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Other => Beginners & Help => Topic started by: JohnRambo on May 18, 2013, 10:06:40 PM

Title: 71% of young men in America do not want to get married
Post by: JohnRambo on May 18, 2013, 10:06:40 PM
71% of young men in America do not want to get married:

Looks like feminism succeeded in destroying marriage. Now men refuse to get married.

I hope all of you ladies have fun growing old alone with your ten cats.

Title: Re: 71% of young men in America do not want to get married
Post by: cpjackso on May 18, 2013, 10:20:09 PM
It's not really a surprise considering the way society has altered over the last 50 years - men are regularly screwed out of house and home by ex wives who appear to think its their calling in life!

Don't get married men!! Written by a divorcee.

Title: Re: 71% of young men in America do not want to get married
Post by: JohnRambo on May 18, 2013, 10:21:44 PM
It's not really a surprise considering the way society has altered over the last 50 years - men are regularly screwed out of house and home by ex wives who appear to think its their calling in life!

Don't get married men!! Written by a divorcee.

Yea, women have no one to blame but themselves. Why would any man want to get married when he is just going to get divorced and lose most of his assets anyway? A man has to be either ignorant or just plain crazy to get married nowadays.

Title: Re: 71% of young men in America do not want to get married
Post by: Malawi on May 18, 2013, 10:41:03 PM
Nevermind that except the physical, the majority of women are flat out booring.

There are a few exceptions offcource, but if a proper "woman robot" is invented, breeding will stop.

This have already been foreseen - (

Title: Re: 71% of young men in America do not want to get married
Post by: JohnRambo on May 18, 2013, 10:53:12 PM
Nevermind that except the physical, the majority of women are flat out booring.

There are a few exceptions offcource, but if a proper "woman robot" is invented, breeding will stop.

This have already been foreseen - (

The only thing women have to offer men is sex. Now that porn has become mainstream, look at how sexual interest in women has declined.

Once virtual reality sex is invented, men won't even waste time with women anymore. And then once Female Robots are invented, real human women will become obsolete and go the way of the dinosaurs.

Title: Re: 71% of young men in America do not want to get married
Post by: DeadEyeCool on May 18, 2013, 11:08:15 PM
Wow just wow. You guys are out of your minds. Robots? Wtf?

Its harder for a man to earn nowadays. Women are forced to work. That's one of the main reasons things are so effed up.

Porn has diluted man's reality on what women are. The media has pitted most women against their man.

Men are just as much to blame for this as women, if not more. Take some responsibility for your actions men.  Man up!

Title: Re: 71% of young men in America do not want to get married
Post by: BitshireHashaway on May 18, 2013, 11:11:33 PM
I would still want to get married lol:).

Title: Re: 71% of young men in America do not want to get married
Post by: AzureEngineer on May 18, 2013, 11:13:24 PM
Marriage is an archaic tradition anyway. Its ultimate purpose is similar to the purpose of Facebook's "relationship status" update. It has no real value other than tax breaks and it can potentially give you a swift kick in the ass in the form of divorce. It has no real utility when it comes to relationships.

Title: Re: 71% of young men in America do not want to get married
Post by: Mike Christ on May 18, 2013, 11:17:48 PM
Marriage is an archaic tradition anyway. Its ultimate purpose is similar to the purpose of Facebook's "relationship status" update. It has no real value other than tax breaks and it can potentially give you a swift kick in the ass in the form of divorce. It has no real utility when it comes to relationships.

I was just about to say something about this.  I for one do not want to get married simply because I understand it's a pointless practice; I've yet to hear a real answer to the question, "If two people really love each other, why do they feel the need to 'prove it' with marriage?"  There's no answer; it's simply tradition; we're fashioned to believe marriage is the "next step" but it really isn't.  Two people can celebrate their love in any way they want to, and cultures of all kinds over the world do it in many different ways; why must it be, in our so-called civilized societies, in the form of legal binding?

Though I suppose it helps that my parents were divorced, and their parents were divorced, so I feel no real need to go through that tribulation myself :P

Title: Re: 71% of young men in America do not want to get married
Post by: JohnRambo on May 18, 2013, 11:18:24 PM
Wow just wow. You guys are out of your minds. Robots? Wtf?

Its harder for a man to earn nowadays. Women are forced to work. That's one of the main reasons things are so effed up.

Porn has diluted man's reality on what women are. The media has pitted most women against their man.

Men are just as much to blame for this as women, if not more. Take some responsibility for your actions men.  Man up!

