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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Masha Sha on July 15, 2017, 05:41:49 AM

Title: 殲 China should wipe Japan... when the quantic 滅 warfare program is ready
Post by: Masha Sha on July 15, 2017, 05:41:49 AM
Round eyes ask about the democracy. Ignorant and uncivilised as they are they don't want to learn about TAOcracy.
However in their stupidity, they aren't actually polluting the Earth of China. All know that the rain from the ocean or the spray have been contaminated by Japan.

If the people of japan, were innocents.

But Japan is irrelevant.

This is a deeper demonstration that should be brought.

The problem is recurring.

1. China enter a troubled transition phaze
2. Some corrupt evil foreigners decide to use this period to assault china
3. They, the corrupts succeed (maybe even being part of the tranisition, as a finishing catalyst).
4. Transition is over, the corrupt evil foreigners are long dead their children must face the consequences to carry the legacy of their parents who abused a weak china facing now the might restored.
5. As the corruption has provided them advantages they don't want to surrender ans start to fight not only china but the taocracy.

As of now we enter phaze 6. The quantic warfare program is perfect to teach worldwide THAT ANY WEAKNESS EXPLOITED ON CHINA WILL HAVE CONSEQUENCES.

And so the world will see 7, no more japan.

8. China solves and clean fukushima.

And the worst in this story for japan, is that smart americans know.

Title: Re: 殲 China should wipe Japan... when the quantic 滅 warfare program is ready
Post by: Sithara007 on July 15, 2017, 01:21:21 PM
I believe that the Japanese armed forces are still more powerful than their Chinese counterparts. The Japanese defense technology is much superior than that of the Chinese, and in modern warfare it is the technological advantage which counts, and not the manpower advantage.

Title: Re: 殲 China should wipe Japan... when the quantic 滅 warfare program is ready
Post by: joebrook on July 15, 2017, 02:16:02 PM
I believe that the Japanese armed forces are still more powerful than their Chinese counterparts. The Japanese defense technology is much superior than that of the Chinese, and in modern warfare it is the technological advantage which counts, and not the manpower advantage.
The Chinese military force is greater than Japan due to their sheer superiority in numbers, the Japanese are far advanced than the chinese with regards to warfare technology and weaponry, gone are the days when the number of one's army determines the result of the fight.

Title: Re: 殲 China should wipe Japan... when the quantic 滅 warfare program is ready
Post by: Masha Sha on July 15, 2017, 04:12:07 PM
Kill yourself.

You could provide an argument on what is wrong with this post, please?

Quote from:

On 10 July 2007, China executed the former head of its state food and drug administration, Zheng Xiaoyu, for dereliction of duty and taking 6.5m yuan (about US $850,000) in bribes from the manufacturers of substandard medicines that had been blamed for several deaths. Zheng, who headed the agency between 1998 and 2005, had become the symbol of the quality control crisis in China's trade arising from the export of tainted goods – for some of which the authorities in Beijing had blamed him.[10] The sentence reflected Beijing's resolve to wipe out corruption and to ensure consumer safety, China Daily reported on 11 July quoting the state Xinhua news agency. "Zheng Xiaoyu's grave irresponsibility in pharmaceutical safety inspection and failure to conscientiously carry out his duties seriously damaged the interests of the state and people," Xinhua had cited the high court as saying.[11]

A court in early July 2007 had handed down a suspended death sentence to one of Zheng's subordinates on the same charges, the paper added. And a third official at the agency was in jail after being convicted of taking bribes and illegally possessing a firearm. "The nest of corruption in the food and drug administration has done incalculable harm to the state and people," China Daily quoted the Procuratorial Daily as saying.

China IS the world's largest exporter of consumer products, and tainted goods represented a small fraction of the country's exports worth more than one trillion USD each year. However, officials worried that protectionist forces in the US could use the spate of quality problems to restrict trade. As Zheng was being executed, representatives of the country's leading food and drug regulatory bodies were holding a joint news conference to emphasize their determination to crack down on fake and counterfeit food and medicine. After weeks of denying serious problems or accusing foreign forces of exaggerating the issue, officials have begun to strike a less defensive tone. One senior official acknowledged that the food and drug safety network still allowed too many unsafe goods to slip through and said that at the moment the trend "is not promising...As a developing country, China's current food and drug safety situation is not very satisfactory because supervision of food and drug safety started late. Its foundation is weak so the supervision of food and drug safety is not easy," said Yan Jiangying, deputy policy director of the agency Zheng had headed.[12]

Chinese authorities also ordered copies of Time Magazine sold there to remove a story about tainted Chinese products. Apparently, other stories about faulty exports have been censored. Officials have argued that they have been "smeared" by media agencies and are planning to take retalitory sanctions against Western nations.[13][14]

On August 11, 2007, Zhang Shuhong, co-owner of the Lee Der Toy Company, which supplied Mattel, the world's biggest toy company, with toys based on the Big Bird and Elmo from Sesame Street and Nickelodeon's Dora the Explorer, committed suicide at one of his factories, leaving his factory littered with goods made for Mattel and its Fisher-Price division.[15] Before hanging himself, he paid off all his 5,000 staff.

Now as you can see in Japan the biggest industrial accident ever, worst nuclear accident is far from being solved.

Furthermore there is the false narrative of dilution. Hot particules can't be diluted. By spreading them it's only resulting in increased chance to catch one.

