Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: LoyceV on July 14, 2017, 04:29:41 PM

Title: Byteball: Blackbytes FAQ
Post by: LoyceV on July 14, 2017, 04:29:41 PM
Very quick summary
Byteball ( has two build-in currencies: bytes and blackbytes. Bytes can be traded at Bittrex (, blackbytes are untraceable and can't be traded at an exchange (yet). They can only be exchanged after pairing wallets. The Byteball wallet has a chat in which you can do this.
For general information on Byteball, go to the main thread ( My thread is meant to understand blackbytes.
Until recently, blackbytes were a bit of a mystery to me, so I did some experiments. I can recommend it: create at least 2 new wallets for testing purposes, send a small amount of bytes and blackbytes, and play around with the features Byteball offers.

bytes = base unit
kB = 1 thousand bytes
MB= 1 million bytes (currently worth about $0.50)
GB/GBYTE = 1 billion bytes (currently worth about $500 (

blackbytes = base unit
kBB = 1 thousand blackbytes
MBB = 1 million blackbytes
GBB = 1 billion blackbytes (currently worth about 0.02 GBYTE ($10) according to Slack (

Byteball requires 1 byte fee (paid to the Witnesses) per byte of data it stores in the DAG ( A GBYTE transaction costs about 600 bytes fee ($0.0003) without special conditions, a GBB transaction can be larger, say up to 10,000 bytes ($0.005), depending on your exact payment. Low enough to neglect, just remember keep a few bytes in your wallet if you want to send blackbytes.

Blackbytes trading
Slack ( channel #trading_blackbyte has a bot that shows BID and ASK orders, but you need to do manual pairing. Byteball Wiki ( explains how.

My test setup:
These 4 light wallets all run as a different user.
I can definitely recommend playing around with a Byteball wallet with just some play money in there. I installed a VM for this, created 4 Byteball wallets under 4 different usernames, sent 8 MB and 16 MBB (worth only a few bucks) to one of them, and played around with many of the features. It gives more confidence in understanding the wallet, without risking my real wallet.

Test results
Q. What happens when I restore an old backup after receiving blackbytes?
A. The blackbytes are gone!
Q. After restoring my backup (see previous Q.), I request the sender to click "re-send private payloads". Do I receive my blackbytes again?
A. Yes.

Q. What happens if I restore an old backup after sending blackbytes?
A. The wallet shows the wrong number of blackbytes.
Q. After restoring my backup (see previous Q.), I try to send blackbytes. Does this work?
A. No. Failure: "Could not send payment: precommit callback failed".

This is crucial to understand: after restoring an old backup, the receiving party can restore his blackbytes if the sending party re-sends them. If the sending party restores an old backup, he loses the blackbytes he had in a change address.

Q. Would a 1 out of 2 multisig wallet solve this?
A. Yes!
Suppose your computer crashes right after sending or receiving blackbytes. That means your latest backup doesn't have them. But, if you have a 1 out of 2 multisig wallet on another device, that wallet still holds your new blackbytes! After restoring the backup you have 2 different amounts of blackbytes (one correct, the other incorrect). After I've sent all blackbytes from the correct wallet to another wallet, the incorrect (multisig) wallet also shows 0 blackbytes. Problem solved, blackbytes saved!

Q. What happens to a 1-in-2 multisig wallet when blackbytes are sent when one of the two is offline?
A. Payment arrives in the online wallet. When the other wallet comes online too, it quickly updates it's blackbytes balance to the right value.

Q. Why can't I send a certain amount of blackbytes?
A. User "glitch" (on Slack) explained Blackbytes very well: "it (Blackbytes) exists in pieces of 1 2 5 10 20 50 100 etc. i figure it is like when you get your money at the start of a game of monopoly..."
From the 16MBB I sent to my test-wallet, I couldn't make any transaction for less than 100kBB. I know it is possible to make smaller payments, but only if you have the "smaller units" in your wallet.