Men are just as much to blame? And that's why millions of MEN have destroyed millions of WOMEN's lives through divorce? Stealing 50 percent of the woman's money, kidnapping the children and denying her custody or contact, stealing the woman's house and cars?

No, it's the opposite. Tens of millions of WOMEN have destroyed tens of millions of MEN's lives in divorce.

Now I do agree that it is the men's faults. If American men weren't such pathetic beta male manginas to begin with, and actually CONTROLLED their women like men from other countries do, the women never would have gotten so badly out of control.

But at this point, it's too late for most women to change. Even if women met some alpha male type, she would still refuse to submit to him.

Thus, marriage has become obsolete, and women have no one to blame but themselves.

Title: Re: 71% of young men in America do not want to get married
Post by: JohnRambo on May 18, 2013, 11:19:21 PM
I would still want to get married lol:).

Well, have fun getting divorced too. Have fun when your ex-wife kidnaps your children and relocates to places unknown, thus denying you any contact with your own children even.

Title: Re: 71% of young men in America do not want to get married
Post by: Mike Christ on May 18, 2013, 11:31:54 PM
Now I do agree that it is the men's faults. If American men weren't such pathetic beta male manginas to begin with, and actually CONTROLLED their women like men from other countries do, the women never would have gotten so badly out of control.

Masculism: why feminists exist. (

Title: Re: 71% of young men in America do not want to get married
Post by: impatrick on May 18, 2013, 11:34:00 PM
my wife is rich

Title: Re: 71% of young men in America do not want to get married
Post by: JohnRambo on May 18, 2013, 11:34:41 PM
Let me also address this point:

"Porn has diluted man's reality on what women are."

Yes, porn has given men unrealistic standards now. Many articles have reported how many young men can't even get turned on by real human women anymore. Same articles also report that many men prefer porn over real human women. After all, if you can masturbate looking at a super hot perfect woman in a porn video, why bother with a real life woman, who is full of imperfections?

Now, I will suggest that this is not a bad thing. Studies have shown that as porn use increases, rapes DECREASE. Feminists are always talking about rape, so why are they also against porn? Porn stops rape, it gives men options.

Lastly, I'd suggest that porn is saving the lives of many young men. It's much safer to just masturbate to porn than to spend your time trying to woo some woman. Especially considering how modern women have been so badly screwed up by feminism. I mean, why would any man choose some bitchy feminist modern woman over porn?

So this is the mental illness of feminism. Feminsts say they want to stop rape. Well, porn DOES help stop rape. But feminists don't like porn because it gives men options. Feminists want men to be the slaves of women, and feminists are angry as hell now that men are starting to have options.

It's the same with prostitution. No one gets hurt by prostitution. And yet we see feminists demanding that abortion should be legal, nevermind that abortion is equal to murder, the killing of unborn babies. And yet we see feminists demanding prostitution should be illegal.

According to most women, it's acceptable to murder your own unborn babies (abortion), but it's not acceptable for men to pay women for sex (prostitution). Nevermind that no one gets hurt in prostitution.

See, feminists could care less about dead babies. Their whole goal is to enslave men, which is why they want to make anything which gives men options illegal, such as porn, prostitution, or mail order brides.

Feminism is a hate movement against men.

Title: Re: 71% of young men in America do not want to get married
Post by: JohnRambo on May 18, 2013, 11:36:29 PM
Now I do agree that it is the men's faults. If American men weren't such pathetic beta male manginas to begin with, and actually CONTROLLED their women like men from other countries do, the women never would have gotten so badly out of control.

Masculism: why feminists exist. (

What nonsense. Women PREFER masculine alpha male types of men.

Feminists are just a bunch of ugly women who are angry that alpha males won't give them the time of day.

It's interesting how most feminists are ugly women.

Title: Re: 71% of young men in America do not want to get married
Post by: Mike Christ on May 18, 2013, 11:44:56 PM
What nonsense. Women PREFER masculine alpha male types of men.

I'm afraid there's no proof backing this.  I know this without looking, as it's much too general of a statement to ever apply to all women, everywhere, always.

Now I do agree that it is the men's faults. If American men weren't such pathetic beta male manginas to begin with, and actually CONTROLLED their women like men from other countries do, the women never would have gotten so badly out of control.

Sounds like Masculism to me.  Either way, neither groups are correct, and they're both a bunch of nazis.

Title: Re: 71% of young men in America do not want to get married
Post by: JohnRambo on May 19, 2013, 12:04:59 AM
What nonsense. Women PREFER masculine alpha male types of men.

