Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Services => Topic started by: MM_wizard on July 09, 2017, 03:58:46 PM

Title: Online store for sell
Post by: MM_wizard on July 09, 2017, 03:58:46 PM
Hello guys, i am new at this Hansa forum i WANT TO SELL OR ASK AND ADVICE, i have an idea to card my online shop so i have created it with new good design, BACK office, 400+ items with prices from 2 - 200 euro, but of course you can cahnge it, i have an emails with the shop domain, HTTPS connection, the server is available for about 2 mothes, but i can give you the info so you can renew it. The purpose for this shop whas carding. But i am developer not hacker, What you just neew is to connect your stripe, braintree, paylike, 2chout or whatever you want gateway and start carding. For more info PM