Bitcoin Forum

Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: smoothie on May 13, 2013, 06:20:12 PM

Title: [ANN] Bitcoin PEW PEW Node Summit
Post by: smoothie on May 13, 2013, 06:20:12 PM
Okay guys,

I am organizing a SUPER BITCOIN PEW PEW NODE to be executed on June 34th, 2013 at 13:37 o 'clock.

We will have the finest suites that the Bellagio offers, the phattest bitches, tons of cash, and dont forget to bring ALL OF YOUR BITCOIN WALLETS WITH NO ENCRYPTION so we can get buck naked in the sauna with our laptops and be LEET pew pew node members

Time is a ticking...

Tickets start at 1.337 pew pew coins and will increase at a rate that will make your mind explode and fear for your life.

...omfg lol what did I just write. haha  :D

Title: Re: [ANN] Bitcoin PEW PEW Node Summit
Post by: myrkul on May 13, 2013, 06:25:39 PM
...omfg lol what did I just write.

Dafuq did I just read!?

Title: Re: [ANN] Bitcoin PEW PEW Node Summit
Post by: ElectricMucus on May 13, 2013, 06:27:42 PM
Can I bring my BFL asic minirig to the sauna?

Title: Re: [ANN] Bitcoin PEW PEW Node Summit
Post by: smoothie on May 13, 2013, 06:30:28 PM
Can I bring my BFL asic minirig to the sauna?

Yes vaporware is welcome we will be sitting in vapor anyway...

Title: Re: [ANN] Bitcoin PEW PEW Node Summit
Post by: edd on May 13, 2013, 06:30:42 PM
Can I bring my BFL asic minirig to the sauna?

The miner is the sauna!

Title: Re: [ANN] Bitcoin PEW PEW Node Summit
Post by: ElectricMucus on May 13, 2013, 06:33:08 PM
Seriously this is gay.

Title: Re: [ANN] Bitcoin PEW PEW Node Summit
Post by: rpietila on May 13, 2013, 07:41:58 PM
LMAO, the third time in my Bitcointalk history.

Title: Re: [ANN] Bitcoin PEW PEW Node Summit
Post by: smoothie on May 13, 2013, 07:42:38 PM

That looks like a Jacuzzi not a sauna...right??? (tilts head).

Title: Re: [ANN] Bitcoin PEW PEW Node Summit
Post by: myrkul on May 13, 2013, 07:45:44 PM

That looks like a Jacuzzi not a sauna...right??? (tilts head).
Well, it was just a hot tub, before the dogs got in, but now it's a Jacuzzi, yes.

Title: Re: [ANN] Bitcoin PEW PEW Node Summit
Post by: edd on May 13, 2013, 08:00:14 PM

That looks like a Jacuzzi not a sauna...right??? (tilts head).

Well, yes, but I didn't have a sauna image handy. It's called artistic license (although I'm not the artist).

Title: Re: [ANN] Bitcoin PEW PEW Node Summit
Post by: dexX7 on May 13, 2013, 08:19:10 PM
Okay guys,

I am organizing a SUPER BITCOIN PEW PEW NODE to be executed on June 34th, 2013 at 13:37 o 'clock.

We will have the finest suites that the Bellagio offers, the phattest bitches, tons of cash, and dont forget to bring ALL OF YOUR BITCOIN WALLETS WITH NO ENCRYPTION so we can get buck naked in the sauna with our laptops and be LEET pew pew node members

Time is a ticking...

Tickets start at 1.337 pew pew coins and will increase at a rate that will make your mind explode and fear for your life.

...omfg lol what did I just write. haha  :D

+cointip smoothie 1.337 mBTC

Title: Re: [ANN] Bitcoin PEW PEW Node Summit
Post by: smoothie on May 13, 2013, 08:30:17 PM
Okay guys,

I am organizing a SUPER BITCOIN PEW PEW NODE to be executed on June 34th, 2013 at 13:37 o 'clock.

We will have the finest suites that the Bellagio offers, the phattest bitches, tons of cash, and dont forget to bring ALL OF YOUR BITCOIN WALLETS WITH NO ENCRYPTION so we can get buck naked in the sauna with our laptops and be LEET pew pew node members

Time is a ticking...

Tickets start at 1.337 pew pew coins and will increase at a rate that will make your mind explode and fear for your life.

...omfg lol what did I just write. haha  :D

+cointip smoothie 1.337 mBTC


Title: Re: [ANN] Bitcoin PEW PEW Node Summit
Post by: batcoin on May 13, 2013, 08:32:24 PM
I don't have a LEET amount of BTC. Can someone sponsor me? Pretty please?

