Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: CryptosapienZA on July 22, 2017, 02:16:37 PM

Title: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: CryptosapienZA on July 22, 2017, 02:16:37 PM
I would like to find out what initially attracted community members to bitcoin.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: so98nn on July 22, 2017, 02:22:44 PM
I would like to find out what initially attracted community members to bitcoin.

Because I like the idea of money being decentralized as well at same time shows characteristic of asset thus gaining value overtime.
That's it.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: mk4 on July 22, 2017, 02:23:51 PM
At first the thing that attracted me to bitcoin is that I could send funds without account registrations and stuff, and also because in the past I had no paypal and credit card. With that reason itself I already got hooked. And when I knew about it being decentralized, I was just purely amazed.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: Bitcoin_Delivery on July 22, 2017, 02:30:09 PM
My initial motivation was to buy bitcoin back then because I was a gamers. Heard there was easy voucher payment and practically made me buy btc from my friend and try it. It's very fast and practical

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: Calydon on July 22, 2017, 02:36:20 PM
I wanted to be part of this magical world :)

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: Ayiranorea on July 22, 2017, 02:37:59 PM
The initial motivation for buying bitcoin is because of the increased pricing that varies regularly as well the earning chances available. Based on these factors I too became a part of the community. Later on started to explore more about bitcoin as well about the good features it has got. Hope by the falling years the price increases enormous and make majority of the users to be rich.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: warrior333 on July 22, 2017, 02:44:46 PM
I am by nature a rebel. I didn't buy bitcoins. I earned it. I'm interested in the idea of a free economy. It's too early to say that bitcoin is fully consistent with those requirements which I show to him, but better to be in the centre of the action than watching from the sidelines.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: FasTroy on July 22, 2017, 02:45:17 PM
My initial motivation to buy bitcoin is the increase of bitcoin price over the years, I consider it like a most valuable thing when we talk about financial markets. I'd like to buy a lot of bitcoins and keep it in my wallet until bitcoin will increase a lot and suprise me, Furthermore, I want to self control my money, I don't like to hand it to govermenet or any other hand. So i will vote for "I wanted the government's hands off my money".

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: BrewMaster on July 22, 2017, 02:55:23 PM
i don't know which one to choose :P
obviously the profit that buying bitcoin and sometimes trading it gives me is a big motivation.
but i also like the freedom and privacy that using bitcoin can give me. the fact that i can easily go on and buy anything and pay for anything i want (if they accept BTC of course) without needing to register, fill in forms and giving them my identity or credit card,...

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: zarados on July 22, 2017, 03:05:54 PM
I would like to find out what initially attracted community members to bitcoin.

I want to reap the benefits from the land that is still little to know. It's like you found a diamond mine that other people do not yet know where it is, take as much as possible before people know that there are lots of diamonds in it. And when they just found it, we already have it with a very large amount.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: JasonXG on July 22, 2017, 03:11:16 PM
I wanted to buy things online easily and without a bank or credit card or PayPal account they wanted all this info that I just never had since I don't own a credit card because debt is bad so I stay away from credit.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: iram3130 on July 22, 2017, 03:23:07 PM
Needed a high value return for my investment and liked very much the idea of having a currency which can be transferred with very low fees and faster than the fiat transfers.
Did know that the value will definitely reach sky one day so invested most of my savings.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: nejibens on July 22, 2017, 03:28:49 PM
Well for me the initial reason which motivate me to buy bitcoins is making money because it is having very good potential for the long run, since the price is expected to rise highly in the future. But thats not the unique reason, because Bitcoin as decentralized, anonymous crypto currency is attractive.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: CryptosapienZA on July 23, 2017, 03:18:20 PM
Interesting responses. I must say, some of the reasons like gaming never even crossed my mind.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: Quietman on July 23, 2017, 04:05:19 PM
I would like to find out what initially attracted community members to bitcoin.

It was my way of earning. Since I still dont have work and cant work yet, I have to find something legitimate when it comes to earning money. So I found out about bitcoin and it really helped me to earn not just for mysel but for my family as well.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: amacar2 on July 23, 2017, 04:14:09 PM
I would like to find out what initially attracted community members to bitcoin.
- Anonymous transaction
- Safe investment opportunity
- Easy to use
- Decentralized so no downtime or government can't shut it down
- You will have full control over your wealth with bitcoin
- Many more

There are different things that have attracted myself towards bitcoin and I am one of the happy investor of bitcoin.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: Farfenkugel on July 23, 2017, 04:28:26 PM
A friend of me was making a lot of money from investing in to a bitcoin program... when he showed proof i was instantly sold. Ofcourse i wasnt so lucky and lost about 2 btc before i figured out this btc world. I am still confinced that bitcoin and alt coins are the best oppurtunitys to make some money :)

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: CryptonomyCapital on July 23, 2017, 04:31:39 PM
I was convinced that bitcoin is the future of finance.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: redhorse on July 23, 2017, 04:35:55 PM
Fascinated by the technologoy and by the idea of owning money without relying on a bank.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: izza123 on July 23, 2017, 04:37:54 PM
Buying drugs..

