Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Actor_Tom_Truong_ on August 22, 2017, 11:20:20 AM

Title: Secret of the Bitcoin logo reveal
Post by: Actor_Tom_Truong_ on August 22, 2017, 11:20:20 AM
Secret of the Bitcoin logo reveal

Title: Re: Secret of the Bitcoin logo reveal
Post by: jhkmjnhamster on August 22, 2017, 12:22:20 PM
actually satoshi is an alien  ;D

Title: Re: Secret of the Bitcoin logo reveal
Post by: carlfebz2 on August 22, 2017, 12:26:47 PM
Secret of the Bitcoin logo reveal
I actually laugh when I read all the text contained on the link. Yes you can really form number 13 if you do tried out to separate it but talking about the thing this is the thing why banks letting bitcoin to exist because they know whos satoshi just on that number? Whats the sense? Two digit number cant reveal anything.  ;D

Title: Re: Secret of the Bitcoin logo reveal
Post by: Guzztsar on August 24, 2017, 02:40:09 AM
Secret of the Bitcoin logo reveal
I actually laugh when I read all the text contained on the link. Yes you can really form number 13 if you do tried out to separate it but talking about the thing this is the thing why banks letting bitcoin to exist because they know whos satoshi just on that number? Whats the sense? Two digit number cant reveal anything.  ;D
13 is an important number on freemasonry, anyway, no relationship is mentioned in the steemit post.

A exemple of this could be found in this Image (

There are 13 leaves on the left olive branch with 13 berries.
13 stripes on the middle shield.
13 arrows on the right.
13 stars above the eagles head.
13 letters in the "E Pluribus Unum" on the ribbon.
13 letters in Annuit Coeptis.
There are 13 blocks top to bottom on the pyramid.
Fritz Springmeir in his The 13 Bloodlines says these 13 blocks represent the 13 Satanic family’s.

With a little research, you'll find that number is being used often to be just coincidence. ;)

Title: Re: Secret of the Bitcoin logo reveal
Post by: Tubig on August 24, 2017, 03:37:47 AM
Secret of the Bitcoin logo reveal
Why they always gave meaning to simple things?  The creator just wants it to be like that, there's no more reasons. He has the more knowledge in explaining why, but for me because it was called Bitcoin because it's a digital currency (Bit, Byte just like that, it's 1s 0s stored in a computer) So the logo looks like a letter B for Bitcoin and the lines above and under it comes from a dollar logo. This was just my opinion, just share your opinion if you wants to and don't make more complicated.

Title: Re: Secret of the Bitcoin logo reveal
Post by: CryptoBry on August 24, 2017, 03:42:56 AM
I appreciate all the things that seem to contribute in making Satoshi Nakamoto and the Bitcoin more mysterious and eccentric. Anyway, this is just a product of a very creative, wild, active and amazing imagination. As to the truth, nobody knows and we don't have to confirm this. I am sure that wherever Satoshi Nakamoto is he might be laughing right now seeing that post.

Title: Re: Secret of the Bitcoin logo reveal
Post by: Ewinsane on August 27, 2017, 10:59:57 AM
I appreciate all the things that seem to contribute in making Satoshi Nakamoto and the Bitcoin more mysterious and eccentric. Anyway, this is just a product of a very creative, wild, active and amazing imagination. As to the truth, nobody knows and we don't have to confirm this. I am sure that wherever Satoshi Nakamoto is he might be laughing right now seeing that post.
Haha... I am also not very obsessed with the creator or the creation itself. What I am after is the potential bitcoins have, the way it has turned our traditional methods of transactions and payments. Indeed, it is one of the glorious inventions so far in the history of mankind and I admire the brain behind this extraordinary idea.

Title: Re: Secret of the Bitcoin logo reveal
Post by: YuginKadoya on August 27, 2017, 11:26:54 AM
There is no significant meaning if you simply separate the lines to form the Number 13, and I totally not into that kind of mystery about the creator of bitcoin it is OK to simply have a knowledge over it but the most important in bitcoin is earning it and not taking the mystery about bitcoin because there is no such things, I really think it is just a capital letter B with 2 lines over it just like the dollar sign.

Title: Re: Secret of the Bitcoin logo reveal
Post by: Tyrantt on August 27, 2017, 11:31:35 AM
The underground mason devil worshiping illuminati cannibals. I just love getting my old tin foil hat out of the drawer and use it once again. I mean, seriously, do people have nothing else better to do that go "cracking" secret messages. I don't know how it didn't occur to him that the BTC logo is a letter B for the capital and first letter in bitcoin and those two lines are just like on the dollar sign.... 

Title: Re: Secret of the Bitcoin logo reveal
Post by: mondobitcoin on August 27, 2017, 12:50:38 PM
Secret of the Bitcoin logo reveal

I have readed the article, maybe is true or not, but here in ukraine the number 13 is no good :)
Like friday 13, but i know that in italy number 13 is good, they dont like the number 17

Title: Re: Secret of the Bitcoin logo reveal
Post by: Cranidos on August 27, 2017, 12:50:47 PM
Well, I think there is no secret about it. The symbol was just adopted from the US dollar $ but instead of using the letter S, letter B is used based from the first letter of its name, BITCOIN. It is as simple as that. Such simple things making complicated by people. Sometimes we have to see things literally instead making things complicated.