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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Alik Bahshi on August 18, 2017, 12:12:45 PM

Title: National interests of Russia
Post by: Alik Bahshi on August 18, 2017, 12:12:45 PM
Alik Bakhshi
National interests of Russia

     In the speeches of President Putin on the international theme, one can often hear a phrase that, it seems to me, has become sacred - "Russia's national interests". Usually it sounds with reproach to the countries of the West, which, in Putin's opinion, should not only take into account Russia's national interests, but also respect them. True, Putin did not bother to disclose what the national interests of Russia really consist in, but judging by the military-political steps taken by Russia, they clearly go beyond its state borders, which is confirmed by the Russian invasion of Georgia and Ukraine, followed by the withdrawal of their territories. Thus, Russia's national interests inevitably face the national interests of other countries, and are defined only as aggression. Ukraine wanted to enter the European Union, but it turns out that such an desire is an independent country, violates the legitimate interests of another country - Russia. By the way, Putin said that Russia will not allow such actions by the neighboring country. It turns out that if an independent neighboring country, for example Finland, wants to join NATO, then Russia will have to wait for a military invasion, because maybe Finland too is falling under the legitimate interests of Russia.
     I did not make a reservation, Moscow really believes that Russia's national interests are both its legitimate interests. This is confirmed by the words of Foreign Minister Lavrov: "The project of the Trans-Caspian gas pipeline affects the legitimate interests of Russia." Http://
  It turns out that if a gas pipeline is laid between the independent countries of Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan by the Caspian Sea, this action is a violation of Russian laws. It is possible that the construction of gas pipelines in general is a violation of international laws. In this case, laying a gas pipeline from Russia to Turkey on the bottom of the Black Sea is also not legal. Or, maybe, Russia asked permission from Georgia, Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria? Like Russia's request to the Black Sea countries with such a request was not observed. Hence the natural conclusion: all countries that were colonies of the Russian Empire, or as Moscow calls the post-Soviet space, fall under the legitimate interests of Russia. In other words, any independent decision of these countries, whether political or economic, may be in the field of Russian legislation. Exceptions are Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia, which have issued themselves as members not only of the EU, but also of NATO. This fact points to the fact that Russia's legitimate interests began to operate with the appearance of Putin in the Kremlin; Under President Yeltsin, the demand for observance of Russia's legitimate interests in the post-Soviet space did not come from Moscow. Here Ukraine did not have time to hurry and was violated the Russian laws, overthrowing its president, Yanukovych. Thus, the removal of the president from power in any independent country, but the former colony of Russia, is a violation of Russia's legitimate interests. I suspect that they did not know about any legitimate interests of Russia in Ukraine when they started the Maidan, for which they received punishment in the form of the loss of part of their country. In short, ignorance of laws does not absolve from responsibility.
 In fact, Putin should present a specific list of Russia's legitimate national interests, so that neighboring independent countries do not violate Russian law and pay for this territory.
   Undoubtedly, each state has its own national interests, however, if the state was once part of the Russian Empire, then its national interests are inferior to Russia's national interests, which are legitimate. Dot!

  The result - if your neighbor is Russia, then you can be either a vassal or an enemy.


Title: Re: National interests of Russia
Post by: Palmerson on August 18, 2017, 02:02:18 PM
The main enemy of Russia always was and remains America. Let me remind you that they are not neighbors. The problem is that there are no Russian friends. They have Imperial ambitions which they cannot comply and therefore they are angry at the whole world.

Title: Re: National interests of Russia
Post by: smurfik32 on August 19, 2017, 04:42:18 AM
The main enemy of Russia always was and remains America. Let me remind you that they are not neighbors. The problem is that there are no Russian friends. They have Imperial ambitions which they cannot comply and therefore they are angry at the whole world.
When - that Soviet Union that was a powerful country in the world disintegrated. If Russia will not stop to conduct the aggressive politics all over the world, a that variant at that and she will come asunder is fully possible. Although here at all the true.

Title: Re: National interests of Russia
Post by: Alik Bahshi on August 19, 2017, 05:40:55 AM
The main enemy of Russia always was and remains America. Let me remind you that they are not neighbors. The problem is that there are no Russian friends. They have Imperial ambitions which they cannot comply and therefore they are angry at the whole world.

If there was no America, then Russia captured the whole world.

Title: Re: National interests of Russia
Post by: Sithara007 on August 19, 2017, 06:58:27 AM
The main enemy of Russia always was and remains America. Let me remind you that they are not neighbors. The problem is that there are no Russian friends. They have Imperial ambitions which they cannot comply and therefore they are angry at the whole world.

