Bitcoin Forum

Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: xingming on July 08, 2017, 04:00:26 AM

Title: Good without a god
Post by: xingming on July 08, 2017, 04:00:26 AM
Hey guys,

Religion (a belief in imaginary all powerful supernatural deities) has been the cause of more death and suffering than any one disease ever to inflict the human race. Wouldn't it be nice if we could start working on a cure for that.

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: Moloch on July 08, 2017, 09:49:19 AM
Hey guys,

Religion (a belief in imaginary all powerful supernatural deities) has been the cause of more death and suffering than any one disease ever to inflict the human race. Wouldn't it be nice if we could start working on a cure for that.

We each work on curing religion in our own way

I prefer to humiliate and berate religitards... it's kinda my thing

It's so easy to point out the flaws in their logic... it's like taking candy from a baby

I wonder how many religious people I've converted to atheism... I know I've shifted a few fence sitters, but it's difficult to penetrate the armor of a super religious fucktard like BADlogic... he just doesn't care about logic or making sense... guy just lives in his own little world and doesn't care if it makes sense or not (he'll troll this thread soon enough)

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: MarconyGL on July 08, 2017, 10:43:40 AM
I do not care who believes what, the main thing is that their faith and religion do not harm others. Every job has the right to choose what to believe, but you do not need to impose your choice on anyone.

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: machinek20 on July 08, 2017, 10:59:43 AM
But religion also gives hopes and miracle that cant be explained scientifically, the religion that caused more people to suffering not a good religion, a good religion should gives peace minds and makes that person into a better man

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: Lancusters on July 08, 2017, 11:27:26 AM
Religion constantly makes people something to limit. Oppressed and depressed people are easier to manage. I do not like about all religions. Without God to live better. I don't understand people who limit themselves in real life in order to go to heaven which doesn't exist.

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: mk4 on July 08, 2017, 12:15:02 PM
I do not care who believes what, the main thing is that their faith and religion do not harm others. Every job has the right to choose what to believe, but you do not need to impose your choice on anyone.

This. If they don't have an impact on you then why do you need to mind them?

The thing is. Whatever religion or belief, Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, atheism, theism, or whatever; If a certain person is bad, whatever belief he or she may have then he/she's going to be a bad person either way. Which is mostly in the case of religious extremists, whereas those people take things very literally not figuratively, which is the case when reading the Bible/Koran/whatever bible. There are good christians and bad christians, just like there are bad muslims and good muslims, also just like there are bad atheists and good atheists.

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: Moloch on July 08, 2017, 06:00:28 PM
I do not care who believes what, the main thing is that their faith and religion do not harm others. Every job has the right to choose what to believe, but you do not need to impose your choice on anyone.

Religion does harm others...

Religious people harm homosexuals daily (previously blacks, witches, etc)

Children die all the time because their religious parents refuse to take them to the doctor, and pray instead

Religion is harmful... period... I can name you harmful beliefs from any major world religion... they are all shitty

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: Hazir on July 08, 2017, 06:07:53 PM
I am constantly surprised by an opinion of some people who think that if you are an atheist or agnostic then you can't be a good person.
That you need God to be truly good, what a load of crap is that - it is totally opposite - how can you truly good when you are scared that good will punish you otherwise?
I want to be a good man because this is the only way for everyone else to live in peace and harmony, how hard it is to understand for religious fanatics?

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: joebrook on July 08, 2017, 06:20:35 PM
Hey guys,

Religion (a belief in imaginary all powerful supernatural deities) has been the cause of more death and suffering than any one disease ever to inflict the human race. Wouldn't it be nice if we could start working on a cure for that.

Not all religions have cause an much death and suffering throughout the ages, it's mostly the so called leaders who perpetuate the doctrines for their personal gains who are the responsible for the death and suffering.

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: berrygood on July 08, 2017, 07:17:36 PM
No, I don't agree with you, do you have evidence for this claim?

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: craZyLovE0916 on July 08, 2017, 08:04:39 PM
I believe it is possible to do good things even if you do not believe in God, but these days Athiests do some very bad things which makes it quite clear when you look at believers compared to Atheists lots of believers are calm, cool and collected and mind their own business whereas Atheists do not know things so they need to always ask questions 100% of the time, when in reality there are already answers, but when you inform them their ego gets offended because they are the one asking the questions so when you try to teach them they realize subconsciously they are wrong and their ego needs to defend itself even though they are the ones who "question everything" in the first place. (if you need to question everything, it means you know nothing) ;)

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: Dazedconfused11 on July 08, 2017, 08:40:28 PM
A mother lion doesn't attack her cub b/c that's not good. Eh?

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: dippididodaday on July 08, 2017, 09:39:25 PM
I believe it is possible to do good things even if you do not believe in God, but these days Athiests do some very bad things which makes it quite clear when you look at believers compared to Atheists lots of believers are calm, cool and collected and mind their own business whereas Atheists do not know things so they need to always ask questions 100% of the time, when in reality there are already answers, but when you inform them their ego gets offended because they are the one asking the questions so when you try to teach them they realize subconsciously they are wrong and their ego needs to defend itself even though they are the ones who "question everything" in the first place. (if you need to question everything, it means you know nothing) ;)

Religion(s) are super specialized in the in-forming business, and the continuation thereof is automatic (super cheap and easy) once successfully set in motion, even for as long as 2000+ years, crossing over from generation to generation, nation to nation, continent to continent.

                                                                                 in·form: give an essential or formative principle or quality to

Let me inform you that religion is wrong and let that sink in subconsciously for a bit. Hope your ego can handle it. ;)

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: iluvpie60 on July 08, 2017, 10:01:32 PM
Hey guys,

Religion (a belief in imaginary all powerful supernatural deities) has been the cause of more death and suffering than any one disease ever to inflict the human race. Wouldn't it be nice if we could start working on a cure for that.

