Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: juanmarcus on August 15, 2017, 09:50:24 AM

Title: BITCOIN affect in WWIII (WORLD WAR 3)
Post by: juanmarcus on August 15, 2017, 09:50:24 AM
We all know that today's headlines is all about America and North Korea, they both strong countries and could start a world war 3. Today's news North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un preparing a missile lunch to Guam and if that happens that's the start of WWIII. How big is the effect in our Bitcoin industries if there is WWIII (Worl War 3) and is there a huge breakdown of the price?

Let's Hope and Pray that it will not happen...
God bless us all....

Title: Re: BITCOIN affect in WWIII (WORLD WAR 3)
Post by: Yuhee on August 15, 2017, 09:57:21 AM
I think it could fund the war on both sides. Countries could take sides and depends on who in which team, certainly those countries could have already have bitcoin in there banks. But from what i see, there are many countries who doesnt want to be affected by any wards because of the traumas that had happened so i guess there will be just talks and debated between these countries just to avoid casualties.

Title: Re: BITCOIN affect in WWIII (WORLD WAR 3)
Post by: TheGodson on August 15, 2017, 10:03:03 AM
I believe a world war would not make the price move up or down, but would probably affect the volatility. People will be more focused on current events instead of investments. It also may delay the surge in bitcoin. This is all speculation of course.

Title: Re: BITCOIN affect in WWIII (WORLD WAR 3)
Post by: maokoto on August 15, 2017, 10:08:08 AM
I think when there is a war, people seek alternative places to put their money in, and that might produce a Bitcoin surge. Bitcoin is well known in America and Asia, and the fear of money devaluating can produce a raise.

Title: Re: BITCOIN affect in WWIII (WORLD WAR 3)
Post by: carlisle1 on August 15, 2017, 10:17:23 AM
bitcoin can be use as an alternatives to easy the transactions, but for me I do hope that this war wont happen as even bitcoin rise up that high
but my place is near with both countries so I think it will be useless if I don't manage to survive when www3 happens.

Title: Re: BITCOIN affect in WWIII (WORLD WAR 3)
Post by: worthy1 on August 15, 2017, 10:18:01 AM
It will affect Bitcoin and Crypto's in general. It is affected the same way the share market is, people panic and sell and it causes a flow on affect. The same thing happened with Brexit and the Presidential election, Bitcoin dropped. This will be a significantly bigger event so i say it will drop.

People think Crypto isnt affected by world events but it has shown it is and it relies on people not panicking which always happens

Title: Re: BITCOIN affect in WWIII (WORLD WAR 3)
Post by: DeathAngel on August 15, 2017, 10:21:24 AM
There won't be a World War 3 so it's pretty pointless discussing it. A World War 3 would destroy the world, most of us would die so there would be no need for any kind of money, those who survived would steal & or live off the land.

Title: Re: BITCOIN affect in WWIII (WORLD WAR 3)
Post by: neinnein125 on August 15, 2017, 10:25:29 AM
I don't think World War 3 happen like WW2 or 1. It is all about local wars now, Iraq, Syria, Korea.. So Bitcoin price affected by these in past? Not really I suppose. Biggest countries will never fight anymore as we have UN to stop them.

Title: Re: BITCOIN affect in WWIII (WORLD WAR 3)
Post by: bustomi on August 15, 2017, 10:35:22 AM
I believe a world war would not make the price move up or down, but would probably affect the volatility. People will be more focused on current events instead of investments. It also may delay the surge in bitcoin. This is all speculation of course.
you are right, also people fear of death, not thinking to invsest due to risking their life on war

Title: Re: BITCOIN affect in WWIII (WORLD WAR 3)
Post by: Juggy777 on August 15, 2017, 12:51:33 PM
We all know that today's headlines is all about America and North Korea, they both strong countries and could start a world war 3. Today's news North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un preparing a missile lunch to Guam and if that happens that's the start of WWIII. How big is the effect in our Bitcoin industries if there is WWIII (Worl War 3) and is there a huge breakdown of the price?

Let's Hope and Pray that it will not happen...
God bless us all....

