Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Technical Support => Topic started by: Cozy on July 17, 2017, 10:19:18 PM

Title: trying to connect this node
Post by: Cozy on July 17, 2017, 10:19:18 PM
well currently i have been running this for a couple of days. Still only 8 connections. Port 8333 is open to the computers ip address. On unpn. I run getnetworkinfo on rpc and it gives me my ip address and port 8333 and score 3, mac address and port 8333 and score 1. Localrelay :true  Networkactive :true. Am i missing something or could it be my isp which is spectrum (was tw). Been messing with this all weekend and running the 14.2 program that long with no further connections than 8. Also cant find it on i think its bitnodes 21 says no connection availble or something to that effect. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Title: Re: trying to connect this node
Post by: achow101 on July 17, 2017, 10:24:52 PM
Are you forwarding port 8333 from your router to your computer? It sounds like something else is blocking port 8333. This could be your router or your ISP. Usually its the router.

Title: Re: trying to connect this node
Post by: Cozy on July 17, 2017, 10:35:33 PM
yes from the router to the computers ip address.

Title: Re: trying to connect this node
Post by: ranochigo on July 18, 2017, 09:08:45 AM
yes from the router to the computers ip address.
Go to and test port 8333. If it's not reachable, the problem lies with your port forwarding.

Title: Re: trying to connect this node
Post by: tspacepilot on July 18, 2017, 04:36:10 PM
Are there any services akin to which can check a .onion address?

Title: Re: trying to connect this node
Post by: RodeoX on July 18, 2017, 04:51:53 PM
for what it's worth, 8 peers is a normal amount for a home computer with no modification to your network.