Q. Why can't I remove a device from my paired devices list in chat after a smart transaction?
A. I don't know. User "slackJore" (on Slack) has a workaround: "you can rename the device to zzAnnoyingDevice or something and sort it to the bottom"

Q. What happens when 2 wallets connect with the same pairing code?
A. Only the first one who uses it gets paired. Each device needs it's own unique pairing code.

Q. Can I test this and send you some (black)bytes?
A. Sure! Pair your wallet with mine, ask me for my payment address, and send me any (black)bytes you want to get rid of. I might send some back. For testing: just stick to small amounts, see how it works. First, choose a pairing code:
If it connects to "New", that means someone used it already. Remove "New" and use another one.
If it connects to "test1", you've reached my testing wallet. Say hi!

Think of Blackbytes as a post-it handed to you by the previous owner. The post-it says: "you are now the new owner". Together with handing you the post-it, the DAG registers that the previous owner is no longer the owner of these Blackbytes. The DAG does not register who received the post-it.
Now, if you lose this post-it, the previous owner can simply give you another post-it that says: "you are now the new owner".
If you want to give your Blackbytes to someone else, your post-it contains all the information you need to create a new valid post-it for the receiving user, and to register the change of ownership in the DAG.

No spam
All my threads are now self-moderated to stop signature spam. I will remove all irrelevant posts. If you quote the entire OP, your entry will be deleted.
Once in a while I'll summarize posts and clean up this thread.

Use this information at your own risk.

Further reading
Hiding entire content of on-chain transactions ( (by Byteball dev Tonych)
Byteball Wiki on Blackbytes (

You're more than welcome to add more knowledge on blackbytes to this thread!

* tonych ( "Very good analogy!"

Title: Re: Byteball: Blackbytes FAQ
Post by: LoyceV on July 15, 2017, 05:40:34 PM

Title: Re: Byteball: Blackbytes FAQ
Post by: European Central Bank on July 15, 2017, 06:11:28 PM
thanks for this. there's not a lot of information about them out there. i'm letting them pile up and hopefully there's gonna be a use for them very soon. i wonder what it will be.

Title: Re: Byteball: Blackbytes FAQ
Post by: adaseb on July 15, 2017, 08:12:58 PM
Really surprised that GBB are worth so little these days. Around 0.01 GBYTE/GBB

Title: Re: Byteball: Blackbytes FAQ
Post by: dr blowfin on July 15, 2017, 08:18:35 PM
Is there some reason why GBB can't be traded on an exchange?
I'll be holding them. Seem way undervalued.
Also, it's kind of cool having 'billions' of something!

Title: Re: Byteball: Blackbytes FAQ
Post by: LoyceV on July 15, 2017, 08:51:35 PM
I've added this link to the OP:
Further reading
Hiding entire content of on-chain transactions ( (by Byteball dev Tonych)
It's a very good read to get some in-depth knowledge about blackbytes:
So if I understand correctly, the public block chain is just a "bag of hashes" which cannot be verified or anything by any node or miner.  It is just a block chain of "data".  These data only have meaning for the people receiving "banknote files", which allows them to check the validity of the whole "banknote".  The hashes are in fact nothing else but hashes of "signed transactions", like with bitcoin, except that only the *signature hash* goes on the public block chain, and the actual transaction data remain on the individual banknote file.  Is that the gist ?  In fact, you need, as you say, TWO signatures (or hashes of signatures): one is the transaction signature (including the new beneficiary) and the other is the "spend" signature of simply the previous output.  The first signature (spending signature) makes that you cannot do double spending any more (you have invalidated the file up to the point where you transmit it), and the second signature allows the receiver to have a valid "new address" that he can spend (and only he, because only he has the secret key that goes with it like on bitcoin).

This is indeed a very, very good idea !
I am now wondering if this is the reason Tonych created Byteball. Although currently Blackbytes seem highly undervalued and barely understood, the more I understand about them, the more I think this is the real value of Byteball.