What would have happen if fukushima had happened in China? I bet it would be solved by now!

Right now there is still the same mindset in japan than during ww2 and which necessitated heavy means... a strong denial backed by lies! The money wasted on olympic games while the entire world is being contaminated by the stupidity of the japanese people.

Most of the pollution produced in china is dilutable. Yes some is very toxic stuff but as long as it's not radiocative (or gmos) there is always a level at which it became ineffective.

I believe that the Japanese armed forces are still more powerful than their Chinese counterparts. The Japanese defense technology is much superior than that of the Chinese, and in modern warfare it is the technological advantage which counts, and not the manpower advantage.
The Chinese military force is greater than Japan due to their sheer superiority in numbers, the Japanese are far advanced than the chinese with regards to warfare technology and weaponry, gone are the days when the number of one's army determines the result of the fight.

LoL Japan mighty backer is the only one who is and will be able for the foreseeable future to lead any earthly confrontation to a victorious term. The usa internally divided (as always in peaceful times) is very strong, unity against something make it the most effective, to unthinkeable level.

Reformulated: there is one thing the dragon Doesn't want, it's beating the eagle. Why? It may return as a phoenix...

Btw what is japan doing against chimera?

Title: Re: 殲 China should wipe Japan... when the quantic 滅 warfare program is ready
Post by: Nikola95 on July 15, 2017, 05:27:11 PM
I believe that the Japanese armed forces are still more powerful than their Chinese counterparts. The Japanese defense technology is much superior than that of the Chinese, and in modern warfare it is the technological advantage which counts, and not the manpower advantage.

Probably. But It is hard to say Japan is stronger or China is stronger. Because neither one of them is able to invade other side. I can't imagine scenario that one side conquer other, or even to achive air and sea blockade to other side. So they are equal in term of defense.

Title: Re: 殲 China should wipe Japan... when the quantic 滅 warfare program is ready
Post by: Overflame on July 15, 2017, 06:06:19 PM
LOL, can't belive how some people can even THINK about something like this.
Can't wait for the millennials to take the power from all those fossils.

Title: Re: 殲 China should wipe Japan... when the quantic 滅 warfare program is ready
Post by: popcorn1 on July 15, 2017, 08:56:59 PM
Round eyes ask about the democracy. Ignorant and uncivilised as they are they don't want to learn about TAOcracy.
However in their stupidity, they aren't actually polluting the Earth of China. All know that the rain from the ocean or the spray have been contaminated by Japan.

If the people of japan, were innocents.

But Japan is irrelevant.

This is a deeper demonstration that should be brought.

The problem is recurring.

1. China enter a troubled transition phaze
2. Some corrupt evil foreigners decide to use this period to assault china
3. They, the corrupts succeed (maybe even being part of the tranisition, as a finishing catalyst).
4. Transition is over, the corrupt evil foreigners are long dead their children must face the consequences to carry the legacy of their parents who abused a weak china facing now the might restored.
5. As the corruption has provided them advantages they don't want to surrender ans start to fight not only china but the taocracy.

As of now we enter phaze 6. The quantic warfare program is perfect to teach worldwide THAT ANY WEAKNESS EXPLOITED ON CHINA WILL HAVE CONSEQUENCES.

And so the world will see 7, no more japan.

8. China solves and clean fukushima.

And the worst in this story for japan, is that smart americans know.

Round eyes ..Yes really round when i seen this expensive FIRE CRACKER blow up..
My eyes went like this  :o :o :o..

I thought typical Chinese TAT always falling to bit..

Must of bought the ROCKET off a Chinese guy on EBAY..

Or you bought it off ebay from a guy in France who actually lives in CHINA..
So you bought a FAKE ROCKET off a FAKE FRENCH GUY.. ;D

Video for chinese rocket blows up in flight▶ 0:31
2 Jul 2017 - Uploaded by News Flash
China's launch of a new heavy-lift rocket, carrying what the government said was its heaviest ever satellite ..

Have you been to the moon?..PROVE IT THEN ;) :D :D ..

Fake just like your items all cheap TAT..
You best be careful if you go to war and all your equipment doesn't fall to BITS ..

Kitted your whole army out for $500  :D..
Chinese guy pulls his gun out and it fall to bits :D

Title: Re: 殲 China should wipe Japan... when the quantic 滅 warfare program is ready
Post by: galestorm on July 16, 2017, 02:03:44 AM
 I personally think that japan is much more stronger than china since japan's technology is far more durable and advance. Lets be honest, china isnt really good at creating weapons for war and such, it easily breaks, just like the other past weaponries that they created.

Seriously, why is china so obssesed with power anyway? First the west philippine sea , now this? What will they even gain for doing such acts.

Title: Re: 殲 China should wipe Japan... when the quantic 滅 warfare program is ready
Post by: Sithara007 on July 16, 2017, 03:17:12 AM
I believe that the Japanese armed forces are still more powerful than their Chinese counterparts. The Japanese defense technology is much superior than that of the Chinese, and in modern warfare it is the technological advantage which counts, and not the manpower advantage.

Probably. But It is hard to say Japan is stronger or China is stronger. Because neither one of them is able to invade other side. I can't imagine scenario that one side conquer other, or even to achive air and sea blockade to other side. So they are equal in term of defense.

The Japanese had successfully invaded China once (during the late 1930s). But it was many decades ago, and then Japan was a powerful sovereign nation not under the American colonial rule.