Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: MrThePlague on May 16, 2013, 02:00:59 AM

Title: (Noob Question) Help me setup solo mining? I'll throw ya some coin for your help
Post by: MrThePlague on May 16, 2013, 02:00:59 AM
I've been mining for about 2 months now. I've got three rigs, each with 3 x 7950's and 1 x 7850. All my mining has been done via pool, and the little experience I've had with solo mining has been unsuccessful, and I jump right back into pool mining out of frustration.

I'm sick of the frustration! If anyone can please help me figure out this solo mining aspect once and for all, I'd be very appreciative. I've got TeamViewer for remote login we can work on it that way. I'm a tard when it comes to written tutorials. Give me a book 3 feett thick on the 'How To' on solo mining, and I'll be in the corner sucking my thumb outta frustration. Give me a 60 second youtube tutorial, and I'm understanding it to a T! If I can watch someone set it up, or at least skip the tutorial aspect of it, and just get right down to it without explaining, and I can just emulate that process on my other 2 rigs, I'd be more then thankful, and would toss some coin your way for the troubles.

Thank you much in advance, and I appreciate any help I can get. I refuse to spend the rest of my birthday frustrated on trying to get this damn thing working once and for all! :(

Title: Re: (Noob Question) Help me setup solo mining? I'll throw ya some coin for your help
Post by: defaced on May 16, 2013, 02:07:19 AM
I'm actually about to release a how to video soon but ill walk you through it real fast.

We will use Franko as an example.

You download the wallet.

open the wallet, and let it dl the blockchain, close the client then travel on over to %appdata%/franko and create a franko.conf file

in this file we will use


rpcallowip=192.*     <----- this line says anyone on your LAN can mine using that wallet
rpcallowip=    <------ this line says localhost can also mine

Now you just turn on your miner of choice, i use Guiminer because i like the gui.

Once the mining software is up you plugin in the info

host is your target machines ip, if you are solo mining on the same machine as the wallet (something i dont recommend) you would set host to Port to the rpc port you set

set the remaining variables like user and pass, etc. and hit go.

Happy mining.

Title: Re: (Noob Question) Help me setup solo mining? I'll throw ya some coin for your help
Post by: MrThePlague on May 16, 2013, 02:08:12 AM
I should add. I wanted to first start with WorldCoin for now. but this knowledge will expand for future use on any coin

EDIT: just saw that recent reply. let me ready up :D

Title: Re: (Noob Question) Help me setup solo mining? I'll throw ya some coin for your help
Post by: MrThePlague on May 16, 2013, 02:13:21 AM
Now my only experience with mining is with CGminer. Do you think I should switch miners for my solo mining? CGminer has treated me great pool mining, but no experience with the solo aspect, and how it may differ using a differnet miner.

Title: Re: (Noob Question) Help me setup solo mining? I'll throw ya some coin for your help
Post by: MrThePlague on May 16, 2013, 02:15:39 AM
I'm actually about to release a how to video soon but ill walk you through it real fast.

We will use Franko as an example.

You download the wallet.

open the wallet, and let it dl the blockchain, close the client then travel on over to %appdata%/franko and create a franko.conf file

in this file we will use


rpcallowip=192.*     <----- this line says anyone on your LAN can mine using that wallet
rpcallowip=    <------ this line says localhost can also mine

Now you just turn on your miner of choice, i use Guiminer because i like the gui.

Once the mining software is up you plugin in the info

host is your target machines ip, if you are solo mining on the same machine as the wallet (something i dont recommend) you would set host to Port to the rpc port you set

set the remaining variables like user and pass, etc. and hit go.

Happy mining.

So so far, what I think i've got to do is, Download the qt wallet. then add the conf, to the roaming folder. adding  "
" to it (this info should be universal regardless of the coin i mine? Only difference is say.. if i use franko, It would be added to franko.conf , if i use royalcoin, it would be royalcoin.conf.  etc ?

""" if you are solo mining on the same machine as the wallet (something i dont recommend)"""

Perfect, i don't put my wallets on my miners. I didn;'t know if ti was required at first though

Title: Re: (Noob Question) Help me setup solo mining? I'll throw ya some coin for your help
Post by: defaced on May 16, 2013, 02:20:03 AM
Yup, you are 100% on track.

Title: Re: (Noob Question) Help me setup solo mining? I'll throw ya some coin for your help
Post by: MrThePlague on May 16, 2013, 02:21:14 AM
Lemme give this a shot :) Thanks buddy.

Also (sorry if you just answered this) but would u recommend against using CGminer for this? Or does that really not matter, it's all about preference?

EDIT: Sorry. I'm a retard I know.. How does this know where to send the solo mining payouts? is there a place I link my payout address into, or how does that work?

Title: Re: (Noob Question) Help me setup solo mining? I'll throw ya some coin for your help
Post by: defaced on May 16, 2013, 02:23:05 AM
Lemme give this a shot :) Thanks buddy.

Also (sorry if you just answered this) but would u recommend against using CGminer for this? Or does that really not matter, it's all about preference?

Its all about preference really. Whatever you are comfortable with.

Title: Re: (Noob Question) Help me setup solo mining? I'll throw ya some coin for your help
Post by: coinerd on May 16, 2013, 03:38:07 AM
Lemme give this a shot :) Thanks buddy.

Also (sorry if you just answered this) but would u recommend against using CGminer for this? Or does that really not matter, it's all about preference?

EDIT: Sorry. I'm a retard I know.. How does this know where to send the solo mining payouts? is there a place I link my payout address into, or how does that work?

When you solo mine the wallet generates the work, it knows where to send the payment.