Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: ahdinosaur on May 17, 2013, 10:28:56 PM

Title: open source bitcoin presentation
Post by: ahdinosaur on May 17, 2013, 10:28:56 PM
hey all,
i just gave a bitcoin presentation at Draper University (, after giving a presentation to Hackers@Berkeley ( a month or so ago.
if anyone wants to use my slides to learn / teach about bitcoin, my slides are open source (CC BY-SA ( and on github.

view slides at:
code at:

feedback always appreciated.

now go forth and spread the good word.  ;)

Title: Re: open source bitcoin presentation
Post by: ahdinosaur on June 22, 2013, 08:37:37 PM
the Draper University presentation was recorded: ( password is 'draper'

hope it is informative. :)

Title: Re: open source bitcoin presentation
Post by: ahdinosaur on June 22, 2013, 09:06:34 PM Electrum, isn't a light client actually. Multibit is a light client under the whitepaper definition. and are bad slides, cause your saying who accepts them. P2Pool isn't a store or anything like that. I think you should put places like or that allows people to setup stores.

Also tell that dude in the suit, that every transaction can be followed back to the miner who found them. I think you need to work on explaining that.

There were a lot of issues in this talk, and I don't have the time to go over it with a comb, but you really should do more research.


thanks for the feedback! i added multibit as a thin client, but if Electrum isn't a thin client then what should i refer to it as? also changed slide25 to be 'misc info', and in the future i hope to incorporate it better into the existing slides.  also i should definitely do a better job at mentioning places that allow people to setup stores, especially if i am talking to potential merchants.

another glaring mistake is that in the talk i say bitcoin addresses are public keys, when in fact they are hashes of the public keys.

Title: Re: open source bitcoin presentation
Post by: TippingPoint on June 22, 2013, 10:48:26 PM
I thought the presentation was concise, and it addressed the major questions an intelligent person might have about Bitcoin.

Possible addition:

Some current real world applications of Bitcoin:
  • Preservation of wealth in an inflationary economy
  • Transfer of wealth from a confiscatory environment
  • Transfer of wealth into a restricted environment
  • International purchases
  • Purchase of restricted items
  • Participation in international internet commerce
  • Instant internet "tip jar"

Title: Re: open source bitcoin presentation
Post by: BitDreams on June 23, 2013, 12:00:03 AM
Informative presentation but slide 11 is my favorite.