Bitcoin Forum

Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Moloch on August 07, 2017, 01:47:14 PM

Title: Just say no...
Post by: Moloch on August 07, 2017, 01:47:14 PM religion

Title: Re: Just say no...
Post by: cigaLeider on August 07, 2017, 03:42:25 PM
hahahahaha really nice meme !! I would like to add: Nope! So fuck off and go with him xD. Fuck religion and all brainwashers

Title: Re: Just say no...
Post by: erep on August 07, 2017, 04:04:18 PM
Religion is truly something that holds you back from your independence and free will. Some restrictions are necessary but the agents of the religion use them to their advantage and use people whenever necessary and play politics in the name of God.

Title: Re: Just say no...
Post by: snorlaxwithhat on August 09, 2017, 05:13:49 PM
I don't really agree with religion and i support this image. We are able to deny it with respect and humor.

Title: Re: Just say no...
Post by: AgonyPaid on August 10, 2017, 05:36:34 AM
I don't really agree with religion and i support this image. We are able to deny it with respect and humor.
Everybody can behaves to religion how pleasingly. That in what now convert religion into some countries, such as Russia, otherwise as will not name madness. Look at a turn to the relics of Nikolay Wonder-worker.

Title: Re: Just say no...
Post by: degaga15 on August 10, 2017, 05:59:20 AM
I don't really agree with religion and i support this image. We are able to deny it with respect and humor.
Friends, so you do not believe in religion? Do not believe in a god? Already know who the creator of the universe, can man do that.

Title: Re: Just say no...
Post by: Olivious on August 10, 2017, 06:50:28 AM
The most corrupted organization man created people dont need religion to live peacefully. Bitcoin and some wine can survive my cravings.

Title: Re: Just say no...
Post by: Coins and Hardwork on August 10, 2017, 06:57:31 AM
I don't really agree with religion and i support this image. We are able to deny it with respect and humor.
Friends, so you do not believe in religion? Do not believe in a god? Already know who the creator of the universe, can man do that.

He said he don't really agree with religions, he did not said anything about not believing in religion. I don't know why there are people who are so fed up when it comes to religion. It is not that I don't believe in it because it is a culture in our place but I nust can't include myself to the debate about what is the real religion.

Title: Re: Just say no...
Post by: JDacer on August 10, 2017, 07:29:25 AM
just say YES!

Title: Re: Just say no...
Post by: Moloch on August 10, 2017, 07:32:58 AM
just say YES!

Title: Re: Just say no...
Post by: JDacer on August 10, 2017, 08:09:57 AM
opposite face :p

Title: Re: Just say no...
Post by: Sadlife on August 10, 2017, 08:18:32 AM
Hahaha this post just take the cake, i cant stop laughing xD yeah all those stupid fags can worship anything they want even trees just dont try to recruit us or convince into joining your group. Personally, i think this exclusive groups that are called religion are meant to divide us. So it's easier to rule us this self proclaimed doesn't know anything about god or to the religion that their into they haven't seen the dark side of it. All we are to them are paying fan boys of their poorly written sci-fi franchise.

Title: Re: Just say no...
Post by: degaga15 on August 10, 2017, 10:20:55 AM
I don't really agree with religion and i support this image. We are able to deny it with respect and humor.
Friends, so you do not believe in religion? Do not believe in a god? Already know who the creator of the universe, can man do that.

He said he don't really agree with religions, he did not said anything about not believing in religion. I don't know why there are people who are so fed up when it comes to religion. It is not that I don't believe in it because it is a culture in our place but I nust can't include myself to the debate about what is the real religion.
It's really my friend, I'm not concerned about religion. Too many arguments in religion, it should be a matter of religion let people and their god know.

Title: Re: Just say no...
Post by: Nalbo on August 10, 2017, 10:28:10 AM
I don't really agree with religion and i support this image. We are able to deny it with respect and humor.
Friends, so you do not believe in religion? Do not believe in a god? Already know who the creator of the universe, can man do that.