I'm afraid there's no proof backing this.  I know this without looking, as it's much too general of a statement to ever apply to all women, everywhere, always.

Now I do agree that it is the men's faults. If American men weren't such pathetic beta male manginas to begin with, and actually CONTROLLED their women like men from other countries do, the women never would have gotten so badly out of control.

Sounds like Masculism to me.  Either way, neither groups are correct, and they're both a bunch of nazis.

No offense, brah, but you sound like a beta male. Do you even lift, brah?

Title: Re: 71% of young men in America do not want to get married
Post by: JohnRambo on May 19, 2013, 12:06:14 AM
Look at how sick and twisted modern women are becoming:

Makes a false rape accusation and then tries to pin it on some conservative male.

She also walked into a radio station with a handgun and aimed it at her former boss, who happened to be male.

I remember back before feminism, when women were still feminine. This kind of shit almost never happened back then.

Giving women freedom was the stupidest thing men have ever done.

Title: Re: 71% of young men in America do not want to get married
Post by: WishIStartedSooner on May 19, 2013, 12:16:23 AM
Now I do agree that it is the men's faults. If American men weren't such pathetic beta male manginas to begin with, and actually CONTROLLED their women like men from other countries do, the women never would have gotten so badly out of control.

Masculism: why feminists exist. (

What nonsense. Women PREFER masculine alpha male types of men.

This is VERY true. Trust me, I'm beta so I know.

Title: Re: 71% of young men in America do not want to get married
Post by: flavius on May 19, 2013, 12:26:05 AM
why would you ever get married rofl are you black

Title: Re: 71% of young men in America do not want to get married
Post by: alkuluku on May 19, 2013, 12:45:43 AM
Its harder for a man to earn nowadays. Women are forced to work. That's one of the main reasons things are so effed up.
You might think women should still be slaves, but I think it's great western women are no longer forced to marry only to survive.

Title: Re: 71% of young men in America do not want to get married
Post by: JohnRambo on May 19, 2013, 12:47:05 AM
Fuck it. Why do I even bother trying to red-pill you guys? If you haven't figured out by now that feminism is evil and that marriage is a scam, there's nothing anyone can do to help you. I'm out.

Title: Re: 71% of young men in America do not want to get married
Post by: TitanBTC on May 19, 2013, 01:21:48 AM
This is a hilarious feed. 

"Well I came to bitcointalk for the information on digital currencies, but I stayed for the sound philosophies on gender relations espoused by the forum's members."

Title: Re: 71% of young men in America do not want to get married
Post by: ayosikh on May 19, 2013, 01:51:20 AM
However most of these young men will end up getting married due to family/society frowning upon them.

Title: Re: 71% of young men in America do not want to get married
Post by: atp1916 on May 19, 2013, 01:55:15 AM
Men will be dogs and women will be cows.

Nothing changes  ;D

P.s. “Women are attracted to different types of men depending upon their menstrual cycle." - Anonymous

Title: Re: 71% of young men in America do not want to get married
Post by: JohnRambo on May 19, 2013, 11:05:31 PM
However most of these young men will end up getting married due to family/society frowning upon them.

I wouldn't be so sure about that. The younger generation of men are VERY independent and intelligent. They are not the types to even give a shit about shaming language or peer pressure. Sure, there's already a tidal wave of articles being written by women saying "Where are all the real men?" or "Why won't men man up and marry us?", in plain english they are whining because they can't find a husband and they blame men.

You sound like you are describing some backwards shithole 3rd world country like India. Where if the men don't get married and do the "normal thing", society and family will frown upon them or disgrace them. Uh sorry, but America is a modern country with freedom. Women have full freedom in America to do whatever they want to do. Men ALSO have full freedom to do whatever they want to do.

So while some of these men might be so weak minded that they allow themselves to get shamed into marriage, the majority of them are not.

Title: Re: 71% of young men in America do not want to get married
Post by: giorgiomassa on May 19, 2013, 11:34:32 PM
Just got married about 1 month ago and very happy to have done so, you can hear a lot of scary stories about feminists, just try to avoid them and seek for the (not so many left) girls with a sane family and male/female roles model lol  ;D

Title: Re: 71% of young men in America do not want to get married
Post by: BitWulf on May 19, 2013, 11:44:42 PM
The idea of having a life long partner to fuck and share moments with seems cool but too many women are just uninteresting and fascinated with stupid shit. Congrats to the lucky few men that get the cool chicks.

