53 PM
A great way to promote anything is t-shirts.

People LOVE T-shirts.

Also, they will even PAY YOU to ADVERTISE for you. LOL

So to answer the question directly, my suggestion is personal wear such as t-shirts, hats, etc.

Hope this makes sense.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Marketing - Ideas to promote bitcoin
Post by: bouren on July 03, 2017, 05:31:01 PM
The best way to promote bitcoin.
Step 1- Accept the Segwit Proposal.
Step 2- Fees will decrease significantly
Stel 3- Now you could easily use bitcoins for buying real items, etc.
Step 4- When people see you using your money with such low fees no matter you send money foreign, they will adopt bitcoin technology.

Outcome - Bitcoin use will be more than ever.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Marketing - Ideas to promote bitcoin
Post by: Proton2233 on July 03, 2017, 05:33:31 PM
It is very difficult to explain to people what bitcoin is if for promotion use t-shirts. People may not even understand the concept of bitcoin, but if he will be able to earn with bitcoin it's much quicker to become a supporter of crypto currencies.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Marketing - Ideas to promote bitcoin
Post by: mk4 on July 03, 2017, 05:37:35 PM
There is already a discussion thread, "What's your way of spreading Bitcoin knowledge?" Most of the answers are centered around sharing bitcoin knowledge directly with friends/family or through social media.

Now let's make it a bit broader. Apart from social media, what innovative or out of the box marketing ideas can be used to promote bitcoin. It is not necessary that you are using this idea, but you think that an idea like this would be helpful to make more people aware of the existence of bitcoin.

Bitcoin is not a brand, but brands associated with bitcoin are promoting it through TV commercials so it is an effective way to promote bitcoin. Some of the other ideas would be:

1. Bitcoin clothing, wear bitcoin T-shirts.
2. Handing out bitcoin pamphlets locally.
3. Asking local vendors if they accept bitcoin.
4. Organizing bitcoin themed parties, be it birthday, anniversary, or any special occasion.Yeah, this might be expensive, but each and every guest would come to know about bitcoin.
5. Local bitcoin treasure hunt, find hidden bitcoin. I have seen some treasure hunt threads on this forum.

There are lots of ways definitely. But I think only a few or some are really effective. some methods might come up as "spammy" or sort of like a moneymaking scheme. I like the method of asking local vendors if they accept bitcoin though.

Here are some I think are most effective (in no particular order):
  • Asking vendors if they accept bitcoin
  • Bitcoin events/conferences
  • Bitcoin guest presentations on colleges
  • TV/radio appearances
  • actual stores accepting bitcoin/crypto; with a big "accepting bitcoin" sign

Title: Re: Bitcoin Marketing - Ideas to promote bitcoin
Post by: mrcash02 on July 03, 2017, 05:40:29 PM
If someone is store/shop owner, could create sales, like if you spend X dollars in items or if you buy X items pricing Y dollars you receive some satoshis as gift... So people will ask: what is satoshis?

Surely not so big amount of satoshis, as it's very valious, just a little amount to make people aware about Bitcoins. If they want more they must buy it or earn online. The only problem is that it doesn't worth to move little transactions as the fees are too high, it disturbs a lot the Bitcoin marketing.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Marketing - Ideas to promote bitcoin
Post by: Meuh6879 on July 03, 2017, 06:07:41 PM
well, t-shirt are cool after all ...

Title: Re: Bitcoin Marketing - Ideas to promote bitcoin
Post by: Prodigan786 on July 05, 2017, 12:40:29 PM
The maximum amount of marketing done freely by ransomeware guy . I hope most of the people are started searching about bitcoin after ransomeware . Second is Online earning method also one of the reason of bitcoin grown bigger. I hope no need for marketing for bitcoin people who really want they will search and come to bitcoin.