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: xhienigat on July 23, 2017, 04:39:21 PM
A friend of mine actually introduced me to bitcoin but did not really tell me what it really was for, all she ever said was you got make money by just using the internet and claiming through faucets. So basically my initial motivation of buying bitcoin was for financial purposes because that was how it was introduced me right from the very start.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: Selmor on July 23, 2017, 04:41:23 PM
Ist was like "hmm interesting, take my money", i bought exactly 2 bitcoins for 200$. Now they are gone but splitted in over 40 altcoins.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: williamuk on July 23, 2017, 04:43:35 PM
I chose other. I bought some to have a stake in it and keep me interested.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: izanagi narukami on July 23, 2017, 04:44:41 PM
Getting away from tax  ( goverment ) and make money for better future
Since bitcoin has big value so it's great option to invest especially when my currency keep weak over dollar recently

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: Celebrity on July 23, 2017, 04:45:26 PM
My most significant motivation when I first buy bitcoin was the ability to pay somebody living in another country. Swift and other bank wires are time wasting and expensive. Besides profit and financial things, the opportunity to break borders between people was the thing attracted me.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: qiwoman2 on July 23, 2017, 04:49:37 PM
I am a 51 year old lady. My family suffered a lot in the economic crisis and we needed to reinvent ourselves or die. That's the simple truth. I didn't want to die and give into the Elites who just want to cull the world's population for their own benefit. I wanted to fight and survive for real freedom. My name means freedom in Greek and I wanted to fight for the future of my Son and his children and his children's children. I might not be alive to see it, but at least now I can die in peace, knowing that I tried and was a part of this disruptive revolution.  :)
On a micro economic level, I want to look after my Parents in their old age, get my Son married in a decent way, sort out my husband's and my health and one day grow a crypto resort..well that's a pipe dream but who knows lol.  :)

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: kpcian on July 23, 2017, 04:57:23 PM
there's an interesting story behind this issue, I was actually a completed graduate and enrolled with a master degree course at that time when I got involved in this platform. basically, i was facing a money crisis and I couldn't find any opportunity to be employed anywhere, in the meantime, one of my cousins asked me to invest here to meet up my monthly expenses... that was the starting for me...

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: eaLiTy on July 23, 2017, 05:20:43 PM
To be frank i started purchasing bitcoin to spend some time online with some of the sites i was very much active during that time and to gamble a bit without that coming out in your bank receipt and then trading was my motivation after that.

I was convinced that bitcoin is the future of finance.
Which part convinced you that it is the future. :P

Fascinated by the technologoy and by the idea of owning money without relying on a bank.
But the fact is ,you still need the help of bank to send money to buy bitcoins.  :P

Buying drugs..
This is one field i never like to venture.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: haroldtee on July 23, 2017, 05:27:46 PM
At first for me, I just wanted nothing to do with the banks with respect to my international transactions which was becoming hectic in my country. Bitcoin came in as a saviour and since then, transaction wasn't only easy to do but I now make some cash as well.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: Gintama214 on July 23, 2017, 05:29:16 PM
   At the beginning I was really excited earning on Bitcoin, I can earn through different things and learn new things each day, mining, investing, joining campaign, and many others things. Before my initial motivation is really to earn coins so that I can buy things on bitcoin to upgrade my computer like buying, high spec. video card, fan, storage and, etc.  I was really into it to buy stuff with the coins that I earn but as the day goes buy and I learned how this bitcoin works I'm starting to have double thoughts on spending my coins or keeping the for the future, like investing and stuffs. It's really hard to decide what to do especially that you have learned a lot and many people says that bitcoin will be big in the future. You'll just need to save it until that time, but my other thought says that you need a bitter computer to be able to do so or if you want to mine and make new ways to earn coins. So its really hard to decide now for me but I hope soon I can figure this out.  ;)

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: agustina2 on July 23, 2017, 05:32:09 PM
I would like to find out what initially attracted community members to bitcoin.