Title: Re: [ANN] Bitcoin PEW PEW Node Summit
Post by: master-P on May 13, 2013, 09:48:36 PM
Suddenly, the CIA came bursting into the room. They came from everywhere, the doors, the windows, and even rappelling down from the roof. I knew I had to get out of there, and fast, if I wanted to live to see tomorrow. I called out to my Yoni, my faithful Tamaskan Dog, who let out a low and menacing growl. The CIA agents turned their attention to Yoni, who suddenly charged at them with the ferocity of a hungry lion! My legs were moving faster than my mind, running towards the only exit, leaving Yoni to fend off the gunmen with his last breath. Outside, I heard a whimper and an eerie silence, Yoni. He was gone. Those bastards had killed my loyal dog, my best friend, my partner. With tears in my eyes and a heavy heart, I continued running, looking for a place to hide and plot my next move. Reprieve was nearby, in the form of some bushes, and I didn't hesitate crawling into them. From my newly-found outpost, I could see the CIA agents mulling around, but something was amiss. Alas, I had forgotten my Macbook! It suddenly dawned upon me; they weren't interested in me, but rather my precious Bitcoins! Cursing myself silently for being so foolish as to have left unencrypted bitcoins on my laptop, I could only watch as the agents retreated to their cars and departed.

I started to crawl out from under the brush, but stopped abruptly when I noticed something overhead; a shadow moving as swift and silent as a hunting leopard had descended onto the roof. I could barely make out the dark figure, but there was no mistaking that silhouette, it was Bitman! For years people had speculated as to the existence of the legendary Bitman; I couldn't believe what I was seeing. He seemed to be scanning the area, looking for any possible hindrances before making his next move. My mind was racing; I had been shot at by the CIA, witnessed the death of my lovable Yoni, and discovered the existence of the mysterious Bitman all in one evening. A sudden crash of thunder pierced through the sky, followed by rain that fell like tears from the heavens. Bitman made his entrance into the hotel through a hatch in the roof, probably in search of clues for the events that had transpired there that evening. Tired and exhausted, I sought shelter in a nearby shed and quickly drifted asleep.

To be continued…

Title: Re: [ANN] Bitcoin PEW PEW Node Summit
Post by: smoothie on May 14, 2013, 03:12:38 PM
So it has been confirmed that Reptilia brought his macbook air into the sauna at his Super node conference and it had at least 6,000 bitcoins stored on it.

Wow just wow...lolz

Who does that? I guess I should know the answer given he sent 13.37 btc to random noob on the interwebz.

Title: ha ah ah aha h ahahahahaha ha ha hahah
Post by: just_me on May 14, 2013, 03:25:05 PM
ha ha ah ahah ahaha hahaahhaha

Title: Re: [ANN] Bitcoin PEW PEW Node Summit
Post by: myrkul on May 14, 2013, 03:31:57 PM
What is a 'PEW PEW' ??

Title: Re: [ANN] Bitcoin PEW PEW Node Summit
Post by: Rampion on May 14, 2013, 06:23:56 PM

Title: Re: [ANN] Bitcoin PEW PEW Node Summit
Post by: myrkul on May 14, 2013, 06:24:59 PM

A fool and his money?

Title: Re: [ANN] Bitcoin PEW PEW Node Summit
Post by: Rampion on May 14, 2013, 06:34:46 PM

That's our good rpietila

I kinda feel sorry for him, there was a time in which his post had some interesting things in them, but he just went mad

The guy suffers from a textbook delusion of grandeur

Title: Re: [ANN] Bitcoin PEW PEW Node Summit
Post by: Mike Christ on May 14, 2013, 06:36:32 PM (

Title: Re: [ANN] Bitcoin PEW PEW Node Summit
Post by: neutrinox on May 14, 2013, 08:49:46 PM
Please don't be too tough on this guy. Despite the way he might come out on these forums he seems like a nice fellow. He even refunded people their tickets so at least he is honest.

I found a video lecture of him and to me he seems like a nice guy (though I admit that some of the showing off on these forums is not so great).

Title: Re: [ANN] Bitcoin PEW PEW Node Summit
Post by: myrkul on May 14, 2013, 08:58:50 PM
Please don't be too tough on this guy. Despite the way he might come out on these forums he seems like a nice fellow. He even refunded people their tickets so at least he is honest.

I found a video lecture of him and to me he seems like a nice guy (though I admit that some of the showing off on these forums is not so great).

Sure, he's nice. But he's dumb with money. No matter how nice a guy is, if he's dumb with money, you don't give him other people's money to play with.

Unless he runs the Fed.

Title: Re: [ANN] Bitcoin PEW PEW Node Summit
Post by: smoothie on May 15, 2013, 01:51:53 AM
Nice guy what does stupid things with his money and he wanted people to pay him to tell them how he makes money?


