Bitcoin Forum

Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: ridery99 on July 13, 2017, 07:28:16 AM

Title: Sodomite Propaganda Targeting Children
Post by: ridery99 on July 13, 2017, 07:28:16 AM
Here's some new progress from The West:

Now the liberal nwo elite filth is trying to make every kid a sodomite around the world. (

What they are going to do next? How to protect children and civilization? How to stop sodomites?

'As political and economic freedom diminishes, sexual freedom tends compensating to increase. And the dictator...will do well to encourage that freedom.'

― Aldous Huxley, Brave New World

Title: Re: Sodomite Propaganda Targeting Children
Post by: Slow death on July 13, 2017, 10:36:07 AM
What they are going to do next? How to protect children and civilization? How to stop sodomites?

Frankly is unbelievable what I'm seeing



I do not know who's worse, whether it's gay or religious fanatics.

Title: Re: Sodomite Propaganda Targeting Children
Post by: saddampbuh on July 13, 2017, 10:50:41 AM
I do not know who's worse, whether it's gay or religious fanatics.
one does not need to follow any particular religion to recognise the damage sodomy does to society. of the 7 billion human beings on this planet the great majority do not want homosexualist propaganda infecting their children and they aren't all american right wing christian evangelicals.

Title: Re: Sodomite Propaganda Targeting Children
Post by: Okurkabinladin on July 13, 2017, 02:16:23 PM
What they are going to do next? How to protect children and civilization? How to stop sodomites?

Frankly is unbelievable what I'm seeing



I do not know who's worse, whether it's gay or religious fanatics.

Since you "normal" folks let postmodernist liberals (not gay, gay is just their agenda of the week, they couldnt care less about LGBT people) shit all over you and your children, then religious fanatics and alt right is all that is left - so there is atleast sort of debate.

You stopped caring, so dont act all shocked where this is taking course.

Social Justice Warrior: A pejorative term for an individual who repeatedly and vehemently engages in arguments on social justice on the Internet, often in a shallow or not well-thought-out way, for the purpose of raising their own personal reputation. A social justice warrior, or SJW, does not necessarily strongly believe all that they say, or even care about the groups they are fighting on behalf of. They typically repeat points from whoever is the most popular blogger or commenter of the moment, hoping that they will "get SJ points" and become popular in return. They are very sure to adopt stances that are "correct" in their social circle.

The SJW's favorite activity of all is to dogpile. Their favorite websites to frequent are Livejournal and Tumblr. They do not have relevant favorite real-world places, because SJWs are primarily civil rights activists only online.

The source is Urban dictionary.

Title: Re: Sodomite Propaganda Targeting Children
Post by: squatz1 on July 13, 2017, 11:31:51 PM
I do not know who's worse, whether it's gay or religious fanatics.
one does not need to follow any particular religion to recognise the damage sodomy does to society. of the 7 billion human beings on this planet the great majority do not want homosexualist propaganda infecting their children and they aren't all american right wing christian evangelicals.

See the biggest thing here is that I wouldn't have a problem with people trying to say that being homosexual is fine as it is going to be the best for people that are like that to feel as if it's normalized, the only problem that I see here is that people are trying to target children due to the way that it's being displayed to people. It's pretty shitty to see this as more and more children are going to be on the internet and are going to be targeted with stuff like this

The only thing parents can do to block this is to try to block certain sites (YOUTUBE) which is obviously going to cause problems as Youtube is generally a fine platform to be on, or block certain searches on the internet all together. Kinda annoying but that's what we have to do to keep the internet free I suppose.

It's insanely tough to protect our children, but we must take the steps to try.

Title: Re: Sodomite Propaganda Targeting Children
Post by: Sithara007 on July 14, 2017, 01:40:31 AM
I do not know who's worse, whether it's gay or religious fanatics.
one does not need to follow any particular religion to recognise the damage sodomy does to society. of the 7 billion human beings on this planet the great majority do not want homosexualist propaganda infecting their children and they aren't all american right wing christian evangelicals.

