Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: blazin8s on May 17, 2013, 03:58:27 AM

Title: Bitgrenade is Awesome
Post by: blazin8s on May 17, 2013, 03:58:27 AM
It's a chain game, basically the last person holding after the given time limit loses.  The rest of the people win.  So the more people that know about it the better your chances are of winning.  This game is great!

Litecoin, Goldcoin, and Mincoin

Title: Re: Check out Bitgrenade! LTC, GLD, MNC
Post by: Nolo on May 17, 2013, 04:02:42 AM
It's a chain game, basically the last person holding after the given time limit loses.  The rest of the people win.  So the more people that know about it the better your chances are of winning.  This game is great!

Litecoin, Goldcoin, and Mincoin

I believe it was created by user Vipah;u=91856 (;u=91856)

Looks fun.  Get him to add FC2 and I'll play quite a bit.  :) 

Title: Re: Check out Bitgrenade! LTC, GLD, MNC
Post by: Joerii on May 19, 2013, 05:08:36 AM
Exciting ! Friend of mine multiplied his money by 10. I only have a few hours left to go with my grenade, I actually dreamed about it last night.

Ooooh just received a payment from the little grenade.

Title: Re: Check out Bitgrenade! LTC, GLD, MNC
Post by: blazin8s on May 20, 2013, 09:02:52 PM
Hey whoever made this game could you please add more grenades per coin?  At least 10+ please, even more if you feel like it :)  And please also add more coins like YAC and such.

You'll make a lot more money and get much more people playing, as there will be much more chances for everyone to jump in.  Also people get impatient when it comes to waiting around 5-10 minutes for payment confirmations to go through so they just leave, when instead they could just be playing more of your games.

I know you're working on it as you can, it's coming up quickly, good job your game is better than any of those other games that mostly have bad odds where as bitgrenade has great odds.  It's actually pretty brilliant as you win good money, but so do most of the people that play.  Enough to go around for everyone.  Many thanks  8)

Title: Re: Check out Bitgrenade! LTC, GLD, MNC
Post by: blazin8s on May 21, 2013, 01:15:09 AM
Also the other day I had 3 80k+ grenades that exploded.  Now I'm ok with losing them if you won them fair and square, however.

I saw 3 people jump on 2 of my 80k grenades only to have them time out.

Increasing the payment confirmation timer would also remedy this in the future. Not the waiting for pay, but the timer of waiting for confirm, or lower the amount of confirms which would also speed the game up.  Some people don't pay the transaction fees for fast processing like a lot of us do.

Title: Re: Check out Bitgrenade! LTC, GLD, MNC
Post by: krysta11 on May 21, 2013, 07:44:06 AM
+ %))

Title: Re: Check out Bitgrenade! LTC, GLD, MNC
Post by: vipah on May 22, 2013, 03:02:46 PM
Sent PM

Title: Re: Check out Bitgrenade! LTC, GLD, MNC
Post by: blazin8s on May 22, 2013, 03:25:24 PM
I saw it with my own eyes, three times with my grenades and what sealed the deal with my suspicions was seeing it again yesterday with my buddy.  One time and I would have thought it was a fluke, but 4 times, no absolutely not.

And in regards to the payment from my friend, he sent it immediately..

I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and presume of this as a bug on your site.  If you don't issue a refund then you are admitting to finding it acceptable of keep people's money as a result of a so called site error, which some people call, being a crook.

Title: Re: Check out Bitgrenade! LTC, GLD, MNC
Post by: vipah on May 22, 2013, 04:08:35 PM
There is no bug.  Out of 2000+ grenade purchases on the site you suddenly find some "bug" that would benefit you.  Wierd.

Funny how you scammers think you can get something if you try to extort. You will get no refund, 100% guaranteed.

Anyways your friend sent his payment a couple minutes late.  If he wants to send me the TXid's I will help him out.