We each work on curing religion in our own way

I prefer to humiliate and berate religitards... it's kinda my thing

It's so easy to point out the flaws in their logic... it's like taking candy from a baby

I wonder how many religious people I've converted to atheism... I know I've shifted a few fence sitters, but it's difficult to penetrate the armor of a super religious fucktard like BADlogic... he just doesn't care about logic or making sense... guy just lives in his own little world and doesn't care if it makes sense or not (he'll troll this thread soon enough)

I think to be atheist is not the right way to go. Being agnostic is more logical than being atheist. Not believing in anything isn't exactly logic. The logic behind not believing in something is saying "prove it", that doesn't mean said thing is wrong or right because of proof or not in this case.

You can't exactly prove god does or doesn't exist, so to be firmly entrenched as a non-believer isn't logical, because your belief is based on nothing the same as everyone else's belief that god is real is based on nothing. Both of these are based on "nothing" because it is the human history it it based on, which isn't very long. I classify what we know as not much and probably we know nothing in the grand scheme of things.

We know that we exist, we know other things/planets/space exists. If we can exist there is an infinite and not infinite amount of things that can exist. There can be a god and there could be more gods or multiple universes, we don't know much about it all yet.

Agnostic I think is the way to go.

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: chixka000 on July 08, 2017, 10:08:12 PM
Somehow you your selfs is creating your own cause of death you may realized it or not(eg. You have a bad eating habit) to that alone you already are killing your body. Regardless of your religion it is still your own mindset that will allow you to continue living or not. Tho on the part which you are killed by someone that is a whole different story

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: CoinCube on July 08, 2017, 11:25:37 PM
Hey guys,

Religion (a belief in imaginary all powerful supernatural deities) has been the cause of more death and suffering than any one disease ever to inflict the human race. Wouldn't it be nice if we could start working on a cure for that.

Hi xingming actually I take the exact opposite position and would argue that Ethical Monotheism has done more than anything else to limit human death and suffering.

Here are some of the reasons I believe you are incorrect on this issue.

Religion and Progress

The greatest obstacle to human progress is not a technological hurdle but the evil inherent in ourselves. Humans have knowledge of good and evil and with this knowledge we often choose evil.

Collectivism exists because it employs aggregated force to limit evil especially the forms of evil linked to physical violence. Collectivism is expensive and inefficient but these inefficiencies are less than the cost of unrestrained individualism. Collectivism aggregates capital for the common good and we are far from outgrowing our need for this.

1.   Prehistory required the aggregation of human capital in the form of young warriors willing to fight to protect the tribe.
2.   The Agricultural Age required physical capital in the form of land ownership and a State to protect the land.
3.   The Industrial Age required the aggregation of monetary capital to fund large fixed capital investments and factories.

A farmer in the agricultural age could achieve some protection from theft and violence by arming himself. He could protect himself against a small hostile groups by forming defensive pacts with neighboring farmers. To defend against large scale organized violence, however, requires an army and thus a state.

In 1651 Thomas Hobbes argued for the merits of centralized monarchy. He believed that only absolute monarchy was capable of suppressing the evils of an unrestrained humanity. He described in graphic wording the consequences of a world without monarchy a condition he called the state of nature.

In such condition, there is no place for industry; because the fruit thereof is uncertain: and consequently no culture of the earth; no navigation, nor use of the commodities that may be imported by sea; no commodious building; no instruments of moving, and removing, such things as require much force; no knowledge of the face of the earth; no account of time; no arts; no letters; no society; and which is worst of all, continual fear, and danger of violent death; and the life of man, solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short. - Thomas Hobbes Leviathan

There may well have been a time in human history when the absolute monarchy of Hobbes was the best available government but Hobbes was writing at the end of that era. England had been transformed from a nation almost completely conquered by the Odin worshiping Great Heathen Army ( of 865 to a country that protected the legal rights of nobles in the Magna Carta of 1215 to a devoutly Christian nation that formalized the rights of judicial review for common citizens in the 1679 Habeas Corpus act. Hobbes had failed to appreciate the growth of moral capital that allowed for superior forms of government with increased freedom.

Our forefathers understood that it is morality and virtue that allows for freedom a lesson many today have forgotten.

"Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters." - Benjamin Franklin

“Is there no virtue among us? If there be not, we are in a wretched situation. No theoretical checks, no form of government, can render us secure. To suppose that any form of government will secure liberty or happiness without any virtue in the people, is a chimerical idea. If there be sufficient virtue and intelligence in the community, it will be exercised in the selection of these men; so that we do not depend upon their virtue, or put confidence in our rulers, but in the people who are to choose them.” - James Madison

“Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports.” - George Washington

In human interactions we often face a choice between cooperation (reaching a mutually beneficial exchange) and defection (advancement of ourselves to the detriment of our fellow man). The nation state, police, and laws suppress physical violence but do nothing to maintain the morality and virtue that sustain freedom. Collectivism limits some avenues of defection while opening entire new possibilities. New opportunities for defection arise along the entire economic spectrum. Everything from special interest lobbying, to disability scammers, and on a larger scale our entire fiat monetary system are essentially forms of defection allowing the few to profit at the expense of the many. Nation state collectivism has allowed for the creation of great civilizations and yet is entirely unsustainable in its current form.

"our Western civilization is on its way to perishing. It has many commendable qualities, most of which it has borrowed from the Christian ethic, but it lacks the element of moral wisdom that would give it permanence. Future historians will record that we of the twentieth century had intelligence enough to create a great civilization but not the moral wisdom to preserve it." - A.W. Tozer

The perishing of Western civilization, however, does not mean fragmentation and collapse. Indeed in this instance the opposite appears to be true and collapse looks set to drive us via economic fundamentals and debt into a single world government paradigm for reasons discussed at length elsewhere (

The evolution of the social contract is a progressive climb to higher potential energy systems with increased degrees of freedom. The state of nature begat tribalism. Tribalism grew into despotism. Despotism advanced into monarchy. Monarchies were replaced by republics. It is likely that in the near future republics will be consumed by world government, and perhaps someday world government will evolve into decentralized government.