He said he don't really agree with religions, he did not said anything about not believing in religion. I don't know why there are people who are so fed up when it comes to religion. It is not that I don't believe in it because it is a culture in our place but I nust can't include myself to the debate about what is the real religion.
It's really my friend, I'm not concerned about religion. Too many arguments in religion, it should be a matter of religion let people and their god know.

Religion is a culture hence need to be preserved. Life would be no fun without Ids, Christmas, Holi, etc.

Title: Re: Just say no...
Post by: JDacer on August 10, 2017, 10:56:32 AM
yeah its true :)

Title: Re: Just say no...
Post by: Pancho95 on August 10, 2017, 02:29:41 PM
It is hard to explain. For people who belive in God He is the reason why the good things are happening to them. You know there are hard times when there is no one who can help you and then you are reaching for a change and for a God. Maybe in more developed countries there is no need bacuse the people knows that government is taking care of them but in small communites only help is God.

Title: Re: Just say no...
Post by: Moloch on August 10, 2017, 02:30:15 PM
I don't really agree with religion and i support this image. We are able to deny it with respect and humor.
Friends, so you do not believe in religion? Do not believe in a god? Already know who the creator of the universe, can man do that.

He said he don't really agree with religions, he did not said anything about not believing in religion. I don't know why there are people who are so fed up when it comes to religion. It is not that I don't believe in it because it is a culture in our place but I nust can't include myself to the debate about what is the real religion.
It's really my friend, I'm not concerned about religion. Too many arguments in religion, it should be a matter of religion let people and their god know.

Religion is a culture hence need to be preserved. Life would be no fun without Ids, Christmas, Holi, etc.

Both Christmas and Easter were taken from pre-existing pagan holidays... Christians did not invent Christmas or Easter; they had already been established holidays and celebrated for centuries before anyone ever heard of Jesus (why do you think they celebrate Jesus' birth on Dec 25 when he was born in the spring?)

Christmas was originally called Yule (season) or Saturnalia (winter solstice), and Easter was called Ēostre (spring equinox) - named after the goddess Ôstara/Ôstarmânoth (which explains easter bunnies, egg hunts, et al)

Feel free to look this stuff up... it's common knowledge across google and the interwebs

The celebration of Christmas as the birth day of Jesus is based on a date of a pagan feast rather than historical analysis. Saturnalia, the Roman feast for Saturn was associated with the winter solstice (between Dec 21st and 23th in northern hemisphere)...

Title: Re: Just say no...
Post by: Daniel91 on August 10, 2017, 02:56:12 PM

Jesus is not religion, he is person who shared powerful message of love, forgiveness and living for the sake of others.
You don't have to be religious to follow these basic principles that define universal goodness and absolute moral values.
So, it's the fact that we can learn a lot from great historical people as Jesus, Mother Theresa, Buddha, Confucius and many others.
You do not have to be Christian, Buddhist or Hinduist to receive their message and learn something that will help in your life.

Title: Re: Just say no...
Post by: coolcoinz on August 10, 2017, 03:42:48 PM
Jesus is not religion, he is person who shared powerful message of love, forgiveness and living for the sake of others.
You don't have to be religious to follow these basic principles that define universal goodness and absolute moral values.
So, it's the fact that we can learn a lot from great historical people as Jesus, Mother Theresa, Buddha, Confucius and many others.
You do not have to be Christian, Buddhist or Hinduist to receive their message and learn something that will help in your life.

Why should we live for the sake of others? Should we sacrifice our lives for other people, just like he did?
His message? When someone hits you, turn the other cheek. Yea, this will work great especially against school bullies.
-Hey! Give me your lunch money or I'll kick your ass!
-Here you go, do you want this chocolate bar too?

When someone is trying to kill you or your family, don't fight him!

When someone rapes your wife, forgive him, he doesn't know what he's doing.

When someone steals from you, pray for him, maybe he'll change.