Reality talk: It's about the price and not because of it's decentralized system or about easy way to send and received money. After all if we used exchanged service then all this decentralized thing in bitcoin is useless.

At least as far as I noticed here in our local community in social media, workplace, collegues and even in bitcointalk forum, most people entered cryptoworld because of profits will they earned for long term. Bitcoin being used as a currency is just a second factor to them.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: LodisMcguire on July 23, 2017, 05:34:11 PM
For me,i want to make money and hide it in the form of bitcoin,not many around me know what is bitcoin
So,i just want to make myself rich without people knowing,and just appear as the usual boring guy in society

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: Olivious on July 23, 2017, 05:35:38 PM
All of the above i just like how decentralized bitcoin is and how we can make money of it. My main motive is just to learn and earn bitcoins.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: TechnoMusic on July 23, 2017, 05:37:27 PM
My reason of buying bitcoin is because I wanted  to make money and  I wanted to make money without having a boss and also because I think that we can earn money faster with bitcoin then in real life.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: Yakamoto on July 23, 2017, 05:43:47 PM
I would like to find out what initially attracted community members to bitcoin.
Really it was all of the reasons you mentioned above, however they came after wanting to make money since that's the base drive for basically any person these days. Once I started to learn more about Bitcoin and everything it was able to do, I kept using it because there were enough reasons for me to invest a lot of time and energy into it. Nowadays it doesn't really have that much of an impact on what I do, but that's what I remember my initial reasoning being.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: pixie85 on July 23, 2017, 05:45:07 PM
I felt the need to invest in something because my money is only losing value when it's laying around. You need to make it work for you and Bitcoin is great at it if not the best.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: Ucy on July 23, 2017, 06:30:55 PM
'All of the above" for me. Though my first day using bitcoin was to pay for a service, i dived further into Cryptocurrency world and Google always bring me here (Bitcointalk) whenever I searched for Bitcoin related stuff. I explored the forum, kept coming  and got hooked eventually.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: megynacuna on July 23, 2017, 08:59:44 PM
I wanted to make money from Bitcoin from the start because the one that introduced me to it properly was already mining Altcoins and selling them for bitcoins and seeing the potential in buying and holding them down for price surges I thought I could do the save so I joined in order to make money without lifting a finger.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: darkangel11 on July 23, 2017, 09:21:16 PM
After what happened in Cyprus I wanted to have a currency my government can't take. I'm from the EU and back then the financial crisis was a hot topic. That scare pushed me to buy some coins, which happened to be one of the best moves in my life.

Buying drugs..
Wow, really? How did that go?

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: Pearls Before Swine on July 23, 2017, 10:01:36 PM
Making money, plain and simple.  I saw what happened in 2013 before Mt. Gox crashed and saw all the money other people were making.  Had doubts as to whether it was a legitimate thing or not, but I saw that the community was extremely strong and wasn't giving up on it even after Mt. Gox.

No drugs or illegal stuff for me, though I've been acutely aware of bitcoin's utility in the dark markets.  I suspect that a lot of people on this board had that sort of shenanigans as their motivation.  They just don't cop to it in public.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: web233 on July 23, 2017, 10:17:29 PM
Wanting to be an early adopter of the future of currency. I've watched many other new technologies come and revolutionise our lives without realising it, this is the first one that I'm conscious of and watching it unfold.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: ufaiz50 on July 23, 2017, 11:26:50 PM
initial to bought bitcoin to earn profits / money with trading because it requires capital and just holding bitcoin as an investment can be profitable. indeed the initial motivation just to get the money but the more I know the bitcoin many things are profitable besides earning money.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: keithers on July 23, 2017, 11:37:39 PM
I initially bought into it as an experiment to see how easy/different it could be from credit cards or other payment methods. Then it turned in to a hedge against Fiat currencies for me. Now it's a investment that I keep in my portfolio, but also a storage of value/emergency fund

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: Shutup on July 24, 2017, 12:26:17 AM
I would like to find out what initially attracted community members to bitcoin.
The iniial motives of buyers of bitcoin is to profit.Especially when price is down.Buyers used to buy and hold it for a long time because they can make bitcoin into a value of million cash when price is in a high price.Im just new and my pay here is just for our needs so I cannot store bitcoin yet.But when I have bitcoin to save that will be also my main motive to profit a big amount.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: Kemarit on July 24, 2017, 12:55:48 AM
Simply reason: I just wanted to make money. I'm also into stocks and when I heard about bitcoin I go with it thinking that it could be a good investment portfolio. Although I have bitcoin bitcoins before that I lost. So that also motivates me to somewhat recover what I have lost because of my own doings. I'm still halfway of my recovery, but I least I'm heading on a good direction. So I guess most of the people who around 2015-present would say that they go to bitcoin to earn money. But I surmise that the early adopters who'd have different reason. Others just for fun for it, while some for experiment. I doubt they think that bitcoin could be a good investment then.