Title: Re: Check out Bitgrenade! LTC, GLD, MNC
Post by: jasonslow on May 22, 2013, 05:16:45 PM
Can you also add powercoin to this game?

Title: Re: Check out Bitgrenade! LTC, GLD, MNC
Post by: blazin8s on May 22, 2013, 05:30:12 PM
There is no bug.  Out of 2000+ grenade purchases on the site you suddenly find some "bug" that would benefit you.  Wierd.

Funny how you scammers think you can get something if you try to extort. You will get no refund, 100% guaranteed.

Anyways your friend sent his payment a couple minutes late.  If he wants to send me the TXid's I will help him out.


As I said, he sent it immediately!  As per the details you sent me in your PM and I quote:

Quote from: vipah
He had until: 2013-05-21 11:51:14 PST to send the payment and payment was not received until May 21 2013 11:52:05 PST.

Your website waited exactly 61 seconds later to accept the payment, then you kept his money.  Even though he sent it within 10 seconds after buying the grenade.

Just like similar to my grenades.

There is no bug.

Now, I gave you the benefit of the doubt here thinking it was possibly a bug, but here you just denied the fact, therefore admitting to doing this proactively.  You are also adding to your character by accepting the fact that you are ok with screwing a player out of over 100k in coins.

I had my suspicions, but I thought it was fluke until I saw it again yesterday, then my eyes opened wide.

It's pretty much black and white just by looking at those things.

I am an honest person and positive person, I tell it like it is.  It is not in my interest to bad mouth anyone or screw them over.  And in regards to those coins, I can make them back in couple days just by mining.  In other words it is not worth my efforts in the slightest to make such bold claims if they weren't true.

I also know what it is like to be a business man and the possible repercussions of accusations like this, so I pretty much never make these claims, and when I do, I do not issue them lightly.

Title: Re: Check out Bitgrenade! LTC, GLD, MNC
Post by: r3wt on May 22, 2013, 05:43:55 PM
actually i've witnessed the phenomenon too. it says my payouts are confimed 20-30 minutes before my client has confirmed the transaction. also i bought a grenade that was selling for 400 something and bids were coming in like crazy. it hasn't had a single bid in the last 4 hours ever since i bought it could be coincidence but i doubt it since other grenades more expensive are still being bought.

Title: Re: Beware of Bitgrenade. The Owner of this site is a Theif
Post by: Lowlander on May 22, 2013, 06:02:28 PM
It's a chain game, basically the last person holding after the given time limit loses.  The rest of the people win.  So the more people that know about it the better your chances are of winning.  This game is great!

Litecoin, Goldcoin, and Mincoin

This is not spam.  I am posting this to protect you from losing your money.  I have witnessed first hand 4 times where the owner of this site manipulated both the timing of the accepting of my payment and canceling confirmations of paying so he can keep your money on the former and let your grenades explode on the latter.  He is extremely rude & immature in my PMs and not cooperative in the slightest. 

I lost over 140k in coins from grenades that he manipulated, that is not counting the profit, just my initial investment.  At first I thought it was a fluke, and then I kept seeing it happen.

Please make sure all your friends that are playing this game know about it so they don't get scammed.

still waiting

Title: Re: Beware of Bitgrenade. The Owner of this site is a Theif
Post by: mr_random on May 22, 2013, 06:03:52 PM
Is Vipah connected to MinCoin somehow?

Title: Re: Beware of Bitgrenade. The Owner of this site is a Theif
Post by: fenican on May 22, 2013, 06:06:31 PM
worked fine for me all payments were processed as soon as someone purchased my grenade.  More or less tripled my money in about 6 minutes

Also - why would owner cheat anyone?  This game has a huge profit margin built into it he keeps everything except the consolation prize any time a grenade blows

Title: Re: Beware of Bitgrenade. The Owner of this site is a Theif
Post by: Nolo on May 22, 2013, 06:08:50 PM
i before e, except after c  ;)

Title: Re: Beware of Bitgrenade. The Owner of this site is a Theif
Post by: limbaugh on May 22, 2013, 06:19:13 PM
I vouch for the honesty of the owner. I made a mistake on my payment address and entered the bitgrenade deposit on error. The owner sent me my winnings to the correct address after I sent an email explaining my mistake. I have never had a problem with Bitgreneade.