Title: Re: [ANN] Bitcoin PEW PEW Node Summit
Post by: rpietila on May 15, 2013, 06:08:26 AM
Sure, he's nice. But he's dumb with money. No matter how nice a guy is, if he's dumb with money, you don't give him other people's money to play with.

When I started making money consciously 24 years ago, I started with a balance of 17 FIM (€2.5) in my bank account.

In 2000, I already commanded a trading position of 50k+ euros.

In 2008, govt attacked my small silver dealership, prompting me to fight back. In the process I became a millionaire.

Since 2010, I have not felt that the dearth of purchasing power in any way hinders me from doing exactly what I feel like is worth doing.

In 2011 I bought bitcoins, after following them go from about 0.20 to 31.99 and back to about 3, which was my initial entry point.

Today I am so detached from the world that I do not even pay taxes actively, they take what they want directly from my bank account, and until now they have always been able to extract the sum they want (so that even in the govt's opinion, I don't owe them anything). I also fly wherever I want (USA/Israel was off-limits recently, but I will try to come to California during the conference there this week, I don't think I will be detained if I don't break the overt laws of the country and state) with an entourage of 5 people minimum.

So if this is being dumb with money, then your judgement is obfuscated by your personal preference. For me this works just fine, and I am quietly minding my own business and instruct you to do likewise.

EDIT: I also do not actively seek "other people's money to play with". Not that I could not manage them as well as my own, but the responsibility of my handling other people's matters just cannot be compensated with money, since of the latter I have enough already and can make more if I need. When you see me not making money, it means that I don't have the desire to do so atm.

Title: Re: [ANN] Bitcoin PEW PEW Node Summit
Post by: myrkul on May 15, 2013, 06:52:29 AM
So if this is being dumb with money, then your judgement is obfuscated by your personal preference. For me this works just fine, and I am quietly minding my own business and instruct you to do likewise.
Remind me what you did with an unsecured laptop, and how much in bitcoins was on it? And how you "proved" you had a huge bankroll?

Is it just digital money that you're a complete fool with, or are your past successes mostly attributable to luck and connections?

Title: Re: [ANN] Bitcoin PEW PEW Node Summit
Post by: rpietila on May 15, 2013, 07:01:23 AM
So if this is being dumb with money, then your judgement is obfuscated by your personal preference. For me this works just fine, and I am quietly minding my own business and instruct you to do likewise.
Remind me what you did with an unsecured laptop, and how much in bitcoins was on it? And how you "proved" you had a huge bankroll?

Is it just digital money that you're a complete fool with, or are your past successes mostly attributable to luck and connections?

Has to be sheer luck, since I did not have connections when I started. Now I do.

Title: Re: [ANN] Bitcoin PEW PEW Node Summit
Post by: smoothie on May 15, 2013, 07:58:44 AM
Quoted from his original and now locked thread.

Sounds like a disaster to me. But what I don't get is...

Why anyone in their right mind would think a sauna would be a good place to have your personal property (ie laptop with bitcoins on them) kept safe.

A conference room maybe, but a sauna really?

Many people have wanted me to "cool down". I have done it for another 7 hours today, just walking about in Helsinki, eating, drinking and smoking at will (which, in my case, meant 2 half-eaten salads, one glass of white wine, half a beer, two bottles of spring water, a cup of tea and one cigar during the spree, for the total cost of <100 EUR).

Last time I checked, Haikko Manor has still not:
- apologized me
- given the answer to my question: "what do you want me to do next"
- forced me to do anything.

Believe me, until one of the above happens, I will not do anything. I only have so much time, and I already wasted enough of it with them. With the exceptions of Anna-Lisa, Henna-Kaisa and the CEO, I don't have a personal problem with the members of the staff. Everybody else has been serving me as best as they can, limited only by their ability (which is top-notch) and the orders from the superiors (which were the probable reason for my disconnect from the room service Sunday morning, which in a 5-star hotel means that you run out of water in 2 hours, followed by evacuation since you are not in a position to run a supernode without water, and risk a danger of breakdown - my abilities are very much dependent on the living conditions, and I took meticulous care of them by means of the room service as long as they let me).

I am every bit as indignant because of the insults as I was on Sunday. If possible, even more. This should not have happened, and luckily I am in the position to wait for their action indefinitely. As soon as Juha realizes what a jerk he is, he either apologizes or assigns somebody to do it. If he does not, he will just have to use the legal methods available, and my lawyer is in charge of that. It is not OK to endanger my bitcoins, and the matter will be settled with cigars or wine, or in court, their call.

If indeed this was an agent story, and everything was purposely done to harm me, be my guest. You bet the wrong horse, Bitcoin is conquering the world this year, and I don't see why such a fine hotel as Haikko would side with the enemy, since my 10+ year personal experience lead me to believe they would be the first to embrace the change.