Is that it?

Title: Re: Just say no...
Post by: Shova on August 10, 2017, 03:51:16 PM
Jesus is not religion, he is person who shared powerful message of love, forgiveness and living for the sake of others.
You don't have to be religious to follow these basic principles that define universal goodness and absolute moral values.
So, it's the fact that we can learn a lot from great historical people as Jesus, Mother Theresa, Buddha, Confucius and many others.
You do not have to be Christian, Buddhist or Hinduist to receive their message and learn something that will help in your life.

Why should we live for the sake of others? Should we sacrifice our lives for other people, just like he did?
His message? When someone hits you, turn the other cheek. Yea, this will work great especially against school bullies.
-Hey! Give me your lunch money or I'll kick your ass!
-Here you go, do you want this chocolate bar too?

When someone is trying to kill you or your family, don't fight him!

When someone rapes your wife, forgive him, he doesn't know what he's doing.

When someone steals from you, pray for him, maybe he'll change.

Is that it?

People learn from what the society teaches them. For every wrong people, there's something wrong we did. Wrong inside of us.

Title: Re: Just say no...
Post by: Saidmod on August 10, 2017, 04:03:54 PM
Why? we are in a free world let them believe and praise what they know and believe in. . I just say YES , because religion unites most of the countrymen in a particular countries that have a religion.

Title: Re: Just say no...
Post by: Moloch on August 10, 2017, 04:48:02 PM

Why? we are in a free world let them believe and praise what they know and believe in. . I just say YES , because religion unites most of the countrymen in a particular countries that have a religion.

What are you smoking?

Religion doesn't unite people, it divides people...

The bible literally says to kill gay people... to kill anyone who tries to teach you another religion, etc... that is just plain WRONG, and extremely divisive

Title: Re: Just say no...
Post by: blitzsmashinr on August 10, 2017, 06:08:20 PM
I don't really agree with religion and i support this image. We are able to deny it with respect and humor.
Friends, so you do not believe in religion? Do not believe in a god? Already know who the creator of the universe, can man do that.

He said he don't really agree with religions, he did not said anything about not believing in religion. I don't know why there are people who are so fed up when it comes to religion. It is not that I don't believe in it because it is a culture in our place but I nust can't include myself to the debate about what is the real religion.
It's really my friend, I'm not concerned about religion. Too many arguments in religion, it should be a matter of religion let people and their god know.

Religion is a culture hence need to be preserved. Life would be no fun without Ids, Christmas, Holi, etc.
Yeah, it's funny, but we can live without them.

Title: Re: Just say no...
Post by: dali_masmoudi on August 10, 2017, 06:28:36 PM
Why to say no ?
You have to see it, hear from it, learn it ...
And then you decide what to choose !
To say no or to accept it.

Title: Re: Just say no...
Post by: Senkuli on August 10, 2017, 06:57:02 PM
Everyone has every thing to choose what they believe, if you do not believe in religion and God, it is your right.
Religion may be bad for you, because you do not believe in God and the rules of religion that bind your freedom and your desires, your free logic and mind which make you think that religion is merely poison and negative, so are religious people who believe that freedom of thought And excessive logic is nothing more than an error.
My religion is my personal, your belief is your personal, just enjoy your life like what you believe.

Title: Re: Just say no...
Post by: Similificator on August 10, 2017, 07:06:30 PM
I teally dont see why so kany people hate the thought of the existence of GOD and to follow his words. Because i really don't see anything wrong with it. I mean belief in GOD and his religion it is the only gamble in life that can guarantee you a win win situation, coz if i believe and he happens to be real, then i get to go to heaven, and if he's a hoax, then at keast i know i have been a good man to this world and everyone around me because i followed his commandments and teachings that preached nothing but good stuff.