Is there some reason why GBB can't be traded on an exchange?
An exchange would need to pair wallets to transfer Blackbytes, it requires some coding but should be possible.
Also: read Tonych's thread above, it explains how the entire history of blackbytes is stored with the current owner. That makes a decentralized exchange better for privacy of blackbytes.

Title: Re: Byteball: Blackbytes FAQ
Post by: chutchmcgillicutty on July 19, 2017, 08:22:41 PM
so 100,000,000 Byteballs = about $50?

Title: Re: Byteball: Blackbytes FAQ
Post by: European Central Bank on July 19, 2017, 08:25:19 PM
How long are they going to keep giving this stuff away btw?

some people are predicting another 3-4 airdrops, but more and more bitcoin is being linked so it might be 3 or less. however the developer might slow it down to stop it falling off a cliff the moment it's all distributed.

Title: Re: Byteball: Blackbytes FAQ
Post by: bobq on July 20, 2017, 09:08:57 PM
Did anybody make a graph with BB prices in time? So as to understand if BB prices are rising or tanking...

Title: Re: Byteball: Blackbytes FAQ
Post by: cryptohunter on July 20, 2017, 09:17:28 PM
How long are they going to keep giving this stuff away btw?

some people are predicting another 3-4 airdrops, but more and more bitcoin is being linked so it might be 3 or less. however the developer might slow it down to stop it falling off a cliff the moment it's all distributed.

why should it fall off a cliff... if the tech is as good as claimed then that shouldnt really happen should it?

what % is distributed?

Title: Re: Byteball: Blackbytes FAQ
Post by: delpiero10 on July 20, 2017, 11:08:59 PM
Best FAQ about Blackbytes so far. Thanks!

Title: Re: Byteball: Blackbytes FAQ
Post by: bobq on July 20, 2017, 11:39:20 PM
Best FAQ about Blackbytes so far. Thanks!

I agree. Link to this page should probably be put in evidence also on the main thread.

Title: Re: Byteball: Blackbytes FAQ
Post by: dooglus on July 21, 2017, 05:08:52 AM
so 100,000,000 Byteballs = about $50?

No, byteball is the name of the currency, not its units.

The units are bytes and black bytes.

1 billion bytes = 1 gigabyte = 1 GB, currently around trading at around $540 for 1 GB

1 billion black bytes = 1 gigablackbyte = 1 GBB, currently around trading at around $11 for 1 GBB

Title: Re: Byteball: Blackbytes FAQ
Post by: BitcoinHodler on July 21, 2017, 12:05:42 PM
thanks a lot. this was very helpful, specially since i am a bit scared of testing new stuff. right now my Bytes are sitting in the wallet waiting for me to go test things out :D

2 Questions:
who receives the fees?
i understand there is no miner, there is no blockchain, it is DAG (i have skimmed through the concept before). so who is receiving the fees we include in our transactions?

Bittrex for example shows the volume as a decimal number for example:
Volume: 0.09344973
price: 0.20099963BTC
is the top open ask order there
how much is 0.09344973 in byte terms? 09344973 byte or 093449730 byte as G (Giga) is 10^9
(from previous comment i think the second one is true, but just want to confirm)

Title: Re: Byteball: Blackbytes FAQ
Post by: dooglus on July 21, 2017, 05:44:25 PM
thanks a lot. this was very helpful, specially since i am a bit scared of testing new stuff. right now my Bytes are sitting in the wallet waiting for me to go test things out :D

2 Questions:
who receives the fees?
i understand there is no miner, there is no blockchain, it is DAG (i have skimmed through the concept before). so who is receiving the fees we include in our transactions?

The witnesses each receive part of it, and the first regular user to reference the transaction receives another part of it.

Bittrex for example shows the volume as a decimal number for example:
Volume: 0.09344973
price: 0.20099963BTC
is the top open ask order there
how much is 0.09344973 in byte terms? 09344973 byte or 093449730 byte as G (Giga) is 10^9
(from previous comment i think the second one is true, but just want to confirm)

Could you post a screenshot? I don't see a 'volume' column in the bittrex ASKS table.