Title: Bitgrenade
Post by: blazin8s on May 22, 2013, 06:21:56 PM
He's pissed because I called him out on the forums, which is naturally expected.  I was polite in the beginning.

At the time I started this thread I couldn't find a way to contact him from the site.

Title: Re: Beware of Bitgrenade. The Owner of this site is a Theif
Post by: r3wt on May 22, 2013, 06:26:29 PM
i made no mistakes on my address, its the same one i've always entered as before. no one will by the grenade. sure they will blame bad luck but really i believe i was the last sucker left.

Title: Re: Beware of Bitgrenade. The Owner of this site is a Theif
Post by: r3wt on May 22, 2013, 06:29:56 PM

Also - why would owner cheat anyone?  This game has a huge profit margin built into it he keeps everything except the consolation prize any time a grenade blows

Exactly.  It's in his interest to have grenades explode, especially big ones like the ones I had up.

so you were the one always buying the big grenades? you and AZIZ , iirc.

Title: Bitgrenade
Post by: blazin8s on May 22, 2013, 06:30:38 PM
I'll be honest, I was hoping it was a bug.  Even though I was wronged I don't like going out of my way to ruin somebody.

He though admitted there isn't any bug.  So then Vipah, I ask you, what happened to those buyers that jumped on my grenades, payment went through, only to have them disappear during the confirmation part?  

Title: Re: Beware of Bitgrenade. The Owner of this site is a Theif
Post by: r3wt on May 22, 2013, 06:32:50 PM
I'll be honest, I was hoping it was a bug.  Even though I was wronged I don't like going out of my way to ruin somebody.

He though admitted there isn't any bug.  So then Vipah, I ask you, what happened to those buyers that jumped on my grenades, payment went through, only to have them disappear during the confirmation part?  Could you answer that?  You said it wasn't a bug, so where did they go??
you never know, it could have been some troll entering fake addresses. doubt his site doesn't check the block chain, but still it stands to reason that a troll could be doing such things. i however do agree that their is something fishy going on. one more possibility is that person who bid on your grenade didn't have the necessary funds, and attempted to send less than the amount to the game.... there are alot of variables. sure my grenade has been stuck without a bid for 6 hours while everyother grenade has been bought, but to satisfy objectivity we must admit that their could be other factors at play beside the admin of

Title: Re: Beware of Bitgrenade. The Owner of this site is a Theif
Post by: niteryder on May 22, 2013, 07:01:59 PM
Grr.. See, this is what happens when I try something new.

If someone buys the WDC RPG, I'll let you know if it's working..   :-\

Title: Re: Beware of Bitgrenade. The Owner of this site is a Theif
Post by: Yuusha on May 22, 2013, 07:04:42 PM

Also - why would owner cheat anyone?  This game has a huge profit margin built into it he keeps everything except the consolation prize any time a grenade blows

Exactly.  It's in his interest to have grenades explode, especially big ones like the ones I had up.
Have you really thought this through? He profits more from bigger grenades, if he were to intentionally make one blow up early, he would make less money.

Title: Re: Beware of Bitgrenade. The Owner of this site is a Theif
Post by: vipah on May 22, 2013, 09:26:30 PM
This guy is a complete nut.

When someone's grenade explodes I pay out a 5% consolation from the profits that have be accrued.  Blazin8's needs to do some math, he clearly has no idea how this thing works.  Each payment simply pays out the buyer before hand and the system keeps the rather small difference between the two.  Since launch and some really big grenades there is under 10k in GLD in the wallet.

