Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: wolverine.ks on May 13, 2013, 07:49:02 PM

Title: Killer App for Bitcoin? Distributed computing for bitcoin?
Post by: wolverine.ks on May 13, 2013, 07:49:02 PM
So it was announced that Bitcoin network is giant as all hell, bigger than the top 50 supercomputer combined or something like that.

There is also a bitcoin-for-bandwidth TOR app being developed.

What if there were a bitcoin for distributed computing app?

Folding at home or Seti or whoever, could use bitcoin to pay for the worlds largest supercomputer? As soon as asics are widespread, what else are you going to do with your 50 ati graphics cards?

my guess would be a generic app that would list all the companies/entities that had signed up and posted bounties, and you select which project or bounty you  like the best and then your retired mining rig goes to town curing cancer, or predicting weather patterns...

additionally, there has been a lot of talk about the network being wasted, developing an alt currency that cured cancer, convincing charities to take bitcoin....

this to me seemed to solve all those problems.


Title: Re: Killer App for Bitcoin? Distributed computing for bitcoin?
Post by: CasinoBit on May 13, 2013, 07:51:53 PM
Exactly what I've thought about, Bitcoin "plugins", you would put a bounty for a certain amount of information processed.

Title: Re: Killer App for Bitcoin? Distributed computing for bitcoin?
Post by: Birdy on May 13, 2013, 07:53:19 PM
I also think there may be a side-use of all this computer-power, but it could be tricky to implement.
If there are people able to lower their difficulty by bypassing the additional side-uses, they will do it (unless the side-use also provides some benefits for them).

Title: Re: Killer App for Bitcoin? Distributed computing for bitcoin?
Post by: wolverine.ks on May 13, 2013, 07:57:23 PM
what do you mean by
a side-use of all this computer-power

what is that?

Title: Re: Killer App for Bitcoin? Distributed computing for bitcoin?
Post by: Birdy on May 13, 2013, 08:01:17 PM
what do you mean by
a side-use of all this computer-power

what is that?
If the Bitcoin network would solve some other math-puzzles for the difficulty that does benefit science in some way.
But I don't know if that's possible.

Title: Re: Killer App for Bitcoin? Distributed computing for bitcoin?
Post by: BTCLuke on May 13, 2013, 08:46:16 PM
If the Bitcoin network would solve some other math-puzzles for the difficulty that does benefit science in some way.
It's already being used in the best possible way: To make your currency finite and uncorruptable.

I won't be using any currencies (by choice) that don't do what bitcoin does now.

Title: Re: Killer App for Bitcoin? Distributed computing for bitcoin?
Post by: mhill12 on May 13, 2013, 08:51:03 PM
There are a couple of alt coins currently in development that seek to use compute power as PoW. Curecoin will send work to Folding@home while Sciencecoin is aiming to be a more general grid for university use.

Title: Re: Killer App for Bitcoin? Distributed computing for bitcoin?
Post by: Birdy on May 13, 2013, 08:54:33 PM
There are a couple of alt coins currently in development that seek to use compute power as PoW. Curecoin will send work to Folding@home while Sciencecoin is aiming to be a more general grid for university use.
Would be the first interesting Altcoins besides PPCoin. :)

Title: Re: Killer App for Bitcoin? Distributed computing for bitcoin?
Post by: AmDD on May 13, 2013, 08:59:18 PM
The problem is (If I understand you correctly) is that Universities are not going to pay us to crunch their numbers. this is why they built things like Folding and Seti to begin with, you down load and 'donate' you pc power/electricity to solve problems for them.

Title: Re: Killer App for Bitcoin? Distributed computing for bitcoin?
Post by: wolverine.ks on May 13, 2013, 09:22:54 PM
if a foundation of some kind realizes they can get access to huge computing power, but can only access it through bitcoin, they will jump on board and forget the high price of renting super computer cycles.

Title: Re: Killer App for Bitcoin? Distributed computing for bitcoin?
Post by: jdbtracker on May 13, 2013, 09:35:42 PM
Folding@home is a great project to start and alt-coin from, science coin sounds good too, TorCoin as well.

this wouldn't even take much time either, create a boinc like project over the folding@home clients, this way the system is decentralized just like bitcoin.

no single entity is in power, it is p2p open source, we set the limit to work exactly like bitcoin 21,000,000.000,000,00 coins available in the system, 50 coins to be
generated randomly for every confirmed work load, we don't rely on stanford to do the monitoring, they do their thing, BoincCoin just monitors confirmed work loads gives it away as a lottery so massive pools can be created to win the prize.  just imagine getting all those cuda cards back in action!

all we got to do is take the first step and fix whatever problems come up as they rear their heads.

also we could just offer to pay people to fund the work,"we accept bitcoins, Dollars, PayPal and distribute it to all the people who are actively working on the system, so it dolls out a x amount in a y timeframe.