There are no american right wing christian evangelicals in Russia, and even then it was the first European country to create a law which makes the spreading of homosexual propaganda to minors a criminal offence.

Title: Re: Sodomite Propaganda Targeting Children
Post by: ridery99 on July 14, 2017, 06:30:35 AM
I do not know who's worse, whether it's gay or religious fanatics.
one does not need to follow any particular religion to recognise the damage sodomy does to society. of the 7 billion human beings on this planet the great majority do not want homosexualist propaganda infecting their children and they aren't all american right wing christian evangelicals.

There are no american right wing christian evangelicals in Russia, and even then it was the first European country to create a law which makes the spreading of homosexual propaganda to minors a criminal offence.

These kind of laws are urgently needed here in the west too, but Soros, Rockefeller Foundation and others are blocking everything because they want as weak people and society as possible. In Hungary Orban is trying to stop Soros influence but of course the EU sued Orban for protecting Hungarian children.

Title: Re: Sodomite Propaganda Targeting Children
Post by: Idrisu on July 14, 2017, 07:36:51 AM
This are sign of end time and most holy book for told this current evil generation and evil activities. We most not give in to this evil activities and propagation. You should give your children good and godly training in other to out smart this evil activities of the promoters of child sodomite. God help our children and thank. You, op for letting us have this information.

Title: Re: Sodomite Propaganda Targeting Children
Post by: Love! on July 14, 2017, 10:37:35 AM
We are getting to the point where a straight hetrosexual needs to start his or her own channel telling everyone that it's ok to be straight. And tell everyone that all the video's and news stories they see about the LGBTQ.......whatever.......are representing the vast minority of society. Something like 0.7 percent of the population in fact.

Title: Re: Sodomite Propaganda Targeting Children
Post by: Douglasyukanov on July 14, 2017, 11:52:10 AM
I can not understand why people like gay, lesby, gay, transexsual, can get legality from the government,
Imagine his marks all over the world that only this one of my people is as soon as extinct because they will never have offspring

Title: Re: Sodomite Propaganda Targeting Children
Post by: covfefe_ on July 14, 2017, 11:53:08 AM
Good idea. But these sodomites are getting so extreme, they may start sterilizing kids.

Title: Re: Sodomite Propaganda Targeting Children
Post by: criptix on July 14, 2017, 02:31:54 PM
The jewish world conspiracy is real  :o >:( :'(


Title: Re: Sodomite Propaganda Targeting Children
Post by: Slow death on July 14, 2017, 03:24:17 PM
You should give your children good and godly training in other to out smart this evil activities of the promoters of child sodomite.


Dude, you need to talk to some locksmith and ask the locksmith to make iron briefs that come with keys so that you can dress your children that way your kids will be overprotected



Title: Re: Sodomite Propaganda Targeting Children
Post by: merchantofzeny on July 16, 2017, 03:35:55 PM
Lemme guess, the Jews did this, the same way they killed Jesus?   ;D

Well the vid sure looked bit creepy. Still, it's not like they're instructing kids to have butt sex anyway. I did look up the channel, so far that's the only really disturbing thing in there. Haven't watched all the vids but saw they have a video about consent. IMHO that should really be taught to kids from a young age. "No means NO".

You should give your children good and godly training in other to out smart this evil activities of the promoters of child sodomite.


Dude, you need to talk to some locksmith and ask the locksmith to make iron briefs that come with keys so that you can dress your children that way your kids will be overprotected



That should also have that chastity thing on the penis, the one that prevents it from going hard. While they're at it, might as well douse the thing with chili oil to prevent anyone from stuffing it in their mouth.  ;D

Title: Re: Sodomite Propaganda Targeting Children
Post by: ridery99 on July 17, 2017, 03:21:18 PM
We are getting to the point where a straight hetrosexual needs to start his or her own channel telling everyone that it's ok to be straight. And tell everyone that all the video's and news stories they see about the LGBTQ.......whatever.......are representing the vast minority of society. Something like 0.7 percent of the population in fact.

