Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Speculation => Topic started by: realRoasbeef on July 27, 2017, 09:25:07 AM

Title: To all who are in favor of the SEC ruling, FUCK YOU! YOU ARE FUCKING HYPOCRITES!
Post by: realRoasbeef on July 27, 2017, 09:25:07 AM
To all those so-called 'bitcoin'res' who are in favor of the SEC ruling, FUCK YOU! YOU ARE FUCKING HYPOCRITES!

S: so what is the story?
O: US arrested Russian citizen in Greece for a crime that happened in Japan.

S: what the fuck? for what?
O: money laundering.

S: how come? it's crypto, it's a waazi, it's a woozy, it's a rock dust!
O: well, yeah you know the SEC.

S: what is the SEC has to do with the freedom of writing, how is it considered a crime to write a prime number in a piece of paper.
O: That not how it works.

S: Then let me tell you one thing, we will create a civilization of the mind in cyberspace. may it be more humane and fair than the world your governments have made before.
S: Fuck you!
S: One more thing, the task of an activist is not to negotiate systems of power with as much personal integrity as possible- it's to dismantle those systems.
S: Fuck you!
S: Read your Constitution, the real hope in the land of the free.
S: Good luck!
S: Just for the record, IN AMERICA WE DON'T WORSHIP GOVERNMENT - WE WORSHIP GOD! #inbitcoinwetrust #fucktrumpfagain
S: Wake up! Fight for your rights! In God we trust, we have one law in the cyberspace, the Golden Rule.


S: Not Davos, Fuck you!

Title: Re: To all who are in favor of the SEC ruling, FUCK YOU! YOU ARE FUCKING HYPOCRITES!
Post by: shinohai on July 27, 2017, 11:31:29 AM
There is, and can only be one single way ( to deal with the SEC or any fiat institution.

Title: Re: To all who are in favor of the SEC ruling, FUCK YOU! YOU ARE FUCKING HYPOCRITES!
Post by: warrior333 on July 27, 2017, 11:42:53 AM
Before writing the posts I recommend OP to learn how to speak decently and not to use expletives. He's a hacker, he was arrested. If he does not agree with your apprehension that he will always have the opportunity to prove his innocence in court. But when the Russians raise a tantrum for me this is an indirect confirmation of his guilt.

Title: Re: To all who are in favor of the SEC ruling, FUCK YOU! YOU ARE FUCKING HYPOCRITES!
Post by: DaMut on July 27, 2017, 12:44:10 PM
Before writing the posts I recommend OP to learn how to speak decently and not to use expletives. He's a hacker, he was arrested. If he does not agree with your apprehension that he will always have the opportunity to prove his innocence in court. But when the Russians raise a tantrum for me this is an indirect confirmation of his guilt.

Yes,indeed he need to learn how to write properly and other than that this forum created to discuss not to curse someone or even 'the president'.
They're arrested him because he's running an exchanger for doing a money laundry,and any other crime.
But your statement :
He's a hacker was wrong,he's not the hacker but he's involved in hacking Mt.Gox (they said,which mean it's not proven yet so far).
from that point we can see he's not the hacker but he's the money launderer.

From my perspective his guilt(obviously i selectively a possible crime that he did from their statement) were money laundry,involved in hacking Mt.Gox,illegal exchanger and activity