Do you still remember Laszlo who bought 10,000 bitcoins for a couple of pizzas in 2010? Maybe he is just experimenting or having just some fun. But if he just hold in for now and think of it as investment back then, it gonna be worth millions of dollars now. Different era, different motivation.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: chichigirl on July 24, 2017, 01:19:53 AM
Investment is my initial motivation to buy bitcoin.Bitcoin is the best choice to invest. I need to invest for my future needs. When you get old you always think what will be your life when you get old and you can't go for work to earn for your daily needs. This is the only way i know to secure my families future needs.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: Schuyler on July 24, 2017, 01:39:07 AM
I'd be lying if I tell that I am not into bitcoin for profits. I consider it first as an investment, and secondary as a currency. That is why a pullback is still a welcome sight even when others are hoping for a continuous growth. Don't get me wrong as I like that too, but a healthy growth must dips and pullbacks for it to continue its upward trend. But now, I like for bitcoin to grow more as a currency that is why I am slowly doing my small share of using it as a currency.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: Smarty14392 on July 24, 2017, 04:22:50 AM
Actually all the above points but also i wanted to stay far from banks and and i wanted a side business which would get me a good earning. Bitcoin has fullfilled all my points so i prefer purchasing them anytime. Bitcoin is good to secure future as we all know its increasing price

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: xuan87 on July 24, 2017, 04:54:10 AM
I was using Bitcoin because I can used it for global transactions and all of my transactions is hidden from others, and now I mostly using my Bitcoin as long term investment and for trading , the value of Bitcoin now is more suitable as an investment

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: Amph on July 24, 2017, 05:56:04 AM
i didn't buy, and my motivation was to fidn a job that could be done online and since there were only scam before now it become a reality, mining is the perfect job for me, the income now is even steady you can live with it

i see no reason to buy, you can earn at lower cost and with almost zero risk, i can sell my mining any time, but without buyers the value would not be so high, so i let the other buy

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: michellee on July 24, 2017, 06:13:20 AM
actually I am not buying bitcoin for the first time because I am earning bitcoin with free but after I am doing trading with fiat, then I am starting to buy and sell bitcoin. my motivation to buying bitcoin is I really want to make money like the others and I want to buy something with the money I earn from bitcoin. I think its interesting if we can buy in lower price and sell in high price so we can make a lot of profit.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: crazyivan on July 24, 2017, 06:19:38 AM

Plus I wanted to be able to diversify into online projects I liked at that point. Doing that with my CC/PP was not really something I was prepared to do.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: tiggytomb on July 24, 2017, 06:24:42 AM
Initially it caught my attention by being on the news and the price, I had heard about it on and off but then when I saw it on the tv it pushed me to find out more about it.

Once I started looking into it I soon realised there was a whole crypto world that I was unawre of and 4 years later I am still here.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: Juggy777 on July 24, 2017, 06:44:40 AM
I would like to find out what initially attracted community members to bitcoin.

It was last year quarter that I suddenly came to know of bitcoins, I had no clue what it was but I wanted money anyhow to earn a fitbit charge hr 2, and I jumped in and since that day I have not looked back, so for me the initial motivation was money, fitness and ya I wanted to avoid the government and it taxes so ya Bitcoin helped me a lot and that has got my fitness on superior levels and I am glad Bitcoin came into my life

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: Invester on July 24, 2017, 06:46:56 AM
I just wanted to make money. That was it really. Before I got myself really introduced to bitcoin, I don't have much idea really as to what is unique and best about bitcoin. The only thing that attracted me was people who are into it are earning much from bitcoin and the price of bitcoin is growing really high very quickly.

But now that I am into this, I learned to appreciate bitcoin more than its price. But its value is still the number 1 for me.  

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: imrich_ico on July 24, 2017, 06:48:10 AM

Because bitcoin prices will continue to grow

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: Caesar-Giulius on July 24, 2017, 06:54:47 AM
For me, the initial motivation for buying bitcoin is that it is something new that caught my attention. And after researching, I find blockchain to be a brilliant idea!

