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Local => Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia) => Topic started by: basket ball on August 22, 2017, 01:32:03 PM

Title: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: basket ball on August 22, 2017, 01:32:03 PM

WEBSITE ( || ICO Aug, 28 - Sept, 25  (|| WHITEPAPER ( || YOUTUBE ( || TWITTER ( || FACEBOOK ( || DISCORD ( ( ( ( ( (

WEBSITE ( || ICO Aug, 28 - Sept, 25  (|| WHITEPAPER ( || YOUTUBE ( || TWITTER ( || FACEBOOK ( || DISCORD (

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: basket ball on August 22, 2017, 01:33:40 PM

  • FILIPINO (Reserved)

FORMULIR UNTUK MENDAFTAR ( (Sederhana: cukup username anda di Bitcointalk dan link ke retweet / retweet)

TWITTER, 0,75%
YOUTUBE, 0,5% (PM saya dengan link canel)

Tempatkan di sini dalam topik ini info berikutnya jika Anda ingin berpartisipasi dalam kampanye karunia terjemahan:
nama anda pada bitkointalk
link ke profil pada bitcointalk
Bahasa yg anda minta
Tautan pada terjemahan sebelumnya yang dibuat oleh Anda
Maukah Anda menerjemahkan Whitepaper (Y / T - jika iya, Anda akan mendapatkan tambahan taruhannya)
Alamat ETH anda

catatan: Ada stake ganda untuk terjemahan CN (ANN, BOUNTY, Whitepaper) dan terjemahan EN (Whitepaper) (Standar: 200 stake untuk menerbitkan topik JST dalam bahasa yang dipilih, 200 stake - terjemahan Bounty-rules, 1000 untuk terjemahan Whitepaper), jika Anda memiliki tautan ke terjemahan sebelumnya yang dibuat oleh Anda - sangat bagus, tunjukkan!

Anda akan mendapatkan tambahan 100 stake untuk memoderasi topik yang Anda buat pada bahasa Anda (perbarui secara teratur dengan informasi aktual).

cek status aplikasi anda di tabel ini ( di update setiap hari)

Fill Formulir berikut dengan aplikasi Anda untuk berpartisipasi dalam karunia lainnya:

Signatures Bounty ( || Blog Post Bounty ( || Twitter Bounty ( || Facebook Bounty (


Periode: dari penerbitan topik ini dan sampai 25 September,
Perhitungan Bounty Stakes: 25-30 September 2017
Alamat ETH Anda harus sepenuhnya milik Anda, bukan penukar!
Stake pada tabel akan di update setiap minggu, setiap hari Minggu.
Kita bisa mengurangi jmlah stake Anda jika tidak sesuai dengan kondisi.


Anda bisa menggunakan tanda tangan ini (pertama tambahkan tanda tangan di profil Anda dan kenakan avatar (link ke avatar (, avatar akan ada tambahan 10 stake per minggu untuk anda), langkah berikutnya - isi formulir (

Jr. Member ( - the 1st MMO Game about Pirates with Blockchain based economics! [ICO][BOUNTY]

[center][url=][/url] - the 1st MMO Game about Pirates with Blockchain based economics! [ICO][BOUNTY][/center]


PRIVATEERS.LIFE ( - Did you ever dream become a Pirate?
Welcome to the 1st MMO Game about Pirates with Blockchain based economics! Dominate and survive!
ICO starts at August, 28th ( || BONUSES ( || Website ( || Whitepaper ( || Bounty ( || Twitter ( || Facebook ( || YouTube (

[center][url=]PRIVATEERS.LIFE[/url] - Did you ever dream become a Pirate?
Welcome to the 1st MMO Game about Pirates with Blockchain based economics! Dominate and survive!
[url=]ICO starts at August, 28th[/url] || [url=]BONUSES[/url] || [url=]Website[/url] || [url=]Whitepaper[/url] || [url=]Bounty[/url] || [url=]Twitter[/url] || [url=]Facebook[/url] || [url=]YouTube[/url]

Full Member

PRIVATEERS.LIFE ( - Did you ever dream become a Pirate?
Welcome to the 1st MMO Game about Pirates with Blockchain based economics! Dominate and survive!
ICO starts at August, 28th ( || BONUSES ( || Website ( || Whitepaper ( || Bounty ( || Twitter ( || Facebook ( || YouTube (