I see these 4 columns:

 * ASK (BTC): the ask price, in BTC per GB
 * SIZE (GBYTE): the number of GB being offered for sale
 * TOTAL: the corresponding price in BTC (column 1 multiplied by column 2)
 * SUM: the cumulative sum of column 3, representing the market depth at this price, in BTC

Title: Re: Byteball: Blackbytes FAQ
Post by: bobq on July 22, 2017, 08:26:10 AM
How is it possible to know which is the price trend of GBB vs GB? We know from Slack the market prices of today, but how to understand the trend? Nobody has collected historic data of price relation?

Title: Re: Byteball: Blackbytes FAQ
Post by: BitcoinHodler on July 22, 2017, 11:07:14 AM
Could you post a screenshot? I don't see a 'volume' column in the bittrex ASKS table.

I see these 4 columns:

 * ASK (BTC): the ask price, in BTC per GB
 * SIZE (GBYTE): the number of GB being offered for sale
 * TOTAL: the corresponding price in BTC (column 1 multiplied by column 2)
 * SUM: the cumulative sum of column 3, representing the market depth at this price, in BTC

i was not using their website, i was reading it from my bot GUI which is getting it through the API call ;D
and i am calling the "Quantity" field as "volume" and "rate" as "price" because it makes more sense to me in the table.

Title: Re: Byteball: Blackbytes FAQ
Post by: LoyceV on July 24, 2017, 09:13:21 PM
I've cleaned up this thread a bit, to keep it compact.

How is it possible to know which is the price trend of GBB vs GB? We know from Slack the market prices of today, but how to understand the trend? Nobody has collected historic data of price relation?
Check this: Byteballs ::: Buying & Selling & Trading (
In short, the value of GBYTE went up when Bittrex added it, GBB lacks behind as it's difficult to trade. Say from 1 GBYTE = 6 GBB to now more like 60 GBB.
I'm still working on my trading thread, but it's not really a priority and won't replace the need for an exchange.

Question:  AFAIU, for BlackByte transactions you need to pay fees in  Bytes (not black). Does it not compromise anonymity of the Blackbyte transaction? that is, is it not possible to see where the fee is coming from?
You can see which address paid a fee to transfer a private asset. You can't see which private asset that is, or where it was sent.
From the Whitepaper (

Note that spend proof for issue transaction does not include any blinding factor. As such it is possible to learn that a coin was issued, but the recipient of the coin is still hidden from third parties. Also, for transfer transactions, since the payer knows the blinding factor, he can calculate the spend proof that’ll be published when the coin is spent. This means that he can know when the payee spends the coin, but he will not see the recipient(s) nor the new blinding factor(s) – and hence will not be able to track the coin any further.

Title: Re: Byteball: Blackbytes FAQ
Post by: Freefactomizer on August 12, 2017, 12:19:34 PM
There is now a bot for Blackbytes trading:
You can sell or buy batches of Blackbytes chatting with this bot.

Title: Re: Byteball: Blackbytes FAQ
Post by: soliton on August 26, 2017, 08:22:06 AM
There is now a bot for Blackbytes trading:
You can sell or buy batches of Blackbytes chatting with this bot.

 it is marked as semi-trustless at the store. What does it mean and how does it differ from BEEP bot?

Title: Re: Byteball: Blackbytes FAQ
Post by: periander on August 30, 2017, 02:27:47 PM
it is marked as semi-trustless at the store. What does it mean and how does it differ from BEEP bot?

Yes you can sell or buy blackbytes with the freebe bot. Its semi-trustless because you exchange your funds with conditional payments and therefore can not be scammed by other users or the exchange operator. It also has a website with orderbook apparently:

Title: Re: Byteball: Blackbytes FAQ
Post by: Ayers on August 30, 2017, 02:39:56 PM
There is now a bot for Blackbytes trading:
You can sell or buy batches of Blackbytes chatting with this bot.

 it is marked as semi-trustless at the store. What does it mean and how does it differ from BEEP bot?

how to use the bot? i launch the client and copy past that link on my browser? but all i get is upgrade required, and nothing happened, i have the last version

Title: Re: Byteball: Blackbytes FAQ
Post by: LoyceV on August 30, 2017, 03:13:11 PM
how to use the bot? i launch the client and copy past that link on my browser? but all i get is upgrade required, and nothing happened, i have the last version
This is a pairing code: in the Byteball Wallet, pair your wallet with the bot.