Each iteration has a common theme for each advance increases the number of individuals able to engage in cooperative activity while lowering the number of individuals able to defect. Each iteration increases the sustainable degrees of freedom the system can support. Moral capital is the foundation that allows this progress to occur. For this reason ethical monotheism is the single greatest contributor to human progress from any source since human culture emerged from the stone ages.

"Nature is amoral. Nature knows nothing of good and evil. In nature there is one rule—survival of the fittest. There is no right, only might. If a creature is weak, kill it. Only human beings could have moral rules such as, "If it is weak, protect it." Only human beings can feel themselves ethically obligated to strangers.
Nature allows you to act naturally, i.e., do only what you want you to do, without moral restraints; God does not. Nature lets you act naturally - and it is as natural to kill, rape, and enslave as it is to love.
One of the vital elements in the ethical monotheist revolution was its repudiation of nature as god. The evolution of civilization and morality have depended in large part on desanctifying nature.
Civilizations that equated gods with nature—a characteristic of all primitive societies—or that worshipped nature did not evolve.
Words cannot convey the magnitude of the change wrought by the Bible's introduction into the world of a God who rules the universe morally." - Dennis Prager

The utopia of limited to no government would only be possible for a population constantly striving at all times to be moral. Such a utopia would require all individuals to always act cooperatively, honesty, and transparently. We lack the required moral fiber for anything like this to work at our current juncture in history.

See: Freedom and God ( for more.

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: Mometaskers on July 12, 2017, 06:28:06 AM
In the more secular countries, it's harmful effects can be limited by the law, although some still happen (like clergies abusing kids or children getting sick from not being vaccinated). It's almost always more harmful where it is the dominant force and can even halt progress (like the Church going after Galileo or Ottoman clerics basically preventing their empire from using printing press).

But religion also gives hopes and miracle that cant be explained scientifically, the religion that caused more people to suffering not a good religion, a good religion should gives peace minds and makes that person into a better man

If you for example had a false belief that it is actually easy to win lotteries and belief you are lucky and keep playing even if you ain't winning, did the false sense of hope did you any good? Life must be rooted in reality, those who deny it almost always end up disappointed.

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: covfefe_ on July 12, 2017, 06:47:30 AM
God can be a easy way to satisfy the curiosity of a fool and keep him in place.
We need law to control the extreme stupid who hurt others in the name of god.

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: malikusama on July 12, 2017, 09:50:05 AM
I strongly disagree with you mate, religion is a private matter which is between a person and his/her god. I don't think so any religion is causing harm to the people in society. Some acts by illiterate and misguided people can't define the religion which always teaches peace and humanity.

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: Moloch on July 12, 2017, 06:27:20 PM
Hey guys,

Religion (a belief in imaginary all powerful supernatural deities) has been the cause of more death and suffering than any one disease ever to inflict the human race. Wouldn't it be nice if we could start working on a cure for that.

We each work on curing religion in our own way

I prefer to humiliate and berate religitards... it's kinda my thing

It's so easy to point out the flaws in their logic... it's like taking candy from a baby

I wonder how many religious people I've converted to atheism... I know I've shifted a few fence sitters, but it's difficult to penetrate the armor of a super religious fucktard like BADlogic... he just doesn't care about logic or making sense... guy just lives in his own little world and doesn't care if it makes sense or not (he'll troll this thread soon enough)

I think to be atheist is not the right way to go. Being agnostic is more logical than being atheist. Not believing in anything isn't exactly logic. The logic behind not believing in something is saying "prove it", that doesn't mean said thing is wrong or right because of proof or not in this case.

You can't exactly prove god does or doesn't exist, so to be firmly entrenched as a non-believer isn't logical, because your belief is based on nothing the same as everyone else's belief that god is real is based on nothing. Both of these are based on "nothing" because it is the human history it it based on, which isn't very long. I classify what we know as not much and probably we know nothing in the grand scheme of things.

We know that we exist, we know other things/planets/space exists. If we can exist there is an infinite and not infinite amount of things that can exist. There can be a god and there could be more gods or multiple universes, we don't know much about it all yet.

Agnostic I think is the way to go.

First, Atheism and Agnostic are not mutually exclusive... you can be an Agnostic Atheist the same as you can be an Agnostic Christian...

Theism deals with belief... what you believe is true... Gnostic means knowledge, what you KNOW is true...

You can believe god exists or doesn't exist without "knowing"... having proof/evidence, etc

EVERYONE is AGNOSTIC... not a single person knows for CERTAIN whether or not gods exists... NOBODY (anyone who says they know for certain is a liar/conman)

Atheism does not mean you have evidence that no gods exist, only that you do not have an active belief in any gods...

If you don't believe in Allah, you are an Atheist with respect to Allah... you don't believe Allah exists

If you don't believe that any gods exist, you are an Atheist...

This doesn't mean I claim to know for certain that no gods exist, but I am not on the fence either... I wouldn't call myself agnostic, because there is WAY more evidence against the existence of any gods, than for the existence of any specific god

It simply comes down to weighing the evidence... facts like evolution supports atheism... there is nothing beyond the bible to support christianity... nothing at all

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: Boys27 on July 12, 2017, 06:46:41 PM
I think it would not be good if in life in this world without gods, because that governs all life in the world all governed by the command of god, if no god means there is no world.

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: Okurkabinladin on July 12, 2017, 07:30:09 PM
Hey guys,

Religion (a belief in imaginary all powerful supernatural deities) has been the cause of more death and suffering than any one disease ever to inflict the human race. Wouldn't it be nice if we could start working on a cure for that.

Yeah, and you are going to suceed where Marx, Freud, Nietsche and other bright minds miserably failed. Good luck with that.

Ive heard, that Scientology is modarely succesful as money grabbing enterprise for its founders and high ranking members, you might find some inspiration there.

The fact is, that, if you even insist on the idea of good - you have to define where and how it originates and what is its opposite.

And then you have even bigger challenge ahead of you - how to legitimaze your particular worldview. At no point in history were there so many people and vast majority of them are religious - or atleast partial to any secular ideology, that tries to substitute for one.