I will say it again..if someone's payment reaches the service late and they provide information such as transaction ID's I will usually refund their payment.  This guy's "friend" still hasn't provided me with a shred of evidence and yet he expects me to just send him funds.  

This forum needs to do a better job of policing users who make baseless accusations without a shred of evidence to back them up.  

Blazin8's...there is ZERO chance that a payment went from "Confirming" and then just disappeared.  The system HAS to wait until X confirms have been reached on a valid payment (a payment that is >= to the cost of the grenade).  You clearly misread the page, that's all I can say. 

Title: Re: Beware of Bitgrenade. The Owner of this site is a Theif
Post by: xan_The_Dragon on May 22, 2013, 09:30:58 PM

Title: Re: Beware of Bitgrenade. The Owner of this site is a Theif
Post by: ofeefee on May 22, 2013, 09:33:43 PM
My only issue with bit grenade is on wdc you can see someone has botted it, gets to a certain threshold and nothing, or maybe no one is playing it...sure feels like a bit, I lost a few coins going up and no one buying, stopped playing, another thing is he should require a name, would me it more interesting than anon

Title: Re: Beware of Bitgrenade. The Owner of this site is a Theif
Post by: fenican on May 22, 2013, 09:35:00 PM
It would help the site if late payments were refunded.  The site clearly indicates they will be kept but it would be better business practice to refund them.

Avoids all the scam accusations, etc...

Would be good if it also refunded accidental overpayments. I hit the send button twice on one small grenade purchase

Title: Re: Beware of Bitgrenade. The Owner of this site is a Theif
Post by: vipah on May 22, 2013, 09:35:42 PM
I have returned every late payment to this point, well except for this guys "friend" as I need a little more info then nothing.

Title: Re: Beware of Bitgrenade. The Owner of this site is a Theif
Post by: fenican on May 22, 2013, 09:36:15 PM
OK cool that's good then just making sure

Title: Re: Beware of Bitgrenade. The Owner of this site is a Theif
Post by: BrewCrewFan on May 22, 2013, 09:38:00 PM
I lost some coin to with the whole "confirm payment" BS this morning also. From my wallet to the addy and its all worked out well in the wallet but nothing went though.

Status: 65 confirmations
Date: 5/22/2013 10:58
To: E9BQVpsDumeByK6mVVrk5MX68ox14TsmG1
Debit: -390.62 GLD
Net amount: -390.62 GLD
Transaction ID: f092d7ba5ce5fe8de9281ae87fbd6db0a33be701d482990b3cd39fd6e389773c

Even if the thing did explode I did not get the fraction payment either.

I guess I dont mind but still should have no problem to get there in 10 minutes

Title: Re: Beware of Bitgrenade. The Owner of this site is a Theif
Post by: fenican on May 22, 2013, 09:39:54 PM
Shorter times than 12 hours would be good the problem with times that long is everyone leaves and loses interest.  If it were say 15 minutes there would be more continuous play

Title: Re: Beware of Bitgrenade. The Owner of this site is a Theif
Post by: vipah on May 22, 2013, 09:45:27 PM
I lost some coin to with the whole "confirm payment" BS this morning also. From my wallet to the addy and its all worked out well in the wallet but nothing went though.

Status: 65 confirmations
Date: 5/22/2013 10:58
To: E9BQVpsDumeByK6mVVrk5MX68ox14TsmG1
Debit: -390.62 GLD
Net amount: -390.62 GLD
Transaction ID: f092d7ba5ce5fe8de9281ae87fbd6db0a33be701d482990b3cd39fd6e389773c

Even if the thing did explode I did not get the fraction payment either.

I guess I dont mind but still should have no problem to get there in 10 minutes

I will check this out.

Sent PM.

Also if you check when your wallet says you sent...10:58 and when the block explorer says it saw that transaction:

There is like a 30m difference between the two.  Looks like the GLD network itself  is having issues.  But strangely only for some users.  bitgrenade relies on the network for it's data and clearly in this case the network is struggling to send transactions around.