Title: Re: Byteball: Blackbytes FAQ
Post by: periander on August 30, 2017, 03:41:09 PM
@LoyceV can you make a test with both available byteball bots (freebe and beeb)?

Title: Re: Byteball: Blackbytes FAQ
Post by: ByteFan on August 30, 2017, 04:53:44 PM
There is now a bot for Blackbytes trading:
You can sell or buy batches of Blackbytes chatting with this bot.

 it is marked as semi-trustless at the store. What does it mean and how does it differ from BEEP bot?

how to use the bot? i launch the client and copy past that link on my browser? but all i get is upgrade required, and nothing happened, i have the last version

In you wallet top left menu go to "PAIRED DEVICES" then "BOT STORE" and click on "Blackbytes Exchange BEEB (Trustful)".

Title: Re: Byteball: Blackbytes FAQ
Post by: CryptoRitsu on August 30, 2017, 05:40:41 PM
When I can buy BlackByte on exchanges?

Title: Re: Byteball: Blackbytes FAQ
Post by: Ayers on August 31, 2017, 08:09:11 AM
When I can buy BlackByte on exchanges?

it was say above you you can do it with the transaction, bot but it's a bit confusing because you need to use MB/MBB for selling your blackbytes

There is now a bot for Blackbytes trading:
You can sell or buy batches of Blackbytes chatting with this bot.

 it is marked as semi-trustless at the store. What does it mean and how does it differ from BEEP bot?

how to use the bot? i launch the client and copy past that link on my browser? but all i get is upgrade required, and nothing happened, i have the last version

In you wallet top left menu go to "PAIRED DEVICES" then "BOT STORE" and click on "Blackbytes Exchange BEEB (Trustful)".

what is the correct sintax for selling? all this MB/MBB is confusing

Title: Re: Byteball: Blackbytes FAQ
Post by: ChainSmoker on August 31, 2017, 02:00:54 PM
Q. After restoring my backup (see previous Q.), I try to send blackbytes. Does this work?
A. No. Failure: "Could not send payment: precommit callback failed".
According to this question this only suppose to happen if we didn't requested blackbytes again from sender right?In my case i recovered wallet from old backup yes and then Tonych resent my 10GBB and i received it again so i should be able to send them but i still get this error which is annoying.I even created new backup after Tonych resent me 10GBB blackbytes and restored the wallet again using new backup and still i am facing the same error.

Title: Re: Byteball: Blackbytes FAQ
Post by: LoyceV on September 01, 2017, 05:46:15 AM
Q. After restoring my backup (see previous Q.), I try to send blackbytes. Does this work?
A. No. Failure: "Could not send payment: precommit callback failed".
According to this question this only suppose to happen if we didn't requested blackbytes again from sender right?In my case i recovered wallet from old backup yes and then Tonych resent my 10GBB and i received it again so i should be able to send them but i still get this error which is annoying.I even created new backup after Tonych resent me 10GBB blackbytes and restored the wallet again using new backup and still i am facing the same error.
I think you somehow ended up with a different number of blackbytes in your wallet. The blackbytes error messages aren't very helpful at the moment.

@LoyceV can you make a test with both available byteball bots (freebe and beeb)?
It's on my todo list for when I have some time to spare :)

Title: Re: Byteball: Blackbytes FAQ
Post by: Michail1 on September 01, 2017, 06:53:34 PM
Love the post.  It answers many questions.

What kind of testing?
Like sending you a tx which causes the eternal syncing private payments issue?

Just really subbing to the thread.