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: popcorn1 on July 12, 2017, 08:13:25 PM
Only 1 true god ..THE GAMBLING GODS ;D..
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Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: RedX on July 13, 2017, 02:27:11 AM
Hey guys,

Religion (a belief in imaginary all powerful supernatural deities) has been the cause of more death and suffering than any one disease ever to inflict the human race. Wouldn't it be nice if we could start working on a cure for that.

Sorry but there is a God. Just look at yourself. It's like we were designed in an amazing way. But I agree that religion made some believers do crazy things throughout history. Some are because of Christianity and some are cults. That's why even I am a Christian I just believe in God but not the context of the bible. They give it more meanings and that is why they make stupid things.

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: Mometaskers on July 13, 2017, 07:02:00 AM
Hey guys,

Religion (a belief in imaginary all powerful supernatural deities) has been the cause of more death and suffering than any one disease ever to inflict the human race. Wouldn't it be nice if we could start working on a cure for that.

Sorry but there is a God. Just look at yourself. It's like we were designed in an amazing way. But I agree that religion made some believers do crazy things throughout history. Some are because of Christianity and some are cults. That's why even I am a Christian I just believe in God but not the context of the bible. They give it more meanings and that is why they make stupid things.

Agreed.... Incredible design indeed...

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: Xester on July 13, 2017, 10:32:34 AM
How can you say that religion cause many death than disease does?  Was it because of the so called Muslim terrorist and the terrorist around the world were Muslim?  Actually they are the only religion which killing as these terrorist said is part of their teachings.  Actually, we can live without religion.  But I believe still that there is God and does not have to prove it.  I feel Him everyday, His grace and mercy is abundant to everyone.  Do not need a debate on this, as long as we do not harm each other, "maybe" that would be okay.  But I still stand that there is God and I can not do anything without Him.

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: Slow death on July 13, 2017, 02:26:29 PM
I don't think so any religion is causing harm to the people in society.


Look at all religions, see the followers of these religions, you will realize that most of these members of these religions are just puppets without their own lives

But the leaders of these religions are very rich and well sucessed in life

But I believe still that there is God and does not have to prove it.  I feel Him everyday, His grace and mercy is abundant to everyone.  Do not need a debate on this, as long as we do not harm each other, "maybe" that would be okay.  But I still stand that there is God and I can not do anything without Him.

You are the owner of your life, the choices you make today will determine your success or failure in the future.

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: keeee on July 13, 2017, 02:48:50 PM
Hey guys,

Religion (a belief in imaginary all powerful supernatural deities) has been the cause of more death and suffering than any one disease ever to inflict the human race. Wouldn't it be nice if we could start working on a cure for that.

 Having a religion or a God doesn't matter as long as you are not hurting others nor belittle their belief. If you are saying that religion makes war or racism, it is not always the main scenario. Having a religion helps and improve the morality of a person in some ways.

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: dippididodaday on July 13, 2017, 03:23:54 PM

Religion will turn you into a slave for sure. It will siphon off the last bit of your clear thinking mind and drain your soul. There will be those few that benefit in this process. These are the ones who will get drenched in riches at your expense. How can this be good and godly? No thank you, I'm good without a God.

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: digaran on July 13, 2017, 03:48:11 PM
You little insects are full of yourselves, you think that your opinion really matters? you think if you can't see a star in a remote galaxy it means that star doesn't exist? all is needed is 5 seconds without your heart working for you to die and suddenly you all became so independent and think you can live all on your own, you pathetic stupid creatures.

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: birthaveskills3 on July 13, 2017, 07:26:33 PM
It's true that many problems are religions fault, but also many people keep going on thanks to them.

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: izza123 on July 13, 2017, 08:51:35 PM
I am an atheist but I can recognize the massive good that religion has done in the world. Of course i also recognize the damage but I am not so blind as to hate something that I dont understand. When i was homeless the only shelters that were available to care for me were religiously funded youth shelters and while i never understood blind faith i certainly understand the underlying tenets of being kind and treating others how you would want to be treated.

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: viean on July 14, 2017, 09:40:49 AM
WE are so used to thinking of spirituality as withdrawal from the world and human affairs that it is hard to think of it as political. Spirituality is personal and private, we assume, while politics is public. But such a dichotomy drastically diminishes spirituality construing it as a relationship to God without implications for one's relationship to the surrounding world. The God of Christian faith (I shall focus on Christianity although the God of the New Testament is also the God of the Old Testament) created the world and is deeply engaged in the affairs of the world. The notion that we can be related to God and not to the world—that we can practice a spirituality that is not political—is in conflict with the Christian understanding of God.

And if spirituality is properly political, the converse also is true, however distant it may be from prevailing assumptions: politics is properly spiritual. The spirituality of politics was affirmed by Plato at the very beginnings of Western political philosophy and was a commonplace of medieval political thought. Only in modern times has it come to be taken for granted that politics is entirely secular. The inevitable result is the demoralization of politics. Politics loses its moral structure and purpose, and turns into an affair of group interest and personal ambition. Government comes to the aid of only the well organized and influential, and it is limited only where it is checked by countervailing forces.

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: Love! on July 14, 2017, 10:14:55 AM
I do not care who believes what, the main thing is that their faith and religion do not harm others. Every job has the right to choose what to believe, but you do not need to impose your choice on anyone.

That goes for the religious zealots as well as the anti-religious zealots.

Making fun of people for their beliefs is not a very mature way to get them to stop believing what they do.

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: rhodel mabanal on July 14, 2017, 10:18:07 AM
Hey guys,

Religion (a belief in imaginary all powerful supernatural deities) has been the cause of more death and suffering than any one disease ever to inflict the human race. Wouldn't it be nice if we could start working on a cure for that.

Hey Guys i want you to know that everything is made up of good, if some strange happens seems to be bad we dont deserve to be bad because sometimes we believe in differrent thing i dont knoe whats up to them..simple thigs happens. We have a God to belive and some others will not. we dont judge every one because there is no edge of all mankind. we are all equal. In this multi-universe we took care of our bussiness, to have power not like god that infinte he has. a power to succeed.