Title: Re: 71% of young men in America do not want to get married
Post by: atp1916 on May 20, 2013, 12:24:24 AM
It's called don't marry a female whose under 25 if you want to keep the odds somewhat in your favor  ;)

Title: Re: 71% of young men in America do not want to get married
Post by: flavius on May 22, 2013, 01:14:02 AM
that's cool if you fall in love etc etc but the idea of adding that much responsibility to your life is flat out retarded. i get up and i do things to make money and get by, not entertain another person and acknowledge their existence. the economy being this shitty and degrees being the new high school diploma makes it infinitely harder to focus on your social life when you have no money coming in. people graduating from ivy league schools don't even have jobs. the world is turning more into developing sketchy lifestyles and in all reality encouraging crime with it being near impossible to have a legitimate job.

plus women want children, which is a suicide mission. there is no winning with kids

Title: Re: 71% of young men in America do not want to get married
Post by: cr1776 on May 22, 2013, 02:13:40 AM
Do a prenup.  It will at least protect assets. If you have kids, that will be a different issue. Someone with proper motives should have no problem signing it..

I would still want to get married lol:).

Title: Re: 71% of young men in America do not want to get married
Post by: vtropolis on May 22, 2013, 02:37:37 AM
True story. Men need to be more like Jon Hamm in Mad Men

Title: Re: 71% of young men in America do not want to get married
Post by: lazydna on May 22, 2013, 02:45:23 AM
71% of young men in America do not want to get married:

Looks like feminism succeeded in destroying marriage. Now men refuse to get married.

I hope all of you ladies have fun growing old alone with your ten cats.

in return, common-law or live-in relationships have gone up.
it's not that men are no longer coupling with women, it's that they have given up on the institution of marriage.

Title: Re: 71% of young men in America do not want to get married
Post by: MegaDaninski on May 22, 2013, 03:23:19 AM
Rightly so, marriage (and divorce) are far too expensive, and only really offer legal benefits. If you love someone, just being with them should be enough. (Unless you need the tax break)

Title: Re: 71% of young men in America do not want to get married
Post by: ishocker on May 22, 2013, 03:34:15 AM
It's not really a surprise considering the way society has altered over the last 50 years

Title: Re: 71% of young men in America do not want to get married
Post by: Lethn on May 22, 2013, 03:35:59 AM
I just tried writing up a post a couple of times and it's really difficult to do it intelligently without going into a full on "Girls just fucking piss me off mode". It's not just in America I bet, it's everywhere, men are waking up and realising the bullshit. All I'll say so I don't occupy this thread and cause a mass flame war is if you girls treat men like shit and walk all over them, expecting them to do everything for you, to provide for you and even to hit on you and develop psychic powers to find out what you want then you can't just take it out on us like we're the bad guys if we don't reach your every expectation.

I'm not surprised marriage has stopped at all, it's too much pressure on a relationship, which probably explains why the divorce rates are getting so high and you see so many married people breaking up/cheating on each other, at least in a normal relationship you can leave if things get too stressful.

Title: Re: 71% of young men in America do not want to get married
Post by: Fuserleer on May 22, 2013, 03:38:46 AM
Don't blame them, I've been burned twice now, never again!

Title: Re: 71% of young men in America do not want to get married
Post by: SgtSpike on May 22, 2013, 03:49:47 AM
So, I got married when I was 20 and my wife was 19 (7 years ago), and I certainly do not regret it!  We are very happy together, have one beautiful daughter and another on the way, etc.  I view marriage and divorce differently than most of the world, and that's probably why it matters to me, and not to some people posting here.  To me, marriage is a commitment for the rest of my life.  When I say those vows on the alter, I mean it, and I won't break them for anything!  I've always told my wife that divorce is not an option I would ever consider no matter what she does.  She says the same, with the exception of if I ever cheat on her.  :P

If you view divorce as an option, then I agree that marriage is really pointless.  If you want to keep the option open of someday leaving the person, then don't commit to staying by their side for the rest of their life!

Title: Re: 71% of young men in America do not want to get married
Post by: Lethn on May 22, 2013, 04:25:32 AM
It's great if you find the girl of your dreams I'm sure, then there would be no problem no matter what way you chose to show how much you liked each other, the problem comes when you're unlucky and you get on the receiving end of a manipulative ho who's lied to you all that time about how she feels and that's when things get ugly.

