Bitcoin Forum

Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: mjosephs on May 13, 2013, 06:33:57 AM

Title: GYFT.COM: wonder why you'd never heard of it before?
Post by: mjosephs on May 13, 2013, 06:33:57 AM
Let's count the ways:

1. They sell "gift cards" that can't be transferred to somebody who hasn't installed their app.

2. Their app asks for an unbelievable number of unnecessary permissions from your phone.

3. They only let you use it on a mobile phone registered to a US cellular network (aka stingray compatible (

4. Visit the website with private browsing enabled and the site blocks you out with a message saying "This app does not support private browsing. Please turn it off and try again." (this is their website, not their app).  And that's just private browsing -- forget about anything like Tor.

5. They insist on friending you on the facebooks or googling you or tweetering at you before you can use their service.

6. FINCEN just made a big stink about gift cards (which are convertible virtual currencies and therefore unambiguously subject to FIN-2013-G001) being exchanged without a "paper trail", putting a bunch of giftcard-for-bitcoin businesses (, (many of which were bitpay customers), out of business.

And BOOM this company nobody's heard of before, with a product that is a solution-looking-for-a-problem (who wants gift cards that are worthless without a smartphone? what's wrong with QR codes?) flies out of Jen Calvery's ass.

It's not a conspiracy, since that requires actual deception or secrecy.  Instead, you're simply being herded.

Maybe, just maybe:

Title: Re: GYFT.COM: wonder why you'd never heard of it before?
Post by: vokain on May 13, 2013, 06:37:40 AM
i think it's a great idea. a digital place to store all your giftcards? I carry a wallet with only slots for three cards so that I will never feel inclined to carry gift or loyalty cards or anything of the sort. an app that can store the code to a gift card i have that can check with corporate account balances would be a total game changer, and would kill all those unoriginal giftcard exchange website ideas my entrepreneurship class had

Title: Re: GYFT.COM: wonder why you'd never heard of it before?
Post by: mjosephs on May 13, 2013, 06:39:33 AM
a digital place to store all your giftcards?

apparently you have never heard of these things called "QR codes".

Title: Re: GYFT.COM: wonder why you'd never heard of it before?
Post by: vokain on May 13, 2013, 06:41:50 AM
It seems you haven't heard of these magical things called "QR codes".
Honestly I've yet to use qr codes in a practical everyday life sort of way (yet). most qr codes i've run across are ads to "find out more!" about stuff marketers are trying to pedel in web 2.0 (or like dotcom a decade before) fashion.

Title: Re: GYFT.COM: wonder why you'd never heard of it before?
Post by: mjosephs on May 13, 2013, 06:47:36 AM
Honestly I've yet to use qr codes in a practical everyday life sort of way (yet).

Lemme get this straight, you're posting on a bitcoin forum, claiming QR codes have no practical use?

Troll harder, buddy.

Or join the herd.  Ducks are easily herded (

Title: Re: GYFT.COM: wonder why you'd never heard of it before?
Post by: mjosephs on May 13, 2013, 07:02:26 AM
For all you out there preparing for your college entrance exams, the analogy goes like this:


Title: Re: GYFT.COM: wonder why you'd never heard of it before?
Post by: NielDLR on May 13, 2013, 07:14:02 AM
Vinny Lingham, the founder of Gyft (previously founder & CEO of, is actually quite respectable guy. I met him when he did a talk at our media lab in South Africa last year. He's got too much reputation to risk. I trust him. It's not a trap. So don't worry.

Title: Re: GYFT.COM: wonder why you'd never heard of it before?
Post by: mjosephs on May 13, 2013, 07:16:56 AM
previously founder & CEO of

Another website nobody has heard of.  Are you sure he wasn't also CEO of (

I met him in South Africa last year.  I trust him. It's not a trap. So don't worry.

Gee, I can't tell you how much that comforts me.

Title: Re: GYFT.COM: wonder why you'd never heard of it before?
Post by: westkybitcoins on May 13, 2013, 07:18:32 AM
Hmm. Looks like you've overreached.