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: bcnaranjo on August 14, 2017, 09:55:58 AM
Maybe its true. The value of goodness is in our hearts, we live in it and no one ever thought us how to be good. Believing in God is not what we are born with, it is thought by our parents as we began to appreciate little things in the world.

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: Gozie51 on August 14, 2017, 10:39:41 AM
It is no ruse that there is a supreme being, the one that other gods look up to for permission most times (& thats God ) - do we still remember that lucifer took permission to tempt Job?

Everything we do is intertwined & a supreme being somewhere is watching.

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: coinholic on August 14, 2017, 11:01:50 AM
Religion is by far the most sensitive topic out there because we are dealing with faith and belief. It has become a grand discussion for debates wherein believers and non-believers would battle it out tryin to prove each other's point of view. But in reality, nobody really needs to prove anything! I am proud to say that I'm a Cristian and that Christ is my Lord and Savior because that is my faith.  I can introduce Christ to my friends but I cannot force them into believing and accepting. They will need to experience an encounter with Christ for them to trully believe. But all of this will happen in God's time. We need God...and that's the bottom line. God bless.

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: halych on August 14, 2017, 11:16:34 AM
Everyone can believe in what he wants to believe until his faith or religion harms others and he does not force them to believe in his religion. There are many adequate religious people and there is nothing wrong with that.

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: Yarsk on August 14, 2017, 12:01:26 PM
I totally agree with you on that, there are forces who cause suffering and death in this world. As the saying goes the spiritual control the physical either good or bad we must accept that fact.

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: sukiho on August 14, 2017, 12:12:20 PM
We will never know whether it is good or bad. It's a personal matter for all of us. These kind of debates may be endless.

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: Livnem-soul on August 14, 2017, 01:59:47 PM
Hey guys,

Religion (a belief in imaginary all powerful supernatural deities) has been the cause of more death and suffering than any one disease ever to inflict the human race. Wouldn't it be nice if we could start working on a cure for that.

In what - that you are right. Main not to offend sense of believing people. We decide to believe us in religion or no. There are very much atheists that does not accept religion in general. This their right, as well as right to believe or no at other.

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: Senkuli on August 14, 2017, 03:06:06 PM
Hey guys,

Religion (a belief in imaginary all powerful supernatural deities) has been the cause of more death and suffering than any one disease ever to inflict the human race. Wouldn't it be nice if we could start working on a cure for that.

I disagree that without God it will be better, we are just human beings, where not everything that we want always according to our wishes, not all our ability and intelligence can overcome all problems.
Sometimes we need God, where God will give directions or paths that we can develop to overcome human problems.
God can also make us stand when we are feeling desperate about worldly life, where we can not always depend on the limited science.

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: Sheldoor on August 14, 2017, 03:27:43 PM
I dont know if there is an god out there.. but RELIGION is: my imaginary friend is better than yours..
The best way to suppress free minds
Control the masses
a good pretence for the leaders to do what they want: in the name of god..

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: scorpion27 on August 14, 2017, 10:19:52 PM
In my opinion, religion can make peace if we can follow a religion correctly, do not violate the rules of religion, because religion teaches people to live better than ever, because life in the world is only temporary.

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: kavindra on August 14, 2017, 10:29:39 PM
God is very important in our lives, because if there is no god then there will be no life, because all humans need god to be alive, for me god is everything :)

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: joebrook on August 14, 2017, 11:05:46 PM
Hey guys,

Religion (a belief in imaginary all powerful supernatural deities) has been the cause of more death and suffering than any one disease ever to inflict the human race. Wouldn't it be nice if we could start working on a cure for that.

There are people who are good just because they want to avoid he'll bit just because it's just enough they are, they have a moral code written on their heart and it's got nothing to do with any religion or stuff,  being good and nice comes from the inside.

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: fishbonez11 on August 15, 2017, 04:19:37 AM
I don't know how we can differentiate what is good and bad without a God, because we will not have a basis. If we will depend on our own views of what is good and evil, then goodness will vary from one person to another which is ofcourse biased by personal beliefs and cultural background. If we try to broaden our undersranding to other beliefs, then everything will be called "good" in the end, which may not make sense.

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: Vod on August 15, 2017, 08:50:17 AM
Everyone can believe in what he wants to believe until his faith or religion harms others and he does not force them to believe in his religion.

Parents FORCE their children into their religion everyday.  A young, curious and trusting mind has no chance against the brainwash machine.  :/

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: subSTRATA on August 15, 2017, 09:16:15 AM
In my opinion, religion can make peace if we can follow a religion correctly, do not violate the rules of religion, because religion teaches people to live better than ever, because life in the world is only temporary.
religion also teaches that you should publicly stone a woman to death for being raped. not exactly something id ever want to be a part of.

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: Moloch on August 15, 2017, 05:20:46 PM
I don't know how we can differentiate what is good and bad without a God, because we will not have a basis. If we will depend on our own views of what is good and evil, then goodness will vary from one person to another which is ofcourse biased by personal beliefs and cultural background. If we try to broaden our undersranding to other beliefs, then everything will be called "good" in the end, which may not make sense.

It's called philosophy... many have tried it in the past... you can try it too

Let's start with Immanuel Kant's Universalized Maxim:
"What if everybody did that?"

Example 1, Murder... What if everybody did that?
Answer: Everyone dies highlander style as society crumbles... ergo, murder is bad... mkay?

All this is possible without god... I don't need some dusty book to tell me murder is bad... I can figure that out on my own, its quite simple

Besides the fact that relying on the bible for moral guidance, as others have pointed out, can end up with you in prison... the bible commands its followers to murder people for all sorts of reasons (rape, unruly children, witches, homosexuals, other religions, etc)... if you follow the bible literally, you WILL go to prison... that is NOT good moral guidance

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: Palider on August 15, 2017, 06:05:49 PM
Hey guys,

Religion (a belief in imaginary all powerful supernatural deities) has been the cause of more death and suffering than any one disease ever to inflict the human race. Wouldn't it be nice if we could start working on a cure for that.