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: harjas2517 on July 24, 2017, 07:30:39 AM
I was motivated by the movement of Bitcoin, When I bought Bitcoin that time Bitcoin price was 1600$ now it is 2600$++ I almost made 1000$ profit per Bitcoin even I am not going to sell it I will hold my bitcoin for another 5 years, I am motivated by the potential of Bitcoin I do not want to be late to make the profit by Btc, It will be a big future currency, When when Btc moves up it boosts me more and I am motivated because it will make me financially more better in future.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: Taskford on July 24, 2017, 07:38:45 AM
I just wanted to make money because a lot of people that keep telling me to grab the opportunity in bitcoin because of the possibilities that i can earn a lot of money from bitcoin or any cryptocurrencies because of their volatility in their prices that most of the trades took advantage of.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: tinhyeumaunang on July 24, 2017, 07:48:43 AM
I would like to find out what initially attracted community members to bitcoin.
The motivation that I invest in bitcoin is nothing but making money. And I think most people will have opinions like me.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: surix on July 24, 2017, 07:58:21 AM
To be honest, I tried to dig out when was my first purchase of bitcoin and I found it here:

My purpose? Just for fun... I really didn't think it will become so big today.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: safari88 on July 24, 2017, 08:33:58 AM
first I see the high price of bitcoin in 2013 when it reaches $1100. I am wondering with this coin why have high prices. then I find out and I finally got motivated to get it.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: KrakAJAX on July 24, 2017, 08:41:16 AM
With the few places accepting bitcoin still relative to the whole industry I would think most peoples motivation would be to buy and hold rather than aquire bitcoins to make a purchase. Unless I guess they were dealing with a darkmarket. I bought and hold since many years back.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: k@suy on July 24, 2017, 08:44:18 AM
Motivation? I think because of this high return in the future. But I only buy with my spare money. Also, I buy bitcoin to used it to buy some stuffs on the net.Used it also to pay my bills online.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: SkyjetCrew on July 24, 2017, 08:47:00 AM
The motivation was the need to secure a future. I started using bitcoin, because I want to get rich with him and not work. I really like anonymity, decentralization and a good price increase.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: User365 on July 24, 2017, 08:50:44 AM
The intial motivation was 1&2, for a long time this was the only reason. Now I decided to buy a few miners and there was the motivation of making some profit.

Furthermore I am looking into altocoin right now, not because I dislike bitcoin but because I am interesed (maby buy some rigs)

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: btc78 on July 24, 2017, 08:58:44 AM
I think for me the reason why I initially go to bitcoin because I wanted to earn money from it. I'm reading around the forum that bitcoin is the best investment specially if you are just to hold it for long. And I think most of the community here would agree to me that this is also their motivation.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: Anno MMXVI on July 24, 2017, 09:01:57 AM
My main reason for discovering Bitcoin and using it was o hide my money from banksters. So it is option 1. Hopefully it turned out that it can make my money grow, this is how I turned into an holder, but that was not the primary reason.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: soham on July 24, 2017, 09:10:45 AM
I would like to find out what initially attracted community members to bitcoin.

My initial intention was to make money. I was an active online earner back in 2008-09 but later joined a day job and stopped online activities. However, after a long time in 2015, I came back to online world and started with bitcoin. I read many articles about bitcoin before I started so I though to give it a try because it sounded interesting.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: ivrynx on July 24, 2017, 09:40:02 AM
i've heard of bitcoin way back in 2012, i didn't havr any interest on it at first since i was also investing money on the stock market and a bitcoin wallet is not yet available in my country, i decided to sudy it first and earlier 2017 i started to invest on bitcoin since wallet is already available and is tested to be secured, i did regret the time i had no wallet since before that, bitcoin was really cheap and now its value is higher than what i expected.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: culuuton on July 24, 2017, 09:52:55 AM
My initial motivation to buying bitcoin because i see bitcoin over $1000 in 2013. When prices fall after that time, i think it will come back in future.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: Theb on July 24, 2017, 09:56:53 AM
I don't have any motivation in buying Bitcoin, But what I have is a motivation in which I hold it as some sort of investment. I hold the Bitcoin earnings I have in my wallet in which I personally think that it will grow. Right now I have about .08 Btc in my wallet which is not much but by the power of investing I know that it will grow. Motivation is only one part of you in investing Bitcoin there are so many factors affecting it either good or bad like panic selling, ambitions, and other good news.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: Prodigan786 on July 24, 2017, 10:34:38 AM
I have mentioned others because i started to collect bitcoin using faucets and it turned to be going to altcoins and then for buying altcoins or trading started buying bitcoin.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: Dudeperfect on July 24, 2017, 10:39:57 AM
I was in love with this technology. I came here regarding my business of domain name reselling as I had few bitcoin related domain names and buyer offered me bitcoin instead of Paypal (as it was the first time I was using bitcoin) it made me realize that how faster and cheaper it is as compared to that of fiat system and that was first bitcoin transaction. Yes, I love profit too but I prefer technology when it comes to mention the moments of pride.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: smookyjaidev on July 24, 2017, 10:54:14 AM
I motivate about bitcoin,it is future currency,easy to transfer,we can exchange to cash need to depends on the government,no need to pay the processing fees for gives good profits for trading.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: olushakes on July 24, 2017, 12:13:39 PM
My initial motivation if I would confess is to make more money based on what I have read on the internet and not because I hate banks or government because even though I hate the way its being run, I still don't have anything to hide to warrant my decision to then go into bitcoin. However, my hope of getting rich quick was quickly substituted when I get to really understand how it works normally aside the paparazzi of the media.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: Boov on July 24, 2017, 12:31:34 PM
I would like to find out what initially attracted community members to bitcoin.