[center][color=red][url=]PRIVATEERS.LIFE[/url] - Did you ever dream become a Pirate?[/color]
Welcome to the 1st MMO Game about Pirates with Blockchain based economics! Dominate and survive!
[url=]ICO starts at August, 28th[/url] || [url=]BONUSES[/url] || [url=]Website[/url] || [url=]Whitepaper[/url] || [url=]Bounty[/url] || [url=]Twitter[/url] || [url=]Facebook[/url] || [url=]YouTube[/url]

Sr. Member / Hero Member / Legendary

PRIVATEERS.LIFE ( - Did you ever dream become a Pirate?
Welcome to the 1st MMO Game about Pirates with Blockchain based economics! Dominate and survive!
ICO starts at August, 28th ( || BONUSES ( || Website ( || Whitepaper ( || Bounty ( || Twitter ( || Facebook ( || YouTube (

[center][size=13pt][color=red][url=]PRIVATEERS.LIFE[/url] - Did you ever dream become a Pirate?[/color][/size]
Welcome to the 1st MMO Game about Pirates with Blockchain based economics! Dominate and survive!
[url=]ICO starts at August, 28th[/url] || [url=]BONUSES[/url] || [url=]Website[/url] || [url=]Whitepaper[/url] || [url=]Bounty[/url] || [url=]Twitter[/url] || [url=]Facebook[/url] || [url=]YouTube[/url]

Avatar untuk Signatures Bounty Campaign (kenakan dan dapatkan 10 stake / mingguan):

Mulai: 15 August, 2017
Ends: 25 September, 2017


1. Kami tidak mengizinkan banyak tanda tangan!
2. Anggota kepercayaan negatif tidak diizinkan bergabung dengan kampanye ini.
3. Kami mencari anggota yang aktif secara teratur.
4. Pengguna yang ditemukan melakukan spamming akan dilarang melakukan kampanye dan pembayaran akan ditolak.
5. Tulisan di bagian cryptocurrencies alternatif diinginkan.
6. Anda tidak diizinkan untuk menggunakan avatar situs lain.
7. Pos mingguan akan dihitung sampai hari minggu 23:59 waktu forum.

Penghargaan, stake/minggu:
Jr. Member, 10
Member, 20
Full Member, 40
Sr. Member, 70
Hero Member, 90
Legendary, 120

Jika Anda ingin berpartisipasi dalam kampanye Signature, silakan isi formulir (
Hasil setiap minggu mungkin Anda bisa lihat pada tabel ini (


Keunggulan posting blog tergantung popularitas situs / blog, tanda tambah, jumlah pembaca dll. Tanda - tindakan tambahan yang menarik perhatian pada artikel: disematkan di atas, spanduk, kirim ke subs dll. Kualitas dan kuantitas Marks leads Untuk penilaian kualitas kiriman yang lebih tinggi.
1. Tulisan harus tersedia untuk semua pembaca secara online
2. Teks posting harus asli (topik cetak ulang tidak diijinkan)
3. Situs / blog minimal berusia 2 bulan, statistik kunjungan minimal harus untuk bulan lalu.
4. Persyaratan minimum untuk artikel: tidak kurang dari 500 kata (bukan simbol!) Dan 1 gambar.
5. Harus ada minimal 2 tautan ke materi kami (situs web, topik Bitcointalk, socials dll.) Di pos blog Anda
6. Baca situs kami dan Whitepaper untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak info tambahan, jadi, Anda mungkin mengajukan pertanyaan juga (PM di sini atau kontak lainnya) sebelum dan saat Anda menulis posting blog atau artikel

Penghargaan (untuk kualitas post):
Standard (30 stakes)
Medium (50)
Good (70)
Great (100)

jika anda ingin berpartisipasi, silahkan fill the form (
Hasil minggu ini akan diperbarui di tabel ini ( setiap hari minggu.


1. Ikuti kami di Twitter (http://https: //
2. Anda harus memiliki setidaknya 100 pengikut nyata
3. Anda harus retweet minimal 5 posting kita / mingguan
4. Anda harus membuat setidaknya satu posting asli di Twitter (ditulis sendiri) tentang termasuk setidaknya 1 link ke materi kami (situs web, topik Bitcointalk, socials dll.)