I respect other people's belief, each of us has their own belief. But, people should be wise, I do believe in God and morality, but there are just some religions (if they consider it religion or cult) that has different belief that are even immoral and some would even let their members do unusual things and even commit crime.

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: Kanuni on August 15, 2017, 06:09:32 PM
Every people are created with a relief as a need. People need someone who will protect him from his every fears. He is God.

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: BADecker on August 15, 2017, 06:24:20 PM
One of the reasons why people don't understand God is, God is perfect, and people aren't.

Entropy only started after the first sin of mankind.

God overcame all imperfection through Jesus sacrifice on the cross. Since then, both the perfection and the imperfection of mankind are not important.

The only important things are understanding Jesus salvation, and being in favor of God rather than against Him.


Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: Kanuni on August 15, 2017, 07:40:48 PM
One of the reasons why people don't understand God is, God is perfect, and people aren't.

Entropy only started after the first sin of mankind.

God overcame all imperfection through Jesus sacrifice on the cross. Since then, both the perfection and the imperfection of mankind are not important.

The only important things are understanding Jesus salvation, and being in favor of God rather than against Him.


I accept you in some lines. But, Jesus is only a human, a prophet. God is different than him.

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: arpon11 on August 15, 2017, 07:42:39 PM
Religion is the major course of the killing humanity is facing today. Christ teach humanity to abandon religion and follow the truth but his uneducated follower abandon his teaching and take humanity back to religion again because of greed and lust for materials things. The simplex among his teaching about God is that God love mercy, justice and truth. The lack of the foregoing is what brings this great poverty, terrorist attack and polical problems the whole world is facing today.

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: Jordan23 on August 15, 2017, 08:40:37 PM
#1 killer of humans is religion

#2 killer of humans is governments

People worship both for some very strange reason.

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: helars2008 on August 15, 2017, 09:14:46 PM
Everyone has his/her own perspective about God and relillgion...
Yes, i think someone can still be good eventhough they dont have God in their life...
But being good with God on your life is far above compared to simply being good without him.
With God on your life you cant easily be swayed when challenging situations come in.
You would stand firm aince you know that you have God by your side....

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: Vod on August 15, 2017, 09:19:44 PM
Everyone has his/her own perspective about God and relillgion...
Yes, i think someone can still be good eventhough they dont have God in their life...
But being good with God on your life is far above compared to simply being good without him.
With God on your life you cant easily be swayed when challenging situations come in.
You would stand firm aince you know that you have God by your side....

The same goes for Santa Claus....

You want to be good to get the free presents, right?

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: Kotone on August 15, 2017, 09:40:42 PM
For me it doesnt mean you don't have any religion you're already a bad guy who always ruining someones day maybe the only way to keep in faith to almighty is talk to him at least once a day i don't religions but i believe in god  you can be a better person.

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: Alex-Z on August 15, 2017, 11:39:18 PM
Exist religion or not people will kill each other
today everyone can belive in what u want so my choice is Pastafarianism ;D

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: Moloch on August 16, 2017, 03:02:09 AM
Everyone has his/her own perspective about God and relillgion...
Yes, i think someone can still be good eventhough they dont have God in their life...
But being good with God on your life is far above compared to simply being good without him.
With God on your life you cant easily be swayed when challenging situations come in.
You would stand firm aince you know that you have God by your side....

The same goes for Santa Claus....

You want to be good to get the free presents, right?

Santa Claus invented Jesus...

But humans invented Santa Claus...

Did humans invent god, or did god invent humans?

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: legend2017 on August 16, 2017, 04:42:50 AM
Hey guys,

Religion (a belief in imaginary all powerful supernatural deities) has been the cause of more death and suffering than any one disease ever to inflict the human race. Wouldn't it be nice if we could start working on a cure for that.

Each will have the opinion on that score, but it will coincide at majority. Undoubtedly, were in histories and religious wars, forced those or other people to the acceptance of faith, but that people believe in God or Allah, or who that yet is a fact.

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: SamPo on November 21, 2017, 03:51:45 AM
Hey guys,

Religion (a belief in imaginary all powerful supernatural deities) has been the cause of more death and suffering than any one disease ever to inflict the human race. Wouldn't it be nice if we could start working on a cure for that.

No! Its is not good without GOD. GOD is our creator so how can we say that it is good without HIM. we are born and before and after we are born there is already GOD. He already exist even we are is not born. God is our saviour and our creator there is no chance that without him is good.

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: J Gambler on November 21, 2017, 05:09:29 AM
Hey guys,

Religion (a belief in imaginary all powerful supernatural deities) has been the cause of more death and suffering than any one disease ever to inflict the human race. Wouldn't it be nice if we could start working on a cure for that.

Without God. We are never here in the forst place. A lot of science has proven that we live by breathing air and other processes surrounding us. Have you ever wondered that there might be someone who is controlling wverything as that takes a whole lot of luck from a meteorite striking earth and triggering evolution.

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: pusa aso on November 21, 2017, 06:43:27 AM
Hey guys,

Religion (a belief in imaginary all powerful supernatural deities) has been the cause of more death and suffering than any one disease ever to inflict the human race. Wouldn't it be nice if we could start working on a cure for that.

i think no god can be god with us because god is our king of kings god is very important.

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: jack8989 on November 21, 2017, 06:54:34 AM
I think without god we will never who we are now, gods have existed in our minds for very longtime so if god did not exist, we will never be who we are.

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: salinizm on November 21, 2017, 07:53:13 AM
But religion also gives hopes and miracle that cant be explained scientifically, the religion that caused more people to suffering not a good religion, a good religion should gives peace minds and makes that person into a better man

I completely disagree with you because there is no good religion on earth. All of the religious beliefs are messing up human souls and brains. For that reason, All of the religious stuffs must be vanished immediately for the sake of humanity.

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: millytr on November 21, 2017, 08:18:53 AM
Actually gods isn't exist , that's why human still are suffering from pains and diseases.

