Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Zman0101 on June 21, 2011, 11:13:30 PM

Title: [Reality Check!] Strong Indication MtGox Is Packing Up and running away w/ Tupac
Post by: Zman0101 on June 21, 2011, 11:13:30 PM
In recent news... Their has been strong allegations that people thinking Mt.Gox is running away with our money and running off with millions? Is it possible that on Tupac's last CD he said he would be coming back in 7 Years. Is this some sort of connection if it takes Gox 7 days to come back online ? Will they be on an island somewhere chillin? Did Kevin go after Tupac on the Vegas Strip ?

You just wasted 10 seconds of your life that you will never get back from reading this post ! Stop posting ridiculous accusations on something you know zero about. We should be taking this time on focusing on the future of this currency. 

Title: Re: [Reality Check!] Strong Indication MtGox Is Packing Up and running away w/ Tupac
Post by: Vanquistador on June 21, 2011, 11:15:06 PM
In recent news... Their has been strong allegations that people thinking Mt.Gox is running away with our money and running off with millions? Is it possible that on Tupac's last CD he said he would be coming back in 7 Years. Is this some sort of connection if it takes Gox 7 days to come back online he and Tupac will be on an island somewhere chillin?
You just wasted 60 seconds of your life that you will never get back from reading this post !

Nice spam.  Took me less than 5-10seconds to read, not 60.  I'm hoping the admins of this forum deal with spammers like you appropriately.

Title: Re: [Reality Check!] Strong Indication MtGox Is Packing Up and running away w/ Tupac
Post by: Bit_Happy on June 21, 2011, 11:15:36 PM
[Reality Check!] MtGox Is Doing Their Best and Will Remain The #1 Exchange!  (

Title: Re: [Reality Check!] Strong Indication MtGox Is Packing Up and running away w/ Tupac
Post by: Chick on June 21, 2011, 11:16:49 PM

Title: Re: [Reality Check!] Strong Indication MtGox Is Packing Up and running away w/ Tupac
Post by: Zman0101 on June 21, 2011, 11:17:06 PM
The people that should be banned it the people who keep writing these stupid posts about conspiracies . You have no evidence what so ever against Gox. What gives you the right to point fingers.  The site isn't even live or active and everyone is giving him crap.  I don't have the patience to code such a site so i commend Gox. The man is innocent into proven guilty.  Old saying... You don't shit where you eat. Half the haters against Gox will be changing their tune once Gox is solid. Rome wasn't built in a day.

Title: Re: [Reality Check!] Strong Indication MtGox Is Packing Up and running away w/ Tupac
Post by: bbjansen on June 21, 2011, 11:21:08 PM
60 seconds? Damn you must have an IQ closely hitting the 60 target. Took me maybe 10 and it gave me lulz so worth it.

Title: Re: [Reality Check!] Strong Indication MtGox Is Packing Up and running away w/ Tupac
Post by: Zman0101 on June 21, 2011, 11:22:03 PM
Wait hold on bro.. Ill change it to 10 seconds.

Title: Re: [Reality Check!] Strong Indication MtGox Is Packing Up and running away w/ Tupac
Post by: Maged on June 21, 2011, 11:25:50 PM
You just wasted 10 seconds of your life that you will never get back from reading this post !
Don't worry... We'll just roll it back =P

Title: Re: [Reality Check!] Strong Indication MtGox Is Packing Up and running away w/ Tupac
Post by: Zman0101 on June 21, 2011, 11:32:23 PM
I think what we all should be doing right now, rather then coming up with insane speculations is come up with a plan on what we are going to do with the future of bitcoins. With us as the backing of the coin we have the control.

Current Issues I see ongoing :

1. Miners going out of business with the difficulty level rising.
2. Price of the coin dropping to peanuts.
3. Security enhancements for the currency.

Me being a miner and pumping out 5,000 Gighasshhh per day for this network gets me a little nervous if we aren't going to take care of our own. People speculating miners will work for free.  Cant happen ... we need to do something. Either Price of the coin go up to balance difficulty level or work out a different system with the pools.