Title: Re: Beware of Bitgrenade. The Owner of this site is a Theif
Post by: vipah on May 22, 2013, 09:56:45 PM

If you lost GLD, please send me some information..transaction ID's etc..

Title: Bitgrenade
Post by: blazin8s on May 22, 2013, 10:13:44 PM
This guy is a complete nut.

When someone's grenade explodes I pay out a 5% consolation from the profits that have be accrued.  Blazin8's needs to do some math, he clearly has no idea how this thing works.  Each payment simply pays out the buyer before hand and the system keeps the rather small difference between the two.  Since launch and some really big grenades there is under 10k in GLD in the wallet.

I will say it again..if someone's payment reaches the service late and they provide information such as transaction ID's I will usually refund their payment.  This guy's "friend" still hasn't provided me with a shred of evidence and yet he expects me to just send him funds.  

This forum needs to do a better job of policing users who make baseless accusations without a shred of evidence to back them up.  

Blazin8's...there is ZERO chance that a payment went from "Confirming" and then just disappeared.  The system HAS to wait until X confirms have been reached on a valid payment (a payment that is >= to the cost of the grenade).  You clearly misread the page, that's all I can say.  

I find it funny how you keep talking about my friend's small 300.xx amount while peddling around the subject of the large grenades that are really in question.  Neither one of us care about 300.xx, it was just another example and really the final draw that made me really question your practices.

You are basically calling me a liar, as I've said, I saw it with my own eyes, 2 times on the confirming part disappearing.  It disappeared from my screen.  Another user of this forum that I was playing with saw it as well, whether or not he comes out and says anything that is up to him.

10k in your account is hilarious.  I've been watching the explosions, you should have at least a few hundred k+, unless you sold all your coins already, which is definitely not the smartest move to dump all those coins when the price is so low, when everyone knows it will go up.  And even in saying that, if you to go ahead and say that you did dump them, that many coins would be easy to track, and what if we didn't find such a sale or sales.  So are you sure you want to say you only have 10k?  If you are proved wrong your credibility will be lost.

And to prove I am not lying, I don't care about the money, don't refund me.  But everything I have said in this forum still stands.

Title: Re: Beware of Bitgrenade. The Owner of this site is a Theif
Post by: vipah on May 22, 2013, 10:22:57 PM
You still don't understand how the game works.

A couple quick points:

1)  I thought your friends payment was 390.xx ?  Now suddenly it's 600.xx. 
2) You said you lost 60k+ GLD 3 times on 3 different grenades.  Would you care to point those out for me here:

Not a single number you are throwing around actually exists.  This is why you refuse to provide transaction ID's.  You are a lame excuse for a scammer and a liar.  I'm done responding to your pathetic attempts to extort.

Title: Bitgrenade
Post by: blazin8s on May 22, 2013, 10:25:10 PM
I will get them from my wallet and post it

Title: Bitgrenade
Post by: blazin8s on May 22, 2013, 10:26:33 PM
Here are just a few

Status: 2268 confirmations
Date: 5/17/2013 14:08
To: bitgrenade E3osQumryMzxxxxxxxxxxxgLSLHcK3FtM3Nz
Debit: -63008.36 GLD
Transaction fee: -3.60 GLD
Net amount: -63011.96 GLD
Transaction ID: 342430bab03c7e192f6e19e180cb43c22455e201d0bb6a7d2be8e6a94182deef

Status: 2286 confirmations
Date: 5/17/2013 13:26
To: bitgrenade EERiMWmxxxxxxxxxxx4MHEva3o3NjxbvfG
Debit: -47226.14 GLD
Transaction fee: -1.90 GLD
Net amount: -47228.04 GLD
Transaction ID: eb37777fe19a1b53ef0f0db062110547fb0b1ff6cfbe836f33451b943e287853