The most troublesome issue here (to my mind) is issue #4.

Yet I just used Tor AND private browsing to access their website. Seemed to work fine for me.

FUD much?

Title: Re: GYFT.COM: wonder why you'd never heard of it before?
Post by: mjosephs on May 13, 2013, 07:21:24 AM
Yet I just used Tor AND private browsing to access their website. Seemed to work fine for me.

You forgot to try to log in and you know, actually, do something.  Click the "create an account" button or pretty much anything that isn't static content.

FUD much?

Yes, you do.

Besides, the whole internet is on my side.  Look, the "YES" option is winning the poll!

Title: Re: GYFT.COM: wonder why you'd never heard of it before?
Post by: westkybitcoins on May 13, 2013, 07:48:58 AM
Do you normally try to log in to user-friendly websites without cookies enabled? How does that usually work out for you?

Title: Re: GYFT.COM: wonder why you'd never heard of it before?
Post by: mjosephs on May 13, 2013, 08:02:42 AM
Do you normally try to log in to user-friendly websites without cookies enabled? How does that usually work out for you?

In fact I am at this very moment logged into a wonderful website called, in private browsing mode, and everything works perfectly.

Maybe these GYFT jokers could learn something from whoever runs the show here?

Title: Re: GYFT.COM: wonder why you'd never heard of it before?
Post by: Mike Christ on May 13, 2013, 08:30:14 AM
I can't create an account if I don't participate in social media?

What the fiddly fuck is this shit?

Title: Re: GYFT.COM: wonder why you'd never heard of it before?
Post by: Jace on May 13, 2013, 11:18:29 AM
I can't create an account if I don't participate in social media?

What the fiddly fuck is this shit?
This. I like the whole gyft idea, but WTF is up with that social media crap all the time :(

Title: Re: GYFT.COM: wonder why you'd never heard of it before?
Post by: kokojie on May 13, 2013, 12:34:45 PM
Nice poll. yes and yes  ;D ;D

Title: Re: GYFT.COM: wonder why you'd never heard of it before?
Post by: Lethn on May 13, 2013, 04:46:18 PM
I don't know what you mean by honeypot? I know of honeytrap which is a term used for female agents who seduce victims so they can get intelligence from them for whoever they work for :P I do know what you mean by the site though, that's clearly either a data farming operation ( which is borderline illegal ) or it installs extremely dodgy software that can create an entry point to your computer without you knowing. This is why I don't trust anything that has DRM on it and forces you to connect to a server.

I don't even trust many free BTC sites, why would they give away such a low amount of BTC? I think they're trying to harvest peoples retrieval addresses like they do with emails, all they need is to know is that you're a real person and have something to connect to.

Title: Re: GYFT.COM: wonder why you'd never heard of it before?
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on May 13, 2013, 05:39:31 PM
Brainstormin' to the nth degree with the help of Google, I learnt there's a myriad of Gift Card Exchanges like

Using the GCR as an example, you see below that they purchase GCs but pay via a check.

BitPay needs to approach them, offering up a better solution, thereby sellers could get paid quicker via Bitcoin. Those same sellers will become buyers, many a times on the fly, e.g., 30 minutes from now a Bitcoiner is thinking about eating lunch at some restaurant that accepts their gift cards, but he doesn't have one--yet. But he will when he buys one using bitcoins either from his wallet, an online service like BitPay, or perhaps has a few on account at GCR, obviously the quicker solution, albeit the other options shouldn't take too long either.

Thinkin' further outside the box, it's not outside the realm of possibility for a person(s) to amass gift cards for the sole purpose to sell them on an exchange like GCR for bitcoins, a unique way for them to get them, to be used for whatever purpose they have in mind.

In fact, a whole new exchange could be created to do just that if nary existing GCeX don't come aboard.

Please point me to some link if this has already been discussed or is in the works.