Title: Re: Byteball: Blackbytes FAQ
Post by: Furio on September 07, 2017, 06:45:51 PM
Can anyone help me, Ive claimed my GByte & GBB, the bot stated this, You are expected to receive 0.082716421 GB and 0.174622636 giga-blackbytes (GBB), but I didnt get any blackbytes on the address Ive claimed it with... I did get the exact amount of GB. Am I missing something, can anyone explain?

Title: Re: Byteball: Blackbytes FAQ
Post by: Michail1 on September 12, 2017, 02:10:33 PM
Can anyone help me, Ive claimed my GByte & GBB, the bot stated this, You are expected to receive 0.082716421 GB and 0.174622636 giga-blackbytes (GBB), but I didnt get any blackbytes on the address Ive claimed it with... I did get the exact amount of GB. Am I missing something, can anyone explain?

Contact me directly and I will walk you through various reasons and a possible solution.

It's easier if you join the byteball slack channel so others could help you as well. (

Title: Re: Byteball: Blackbytes FAQ
Post by: gildinglite on October 04, 2017, 05:35:54 PM
I've tried the semi-trustless exchange bot, super cool and efficient.

Title: Re: Byteball: Blackbytes FAQ
Post by: gentil on October 17, 2017, 04:26:12 PM
The OP says

"'Test results
Q. What happens when I restore an old backup after receiving blackbytes?
A. The blackbytes are gone!
Q. After restoring my backup (see previous Q.), I request the sender to click "re-send private payloads". Do I receive my blackbytes again?
A. Yes''

Does this mean that if I lose my wallet and have to restore it from a backup, I would need to ask whoever I bought the blackbytes to resend the private payloads??!!! What happens if the sender doesnt  -then I just lose all my blackbytes?!

Title: Re: Byteball: Blackbytes FAQ
Post by: rigel on October 18, 2017, 03:25:26 AM
The OP says

"'Test results
Q. What happens when I restore an old backup after receiving blackbytes?
A. The blackbytes are gone!
Q. After restoring my backup (see previous Q.), I request the sender to click "re-send private payloads". Do I receive my blackbytes again?
A. Yes''

Does this mean that if I lose my wallet and have to restore it from a backup, I would need to ask whoever I bought the blackbytes to resend the private payloads??!!! What happens if the sender doesnt  -then I just lose all my blackbytes?!

You lose all your blackbytes received after the backup was made.

Title: Re: Byteball: Blackbytes FAQ
Post by: PenStand on November 11, 2017, 07:12:07 PM
Thanks bro. I just bought some Byteball and want to play around. Your post helps a lot.

Title: Re: Byteball: Blackbytes FAQ
Post by: JK47XdeCrypT on November 19, 2017, 05:56:24 PM
Interesting, is there a way to buy and sell GBB efficiently? Why would the price be lower than GB if anyonymous? Seems to have more utility!

Title: Re: Byteball: Blackbytes FAQ
Post by: rigel on November 19, 2017, 07:56:57 PM
Interesting, is there a way to buy and sell GBB efficiently? Why would the price be lower than GB if anyonymous? Seems to have more utility!

Title: Re: Byteball: Blackbytes FAQ
Post by: krigger on November 19, 2017, 08:09:55 PM
Are you the one who handled the mass airdrop of Byteball not long ago? Or is it still ongoing? Anyway, good job on that and many people were helped by your work I am sure. Will think about joining the next one if it is worth my time (if I have enough BTC at the time to make it worth it, that is). ;)

Title: Re: Byteball: Blackbytes FAQ
Post by: hotmetaldobermans on December 09, 2017, 08:43:31 AM
In for 2 GBYTE. buy Blackbytes.

Is it crazy difficult to set up the wallet?  Going to try and download the software but I am living in China ATM and the internet is HORRIBLE.