Title: Re: Just say no...
Post by: Moloch on August 11, 2017, 02:43:15 AM
I teally dont see why so kany people hate the thought of the existence of GOD and to follow his words. Because i really don't see anything wrong with it. I mean belief in GOD and his religion it is the only gamble in life that can guarantee you a win win situation, coz if i believe and he happens to be real, then i get to go to heaven, and if he's a hoax, then at keast i know i have been a good man to this world and everyone around me because i followed his commandments and teachings that preached nothing but good stuff.

God only allows people who use spell-check into heaven

Title: Re: Just say no...
Post by: gabmen on August 11, 2017, 05:58:52 AM

LOL some people would quite agree to this and some would not find it that amusing. For me though, its ok. The reason why we're in all this mess is because we always tend to make people believe that our religion is the correct one which always ends in conflict. Just leave people to their own decisions and respect them.

Title: Re: Just say no...
Post by: GideonGono on August 11, 2017, 06:07:43 AM
Religion is truly something that holds you back from your independence and free will. Some restrictions are necessary but the agents of the religion use them to their advantage and use people whenever necessary and play politics in the name of God.

As you say, "free will" so all we need to do is to respect those who believed since each one of us has a freedom to make a choice. It is true that some religious officials are using the religion to influence politics and/or to have the authority to make the people go along with what they want but let's not generalize everything.

Title: Re: Just say no...
Post by: Moloch on August 12, 2017, 02:47:21 PM

Title: Re: Just say no...
Post by: andrey755 on August 13, 2017, 08:28:59 AM
I don't really agree with religion and i support this image. We are able to deny it with respect and humor.
Friends, so you do not believe in religion? Do not believe in a god? Already know who the creator of the universe, can man do that.
Not all believe that such concept as religion exists in general. There are many different opinions and to all of them it is needed to belong with kind regards. Not think, that those people that disbelieve in God or Allah must be pursued from the side of believing part of population.

Title: Re: Just say no...
Post by: JDacer on August 13, 2017, 08:43:17 AM
you know the good and bad  :P

Title: Re: Just say no...
Post by: iv4n on August 14, 2017, 12:19:08 AM
Say nope to religions! I like that some people think the same here, slowly people are waking up! Religions are really holding us back, society would be much better without religions. Today we see how much similarity religion as institution have with some company, they have their boss and workers, they are selling air and they do not pay tax on that (in my country church do not pay tax I believe its same in other countries), religion is all about money. Because of the religions many innocent people died, people who just wanted to live a nice life but some religion extremist thinks that is not possible if you don't believe in their god!!! How many evil has done in the name of the religion? Its not possible to make that list, and people still believe... Who is crazy here?

Title: Re: Just say no...
Post by: Spendulus on August 14, 2017, 12:27:40 AM
The most corrupted organization man created people dont need religion to live peacefully. Bitcoin and some wine can survive my cravings.

You don't have much crave.

There's bacon...

There's women...

And grapes...

Title: Re: Just say no...
Post by: ndcm on September 01, 2017, 11:52:26 AM

I don't support this post, I will never say no to Jesus. I do believe in him and on his amazing works.

Title: Re: Just say no...
Post by: Palmerson on September 01, 2017, 01:49:04 PM
I don't believe in God therefore no religion, I said a long time ago. I find it funny when people believe religious dogmas. I just can't understand why this is so. Not all people who believe in God are mentally retarded. Among them are many intelligent and educated people. For me it is a mystery.

Title: Re: Just say no...
Post by: olubams on September 01, 2017, 02:23:23 PM
Whether you will say yes or no, is your decision to make and equally your responsibility but whether you are still doubting your response, just know this, " the quality of any decision is the consequences of such decision" so if you can face the consequences of yes or no, then you know the answer to give.

Title: Re: Just say no...
Post by: darkangel on September 01, 2017, 02:36:48 PM
You may not need to follow any religion. It is not necessary nor important. You are free to live your own life, do what you love and obey the law. That is really what is needed! What do you think?

