Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Armory => Topic started by: simonmerch on August 03, 2017, 03:26:39 AM

Title: Too Many Problems; Need Advice Switching to Lite Wallet
Post by: simonmerch on August 03, 2017, 03:26:39 AM

Sadly, I had Armory installed in a sort of set it and forget it manner. Over the last 2 or so weeks, I've been attempting to move some bitcoin that has been sitting in my wallet.

Continuous errors, issues with syncing, block corruption, etc. etc. I've likely downloaded the blockchain about 3 times now (thanks be to unlimited downloads).

Sadly, I don't have the time, and no longer have the desire to troubleshoot issues, and continue to download the bitcoin block chain time and time again. For this reason, I'd like to move things to a lite wallet.

I was considering electrum.

With that being said, can someone help guide me into how I can move the bitcoin I have in Armory to Electrum?

My balance last showed 0, but the block transactions seemed to have shown that I should have in there have been delivered. I imagine everything is there, but due to the syncing issues (I think I managed to get things working up to blockheight ~172935), the inability to rebuild the db/scan the db means that I'm unable to verify, but I don't suspect any foul play. I hope transferring to Electrum will validate my assumptions.

Thank you

Title: Re: Too Many Problems; Need Advice Switching to Lite Wallet
Post by: simonmerch on August 03, 2017, 05:24:39 AM
I suppose while I'm at it, are there any suggestions for how to go about claiming BCH as well during this move?

Thanks again.

Title: Re: Too Many Problems; Need Advice Switching to Lite Wallet
Post by: simonmerch on August 05, 2017, 11:20:12 PM
So this was relatively easy for the most part, for anyone else who runs into this (the first part of the issue, that is).

Open Armory > Wallet Settings > Back up wallet > Export keys > You only need your PrivBase58 keys.

They'll look something like:
PrivBase58: 2323hdlkajhdhasdhad879as678dasdhjgdasdasd
PrivBase58: 123123hdlkajhdhs4sdhad879s67dasdhjgdasdsd
PrivBase58: 4234hdlkajhdhasdhad879as678dasdhjgdasdasd

Open up electrum > wallet > private keys > sweep

Enter the PrivBase58 keys, all of them, without the prefix or any of that junk, e.g.:

Hit sweep. Broadcast, and save the transaction signature just in case (not sure what it may be used for as I haven't given it a closer look). Then wait.

Title: Re: Too Many Problems; Need Advice Switching to Lite Wallet
Post by: Mr.Vice on August 06, 2017, 10:06:16 AM
When you do export your private keys that hold BTC and import them into any other wallet you should consider moving your funds to a fresh wallet afterwards. Because during this process your keys could get exposed to a potential attacker, so I really recommend you send your funds after importation to a new wallet, which keys haven't been exposed.