Title: Re: Byteball: Blackbytes FAQ
Post by: akash_8 on December 10, 2017, 05:53:38 PM
sent 5 GBB (confirmed) but not received to my wallet how "re-send private payloads'' please help. not able to understand

Title: Re: Byteball: Blackbytes FAQ
Post by: ABitBack on December 11, 2017, 12:39:35 PM
I'm so confused about how much you get from airdrops. If I had 1 BTC in a wallet, how many bytes and black bytes would I get? Also can I give multiple signatures to the same byteball address for airdrops, or would the latest signature overwright the previous for that address?

Title: Re: Byteball: Blackbytes FAQ
Post by: LoyceV on December 16, 2017, 06:42:07 PM
I just found this thread: I just divorced my wife and put every cent I have into Blackbytes (, which reminded me to bump this one.

Title: Re: Byteball: Blackbytes FAQ
Post by: B4RF on December 17, 2017, 05:11:10 PM
I sold my bytes some time ago and just saw that I still have those blackbytes in my wallet.
But I am unable to trade them since I have no more bytes in my wallet to pay the fees.
Is there any way to sell them without buying new bytes with btc?
I dont really want to keep those since I will most likely not remember and lose them at some point.

Title: Re: Byteball: Blackbytes FAQ
Post by: LoyceV on December 17, 2017, 05:29:27 PM
I sold my bytes some time ago and just saw that I still have those blackbytes in my wallet.
But I am unable to trade them since I have no more bytes in my wallet to pay the fees.
Is there any way to sell them without buying new bytes with btc?
I'll make you a deal :D I'll send you 50k bytes ($0.03), if you post your experience with a Blackbytes exchange here. I still need to review them on my own, but I appreciate your input too.

Title: Re: Byteball: Blackbytes FAQ
Post by: B4RF on December 18, 2017, 06:07:32 PM
I sold my bytes some time ago and just saw that I still have those blackbytes in my wallet.
But I am unable to trade them since I have no more bytes in my wallet to pay the fees.
Is there any way to sell them without buying new bytes with btc?
I'll make you a deal :D I'll send you 50k bytes ($0.03), if you post your experience with a Blackbytes exchange here. I still need to review them on my own, but I appreciate your input too.

I was using the Freebe exchange and I think it's pretty straightforward.
I simply didnt knew that I need bytes to send blackbytes and this wasnt mentioned while I tried to create the sell order.
I guess I wasnt paying enough attention to the error saying "no bytes to pay fees" therefore I though I would need to have blackbytes left to pay the fees and created a smaller sell order.
Throughout this process of multiple tries I was really annoyed that I would need to switch to my balance overview since there is no option to show your balance within the chat (at least I found none) or maybe getting a hint if you create an order without having enough funds.

Title: Re: Byteball: Blackbytes FAQ
Post by: LoyceV on December 19, 2017, 10:49:30 AM
I've deleted some posts, as this is not the place for price speculation. It can be discussed in [GBYTE] Byteball Speculation (

Title: Re: Byteball: Blackbytes FAQ
Post by: Apraksin on January 06, 2018, 02:20:34 PM
I sold my bytes some time ago and just saw that I still have those blackbytes in my wallet.
But I am unable to trade them since I have no more bytes in my wallet to pay the fees.
Is there any way to sell them without buying new bytes with btc?
I'll make you a deal :D I'll send you 50k bytes ($0.03), if you post your experience with a Blackbytes exchange here. I still need to review them on my own, but I appreciate your input too.

I used Freebe today, worked like a charm as long as I followed the commands. Had my blackbytes 10 minutes later. So far the wallet seems very good to me.

Title: Re: Byteball: Blackbytes FAQ
Post by: LoyceV on January 12, 2018, 04:41:14 PM

Here is your link to receive 0.00025 GB (≈0.24 USD):

Title: Re: Byteball: Blackbytes FAQ
Post by: European Central Bank on January 12, 2018, 04:50:51 PM
does anyone know why you sometimes have to send smaller amounts of blackbytes to get through? it doesn't really make a lot of sense to me why more transactions of the same ultimate amount succeed.