Title: Re: Just say no...
Post by: Lyancy001 on September 01, 2017, 03:44:43 PM
I have doubts. Somehow I don't believe in religions. But somehow, religions are the only things that makes a human behave themselves.  ;D

Title: Re: Just say no...
Post by: khitcathy on November 01, 2017, 11:48:41 AM
I think we need to respect all the religions and other belief. At the end of the day Jesus died for us and He loved us that’s why that is the reason some people or religions share Jesus,how He love this world.

Title: Re: Just say no...
Post by: SugoiSenpai on November 04, 2017, 10:51:27 AM
I agree, but there are way too many people who seek for answers, which society could not give unless an imaginative fiction is presented to them as proof. I believe that religions will always exist as a result of peoples hunger in knowing the absolute truth. We as an open-minded people, however, need to accept that religions will always exist in our society no matter how many explanations we give religious people.

Title: Re: Just say no...
Post by: burong1 on November 07, 2017, 01:49:19 PM
Yes to Jesus

Title: Re: Just say no...
Post by: PIR on November 24, 2017, 01:01:55 AM
When one is in danger of any kind... when facing death...there's only one name that rings into our the end of every human life stand God in whom we will give an account to everything we may say "Yes" to God but "No" to religion...

Title: Re: Just say no...
Post by: cryptoon007 on November 24, 2017, 06:19:31 AM
My dear, religion isn't for brainwashers because God really exists! I know it's hard to believe but it's true. So, think twice before you say no to God.

Title: Re: Just say no...
Post by: z38630610 on November 24, 2017, 03:34:28 PM

 :D It is a good picture which religious people don't like. I laughed because I don't believe in religion. Christian people can make joke about Jesus. But if you think you were a Muslim, it is not allowed that you can not draw anything and make joke about Muhammed. Muslims have hard rules in Islam.

Title: Re: Just say no...
Post by: JesusCryptos on November 29, 2017, 09:41:59 AM
 :D That's a very nice picture, I will save it for future use.
I hope the same think would not apply for the one and only Jesus Cryptos though.

Title: Re: Just say no...
Post by: FriddickPrime on November 29, 2017, 09:49:11 AM
Indeed, hopefully this guy finds salvation through Jesus before he dies

Title: Re: Just say no...
Post by: RoronoaJorah on December 04, 2017, 03:44:34 PM
Just say no to satan and yes to God! to religion and yes to relationship... No to religious person who profess to know God yet their action deny it to bad vices yes to healthy to drugs..say yes to to negative thinker yes to positive..

Title: Re: Just say no...
Post by: cryptogirl100 on December 04, 2017, 05:29:51 PM
to not seeing the bigger picture

Title: Re: Just say no...
Post by: ShineftChaos on December 04, 2017, 06:14:30 PM

Just say no to corruption. Say no to bad doings. And lastly say no to crime and sins.

Title: Re: Just say no...
Post by: kodes88 on December 04, 2017, 08:51:22 PM
If you support gay because you think it is the right of all people, then you can not just reject religion. Let us who are religious with each other and regard it as our right. Religion is not an option, religion is destiny. We were born religious, which means we are destined to be religious. Unlike gay, it is a lifestyle choice, nobody is born as gay but they choose the path itself.

Title: Re: Just say no...
Post by: joebrook on December 04, 2017, 09:23:15 PM
If you support gay because you think it is the right of all people, then you can not just reject religion. Let us who are religious with each other and regard it as our right. Religion is not an option, religion is destiny. We were born religious, which means we are destined to be religious. Unlike gay, it is a lifestyle choice, nobody is born as gay but they choose the path itself.
The thing with these gay sympathisers is that since they have agreed to support such a despicable act, they want the rest of mankind to follow suit as well. If it's your decision to accept then let us who don't accept it be in peace because we are not imposing our values on anyone.