If there was no America, then Russia captured the whole world.

OK. Could you give me a list of the nations, which were invaded by Russia after the WW2? I could remember only one, and that is Afghanistan (1979-1990). And even that invasion was made at the request of the Afghan government. And what about the United States? They have invaded almost 70 nations ever since the end of the World War 2.

Title: Re: National interests of Russia
Post by: keyrun on August 19, 2017, 07:00:03 AM
The main enemy of Russia always was and remains America. Let me remind you that they are not neighbors. The problem is that there are no Russian friends. They have Imperial ambitions which they cannot comply and therefore they are angry at the whole world.

If there was no America, then Russia captured the whole world.

All the powerful nation thinks their neighbors to be the vessel or enemy.
Among they USA has a wider range.

Title: Re: National interests of Russia
Post by: Sithara007 on August 19, 2017, 08:38:48 AM
The main enemy of Russia always was and remains America. Let me remind you that they are not neighbors. The problem is that there are no Russian friends. They have Imperial ambitions which they cannot comply and therefore they are angry at the whole world.

If there was no America, then Russia captured the whole world.

All the powerful nation thinks their neighbors to be the vessel or enemy.
Among they USA has a wider range.

The Americans are different. They have invaded nations all over the world, spanning many continents. For example, even now nations such as Japan and Germany are under the American military occupation with dozens of American military bases located in each of these nations.

Title: Re: National interests of Russia
Post by: Fortify on August 19, 2017, 08:53:07 AM
"if your neighbor is Russia, then you can be either a vassal or an enemy"

Like any bully, this is true until you are equally matched. I feel bad for countries like Kazakhstan which are not really strong enough to avoid the corruption and are economically weaker. They will be a vassal. However countries in Europe and mainly NATO are relatively well protected, an attack on one is an attack on all. I liked Russia up until 10 years ago, Putin was doing well but has turned back to targeting minorities and oppressing freedoms as distraction techniques.

Title: Re: National interests of Russia
Post by: bryant.coleman on August 19, 2017, 02:26:22 PM
"if your neighbor is Russia, then you can be either a vassal or an enemy"

None of the neighbors of Russia (apart from Ukraine) have any problems with that country. And none of them are forced to be vassals of Russia, including its eastern neighbors such as China, Japan, Mongolia and North Korea. Countries such as Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania have been self-declared enemies of Russia ever since 1992. But Russia has never invaded or bullied these nations.

Title: Re: National interests of Russia
Post by: Ivan16 on August 19, 2017, 03:55:07 PM
Many Americans think that America free country with freedom but the propaganda is many influential in America than in some countries with dictatorships,i see that in their attitudes on this forum,they didnt know almost nothing about Russia and other coutries in Europe.American propaganda constantly bombing their people with fake information,like CNN fake news.They speek about Russia imperial aspirations,what America doing all of this years,why media in SAD dont speeak about 600k Afganistan inocent people which SAD and aliance killed under the pretext that he support some terorist which create SAD to for figth with Soviet Union in Afganistan.Why people dont know that in SAD?No,because media in SAD constantly lying about some Russia imperial ambitions.

Title: Re: National interests of Russia
Post by: Alik Bahshi on August 20, 2017, 07:01:24 AM
The main enemy of Russia always was and remains America. Let me remind you that they are not neighbors. The problem is that there are no Russian friends. They have Imperial ambitions which they cannot comply and therefore they are angry at the whole world.

If there was no America, then Russia captured the whole world.

OK. Could you give me a list of the nations, which were invaded by Russia after the WW2? I could remember only one, and that is Afghanistan (1979-1990). And even that invasion was made at the request of the Afghan government. And what about the United States? They have invaded almost 70 nations ever since the end of the World War 2.

First, what kind of request do you have from the Afghan government? It is known that before the Russians invaded Afghanistan, the Russians attacked the palace of Afghan President Amin and killed him.
Secondly, the Russians captured during the Second World War:
1. part of the territory of Finland
2. Estonia
3. Latvia
4. Lithuania
5. part of the territory of Poland
6. part of the territory of Germany (Keninsberg)
7. Part of the Terrorism of Romania (Moldova)
8. Tuva.
9. Southern Sakhalin
10. The Kuril Islands.

  The United States as a result of the war did not annex a meter of foreign territory.
I described this in more detail in the topic "Russia is the most aggressive country"

Title: Re: National interests of Russia
Post by: Alik Bahshi on October 15, 2022, 04:57:22 AM
Ukraine today is at war with Russia not only for its freedom and independence, but also for the independence of all other countries that were colonies of Russia, which will be the next victim if Ukraine loses.