If there are 1000 people with x amount of coins donated to go towards them they get paid for every 10 minutes of time they are actively working on a project, doll it out to work on a bi-weekly cycle just like a job, you get paid at the end of it when the network is able to crunch all the numbers and calculate how much to doll out that week.

so it is a constant stream of cash that is required, but you are donating it in bitcoins... which make it easy but currency holy that could be a whole new cat. who transfers it, who is the holder of that money? straight bitcoin is the easy aproach implementable immediately.

Another approach if we can get the folding at home clients to work directly with it, the proof of work for Folding@home is easy, each molecule is a PoW of it's own, which can be confirmed by their computers just like a hash quite quickly.  their network tells the FoldingCoin that the transaction is legit. just like bitcoin, half the time the miners are creating the work and half the time they are confirming that the proteins folded are legit, standford just uploads the project to the network and shuts it down when they have enough data.

the system can even implemt features of crowdsourcing so that real people are being paid to fold proteins, the human brain is an incredible machine, just need to educate people on the fundamentals of the task e.g folding@home proteins.  Once they know the rules they get better at the folding game, a puzzle that pays you to work on it.

Citizens ask not what your Institutions can do for you, ask, what can I do to virtualize my Institutions today?

Title: Re: Killer App for Bitcoin? Distributed computing for bitcoin?
Post by: cp1 on May 13, 2013, 10:27:42 PM
If they would pay 25 BTC for an equivalent amount of computing time I'm sure people would go with that.  It would actually give NVidia users something to do.

Title: Re: Killer App for Bitcoin? Distributed computing for bitcoin?
Post by: jdbtracker on May 13, 2013, 10:47:28 PM
agreed! equal compute time, but what if the 25-50 altcoins are distributed to everyone all at once? A set rate is applied, we have received x amount of bitcoins we distribute x amount every 10 minutes for your work that way the provider can build up a reservoir to last n amount of time and know how much to fund raise to keep the project going. 

Nvidias are good for double precision simulations, this could be significant.

Title: Re: Killer App for Bitcoin? Distributed computing for bitcoin?
Post by: Elwar on May 13, 2013, 11:18:02 PM
You could just pay people for their computing time in BTC. Or rather than computing time, pay for results.

Title: Re: Killer App for Bitcoin? Distributed computing for bitcoin?
Post by: raze on May 13, 2013, 11:22:59 PM
So it was announced that Bitcoin network is giant as all hell, bigger than the top 50 supercomputer combined or something like that.

There is also a bitcoin-for-bandwidth TOR app being developed.

What if there were a bitcoin for distributed computing app?

Folding at home or Seti or whoever, could use bitcoin to pay for the worlds largest supercomputer? As soon as asics are widespread, what else are you going to do with your 50 ati graphics cards?

my guess would be a generic app that would list all the companies/entities that had signed up and posted bounties, and you select which project or bounty you  like the best and then your retired mining rig goes to town curing cancer, or predicting weather patterns...

additionally, there has been a lot of talk about the network being wasted, developing an alt currency that cured cancer, convincing charities to take bitcoin....

this to me seemed to solve all those problems.


Sounds like it could be a pretty decent kickstarter.

Title: Re: Killer App for Bitcoin? Distributed computing for bitcoin?
Post by: cp1 on May 13, 2013, 11:23:04 PM
Only problem is I doubt the NSF would allow you to buy BTC with your grant money.  But if you had a private contract it might be alright.  Though I'm sure the government would have something to say about buying and distributing BTC.

Title: Re: Killer App for Bitcoin? Distributed computing for bitcoin?
Post by: jdbtracker on May 14, 2013, 12:56:40 AM
We have no choice frak Folding@home! we're making this open source p2p and hard coding the science into it

researchers put in your data, parameters.

funders provide bitcoins, dictate what projects to fund.

Hardware aficionados, get your Cuda cores crunching.

We'll see you at the finish line.

Title: Re: Killer App for Bitcoin? Distributed computing for bitcoin?
Post by: raze on May 14, 2013, 01:04:22 AM
funders provide bitcoins, dictate what projects to fund.

The only problem is the funders are going to choose projects that benefit them, not society in general.

Title: Re: Killer App for Bitcoin? Distributed computing for bitcoin?
Post by: Elwar on May 14, 2013, 01:10:41 AM
funders provide bitcoins, dictate what projects to fund.

The only problem is the funders are going to choose projects that benefit them, not society in general.

What solved problems do not benefit society?

Title: Re: Killer App for Bitcoin? Distributed computing for bitcoin?
Post by: jdbtracker on May 14, 2013, 01:37:38 AM
Just imagine a PR department for Stanford and it's open computing projects, enlisting employees and donors to it's projects.

Mega Corporation X, funding new drug research to cure diseases with the p2p human project, paying out large cash for your cycles.

Government X funding it's own research projects and giving their scientists access to a low cost/high power computer system.

People will allocate cash to attract donors to their cause, touting so and so's projects merits for humanity, vs secret proprietary Corporate research, against open source Government penny pinching.

It could be epic.