Status: 2257 confirmations
Date: 5/17/2013 14:44
To: bitgrenade EC6w3A8sBxxxxxxxxxxxVuZpBovWs8Td
Debit: -40960.00 GLD
Transaction fee: -0.01 GLD
Net amount: -40960.01 GLD
Transaction ID: 6bf5112804c93a8b4a37e96fda4a1b518f0c6fb8036ed0dc93cb9f046f241c38

Status: 2280 confirmations
Date: 5/17/2013 13:51
To: bitgrenade DzKxdNNja9xxxxxxxxxxx17wjGsk6VCREM3
Debit: -32147.12 GLD
Transaction fee: -6.80 GLD
Net amount: -32153.92 GLD
Transaction ID: d96819a9b41cd1d5676db99885ce69731f8115683394274ce1420ae4ae23e131

Title: Re: Beware of Bitgrenade. The Owner of this site is a Theif
Post by: vipah on May 22, 2013, 10:35:09 PM
I can confirm that received your payments and properly credited you with the grenades in question.

However nobody bought those grenades and they ended up exploding.  You then received consolation for each of those grenades.

Sorry I was going off of your username only when I pulled up that data.  Doesn't change anything, you are not disputing whether or not you bought the's been established you did.  You are attempting to claim that someone bought them all but their payments disappeared.  That never occurred.

Title: Bitgrenade
Post by: blazin8s on May 22, 2013, 10:35:27 PM
In response to some of the other members posts, it does make sense that you wouldn't want to explode a grenade early.  So I'll give you the benefit of the doubt again, unless you want to tell me still that there is no bug somewhere?

Title: Bitgrenade
Post by: blazin8s on May 22, 2013, 10:36:27 PM
I can confirm that received your payments and properly credited you with the grenades in question.

However nobody bought those grenades and they ended up exploding.  You then received consolation for each of those grenades.

Two of the large grenades, I saw people jump on them, while it said "Waiting for confirm" then they just vanished

Title: Re: Beware of Bitgrenade. The Owner of this site is a Theif
Post by: vipah on May 22, 2013, 10:42:34 PM
There is no bug with respect to "confirming payments" disappearing.  I see some slowness in the GLD network is causing a delay for some users transactions from being spread around correctly.  Could be due to a small number of connections on their wallets.  I have refunded every single late payment that has had evidence in the way of transaction IDs provided.

I've pulled some data concerning one of those grenades:

You can see that someone clicked to buy that grenade but never sent funds and it ended up expiring.  Deposit Address: E4xHyYvk83DudWrTcVJVuj7GFAuV8rNjm6

If you check the deposit address on  you will see it never received any funds.


Here's another..same thing...clicked buy never sent funds. Deposit Address: E4Ud7TAMp63VBTF6EeKWPD7XMW7d4vjBSo

I think that you simply misread the screen, or were watching a different set of grenades.

Title: Re: Bitgrenade.
Post by: blazin8s on May 23, 2013, 12:37:01 AM
Vipah I think you may be right.  A network bottleneck was very likely an issue with the way my screen was updating. Regarding the list you posted it looks like I did read the screen wrong.  Rubberduci from that list was also in fact one that I saw.  

I whole heartedly appologize.

Everyone please keep playing and continue to feel safe with this game.  It is a one of a kind game, very different from the rest and much better I might add.  

Great job Vipah to you and your site.  I see it growing very big and successful.

Very sorry again and I was wrong.

Title: Re: Bitgrenade.
Post by: vipah on May 23, 2013, 12:46:04 AM
I am a little at a loss for words...

I appreciate your comments with regards to things.

I apologize for any offence incurred due to my comments.

Leaving the forums seems to be a little harsh no?

Title: Re: Bitgrenade is Awesome
Post by: BrewCrewFan on May 23, 2013, 01:55:26 AM
Got a refund that wonderful.  At least the guy is honest and will look into it.

Thanks again Vip...

