Bitcoin Forum

Other => Beginners & Help => Topic started by: Dasneko on May 18, 2013, 04:08:43 PM

Title: Hello crazy people!
Post by: Dasneko on May 18, 2013, 04:08:43 PM
Whats with all the crazy conspiracy nutters, free market idealists, anti government sheep and doomsday bracers? I can understand that Bitcoin is kind of their holy grail but still does no one (not related to those people) else find it uncomfortable to be here surrounded with them? x_x

Title: Re: Hello crazy people!
Post by: Keevarou on May 18, 2013, 04:11:59 PM
Whats with all the crazy conspiracy nutters, free market idealists, anti government sheep and doomsday bracers? I can understand that Bitcoin is kind of their holy grail but still does no one (not related to those people) else find it uncomfortable to be here surrounded with them? x_x

I find it uncomfortable too, but I gotta grit my teeth and bear the pain ^^"
There are some major nutcases out there, no matter what they are into :P

Title: Re: Hello crazy people!
Post by: Dasneko on May 18, 2013, 05:59:18 PM
Whats with all the crazy conspiracy nutters, free market idealists, anti government sheep and doomsday bracers? I can understand that Bitcoin is kind of their holy grail but still does no one (not related to those people) else find it uncomfortable to be here surrounded with them? x_x

I find it uncomfortable too, but I gotta grit my teeth and bear the pain ^^"
There are some major nutcases out there, no matter what they are into :P
So true..

Title: Re: Hello crazy people!
Post by: umairsaleem013 on May 18, 2013, 07:11:12 PM
Hello, welcome to the forum.

Title: Re: Hello crazy people!
Post by: gambit1 on May 18, 2013, 07:52:15 PM

It is inevitable that bitcoin would attract the kind of people you describe. I'm sure that you appreciate that not everyone who is a critic of the prevailing monetary regimes falls into those categories. Some such people are just savers who are sick of being abused by central bankers and governments through the devaluation of their savings in order to prop up the financial institutions and devalue the debts of banks and governments.

Those are some fairly broad labels you use. I'm not a libertarian; I believe that the government should play a significant role in the economy and in promoting welfare. However there are libertarians for whom I would not consider any of those labels fair.

In sum, with something like bitcoin you need to expect some of the qualities you describe to be evident in the community but not everyone interested or excited by bitcoin is as you describe.

Title: Re: Hello crazy people!
Post by: Dasneko on May 18, 2013, 08:06:48 PM

It is inevitable that bitcoin would attract the kind of people you describe. I'm sure that you appreciate that not everyone who is a critic of the prevailing monetary regimes falls into those categories. Some such people are just savers who are sick of being abused by central bankers and governments through the devaluation of their savings in order to prop up the financial institutions and devalue the debts of banks and governments.

Those are some fairly broad labels you use. I'm not a libertarian; I believe that the government should play a significant role in the economy and in promoting welfare. However there are libertarians for whom I would not consider any of those labels fair.

In sum, with something like bitcoin you need to expect some of the qualities you describe to be evident in the community but not everyone interested or excited by bitcoin is as you describe.
Crazy usually means they are illogical and do not base their opinions on solid reasons. I accept and appreciate all kinds of opinions as long as they are put forth in a reasonable manner. Things about a coming world war 3, USA launching a 51% attack on bitcoin and so on and so forth is just mind boggling. Seriously people believe the government is only out to screw them personally for no reason at all except to be "evil". I believe the government is probably a bit too preoccupied to do that but oh well..

Title: Re: Hello crazy people!
Post by: CasinoBit on May 18, 2013, 09:23:03 PM
Whats with all the crazy conspiracy nutters, free market idealists, anti government sheep and doomsday bracers? I can understand that Bitcoin is kind of their holy grail but still does no one (not related to those people) else find it uncomfortable to be here surrounded with them? x_x

I find that there are a lot more crazy conspiracy nutters, Orwellian idealists and totalitarian government sheep who are anti-Bitcoin, do you like to be surrounded with them?

e.g. check out the flat earth society

Title: Re: Hello crazy people!
Post by: Mike Christ on May 18, 2013, 09:33:35 PM
Crazy usually means they are illogical and do not base their opinions on solid reasons. I accept and appreciate all kinds of opinions as long as they are put forth in a reasonable manner. Things about a coming world war 3, USA launching a 51% attack on bitcoin and so on and so forth is just mind boggling. Seriously people believe the government is only out to screw them personally for no reason at all except to be "evil". I believe the government is probably a bit too preoccupied to do that but oh well..

Actually, there's a number of people here who are highly intelligent and have very solid reasoning as to why their government is out to "screw them".  And it's not personally, the government screws everyone.  Really, I consider myself more of a philosopher than anything, but I'm willing to have a chat as to the reasoning behind the "crazy" people and show that they're not actually as crazy as they appear--rather, they have all the answers, but forget that most people are "sheep" (and I've never heard of anti-government sheep; I've only known of the kind of sheep that shops at WalMart and votes for either this guy or that guy in every Presidential election), and, as we know, sheep don't really understand anything outside of their bubbles, rather, they only follow where the other sheep are going, and thus, form tradition despite logic and reason.

Anyway, check out the Politics & Society board, you'll get a better experience there.  The newbie section is undoubtedly filled with more nutters who don't really know too deep into why they believe in what they believe, though I can't fault them; in the very least, they know something's not right.

Title: Re: Hello crazy people!
Post by: servicehidden on May 18, 2013, 09:40:25 PM

Title: Re: Hello crazy people!
Post by: Dasneko on May 18, 2013, 09:50:48 PM
Crazy usually means they are illogical and do not base their opinions on solid reasons. I accept and appreciate all kinds of opinions as long as they are put forth in a reasonable manner. Things about a coming world war 3, USA launching a 51% attack on bitcoin and so on and so forth is just mind boggling. Seriously people believe the government is only out to screw them personally for no reason at all except to be "evil". I believe the government is probably a bit too preoccupied to do that but oh well..

Actually, there's a number of people here who are highly intelligent and have very solid reasoning as to why their government is out to "screw them".  And it's not personally, the government screws everyone.  Really, I consider myself more of a philosopher than anything, but I'm willing to have a chat as to the reasoning behind the "crazy" people and show that they're not actually as crazy as they appear--rather, they have all the answers, but forget that most people are "sheep" (and I've never heard of anti-government sheep; I've only known of the kind of sheep that shops at WalMart and votes for either this guy or that guy in every Presidential election), and, as we know, sheep don't really understand anything outside of their bubbles, rather, they only follow where the other sheep are going, and thus, form tradition despite logic and reason.

Anyway, check out the Politics & Society board, you'll get a better experience there.  The newbie section is undoubtedly filled with more nutters who don't really know too deep into why they believe in what they believe, though I can't fault them; in the very least, they know something's not right.

The problem with most people who are "anti government sheep" is that they realize that something is wrong but instead of actually trying to figure out whats wrong they find a persona or ideology that points a finger for them. I call it intellectual laziness. Id say fox news viewers are a prime example of this but i can go better. Alex Jones listeners but i can go even better then that. People that blame the government or Obama for anything and everything without caring how they are related.

Title: Re: Hello crazy people!
Post by: Anon136 on May 18, 2013, 09:58:41 PM
hello. no personally i'm ok with being around conspiracy nuts, they are more interesting than your average walmart shopper by a long shot.

The only people i cant stand being around are people who think they have the right to tell other people how to live their lives.

Title: Re: Hello crazy people!
Post by: cpjackso on May 18, 2013, 10:05:51 PM
Hello fellow bitcoin crazy person!!