Title: Re: Just say no...
Post by: Yorkshire on August 30, 2018, 07:13:38 AM
Things you don’t like should remain like that and you should stand by it under the sun. we are living in a world where evil things garner greater support than doing the right thing. In fact evil perpetrators are considered first many places around the world. In Nigeria they are the ones been considered first for political positions and appointments. A stop can be put to it if the sincere people wake up and say NO.  For instance, if there are two candidates standing in for an elective position in your political zone and the best one for you is being opposed by many people, stand your ground and say NO. Many people may try to persuade you especially when they will benefit from the wrong candidate but let your NO be NO.

Title: Re: Just say no...
Post by: hotforblockchain on August 30, 2018, 09:21:30 PM
HaHaaa, This one is good. Generally i agree with you but i can think of one saying.

" There is no atheists in war" When people get in extreme situation, they pray, maybe not to God or other god , maybe to Universe but in war there is no non believers.

Title: Re: Just say no...
Post by: Moloch on August 31, 2018, 12:05:36 PM
" There is no atheists in war" When people get in extreme situation, they pray, maybe not to God or other god , maybe to Universe but in war there is no non believers.

That's an ignorant thing to say...

Do you seriously believe that you know people better than they know themselves?

In a war, I would NOT waste time praying, that does NOTHING but get you killed.  The thought would never even cross my mind, I would be too worried about a million other things that could kill me.

God has never protected anyone in a war, so why would you even bother praying?

Have you ever heard of someone praying to God, then charging the enemy and surviving?  I haven't...

Title: Re: Just say no...
Post by: Spendulus on August 31, 2018, 02:17:51 PM
Have you ever heard of someone praying to God, then charging the enemy and surviving?  I haven't...

There are many such cases, but there are many cases where praying was not part of the equation, so the existence of such cases proves nothing. Although it may have been extremely important to the individuals involved.

Title: Re: Just say no...
Post by: needcryptos on September 05, 2018, 04:50:36 AM
I really do not mind in the religion. However, religion also has a national identity, we should respect.

Title: Re: Just say no...
Post by: Moloch on September 05, 2018, 12:28:34 PM
Have you ever heard of someone praying to God, then charging the enemy and surviving?  I haven't...

There are many such cases, but there are many cases where praying was not part of the equation, so the existence of such cases proves nothing. Although it may have been extremely important to the individuals involved.

My point is that if prayer worked, you would see holy warriors of God on the battlefield utterly annihilating the enemy...  They would be like a superhero... 1 Catholic priest taking on an army and surviving because God...

But, that has never happened... so, obviously, prayer doesn't work

Title: Re: Just say no...
Post by: EllieBasti05 on September 09, 2018, 08:07:57 AM
Religion makes people divided due to their beliefs.
 I believe in GOD, but other religion says that they are the one will be save and go to heaven after death and to hate other religions.

Sometimes religion is the cause of war for fighting for their pride and Beliefs.

Title: Re: Just say no...
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on September 09, 2018, 04:04:40 PM
" There is no atheists in war" When people get in extreme situation, they pray, maybe not to God or other god , maybe to Universe but in war there is no non believers.

You sure about that?

Still, the phrase "there are no atheists in war" is an argument against religion, not against atheism. The mental capacity for thinking and decision making of a desperate soldier fighting for his life is hardly going to be more rational or logical than that of a calm person not at risk of death. To say that you become religious when you are at your most irrational is not an argument in your favor.

Title: Re: Just say no...
Post by: Moloch on September 10, 2018, 12:48:30 PM
" There is no atheists in war" When people get in extreme situation, they pray, maybe not to God or other god , maybe to Universe but in war there is no non believers.

You sure about that?

Still, the phrase "there are no atheists in war" is an argument against religion, not against atheism. The mental capacity for thinking and decision making of a desperate soldier fighting for his life is hardly going to be more rational or logical than that of a calm person not at risk of death. To say that you become religious when you are at your most irrational is not an argument in your favor.

You really don't have to guess at it... pretty much anything you can think of, someone has already done the research for you... google it

According to this study, 28% of WWII soldiers never prayed, even during combat... that's a lot of atheists if you ask me