Title: Re: Bitgrenade is Awesome
Post by: r3wt on May 23, 2013, 01:59:18 AM
hey someone bought my grenade!! /whew!

Title: Re: Bitgrenade is Awesome
Post by: aa on May 23, 2013, 02:08:31 AM

Title: Re: Bitgrenade is Awesome
Post by: nhminer on May 24, 2013, 07:27:52 PM
I bought 3 things at one with one payment

Status: 15 confirmations, broadcast through 5 nodes
Date: 5/24/2013 12:12
To: D9BGZoCkCBhAMWZLju63n3XS5JgQfsjoEq
Debit: -66.14 DGC
To: DBMxPpX75XMA3npqa5rfjT9oYRj6Zuqn6J
Debit: -86.74 DGC
To: DNmEb8JcJMBUso4WRH3RXAzHdHp57b47HF
Debit: -111.12 DGC
Net amount: -264.00 DGC
Transaction ID: 0ce53368d74f1ad4aaa852669aa335df62bdc9970340f568731ea4fb4dc6cd04

Only the first showed up on bitgrenade.  The other 2 never show up as payments sent, even though I got confirmation.

This is either a bug, or the site is unable to handle multiple transactions in a single payment block

Anyway to contact the site owner to investigate?


Title: Re: Beware of Bitgrenade. The Owner of this site is a Theif
Post by: nhminer on May 24, 2013, 08:16:27 PM
I vouch for the honesty of the owner. I made a mistake on my payment address and entered the bitgrenade deposit on error. The owner sent me my winnings to the correct address after I sent an email explaining my mistake. I have never had a problem with Bitgreneade.

What email address did you use to contact them?


Title: Re: Bitgrenade.
Post by: jasonslow on May 24, 2013, 11:01:54 PM
I am a little at a loss for words...

I appreciate your comments with regards to things.

I apologize for any offence incurred due to my comments.

Leaving the forums seems to be a little harsh no?

Thanks for adding powercoin.

Title: Re: Bitgrenade is Awesome
Post by: nhminer on May 25, 2013, 12:12:15 PM
I bought 3 things at one with one payment

Status: 15 confirmations, broadcast through 5 nodes
Date: 5/24/2013 12:12
To: D9BGZoCkCBhAMWZLju63n3XS5JgQfsjoEq
Debit: -66.14 DGC
To: DBMxPpX75XMA3npqa5rfjT9oYRj6Zuqn6J
Debit: -86.74 DGC
To: DNmEb8JcJMBUso4WRH3RXAzHdHp57b47HF
Debit: -111.12 DGC
Net amount: -264.00 DGC
Transaction ID: 0ce53368d74f1ad4aaa852669aa335df62bdc9970340f568731ea4fb4dc6cd04

Only the first showed up on bitgrenade.  The other 2 never show up as payments sent, even though I got confirmation.

This is either a bug, or the site is unable to handle multiple transactions in a single payment block

Anyway to contact the site owner to investigate?


Site owner contacted me to arrange refund


Title: Re: Bitgrenade is Awesome
Post by: 8kmode on May 25, 2013, 12:50:04 PM


Title: Re: Bitgrenade is Awesome
Post by: Oldminer on May 25, 2013, 01:33:19 PM



Title: Re: Bitgrenade is Awesome
Post by: Noitev on May 25, 2013, 03:02:17 PM


Title: Re: Bitgrenade is Awesome
Post by: Aggrophobia on May 26, 2013, 12:36:28 PM
Status: 689 Bestätigungen
Date: 26.05.2013 02:07
To: L2Mtr2jcmcibaHzKcS4bvfpHPYP9cpbvjv
Debit: -202.48 LKY
Transaction fee: -0.10 LKY
Net amount: -202.58 LKY
Transaction ID: ba2039aa3f19a8f5acaa7d3f881fa570dd9bb1eaa388ea5e44c23ecd21963bee

Bitjohn jumped on the Hand Grenade
didn't get any payment -.-