I got interested with bitcoin because of its equivalent value against dollar. I always wanted to invest but cant do so in stock market because the minimum share requires a quite large amount of money. Then i was introduced to bitcoin and cryptos. Seeing how it can grow over time and how good it is for a long term investment without as much money required as of stocks, i got hooked. You can acquire bitcoins through a lot of different ways without spending money. Also, i got interested in the trading. I always wanted to know more about trading. I wanted to know when and how to sell or hold coins, where to invest, and many more. Investment was and is my pure motive.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: Celsiuss on July 24, 2017, 12:34:19 PM
It just seemed cool, nothing more really. Then I realized I could make some money off it, but then it was too late.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: sakkosekk on July 24, 2017, 02:20:35 PM
A friend showed me his profits when investing in Bitcoin, it was a fascinating, enormous profit, which was hard to find from a normal person in my poor countryside.
The thing that appealed to me and motivated me to buy bitcoin

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: Pettuh4 on July 24, 2017, 08:46:48 PM
A friend showed me his profits when investing in Bitcoin, it was a fascinating, enormous profit, which was hard to find from a normal person in my poor countryside.
The thing that appealed to me and motivated me to buy bitcoin

Yeah, we were all motivated by the monies our introducers were making from Bitcoin and we thought of making some too from our end even though it was quite late but for me I'm happy I joined at the time because I've started making dividends.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: italianMiner72 on July 24, 2017, 08:49:39 PM
i'm involved since 2013, when i heard it on television news.
was after 1200$ pump on november 2013...
Then I was passionate about bitcoin and altcoin markets

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: Edrian on July 24, 2017, 08:53:33 PM
Of course the initial motivation is that its price increases as time passes by. We are all after the investments and the benefit we can get in this cryptoccurency.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: mrcash02 on July 24, 2017, 09:08:29 PM
I was motivated because I have seen the Bitcoin potential, I followed its progress since 2015 and it never disappointed me and any other person. So, I chose to give it a try and see what happens... Now it's time to hold hoping for the price increasement to sell and make some profit in the future. Meanwhile, there are some good offers of investments which generate more profit than fiat investments (another motivation to buy Bitcoins).

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: hosseinimr93 on July 24, 2017, 09:10:35 PM
Making huge profit.

When I knew bitcoin and got some information about the technology behind it, I bought some bitcoins. Because it was my belief that bitcoin will be the future money and all of people will need that for their life. It will cause bitcoin to increase in value very much due to high demand future and I will make huge profit.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: yrreg ger on July 24, 2017, 09:24:14 PM
It is pretty obvious that because we want an income. For me my goal of buying bitcoin is to hold until the day come for the right time. It is all about profit, since the bitcoin price is not stable they know that it is easy to get a profit they only need is to wait if you think you have a profit.

But this way is not easy, you need to observed the market, sometimes the price is dumping, it is hard to manipulate the pumping and the dumping of the price. Yes for other it is easy to get a profit by waiting for the right time but others sell their bitcoin because they need for their financial problem. And in this case they can't decide properly and no choice but need to sell without profit.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: btvGainer on July 24, 2017, 09:53:11 PM
I would like to find out what initially attracted community members to bitcoin.
When I first heard about bitcoin,I though it were something that could make me rich ;D as I was reading lots of stories about how some people earned so much btc.I joined the forum to learn more but soon realised it was not that easy to make fortune out of btc.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: flippener on July 24, 2017, 09:56:26 PM
I heard it was going to be 'the next big thing'. I had missed out on previous things (like internet marketing, Tesla shares, property boom) so I thought I'd best get in. Not early enough or hard enough to make real money though.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: Blitzboy on July 24, 2017, 09:56:54 PM
My intial motivation was being rich with bitcoin. You know, most of the people here want to become rich in the fastest way and it leads them straigh into bitcoin and the cryptocurrency community. But, when I realized that bitcoin is better and it is not just about money, I started to learn more about it. Bitcoin is quite interesting and there are many things need to learn about it such as the blockchain technology

