Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Joerii on May 19, 2013, 05:57:49 AM

Title: Help ! My Potato Masher is gonna blow !
Post by: Joerii on May 19, 2013, 05:57:49 AM
Here's a fun gambling game that ruined my sleep last night.

You can buy a grenade that someone else has to buy before the timer runs out. When they do, you get a big bonus. Let me tell you, there's nothing sweeter then the relief when your grenade gets bought.

I made some GLD already and my latest one is over 50% now... tic toc tic toc

I'm not usually a gambler but this gets my gambling juices flowing. Very scary, I imagine this is a little bit what russian roulette feels like.

By the way if someone could PLEASE FFS BUY MY POTATO MASHER !

My name is MultiQueef on there, feel free to watch my timer blow or help me out ;)

Title: Re: Help ! My Potato Masher is gonna blow !
Post by: emdes on May 19, 2013, 09:25:48 AM
They added Worldcoin too now  ;D boom baby !

Title: Re: Help ! My Potato Masher is gonna blow !
Post by: GSnak on May 19, 2013, 09:26:12 AM
Not sure I'd want to buy something from someone called "MultiQueef".

Title: Re: Help ! My Potato Masher is gonna blow !
Post by: Quartx on May 19, 2013, 09:27:55 AM
bought a WDC grenade, transaction still uncomfirmed, timer runs out, gone, pmed VIpah, yet to reply , what the f*

Title: Re: Help ! My Potato Masher is gonna blow !
Post by: Joerii on May 19, 2013, 09:28:00 AM
Not sure I'd want to buy something from someone called "MultiQueef".

I must say an icecream cone is more attractive, right you are kind sir. Hmmm. MultiQueef has a nice ring to it though. It was suggested to me by a dear friend, who inherited the term from his grandmother.

Title: Re: Help ! My Potato Masher is gonna blow !
Post by: Joerii on May 19, 2013, 09:30:45 AM
OK, just two hours left for your chance to eh.... ok who am I kidding.

I'll pay 6k GLD to the HERO who saves me from this grenade, for reals.

Title: Re: Help ! My Potato Masher is gonna blow !
Post by: Quartx on May 19, 2013, 09:41:11 AM
SO, the payment I made for the WDC grenade on bitgrenade has been comfirmed.

But the someone else bought the grenade after it timed out.

Vipah did not reply to my PM despite being online.

Im not very happy now :(

Title: Re: Help ! My Potato Masher is gonna blow !
Post by: Joerii on May 19, 2013, 09:53:43 AM
SO, the payment I made for the WDC grenade on bitgrenade has been comfirmed.

But the someone else bought the grenade after it timed out.

Vipah did not reply to my PM despite being online.

Im not very happy now :(

Well, a consolation, I'll pay you 10k GLD if you buy my potatomasher. Then you can take another 10k profit when you sell it. I think the only reason I'm not selling mine is because the timer is so far down already. I've seen much more expensive grenades sell. I guess the time of day you do this makes a big difference...

Title: Re: Help ! My Potato Masher is gonna blow !
Post by: Foamy on May 19, 2013, 09:55:45 AM

Title: Re: Help ! My Potato Masher is gonna blow !
Post by: yager on May 19, 2013, 10:04:07 AM
hehe looks like a good game. Hope you sell your potato masher soon!

Title: Re: Help ! My Potato Masher is gonna blow !
Post by: Joerii on May 19, 2013, 10:05:42 AM
hehe looks like a good game. Hope you sell your potato masher soon!

Stop hoping and start buying ! ;)

Title: Re: Help ! My Potato Masher is gonna blow !
Post by: billionaire on May 19, 2013, 10:07:36 AM
The 5% Consolations are pretty shitty compared to the other sites that offer these games, made even worse when you consider the very low traffic bitgrenade's site has since its new. Also look at the interest rate payouts. The best rate is 50% Interest, and it just goes downhill from there. Compare this to bitpotato that has a 100% Interest Item (with 50% Consolation instead of the measly 5% bitgrenade offers), an item with 70% Interest paid (40% Consolation) ect. ect.

So it's much more risk having your timer run out because hardly anyone knows about the site and you get far less of your purchase back when no one buys your item. If you are lucky enough that one of the ten people using the site actually buys your item, you get paid less percentages than other sites offer. The only decent thing about bitgrenade's site compared to bitpotato or coinbomb is that you can play with a variety of garbage coins.

Title: Re: Help ! My Potato Masher is gonna blow !
Post by: Joerii on May 19, 2013, 10:12:01 AM
<snip, not interesting stuff>   thing about bitgrenade's site compared to bitpotato or coinbomb is that you can play with a variety of garbage coins.

Wow you're right, that is GREAT !! ;D

Title: Re: Help ! My Potato Masher is gonna blow !
Post by: Quartx on May 19, 2013, 10:13:47 AM
SO, the payment I made for the WDC grenade on bitgrenade has been comfirmed.

But the someone else bought the grenade after it timed out.

Vipah did not reply to my PM despite being online.

Im not very happy now :(

Well, a consolation, I'll pay you 10k GLD if you buy my potatomasher. Then you can take another 10k profit when you sell it. I think the only reason I'm not selling mine is because the timer is so far down already. I've seen much more expensive grenades sell. I guess the time of day you do this makes a big difference...

I hate developers and service providers that refuse to clear the air or do anything about it when something wrong happens, if Vipah still doesnt reply or return my WDC after 2 days, I'll file a scammer report even though its just another alt coin.

Title: Re: Help ! My Potato Masher is gonna blow !
Post by: Quartx on May 19, 2013, 11:41:59 AM
Well it seems he responded to my email and returned my WDC, he still says its my fault for screwing up when its the network fault, blah blah whatever, sticking with bit potato and btc

EDIT : Have clarified with Vipah, forgot to clean up this thread as I did to the others. My apologies

Title: Re: Help ! My Potato Masher is gonna blow !
Post by: AZIZ1977 on May 19, 2013, 11:48:40 AM
I love this game.

Title: Re: Help ! My Potato Masher is gonna blow !
Post by: jdebunt on May 19, 2013, 12:02:10 PM
looks great! glad to see WDC accepted :)

Now someone buy that WDC Flashbang , gogo! :)

Title: Re: Help ! My Potato Masher is gonna blow !
Post by: Monetizer on May 19, 2013, 12:44:22 PM
If someone buys the RPG in GLD I will give them all the profits. (I am theegle)

Title: Re: Help ! My Potato Masher is gonna blow !
Post by: alwind on May 19, 2013, 12:54:44 PM
funny game with a nice profit,

Title: Re: Help ! My Potato Masher is gonna blow !
Post by: vipah on May 22, 2013, 10:22:35 AM
Sigh @ Quartx.

Messes up..gets his WDC returned and still whines.  Typical.

Title: Re: Help ! My Potato Masher is gonna blow !
Post by: Quartx on May 22, 2013, 10:39:35 AM
Sigh @ Quartx.

Messes up..gets his WDC returned and still whines.  Typical.

Dear Vipah

That was before the last email i sent to you ... Cleared up in most threads after the incident except for this..


Title: Re: Help ! My Potato Masher is gonna blow !
Post by: Joerii on May 22, 2013, 10:43:02 AM
Wow serious necro post.

Please dont remind me of my gambling past ! ;)

Title: Re: Help ! My Potato Masher is gonna blow !
Post by: Quartx on May 22, 2013, 11:06:32 AM
Wow serious necro post.

Please dont remind me of my gambling past ! ;)

Refering to me or Vipah? Was simply replying to Vipah :(