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: Bitcoininspace on November 21, 2017, 08:21:26 AM
each in its own perceives the world and unfortunately not everyone is ready to put up with another worldview

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: drequilla1 on November 21, 2017, 09:55:32 AM
Where is god when my lover leave me ?  :(

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: charmaine08 on November 21, 2017, 11:35:37 AM
In my opinion no .. It is not good without God . some people ignored and don't understand on being a religious person , and some holds unto there trusting in our Lord God .But didn't you know that God is the only who can't ignore us if we have problems in life we always pray and beg in his forgiveness . Our life is very meaningful and peaceful if we have Him .

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: jillscarbrough on November 21, 2017, 11:57:11 AM
without God i'm sometimes feel sad, happy, anxious. same also when i'm theistic sometimes feel the same way.Therefore I am more theistic. due to believing i'm can pray

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: RoronoaJorah on November 21, 2017, 02:29:18 PM
I don't think we can be that good apart from God the fact that we have this goodness in us is because of Him,He made us in his image just as a branches cannot bear fruit apart from the vine and so are we,...we can't do nothing apart from him.

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: Yurkov on November 21, 2017, 02:41:49 PM
But religion also gives hopes and miracle that cant be explained scientifically, the religion that caused more people to suffering not a good religion, a good religion should gives peace minds and makes that person into a better man

I completely disagree with you because there is no good religion on earth. All of the religious beliefs are messing up human souls and brains. For that reason, All of the religious stuffs must be vanished immediately for the sake of humanity.
people can believe in different gods, faith soothes the soul and prevents violence. all beliefs forbid violence

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: Daniel91 on November 21, 2017, 03:25:24 PM
God is absolute being, creator of all universe.
From God we received absolute guidance, word, love, law, ethic, goodness etc.
Without God, we have just relative laws, ethics, goodness, changeable based on current situation in the society.
If I have to make choice, I will rather follow absolute God than relative and chaotic society.

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: YED on November 21, 2017, 04:06:47 PM
I think that everyone can live more confortable without beliving in God .

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: SugoiSenpai on November 22, 2017, 01:28:23 PM
Hey guys,

Religion (a belief in imaginary all powerful supernatural deities) has been the cause of more death and suffering than any one disease ever to inflict the human race. Wouldn't it be nice if we could start working on a cure for that.

Religion, believe it or not is most helpful in Uniting people and preventing people from being committed to do crimes. Although there are some religions who have beliefs that result in violence, it doesn't neccessarily mean that other religions are bad influence to the society. Those kinds of religions that base from violence are the ones who must be stopped, and not to implicate other religions that guide peoples morality for the greater good.

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: Icaxx on November 22, 2017, 02:00:59 PM
Hey guys,

Religion (a belief in imaginary all powerful supernatural deities) has been the cause of more death and suffering than any one disease ever to inflict the human race. Wouldn't it be nice if we could start working on a cure for that.

First of all, why do you say that religion is a cause of more death and suffering??
I think you dont understand what is the purpose of religion.
No religion in the world will teach you do, think and speak bad thing but it depend of the people.

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: rynah011991 on November 22, 2017, 06:08:54 PM
main purpose of  religion are to achieve the goals of salvation for oneself and others,  to render due worship and obedience to God. Different religions have different understandings of salvation and God. In order to attain that salvation you have the four elements, Belief, faith, Spiritually and religion.

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: squog on December 04, 2017, 04:01:17 AM
Hey guys,

Religion (a belief in imaginary all powerful supernatural deities) has been the cause of more death and suffering than any one disease ever to inflict the human race. Wouldn't it be nice if we could start working on a cure for that.

I don't think so, religion has a humbling effect. Since you have a higher being to rule over you, it puts perspective on what you will do and what you would say. Also, it helps yoj set your goals and ultimately give you a certain purpose. Now i know through out history, religion was used as a tool to conquer nation and kill of cultures and people. But we should really think about it, religion didn't kill and hurt all those people. It's the people who actually twists their religion's peaceful message to further their goals

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: dogtooths on December 04, 2017, 04:06:34 AM
there's no good if there's no God, because from the beginning God created all...

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: muging28 on December 04, 2017, 05:20:56 AM
Hey guys,

Religion (a belief in imaginary all powerful supernatural deities) has been the cause of more death and suffering than any one disease ever to inflict the human race. Wouldn't it be nice if we could start working on a cure for that.

not because without God we will live? he is the life to us so we must be good because he is there, he just gave us the life that we need, God and our lives no matter what with God even if he believes he is there and there our also ones you God

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: MRX- on December 04, 2017, 05:46:55 AM

Regardless of what we will all say, goodness is a concept of man, good and evil only exists for civilized reasons.
Good shall exist equally to the amount of evil existing.
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: trikru on December 04, 2017, 06:25:51 AM
If you're only being good because you think there is God, then you are one of humanity's problem

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: elitelongbowman on December 04, 2017, 06:28:38 AM
I think it's hard to change the world for now. Most of religioners are teaching about their god from their childhood, how can we change them when they're living with it entire of their life?

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: leonora galvan on December 04, 2017, 07:58:18 AM
Hey guys,

Religion (a belief in imaginary all powerful supernatural deities) has been the cause of more death and suffering than any one disease ever to inflict the human race. Wouldn't it be nice if we could start working on a cure for that.

as for me it is not good without god because i believe in god no matter what happen god will remain in our life because he is our savior he is everything in us.

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: blackbutterfly on December 04, 2017, 01:38:49 PM
Hey guys,

Religion (a belief in imaginary all powerful supernatural deities) has been the cause of more death and suffering than any one disease ever to inflict the human race. Wouldn't it be nice if we could start working on a cure for that.

Maybe the other persons was good to live without God because of the happiness in this world. They don't want to leave their world worldly deeds and this is the only thing known that give them happiness in life.

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: ericchappell on December 04, 2017, 01:56:11 PM
Hey guys,

Religion (a belief in imaginary all powerful supernatural deities) has been the cause of more death and suffering than any one disease ever to inflict the human race. Wouldn't it be nice if we could start working on a cure for that.

We don't have to believe in God to believe. My gods stand for love, not cruelty.