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: European Central Bank on July 24, 2017, 10:55:20 PM
more dollars. the longer i looked into it the more fascinating it became. i'm still not convinced it can be the utopia it wants to be but i'm prepared to wait and see.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: Sweetbtc on July 25, 2017, 08:50:43 AM
Well seeing this thread made me remember my old time. I was searching on the Internet for online jobs and I did not believe that time that anyone can be paid online  Sad. I found few faucets sites which paid bitcoin and then I started to learn about bitcoin and bought a few when they were worth only 400$.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: moynul2050 on July 25, 2017, 09:05:22 AM
The initial motivation for buying bitcoin is because of the increased pricing that varies regularly as well the earning chances available and also i wanted the government's hands off my money besides i also  wanted nothing to do with banks  8) 8)

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: Kidmat on July 25, 2017, 09:10:45 AM
For me the initial motivation in buying bitcoin is to earned money. When my friend introduce bitcoin to me and showed how much he earned that time Ive become interested. Since then, I wanted to earned too just like my friend and he also motivate me to buy bitcoin and invest too.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: cafucafucafu on July 25, 2017, 09:47:28 AM
I like the idea of having freedom in my spending and since Bitcoin is a decentralized currency, it provides it to me. It is also quite anonymous and I don't like people who try to see what I am doing.

Bitcoin's volatility was also another factor that attracted me since I thought I could make some easy profit from buying low and selling high, but after sweating over Bitcoin prices, I just started to hold Bitcoin, and It has turned out pretty well today.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: ShadowBits on July 25, 2017, 10:27:14 AM
my initial motivation to get into Bitcoin was as an investment,
One thing that impressed me about Bitcoin, and cryptos in general, is the low cost of entry. The traditional financial system is just not very friendly toward the small investor who has a little money to invest.
with bitcoin with just a few hundred dollars i can try many things, i can move from this one to another in a click

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: warrior333 on July 25, 2017, 10:32:10 AM
My motivation was initially just to earn some extra money, but then I began to understand the importance of the fact that I got the opportunity to have an income not controlled by the government. It's my freedom and I love it.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: ubercool on July 25, 2017, 10:38:29 AM
The initial motivation for me to buy Bitcoin was to have some money whenever I want to buy stuff online. Digital goods or other things. Paypal takes higher fees and on that the buyer protection program is sh*t. So I needed a currency which I can use it with less hassle, I know that there is nothing like buyer protection in Bitcoin but I felt it was somewhat better than other services.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: HAARP on July 29, 2017, 11:23:18 PM
My intial motivation was being rich with bitcoin. You know, most of the people here want to become rich in the fastest way and it leads them straigh into bitcoin and the cryptocurrency community. But, when I realized that bitcoin is better and it is not just about money, I started to learn more about it. Bitcoin is quite interesting and there are many things need to learn about it such as the blockchain technology

Pure motivation for this is getting rich like you. I'm not interested in the specifications of bitcoin, but the earning money after my investment in it. I also want to be able to trade digital assets on internet, that's why it created a good motivation for me.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: Edrian on July 30, 2017, 02:11:25 AM
My initial motivation in bitcoin is to earn more money than I ever had. But lately the most thing I wanted was to have my own money away from taxes and other things that the government is getting. It also became my motivation to learn and have other opportunity to invest in crypto.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: ethereumhunter on July 31, 2017, 01:03:11 AM
my initial motivation to buying bitcoin is for making money because after i read many article and watch video in youtube about bitcoin, i found that bitcoin is an opportunity for me that i am looking for. from bitcoin, i learned how to trade, how to invest, how to save in wallet and else and the important thing is i can make money like other people.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: AbdTstpr on August 09, 2017, 07:04:14 PM
At first for me, I just wanted nothing to do with the banks with respect to my international transactions which was becoming hectic in my country. Bitcoin came in as a saviour and since then, transaction wasn't only easy to do but I now make some cash as well.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: Chris314 on August 09, 2017, 07:20:09 PM
As many others here, first bought btc to earn money and to see it grow with time. I also discovered how simple it was to pay with it in comparison with Fiat payments methods. And being the only owner of your wallet (whereas your bank account remains at the bank) is great.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: Giebaymax on August 09, 2017, 07:54:29 PM
my initial motivation to buying bitcoin is for making money because after i read many article and watch video in youtube about bitcoin, i found that bitcoin is an opportunity for me that i am looking for. from bitcoin, i learned how to trade, how to invest, how to save in wallet and else and the important thing is i can make money like other people.

