Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Electrum => Topic started by: jonnocee on August 21, 2017, 06:31:54 PM

Title: Moved from Multibit Classic to Electrum but no seed
Post by: jonnocee on August 21, 2017, 06:31:54 PM
Hey there,

Just followed the instructions from Multibit to Electrum seen here -

Have followed the above and BTC are in the Electrum wallet OK.

But... As I was using an old version of Multibit I didn't have any wallet words and wasn't asked to create any. Just use password at moment.

So just a couple of questions please!

What's the best way to set up a Electrum wallet with the use of seed words and move BTC over?

My Multibit Wallet is still showing the BTC in the wallet. Am I best deleting this wallet (if I can) once I have seed words/wallet set up with Electrum?

Thanks in advance!


Title: Re: Moved from Multibit Classic to Electrum but no seed
Post by: poptok1 on August 21, 2017, 06:43:44 PM
You have imported your multibit private key in to electrum right?
If so, than there is no option to "equip" this wallet with seed words or any advanced electrum gimmicks.
It is your good old multibit wallet under control of a new software-> electrum
(good choice BTW, multibit sucks now, it so-so outdated)
Only way to have full electrum wallet with all its options and safety features, is to send your bitcoins
to a newly created wallet under electrum.
Yes, you will "loose" some on transaction fee but think about what you will gain :)
O. and BTW have you heard about BCC? (bitcoin cash)

Title: Re: Moved from Multibit Classic to Electrum but no seed
Post by: jonnocee on August 21, 2017, 06:58:15 PM
Thanks for the quick response!

Yeah, I exported and uploaded the key into the new wallet. So Electrum wallet is just protected by a password.

Will get a new wallet set up with seed words and transfer from the old to the new! Rather the peace of mind for sure  :)

Not read anything about the BCC as of yet, if you have any ilnks/info you can share that would be cool!

Title: Re: Moved from Multibit Classic to Electrum but no seed
Post by: Swagtoshi on August 21, 2017, 09:59:31 PM
Not read anything about the BCC as of yet, if you have any ilnks/info you can share that would be cool!

On August 1, bitcoin was forked, and the new currency was called bitcoin cash. Everyone who had bitcoins before the fork now has the same amount if bitcoin cash as the amount of bitcoins they had. (If i had 0.01 btc before the fork, I would get 0.01 bcc). The BCC are on the same addresses as the btc.

Claiming your BCC is a bit complicated, but you basically create a new wallet for the btc and export the privates key of the original btc wallet to BCC wallet.