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: yeezycheezy on December 04, 2017, 02:35:24 PM
im a servant of god and i believe in god . the conciense thta set our mind that is our guide from our god . and the concsience that god gift that remind us thats a rules that we need to follow .

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: Sundark on December 04, 2017, 03:31:48 PM
That'd be perfect. And first people to cure need to be those who start discussions about god here on the forum.

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: Parodium on December 04, 2017, 04:07:57 PM
That'd be perfect. And first people to cure need to be those who start discussions about god here on the forum.

That would be falling in line with one of the oldest tricks in religion - DO NOT QUESTION YOUR BELIEFS.

To some degree religion was a driving force for good, it was a sand on which empires and civilizations were built, it allowed by trust in others by virtue of knowing their core beliefs via their religion. However, now religion is impeding scientific progress, it must be abolished.

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: JesusCryptos on December 16, 2017, 07:50:33 AM
Being good or bad ha little to do with the believing in a god or another one. The difference is that people believing in divinities held their god responsible somehow also of their actions, for which they are less inclined to take responsibility.

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: Aristus on January 13, 2018, 02:16:35 PM
Good without God is impossible. We have the objective moral value that all understands it by logic and no need for teacher just to understand the universal truth and that is the objective moral value .

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: yoseph on January 13, 2018, 02:21:07 PM
Good without God is impossible. We have the objective moral value that all understands it by logic and no need for teacher just to understand the universal truth and that is the objective moral value .
Even before there was any religion in the world, Man know right from wrong, God didn't come to Earth and tell the people that killing and stealing was wrong before they knew it was wrong, Everyone has a conscience and that's what helps us with to know right from wrong.

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: vicemi on January 13, 2018, 02:28:10 PM
conscience is not proof of God's existence.

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: shiki3226 on January 13, 2018, 02:33:15 PM
For there to be good, there must be evil that exists. You can't define good if you don't know what evil is. In the same way, there is someone that defines what good is. Who sets the standards of what good is? We all have different opinions so we can't make the standard. God defines what good is as He is goodness Himself. He doesn't change nor His standards.

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: Gintron on January 13, 2018, 07:17:10 PM
Hey guys,

Religion (a belief in imaginary all powerful supernatural deities) has been the cause of more death and suffering than any one disease ever to inflict the human race. Wouldn't it be nice if we could start working on a cure for that.

Atheism is even worse. Do you know what is the century that had more deaths than all the centuries combined? It is the 20th century. And who were the rulers of the 20th century? Atheists like Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin.... We don`t need a cure for religion because religion is good but atheism is not. When men become the  rulers of right and wrong two world wars happen.
So the greater question would be how we care atheism?

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: popcorn1 on January 13, 2018, 08:43:07 PM
Hey guys,

Religion (a belief in imaginary all powerful supernatural deities) has been the cause of more death and suffering than any one disease ever to inflict the human race. Wouldn't it be nice if we could start working on a cure for that.

Atheism is even worse. Do you know what is the century that had more deaths than all the centuries combined? It is the 20th century. And who were the rulers of the 20th century? Atheists like Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin.... We don`t need a cure for religion because religion is good but atheism is not. When men become the  rulers of right and wrong two world wars happen.
So the greater question would be how we care atheism?
Wrong religious people are LIARS they lie every Sunday and carry it on till the next Sunday..

Globally, Muslims make up the second largest religious group, with 1.8 billion people, or 24% of the world's population, followed by religious “nones” (16%), Hindus (15%) and Buddhists (7%). Adherents of folk religions, Jews and members of other religions make up smaller shares of the world's

“nones” (16%) <<NO RELIGION >>>>84% RELIGIOUS in the 21st century ..

So why do religious always talk BULLSHIT..Proof is in the facts above..

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: popcorn1 on January 13, 2018, 08:49:02 PM
Hey guys,

Religion (a belief in imaginary all powerful supernatural deities) has been the cause of more death and suffering than any one disease ever to inflict the human race. Wouldn't it be nice if we could start working on a cure for that.

Atheism is even worse. Do you know what is the century that had more deaths than all the centuries combined? It is the 20th century. And who were the rulers of the 20th century? Atheists like Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin.... We don`t need a cure for religion because religion is good but atheism is not. When men become the  rulers of right and wrong two world wars happen.
So the greater question would be how we care atheism?
Through subterfuge and concealment, many of today's Church leaders and faithful Christians have camouflaged the Christianity of Adolf Hitler and have attempted to mark him an atheist, a pagan cult worshiper, or a false Christian in order to place his misdeeds on those with out Jesus. However, from the earliest formation of .

Mein Kampf - Audiobook English - YouTube
Video for mein kampf youtube▶ 16:39:24
22 Sep 2016 - Uploaded by Michael McCollum
Who was Hitler? Mein Kampf - My Struggle by Adolf Hitler - Full English Audio Book Part 1 of 2 ...

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: popcorn1 on January 13, 2018, 08:53:15 PM
His values come from Christianity ..EYE FOR AND EYE TOOTH FOR A TOOTH..


If born with no beliefs never been taught religious dogma less revenge less hating any human ..
No hating any because they don't believe your gods ways ;)..

People burn in imaginary fire if you don't follow their gods and to children they think it's real like father Christmas ..


Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: Saksham on January 13, 2018, 09:21:13 PM
Hey guys,

Religion (a belief in imaginary all powerful supernatural deities) has been the cause of more death and suffering than any one disease ever to inflict the human race. Wouldn't it be nice if we could start working on a cure for that.

Well the things you are talking about are not right. The wars made for any God are actually made by those who love money and those who are stupid inaff that they are not able to distinguish the good from bad. So it is related to people not God or anything like it.

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: Mmball2018 on January 14, 2018, 01:48:07 AM
I believe it is good if we have a God. He is our creator why we should not acknowledge Him?

Title: Re: Good without a god
Post by: suyanico on January 14, 2018, 04:53:18 AM
Depending on what you believe, but for me it is not good to think negatively to the God of what has happened to mankind. Because besides to giving the disaster and death must be remembered that God has given us life.