Title: Re: Byteball: Blackbytes FAQ
Post by: atip1453 on April 30, 2018, 09:13:37 AM
i ask that in byteball topic but not anser jet. cant send BB between my different wallets
Uncaught exception: Error: Error: SQLITE_ERROR: no such index: outputsIsSerial SELECT unit, message_index, sequence FROM outputs INDEXED BY outputsIsSerial JOIN units USING(unit) WHERE outputs.is_serial IS NULL AND units.is_stable=1 AND is_spent=0

its that cuz the sendiing wallet is a recovery version of seed or one is on windows on on linux?

Title: Re: Byteball: Blackbytes FAQ
Post by: LoyceV on May 24, 2018, 02:52:03 PM
Here is your link to receive 0.1 MB (≈0.02 USD):

My screenshots in the OP are gone (the entire website hosting them disappeared!). If anyone saved a copy, please PM me a link so I can restore it.

Title: Re: Byteball: Blackbytes FAQ
Post by: LoyceV on June 25, 2018, 07:43:52 AM
Big news for Blackbytes:

Today is a big day for blackbytes: now they can be sent to anyone, even if they are not in Byteball yet, no pairing required.

This is part of version 2.3 released today

* Blackbytes and other private assets can now be sent as textcoins.  Private textcoins are files with .coin suffix, they can be sent over email, chat apps, or using a USB stick.  The file contains the mnemonic, which allows to derive the private key, and private payloads together with their entire history, this is exactly the history which is *not* posted to the public DAG.  Double-clicking the .coin file opens the app and starts claiming the textcoin (it can take a while as a long history needs to be validated), the file can be also drag-n-dropped to the app.
* Ability to sign arbitrary message to prove one's address.  The signer doesn't need to have any bytes.  The text to be signed is offered in chat, the signer clicks it and signs.
* Ability to spend unconfirmed funds.  It will be enabled in the validating code at MCI 2909000 but standard wallets will not be able to select unconfirmed coins as inputs until the next update.  Developer projects such as BIoT (which uses payment channels for streaming payments between IoT devices) can immediately take advantage of this update.  It is a breaking change, all full nodes will have to upgrade.
* Extensions of smart contract language. It is a breaking change, all full nodes will have to upgrade.
* Fixes in determining finality of transactions.  It is a breaking change, all full nodes will have to upgrade.
* Fixes in multi-send feature on non-US locale.
* Fixed the display of confirmation message when posting data (data feeds, attestations, etc) from a multi-sig wallet.  Now the message includes the data being posted.
* Multiple small bugfixes

This is a mandatory update for all full nodes (both GUI and headless).

Title: Re: Byteball: Blackbytes FAQ
Post by: altcoinb on July 27, 2018, 05:32:28 PM
hi, what is with the undistributed black bytes?

Title: Re: Byteball: Blackbytes FAQ
Post by: LoyceV on July 31, 2018, 08:00:07 AM
hi, what is with the undistributed black bytes?
You're asking in the wrong thread, try BYTEBALL: Totally new consensus algorithm + private untraceable payments (

Title: Re: Byteball: Blackbytes FAQ
Post by: altcoinb on July 31, 2018, 03:47:25 PM
hi, what is with the undistributed black bytes?
You're asking in the wrong thread, try BYTEBALL: Totally new consensus algorithm + private untraceable payments (

Is this not the "Byteball: Blackbytes FAQ" thread?

Title: Re: Byteball: Blackbytes FAQ
Post by: LoyceV on July 31, 2018, 04:00:26 PM
Is this not the "Byteball: Blackbytes FAQ" thread?
It's not a frequently asked question, and not relevant to using Blackbytes.

Title: Re: Byteball: Blackbytes FAQ
Post by: GREENch on October 14, 2018, 09:42:47 AM
I have long wanted to study this project, but did not want to spend money on the purchase of coins. I was lucky, I recently participated in the bounty campaign of the project, which was conducted by yahoo62278. Now there is an opportunity to get acquainted with the project. Respect TS, interesting and useful information.

Title: Re: Byteball: Blackbytes FAQ
Post by: LoyceV on February 20, 2021, 08:34:30 AM