Today Kim has shown to the world that they have plans ready to bomb the territory of Guam, he's shown in the command center, this is a similar to what he did in 2013, as of now I don't think there will be any war, cause usa and China have for now decided to slow it down. For now if a war breaks Bitcoins could double or even trouble but the main question is will we be alive to use it? Isn't that a main worry?

Title: Re: BITCOIN affect in WWIII (WORLD WAR 3)
Post by: Mett33 on August 15, 2017, 01:00:07 PM
Come one guys, there will not be any war.

Kim is not stupid he know if he go into war he will finish like Gaddafi and Sadam Husein, maybe is this good for North Korea people will be finaly free, but this is not good for Kim.

Title: Re: BITCOIN affect in WWIII (WORLD WAR 3)
Post by: machinek20 on August 15, 2017, 01:02:47 PM
I think bitcoin will collapsed if world war 3 is happened, nobody will focus on investment, but they will prefer to think about how to protect their life and how to survive, and most of the electricity and internet will go down, and when that happened bitcoin will not be able to used

Title: Re: BITCOIN affect in WWIII (WORLD WAR 3)
Post by: Thatstinks on August 15, 2017, 01:08:57 PM
Let me say this clearly, BTC is NOT a currency for the world, not a storage of wealth and never will be.

It is a game a commodity like anything else and like anything else besides GOLD when a WW happens or a stock market crashes so will BTC!

Title: Re: BITCOIN affect in WWIII (WORLD WAR 3)
Post by: nexus99 on August 15, 2017, 01:13:33 PM
It's interesting how opinions differ. Some people write that where will definitely be a surge in Bitcoin prices, others that it will collapse because no one will be interested in investments. I personally tend to think that the demand will increase, as people will be more on the lookout for alternative ways to store money and use it. Fiat might not be reliable any more.
But it can go both ways 

Title: Re: BITCOIN affect in WWIII (WORLD WAR 3)
Post by: Josepht on August 15, 2017, 01:15:36 PM
WW3 will not happen, so this is only a thought experiment.
Both North Korea and the USA both can't risk it. NK because their country will be destroyed, and the USA because it will cause many deaths to them and their allies.

Both countries just want to show their muscles, and won't do anything serious.

In theory however, when WW3 happens, I have to agree to machinek20. Everyone will have other stuff to think about then investing. Probably a ton of people will sell their bitcoins, because they can use the fiat more then BTC.

Title: Re: BITCOIN affect in WWIII (WORLD WAR 3)
Post by: The One on August 15, 2017, 02:42:16 PM
We need a ww3 because the planet is over populated.

At least government can't tax my bitcoins as they don't know. ;D ;D

Title: Re: BITCOIN affect in WWIII (WORLD WAR 3)
Post by: Thatstinks on August 15, 2017, 02:48:06 PM
We need a ww3 because the planet is over populated.

At least government can't tax my bitcoins as they don't know. ;D ;D

You're right they just need to flip a switch and kill your internet, much easier to make your BTC worthless then hunt you down and tax you.

Good luck exchanging BTC for bread and shelter with no web and all that talks is gold/silver.

Title: Re: BITCOIN affect in WWIII (WORLD WAR 3)
Post by: vankinhluan on August 15, 2017, 02:49:25 PM
When war break out, you should keep your life first  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: BITCOIN affect in WWIII (WORLD WAR 3)
Post by: BitcoinBarrel on August 15, 2017, 02:51:15 PM
North Korea is a JOKE.

Title: Re: BITCOIN affect in WWIII (WORLD WAR 3)
Post by: alyssa85 on August 15, 2017, 02:53:11 PM
I believe a world war would not make the price move up or down, but would probably affect the volatility. People will be more focused on current events instead of investments. It also may delay the surge in bitcoin. This is all speculation of course.

If bitcoin is seen as a "safe haven" currency like the swiss franc or gold, then it will move it up.

I'd be very surprised if South Koreans were not buying some bitcoin right now, "just in case". It would mean that their savings would not be wiped out in the event of a war.