Title: Online Shopping with Bitcoin
Post by: Satowallet International on July 05, 2017, 01:05:56 PM
Introducing the First e-commerce shopping platform and market place that accepts only Bitcoin

Coin Easy Buy is the first ever online shopping store for Bitcoin Users with millions of products in stock and variety of sellers across several retail categories.
Coin easy buy offers products ranging from home appliances, Electronics, Trendy gadgets, Footwear, Furniture, Fashion and accessories for men, women, kids and a whole lot more.
Best prices for high quality products are guaranteed and delivered promptly. You can enjoy hassle free shopping experience, knowing that the product you are buying is of high quality.
Coin easy buy assures customers of a safe, consistent and an outstanding online shopping experience while giving them value for their coin.

Official website:

Title: Re: Bitcoin Marketing - Ideas to promote bitcoin
Post by: EvilLizardApparel on July 05, 2017, 01:22:52 PM
Digital marketing and Email Marketing are the best ways to Bitcoin Marketing. There will have chance to go with paid marketing like Google Adwords, Facebook advertising, etc.

Title: Re: Online Shopping with Bitcoin
Post by: krishnapramod on July 05, 2017, 01:41:31 PM
Introducing the First e-commerce shopping platform and market place that accepts only Bitcoin

Coin Easy Buy is the first ever online shopping store for Bitcoin Users with millions of products in stock and variety of sellers across several retail categories.
Coin easy buy offers products ranging from home appliances, Electronics, Trendy gadgets, Footwear, Furniture, Fashion and accessories for men, women, kids and a whole lot more.
Best prices for high quality products are guaranteed and delivered promptly. You can enjoy hassle free shopping experience, knowing that the product you are buying is of high quality.
Coin easy buy assures customers of a safe, consistent and an outstanding online shopping experience while giving them value for their coin.

Official website:

You have got a nice seller platform there, a wide variety of categories to choose from. The site is not fully launched yet, worldwide delivery, guess it varies from seller to seller.

All payment are made in the USD value of bitcoin, both from the buyers and sellers

There might be sellers who would prefer to receive payments in BTC.

You are based in China, but what is Islamic store directory?

If you have a query relating to a specific product, please contact the seller by visiting the sellers Islamic store page. You can locate the sellers store from the product page or by searching for the seller in the Islamic Store Directory.

Bitcoin needs more platforms like this. Good luck with your website.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Marketing - Ideas to promote bitcoin
Post by: eternalgloom on July 05, 2017, 01:57:13 PM
Digital marketing and Email Marketing are the best ways to Bitcoin Marketing. There will have chance to go with paid marketing like Google Adwords, Facebook advertising, etc.
Sorry, but most of the options you have with email marketing are almost the same as spamming. I really doubt that's a good way to 'advertise' Bitcoin.
The best way to promote Bitcoin are stores accepting it and mainstream news outlets writing positive articles about it, imo.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Marketing - Ideas to promote bitcoin
Post by: giveen on July 05, 2017, 02:09:26 PM

1. Bitcoin clothing, wear bitcoin T-shirts.
2. Handing out bitcoin pamphlets locally.
3. Asking local vendors if they accept bitcoin.
4. Organizing bitcoin themed parties, be it birthday, anniversary, or any special occasion.Yeah, this might be expensive, but each and every guest would come to know about bitcoin.
5. Local bitcoin treasure hunt, find hidden bitcoin. I have seen some treasure hunt threads on this forum.
Nice thinking but let's just analyse your idea :
1. Bitcoin clothing : Now making a custom t-shirt isn't cheap at all or doesn't really last long. There are some stores which sell bitcoin clothing but the price is as high as 0.02 for a freakin bitcoin cap and 0.06 for a t-shirt. I mean seriously why would i spend 150$ on a normal t-shirt which has bitcoin written on it.
2. Handing out pamplats : Another waste of time and paper. What are you gonna do with one paper write about bitcoin it's growth , how to buy , it's future. Worst idea ever who even reads most of these or does the research. Giving 1000 papers will get you one 0.02 btc investor. Totally worth it.
3. Local vendors to accept bitcoin : This idea feels a bit more realistic to me as i say a new app for making payments couple of times in the store and finally ended up using that apo for making payments. This idea has potential.
4. Party for explaining bitcoin : What will i even get with this a 20$ increase in price by spending 500$ on a party. Just imagine why would someone even spend their money advertising something which doesn't give them anything.
5. Just waste your bitcoins.
Conclusion : Bitcoin is getting famous daily stop wasting your money the media will mostly do it for free.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Marketing - Ideas to promote bitcoin
Post by: darklus123 on July 05, 2017, 02:10:41 PM
Since bitcoin is a currency, the best way to do its markete is to maximize its used. If the other people sees that someone is using this currency and are more being convenient then it may lead to conversion