Title: Re: 71% of young men in America do not want to get married
Post by: cr1776 on May 22, 2013, 04:01:10 PM
You are right - the problem is that a lot of women say the same thing, but do not mean it.  They are looking for a meal ticket until the kids turn 18 (or longer).

The risk to men now is much higher (due to the laws and the courts) with no commensurate increase in benefits. The risks can be minimized with a prenup to protect your assets, but nothing is 100%.

I hope you and your wife have forever together.  ;-)

To me, marriage is a commitment for the rest of my life.  When I say those vows on the alter, I mean it, and I won't break them for anything! 

Title: Re: 71% of young men in America do not want to get married
Post by: RandyMagnum on May 22, 2013, 04:21:47 PM
I'll try to find and update with source, but I was reading a recent study (this year) that determined a significant correlation between higher level of education and lower instance of marriage/children.  That seems like a natural progression for any nation that continues to develop itself.

Title: Re: 71% of young men in America do not want to get married
Post by: CanadianGuy on May 22, 2013, 04:33:54 PM
feminism can also be seen positively:
because of it, our workforce has almost doubled since the 60's. 

There are still girls out there who will do anything a porn star would do, you just have to find them.   ;D

Title: Re: 71% of young men in America do not want to get married
Post by: deblocare on May 22, 2013, 06:04:51 PM
Why should one get wed` when he can just bang  ;D !?

Title: Re: 71% of young men in America do not want to get married
Post by: deblocare on May 22, 2013, 06:06:35 PM
You know there`s a saying : the happiest couples in the world are the one in which the man is deaf and the woman is mute  :P

Title: Re: 71% of young men in America do not want to get married
Post by: Siris on May 22, 2013, 06:30:45 PM
Half of all marriages end in divorce. I'd be happy to spend a large part of my life with a girl I love, but if things ended up going bad I don't think I'd want to be screwed out of my possessions. Also, murder suicides and livable hatred.

feminism can also be seen positively:
because of it, our workforce has almost doubled since the 60's. 

There are still girls out there who will do anything a porn star would do, you just have to find them.   ;D

And that was the point, more workers less pay and the women get to feel empowered for being miserable working class suckers like the rest of us.

Why should one get wed` when he can just bang  ;D !?
Most humans like to believe themselves to be above animals and their primal instincts.

Title: Re: 71% of young men in America do not want to get married
Post by: SgtSpike on May 22, 2013, 07:42:55 PM
feminism can also be seen positively:
because of it, our workforce has almost doubled since the 60's. 

There are still girls out there who will do anything a porn star would do, you just have to find them.   ;D

A doubled workforce isn't necessarily a good thing.  When you don't NEED a doubling of supply, then a doubling of supply only serves to reduce demand.  I think we already see this in the form of free market wages not inflating as much as the CPI and other indicators.  So now, we're left with a situation in which it is difficult for a family to get by unless both parents are working, because there are so many people who want a job, because so many more females are willing to work.

Definitely a double-edged sword.

Title: Re: 71% of young men in America do not want to get married
Post by: malevolent on May 22, 2013, 08:02:27 PM
Bigger workforce = more competition = lower prices & more progress  :)

OTOH the women and feminism with their affirmative action and alleged laws of 'equality' is not a positive thing... why would a woman earn as much as a man if she can get pregnant and go on paid maternity leave which will be very expensive for the employer as he will have to pay for two workers with only one working. Of course the woman will earn less (like 50-80%) but that is still a lot of money and sometimes he will have to spend extra money on training of the new employee (at least that's how it is in a lot of European countries, not sure about the US). A friend of mine stopped hiring females after 3 different women who worked for him went on a maternity leave within a very short time of being admitted to their jobs.

Title: Re: 71% of young men in America do not want to get married
Post by: Rotary Sausage on May 23, 2013, 01:32:49 AM
71% of young men in America do not want to get married:

Looks like feminism succeeded in destroying marriage. Now men refuse to get married.

I hope all of you ladies have fun growing old alone with your ten cats.

Neo-feminsm is what you refer to. Natural feminism and masculinity are unrelated to what most westerners think of today.
But how did this change? This is an easy topic if you are one who independently educates yourself.
Neo-feminism is a psychological warfare operation executed by the same ideologies and financial interests that were
responsible for over 100 million Europeans being brutally murdered from WWI through WWII.

If you buy into mainline establishment history about the wars, then you have no hope and you will end up bickering over
issues without any clue about a viable and legitimate solution.

This should be enough of a hint for most people. Hopefully the smarts you all have about computers and tech is not
more than what you know about world history for at least the last 600 years.