Title: Re: GYFT.COM: wonder why you'd never heard of it before?
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on May 13, 2013, 05:46:02 PM
I don't even trust many free BTC sites, why would they give away such a low amount of BTC? I think they're trying to harvest peoples retrieval addresses like they do with emails, all they need is to know is that you're a real person and have something to connect to.

Many of those facet sites don't require any login info. Just being able to view the ad is more than enough for the bitcents being offered. If a login option is available, it's not intended to glean information from savvy folks like yourself, even if more bitcents are being offered for the information. Yes, the money's in the list, but not if the list is too much populated with those not willing or capable to act with their wallets.

Title: Re: GYFT.COM: wonder why you'd never heard of it before?
Post by: fwho on May 13, 2013, 10:21:00 PM
Brainstormin' to the nth degree with the help of Google, I learnt there's a myriad of Gift Card Exchanges like

Using the GCR as an example, you see below that they purchase GCs but pay via a check.

BitPay needs to approach them, offering up a better solution, thereby sellers could get paid quicker via Bitcoin. Those same sellers will become buyers, many a times on the fly, e.g., 30 minutes from now a Bitcoiner is thinking about eating lunch at some restaurant that accepts their gift cards, but he doesn't have one--yet. But he will when he buys one using bitcoins either from his wallet, an online service like BitPay, or perhaps has a few on account at GCR, obviously the quicker solution, albeit the other options shouldn't take too long either.

Thinkin' further outside the box, it's not outside the realm of possibility for a person(s) to amass gift cards for the sole purpose to sell them on an exchange like GCR for bitcoins, a unique way for them to get them, to be used for whatever purpose they have in mind.

In fact, a whole new exchange could be created to do just that if nary existing GCeX don't come aboard.

Please point me to some link if this has already been discussed or is in the works.

The problem with buying gift cards is that the company would need a credit card on file anyways. In the event that someone sells a gift card, gets paid, and then uses it anyways. Or claims it lost, bought it with stolen funds, etc. I was actually about to open a new gift card site when gyft was announced and was considering moving towards buying as well.

Title: Re: GYFT.COM: wonder why you'd never heard of it before?
Post by: TimJBenham on May 13, 2013, 10:33:50 PM
I can't create an account if I don't participate in social media?

What the fiddly fuck is this shit?
This. I like the whole gyft idea, but WTF is up with that social media crap all the time :(

Exploiting social media by making all your customers friend/like/follow/buddy/whatevs you seems to be the latest Big Idea in marketing and CRM.

Title: Re: GYFT.COM: wonder why you'd never heard of it before?
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on May 14, 2013, 12:47:57 AM
I can't create an account if I don't participate in social media?

What the fiddly fuck is this shit?
This. I like the whole gyft idea, but WTF is up with that social media crap all the time :(

Exploiting social media by making all your customers friend/like/follow/buddy/whatevs you seems to be the latest Big Idea in marketing and CRM.

Try advancing a concept like Bitcoin without the use of social media. The bitch has turned into an evil necessity.

Title: Re: GYFT.COM: wonder why you'd never heard of it before?
Post by: vokain on May 15, 2013, 09:53:02 PM
Honestly I've yet to use qr codes in a practical everyday life sort of way (yet).

Lemme get this straight, you're posting on a bitcoin forum, claiming QR codes have no practical use?

Troll harder, buddy.

Or join the herd.  Ducks are easily herded (

Did  I say that they have no practical use? So let me get this straight, you're posting on a bitcoin forum, with no reading comprehension skills and a propensity for elitism? Yeah that actually sounds about right so never mind.

Title: Re: GYFT.COM: wonder why you'd never heard of it before?
Post by: frott on June 06, 2013, 12:27:24 AM
Let's count the ways:

1. They sell "gift cards" that can't be transferred to somebody who hasn't installed their app.

False. There is a web wallet.

2. Their app asks for an unbelievable number of unnecessary permissions from your phone.

It is because the app allows you to send video messages, according to the creator on reddit.