Title: Re: Bitcoin Marketing - Ideas to promote bitcoin
Post by: Barcode_ on July 05, 2017, 07:41:15 PM
There are a couple of ways to promote bitcoin to be more popular among people, one of the best way is to encourage more well established and reputable E-commerce websites to accept bitcoin as payments, this would definitely attract more users to get interested in bitcoins. Another way might be going towards social media, with more positive news about bitcoin being spread around social media, it would definitely create more publicity over the long term.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Marketing - Ideas to promote bitcoin
Post by: olubams on July 05, 2017, 07:59:36 PM
The issue here for me is not about spreading it but about the people who wants to know about it. Hardly is there any youth where in my environment that have not heard about bitcoin but the issue is that majority don't want to learn the way it works because all they all wanted is buy at $2500 and go and sleep then wake up one day and sell at $5000 just like that. For me, I think re-orientation will work by organizing a mini-seminar in other to explain fully how it is in the crypto world.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Marketing - Ideas to promote bitcoin
Post by: Hydrogen on July 05, 2017, 08:38:58 PM
Promoting crypto is a marketing discussion.

Think of the best tv commercials or advertisements you've seen.

Whatever the bitcoin equivalents of those are could represent an ideal standard.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Marketing - Ideas to promote bitcoin
Post by: South Park on July 05, 2017, 10:28:08 PM
There is already a discussion thread, "What's your way of spreading Bitcoin knowledge?" Most of the answers are centered around sharing bitcoin knowledge directly with friends/family or through social media.

Now let's make it a bit broader. Apart from social media, what innovative or out of the box marketing ideas can be used to promote bitcoin. It is not necessary that you are using this idea, but you think that an idea like this would be helpful to make more people aware of the existence of bitcoin.

Bitcoin is not a brand, but brands associated with bitcoin are promoting it through TV commercials so it is an effective way to promote bitcoin. Some of the other ideas would be:

1. Bitcoin clothing, wear bitcoin T-shirts.
2. Handing out bitcoin pamphlets locally.
3. Asking local vendors if they accept bitcoin.
4. Organizing bitcoin themed parties, be it birthday, anniversary, or any special occasion.Yeah, this might be expensive, but each and every guest would come to know about bitcoin.
5. Local bitcoin treasure hunt, find hidden bitcoin. I have seen some treasure hunt threads on this forum.
While the ideas are good, it requires a lot of effort, also when we take into consideration that bitcoin is mostly an online currency then it makes the most sense that our efforts to be concentrated in marketing and promoting bitcoin online rather than to do it offline where the average person is not going to be interested in hearing anything about this new currency when they are fine with their dollars in their pocket.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Marketing - Ideas to promote bitcoin
Post by: KingdomHearts on July 08, 2017, 07:59:57 PM
The issue here for me is not about spreading it but about the people who wants to know about it. Hardly is there any youth where in my environment that have not heard about bitcoin but the issue is that majority don't want to learn the way it works because all they all wanted is buy at $2500 and go and sleep then wake up one day and sell at $5000 just like that. For me, I think re-orientation will work by organizing a mini-seminar in other to explain fully how it is in the crypto world.
Majority of the people living in this world know that what is a Bitcoin especially the young generation. The problem is that they are not well aware of it and the more bigger problem is that they don’t want about it. They don’t know that this system of online currency is more better than those older ones which involve the high taxes. Promotional advertisements should be on aired on tv channels and on the internet.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Marketing - Ideas to promote bitcoin
Post by: karisiak123 on August 30, 2017, 07:31:46 PM
If I promote bitcointalk with friends, I need to use a computer, if I do not use the computer I will not know what I will say to my friends.