Title: Re: BITCOIN affect in WWIII (WORLD WAR 3)
Post by: albert11 on August 15, 2017, 03:00:10 PM
If World War III happens it can affect the economy of Bitcoins. Because many will be affected if this happens. Many more will be able to save their husbands and their families so they will not be able to use them. And if it starts, I'm sure lots of btc will come out for it to be used to start building their home. So the BTC Price is really affected here. Because they used bitcoins to funds there daily needs

Title: Re: BITCOIN affect in WWIII (WORLD WAR 3)
Post by: cryptodrzej on August 15, 2017, 03:17:15 PM
I am one of the believers that there will be a surge. The only way there won't is if the entire world ends.Either way you might as well have some Bitcoin just in case

Title: Re: BITCOIN affect in WWIII (WORLD WAR 3)
Post by: Qunenin on August 15, 2017, 03:20:26 PM
That is a question that is utterly and completely impossible to answer. The fact is that no one can predict what World War 3 is even going to be like. It could be next year, it could be two hundred years from now. Because we don't know when it's going to happen we don't know what kind of technology is going to be used or what kind of environment is going to decide it.

Title: Re: BITCOIN affect in WWIII (WORLD WAR 3)
Post by: BitcoinsGreat on August 15, 2017, 03:22:09 PM
That is a question that is utterly and completely impossible to answer. The fact is that no one can predict what World War 3 is even going to be like. It could be next year, it could be two hundred years from now. Because we don't know when it's going to happen we don't know what kind of technology is going to be used or what kind of environment is going to decide it.

Therefore , if we don't even know what to or is going to be like, there is no way to predict how currencies and commodities are going to work. Changing rapid technologies makes it really difficult to predict.

Title: Re: BITCOIN affect in WWIII (WORLD WAR 3)
Post by: allthingsluxury on August 15, 2017, 03:27:43 PM
I highly doubt that the current situation is going to spiral out of control and result in WW3. But yes, if it did occur, BTC could either rocket higher, or crash. It just depends on the damage to the system and how out of control things get.

Title: Re: BITCOIN affect in WWIII (WORLD WAR 3)
Post by: Kprawn on August 15, 2017, 03:37:48 PM
Bitcoin will most certainly take a knock if WWIII starts. People tend to move to safe havens like Gold and silver in war time

and WWIII will not be any different. I think a lot of people would think that the Blockchain will not be accessible in a war

scenario, but with Blockstream's new innovation {Satellite} would be able to access the Blockchain from anywhere in

the world.  ;)

Title: Re: BITCOIN affect in WWIII (WORLD WAR 3)
Post by: oegarod on August 15, 2017, 03:45:10 PM
There is no more world war. Right now there is few countries in the urge of war. This is all a game that's been played by the world grown countries to increase their economy through weapon trading. If this happens surely bitcoin too plays an major role in transaction.

Title: Re: BITCOIN affect in WWIII (WORLD WAR 3)
Post by: Netnox on August 15, 2017, 03:54:05 PM
There is no more world war. Right now there is few countries in the urge of war. This is all a game that's been played by the world grown countries to increase their economy through weapon trading. If this happens surely bitcoin too plays an major role in transaction.

The US-North Korea tensions are showing no sign of any recess. Although I don't think that a potential confrontation between these nations can develop in to a global warfare, the effects it can have on the economy can't be ignored.

Title: Re: BITCOIN affect in WWIII (WORLD WAR 3)
Post by: ImHash on August 15, 2017, 08:00:35 PM
Kim lacks 2 important things which is a pair of balls, therefore no world war 3 for now, he has backed down because it's not about just his people and country it's about the entire world. if Russia and China support him I'm sure that he'll attack US bases all over the world but they're not.
Best thing to do in a possible war though is to maintain your nodes connection to the internet and stop any transactions in progress, save your bitcoins in your wallets until either we all die and no longer have any use for our coins or we will survive and will continue our lives as before. I can't really say what happens to the price.

Title: Re: BITCOIN affect in WWIII (WORLD WAR 3)
Post by: virtualkeybuyer on August 15, 2017, 08:11:38 PM
I am one of the believers that there will be a surge. The only way there won't is if the entire world ends.Either way you might as well have some Bitcoin just in case
There would be bitcoin exist as you said some there would be not left just some there would be left all of bitcoin because as we know that bitcoin exist without having any paper any coin. But it is still exist so i believe that bitcoin would be exist if entire world ends. So i would like to say that bitcoin having servers online where they are creating.Miners are keep working on that.