I agree with you as soon as I see the name of bitcoin and after I traced it deeper it turns out the bitcoin is showing the best quality and I am so very confident that this digital currency can be a very promising currency for the future and it turns out what I have been doing is very Provide more motivation to keep learning from playing trading, investing, joining this forum and others..

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: Shenzou on August 09, 2017, 09:54:22 PM
i think that most people nowaday buy bitcoin not because they were intreseted in it, they do it because they saw its price and how it skyrocketed in a few months, and they heard about people who got rich out of it and they want to be like them.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: xskl0 on August 09, 2017, 11:24:48 PM
I heard someone talking about it

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: erickkyut on August 10, 2017, 12:05:48 AM
My initial motivation to buy Bitcoin was because of curiosity. I've seen a lot of post on my news feed about so I got curious. They say that theyare earning from itand I wanted to know how and why. When I started to know Bitcoin, I really earned from it so now my motivation is t become rich by using it.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: ladydark on August 10, 2017, 12:38:03 AM
I would like to find out what initially attracted community members to bitcoin.
The basic motivation of most of investors in this world would be to earn more money and at the same time,their investment should be secure.Most people bought gold earlier and even now buy for this reason.I have bought bitcoins only for the same reason.Bitcoin works on a secured block chain system.So my investment is secure and at the same time,it gives me huge returns which no assets could give at this present situation.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: keithers on August 10, 2017, 01:01:52 AM
My first motivation for purchasing bitcoin was out of curiosity after learning bout if from a friend. At first it seemed like hardly possible for a whole new currency to actually survive, but here we are 2000% higher :)

Using bitcoin was definitely like falling down a rabbit hole for me

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: 0t3p0t on August 10, 2017, 01:34:03 AM
I would like to find out what initially attracted community members to bitcoin.
My initial motivation in buying Bitcoin is to have money and I think all investors did too. We don't invest in huge ammount of Bitcoin if it was just a waste of time and money right? People like me who belongs to a poor family don't want to be dependent with my parents that's why I'm here in this cryptocurrency world to find my luck and tried my very best to earn money from it for me to help my family . I don't even have computer for a better viewing the only device I've been using since I got an idea about Bitcoin is my outdated and defective android phone. Life is really hard since I am just a highshool graduate but the point there is that even what kind of hardest life we have as long as we are still standing I believe we can be successful someday. Bitcoin is unstoppable that is why I invested my time and I also invested my $25 worth of fiat into Bitcoin. As of now my target is to have atleast 1BTC and I know it's pretty hard for me to do that and will take years for me to earn that ammount  but I don't care I just need it for my family soon. I also believe that hopefullyI will  find my future in Bitcoin.

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: hajimasan on August 10, 2017, 01:46:37 AM
I would like to find out what initially attracted community members to bitcoin.
Actually when I get into bitcoin then no one many people knows about it because of lack of understanding of thus thing .
Here in the current time you can found many motivational stories to understand that why we should buy bitcoin but when i get started then no one better platforms was available to learn it .But here in the current time many things are available to understand about it and reason to buy it and many ideas and tricks are available to make earnings with the bitcoin in the blogger and sites .
So here very sad to say that no one was the reason or motivational thung thst made me to attract toward such tyoe of the thing .

Title: Re: What was your INITIAL motivation to buying Bitcoin
Post by: futile-resistance on August 11, 2017, 09:06:28 AM
I would like to find out what initially attracted community members to bitcoin.
Actually when I get into bitcoin then no one many people knows about it because of lack of understanding of thus thing .
Here in the current time you can found many motivational stories to understand that why we should buy bitcoin but when i get started then no one better platforms was available to learn it .But here in the current time many things are available to understand about it and reason to buy it and many ideas and tricks are available to make earnings with the bitcoin in the blogger and sites .
So here very sad to say that no one was the reason or motivational thung thst made me to attract toward such tyoe of the thing .
Your curiosity and your deep thinking must have pushed you in this way a long time ago. There are still people who like to stick to old methods and they will regret in future. In the past, not many people were interested in technology or use it.

With fast growing technology and social websites, now a lot of people are aware of great digital currencies. Bitcoins are becoming famous nowadays due to the tremendous profits it offers to the investors.