3. They only let you use it on a mobile phone registered to a US cellular network (aka stingray compatible (

I can't confirm this or find anything contrary to it

4. Visit the website with private browsing enabled and the site blocks you out with a message saying "This app does not support private browsing. Please turn it off and try again." (this is their website, not their app).  And that's just private browsing -- forget about anything like Tor.

False, just tried it now and logged in as well in private.

5. They insist on friending you on the facebooks or googling you or tweetering at you before you can use their service.

Perhaps this was true at one point, but isn't the case anymore. Sounds dumb if it were true!

6. FINCEN just made a big stink about gift cards (which are convertible virtual currencies and therefore unambiguously subject to FIN-2013-G001) being exchanged without a "paper trail", putting a bunch of giftcard-for-bitcoin businesses (, (many of which were bitpay customers), out of business.

Those giftcard-for-bitcoin businesses had many other illegalities about them. Most of them were simply reselling purchased cards and not using APIs to generate them. Others had other exchanges. Cite examples though.

And BOOM this company nobody's heard of before, with a product that is a solution-looking-for-a-problem (who wants gift cards that are worthless without a smartphone? what's wrong with QR codes?) flies out of Jen Calvery's ass.

Isn't the case anymore, can use a web interface. So what's your new argument?

It's not a conspiracy, since that requires actual deception or secrecy.  Instead, you're simply being herded.

If everything you're saying were true, they could still be herding a bunch of false accounts... oh no, they're going to follow a facebook account? Laff...

Title: Re: GYFT.COM: wonder why you'd never heard of it before?
Post by: bbit on June 06, 2013, 01:25:17 AM

Title: Re: GYFT.COM: wonder why you'd never heard of it before?
Post by: b!z on June 06, 2013, 03:33:57 AM
I don't think it's a honeypot, but I don't think it is any different from other small businesses accepting bitcoin.

Title: Re: GYFT.COM: wonder why you'd never heard of it before?
Post by: mprep on June 06, 2013, 09:03:08 AM

Title: Re: GYFT.COM: wonder why you'd never heard of it before?
Post by: crumbcake on June 06, 2013, 11:52:22 AM
This is a bit OT*, but the laziness of today's EULAs, TOS & privacy statements is getting absurd.  
If it's not enough that all contain "TO THE EXTENT NOT PROHIBITED BY LAW, IN NO EVENT WILL GYFT BE LIABLE [for anything EVAR!]" disclaimers, these legalese-sounding webpages aren't even proofed before being published ("Please refer to our Terms of Sale [Add hyperlink to Terms of Sale] for the terms, conditions and policies ...")!  If people who write these things don't read them, do they really expect anyone else to?
And, of course, if
order deny,allow
deny from all
wasn't enough, we get more fail:


Yep, i get it.  "We're not liable for anything.  If logic fails, Gyft's liability shall not exceed the cost of this app.  Which is $0.  Thank you & good luck!"

**The "cap lock = cruise control for cool" obviously holds in legalese, meaning something like "We've seen other companies do this, so we ctrl C/Ctrl V'd it.  Nobody reads this shit, we certainly didn't, and we don't expect you to, either. Nevertheless, we wish to punctuate how damn important this is with our cap lock key."

Title: Re: GYFT.COM: wonder why you'd never heard of it before?
Post by: Este Nuno on June 06, 2013, 01:40:06 PM
Meh. I think it's good that Gyft is aggressively embracing bitcoin.

Last thing we need are lynch mobs with their torches and pitchforks going after every company that decides to jump on the bitcoin train.

Title: Re: GYFT.COM: wonder why you'd never heard of it before?
Post by: mprep on June 06, 2013, 02:08:25 PM
Meh. I think it's good that Gyft is aggressively embracing bitcoin.

Last thing we need are lynch mobs with their torches and pitchforks going after every company that decides to jump on the bitcoin train.
+1. As long as they accept bitcoin, it shouldn't be too bad.