As for the ones who try to tell that it is my fault to "leave bitcoins unattended", I will just delete all that crap from now on regardless of who the poster is. The sauna WAS the "security room" of the conference, clearly visible in the orders given to the hotel, and everything we agreed upon concerning it, was broken from the hotel side, everything was compromised, some stuff was actually STOLEN: during the first night AT LEAST THREE DIFFERENT TIMES it was accessed unauthorized by the hotel staff ONLY, and if this does not drive you mad, I would like to know what does.

I DID NOT leave my computer + the keys + 2 factor auth there for the reason that I was stupid, but for the reason that it was designated to be the MOST SECURE place, with higher rating than the hotel room, Manor House Suite #30, where I was staying. After we realized that there was absolutely no way to keep the intruders in hotel uniforms out without outright physical force, the sauna was evacuated to #30 and I needed to stay there personally to guard my stuff. Intentionally left without room service, it did not end well.

How is it motherfucking possible, that 3 noncooperative people (named above) can create such a mess in the finest hotel of Finland is so much beyond me that I prefer to not even think of it. That is why I continue minding my own business until they all apologize, or I have enough free time to settle the matter in court. Why in the motherfucking hell are the owners not informed of the matter, so that they could order something to be done?? If I was the owner of the hotel, in no way would any of my staff ever insult the customers so deeply without immediate apology or summary dismissal from service (in which case I would personally apologize and refund all, which I have done concerning the summit already).

Title: Re: [ANN] Bitcoin PEW PEW Node Summit
Post by: greyhawk on May 15, 2013, 08:23:14 AM
So if this is being dumb with money, then your judgement is obfuscated by your personal preference. For me this works just fine, and I am quietly minding my own business and instruct you to do likewise.

I [...] instruct you to do likewise.

I [...] instruct you

Aahahahahahahahahaha! What the hell is wrong with you?

EDIT: Wait, now I get it. You're a master troll. Well played, goon sire.

Title: Re: [ANN] Bitcoin PEW PEW Node Summit
Post by: Professor James Moriarty on May 15, 2013, 08:30:39 AM

 I am 12 and what is this?
 Seriously guys this topic makes no sense :D

Title: Re: [ANN] Bitcoin PEW PEW Node Summit
Post by: greyhawk on May 15, 2013, 08:38:41 AM

 I am 12 and what is this?
 Seriously guys this topic makes no sense :D

I could tell you but I'm late for my bath in champagne and my morning drink of Kopi Luwak sprinkled with freshly ground diamond.

Title: Re: [ANN] Bitcoin PEW PEW Node Summit
Post by: MPOE-PR on May 15, 2013, 01:33:50 PM
Can I bring my BFL asic minirig to the sauna?

Yes vaporware is welcome we will be sitting in vapor anyway...

Bwahaha suddenly this thread went gold.

What is a 'super bitcoin pew pew node' ?

What are 'pew pew node members' ?

What are 'pew pew coins' ?

I notice you use the words 'PEW PEW' ...

What is a 'PEW PEW' ??


Title: Re: [ANN] Bitcoin PEW PEW Node Summit
Post by: smoothie on May 15, 2013, 10:26:31 PM
PEW PEW ....and Reptilia's plans for Super Leet Node For OMFGZ ROFLCOPTER dead. Thread locked also.

Title: Re: [ANN] Bitcoin PEW PEW Node Summit
Post by: Atruk on May 16, 2013, 07:54:26 AM
So if this is being dumb with money, then your judgement is obfuscated by your personal preference. For me this works just fine, and I am quietly minding my own business and instruct you to do likewise.
Remind me what you did with an unsecured laptop, and how much in bitcoins was on it? And how you "proved" you had a huge bankroll?

Is it just digital money that you're a complete fool with, or are your past successes mostly attributable to luck and connections?

Has to be sheer luck, since I did not have connections when I started. Now I do.

Every now and then it is inevitable that someone would get so lucky...

Title: Re: [ANN] Bitcoin PEW PEW Node Summit
Post by: ElectricMucus on May 16, 2013, 04:48:50 PM
So if this is being dumb with money, then your judgement is obfuscated by your personal preference. For me this works just fine, and I am quietly minding my own business and instruct you to do likewise.
Remind me what you did with an unsecured laptop, and how much in bitcoins was on it? And how you "proved" you had a huge bankroll?

Is it just digital money that you're a complete fool with, or are your past successes mostly attributable to luck and connections?

Has to be sheer luck, since I did not have connections when I started. Now I do.

Every now and then it is inevitable that someone would get so lucky...

Luck usually runs out when you end up in a mental institution.