Soon heterosexuals will be banned because they don't fit to the NWO depopulation plan.

Title: Re: Sodomite Propaganda Targeting Children
Post by: GreenBits on July 18, 2017, 03:47:23 AM
We are getting to the point where a straight hetrosexual needs to start his or her own channel telling everyone that it's ok to be straight. And tell everyone that all the video's and news stories they see about the LGBTQ.......whatever.......are representing the vast minority of society. Something like 0.7 percent of the population in fact.

AMEN. Im not so much against non normative sexual behaviors/preferences as much as I am against the normalization of it. Its odd too me how every show has a gay couple, but I dont know any gay or lesbian couples, and I actually have had a decent amount of LGBQT peeps (never been friends with a transgender, product of circumstance). to be the most frank, its the level of sexualization aimed at the kids, period. they cant buy products; they cant vote, why do corps aim content thats controversial at a market that shouldnt even be able to interpret it? i see an agenda there, but the motives arent so clear to me. no one benefits from the normalization of such a fringe behavior. let it ride, people should be able to practice their will; but how much effort should we spend promoting a lifestyle that less than 1 percent of actors participate in?

rights, and the ability to live without being discriminated against, is one thing. but normalization of hyper fringe behavior is a completely different beast.

edit: dammit ill say it, that picture is fucking terrifying. the person looks like one of those mechanical genies, but in the flesh. i feel like I will have to play a shell game for my soul

Title: Re: Sodomite Propaganda Targeting Children
Post by: ridery99 on July 18, 2017, 06:02:43 AM
We are getting to the point where a straight hetrosexual needs to start his or her own channel telling everyone that it's ok to be straight. And tell everyone that all the video's and news stories they see about the LGBTQ.......whatever.......are representing the vast minority of society. Something like 0.7 percent of the population in fact.

AMEN. Im not so much against non normative sexual behaviors/preferences as much as I am against the normalization of it. Its odd too me how every show has a gay couple, but I dont know any gay or lesbian couples, and I actually have had a decent amount of LGBQT peeps (never been friends with a transgender, product of circumstance). to be the most frank, its the level of sexualization aimed at the kids, period. they cant buy products; they cant vote, why do corps aim content thats controversial at a market that shouldnt even be able to interpret it? i see an agenda there, but the motives arent so clear to me. no one benefits from the normalization of such a fringe behavior. let it ride, people should be able to practice their will; but how much effort should we spend promoting a lifestyle that less than 1 percent of actors participate in?

rights, and the ability to live without being discriminated against, is one thing. but normalization of hyper fringe behavior is a completely different beast.

edit: dammit ill say it, that picture is fucking terrifying. the person looks like one of those mechanical genies, but in the flesh. i feel like I will have to play a shell game for my soul

They are moving forward in small steps to achieve their main aim: Normalization of pedophilia and creating a one world government, where there are no moral values any more. 99% Of the humanity will be taken their rights away and controlled by controlling their addictions and instincts and they become slaves to the invisible power elite at the top. Please do some research. It's not even about being a conspiracy theorist, christian, atheist or whatever. ( (

Title: Re: Sodomite Propaganda Targeting Children
Post by: haroldtee on July 18, 2017, 08:48:54 AM
I do not know who's worse, whether it's gay or religious fanatics.

This is not just about religion but about our society. It is getting worrisome and exasperating how some group of people are trying to force sodomy down the throats of everyone and now kids? I am not a fan of religious fanatics but truth need to be told as this is becoming disgusting. There is a reason we have a man and a woman and there is a reason there is a dick and a pussy (no need for me to mince words a's we are all adults)   ....these equipments have both been predesigned to be used accordingly not the other way round. The same way you can't use hammer to screw or car jack to unbolt nuts.... This really makes my head wobble. With the way things are going, I really hope the next generation is going to be sane.