Penghargaan, stakes/week
100-500 pengikut = 10
501-1000 pengikut = 20
1001-1500 pengikut = 30
1501-2000 pengikut = 40
2001+ pengikut = 50

jika anda ingin berpartisipasi, silahkan fill the form (
hasil akan di update setiap minggu pada tabel ini ( setiap hari minggu.


1. Sukai halaman Facebook Kami ( .
2. Anda harus memiliki setidaknya 100 teman di akun Facebook Anda
3. Anda harus menyukai setidaknya 5 posting kita setiap minggu
4. Anda harus menempatkan setidaknya 2 komentar untuk posting kita setiap minggu
5. Bagikan setidaknya 3 posting kami ke teman Anda setiap minggu

Hadiah, tergantung dari jumlah teman, stake / minggu:
100-500 teman = 10
501-1000 teman = 20
1001-1500 teman = 30
1501-2000 teman = 40
2001+ teman = 50

jika anda ingin berpartisipasi, silahkan isi formulir (
Hasil tiap minggu akan di update padatabel ini ( hari minggu.


- Video Anda harus asli dan tidak boleh melanggar hak cipta
- Video mungkin serius, komik, intro dll.
- Video harus informatif dan kreatif
- Video harus dipublikasikan di saluran newbee (minimal 100 subs yang harus dimiliki)
- Dalam deskripsi video setidaknya ada satu tautan ke materi kami (situs web, topik и Bitcointalk) dengan info tentang ICO (tanggal, aturan, bonus, dan apa yang ingin Anda tambahkan dari Anda)
- Satu pengguna dapat membuat beberapa video (1 / mingguan, bervariasi dalam beberapa situasi)
- Video harus dalam waktu 1 dan 3 menit
- Kami berhak menolak video yang tidak memenuhi persyaratan
- Untuk berpartisipasi, cukup memenuhi persyaratan formal dan kirimkan link ke video langsung di topik, jika diterima - Anda akan diberi tahu

- 30 stake per video yg kami terima.

SOSIAL BOUNTY LAINNYA (0.25% of tokens)

Bisa jadi, Instagram, lokal (di dalam negeri Anda) dan jaringan sosial profesional


- buat penawaran Anda dengan link ke akun Anda secara sosial
- Harus tematik: keuangan, kripto, ICO dll.

Jumlah stake akan tergantung dari jumlah aplikasi. Jika tidak ada yg tertarik dgan ini, token dari itu akan ditambahkan ke arah Bounty yang paling populer.

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: PrivateerIsland on August 22, 2017, 09:33:59 PM
basket ball, please, not forget about bounty rules translation and list of all topics with links. Thank you.

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: Punggawa on August 22, 2017, 09:51:52 PM
Proyek game lagi, sekarang banyak sy lihat proyek game yg muncul, tp ini gamenya unik juga.  Jadi ingat film pirates of the carribian. Game perompak nih.

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: PrivateerIsland on August 22, 2017, 10:10:35 PM
Proyek game lagi, sekarang banyak sy lihat proyek game yg muncul, tp ini gamenya unik juga.  Jadi ingat film pirates of the carribian. Game perompak nih.

Thank you and welcome aboard: (

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: Punggawa on August 22, 2017, 10:35:56 PM
Proyek game lagi, sekarang banyak sy lihat proyek game yg muncul, tp ini gamenya unik juga.  Jadi ingat film pirates of the carribian. Game perompak nih.

Thank you and welcome aboard: (

You're welcome
Success your project and your project seems interesting enough. Hope your project the game is a great in the future

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: basket ball on August 23, 2017, 12:25:28 AM
semua bounty udah di update mulai dari sosial,blog, signature dan banyak bounty lainnya juga, silah kan baca baca dulu syarat dan ketentuannya sebelum mengikuti bounty bagi yang minat.

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: shendy on August 23, 2017, 03:27:52 AM
semua bounty udah di update mulai dari sosial,blog, signature dan banyak bounty lainnya juga, silah kan baca baca dulu syarat dan ketentuannya sebelum mengikuti bounty bagi yang minat.
makasih update nya,udah saya pelajari,bountinya sosmednya menarik sekali bisa langsung eksekusi ini gan. good luck.

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: ariefsastra on August 23, 2017, 03:28:51 AM
izin ikut bountynya gan. oia link facebooknya ko gk bisa di klik gan??

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: djuragan on August 23, 2017, 05:19:05 AM
game tentang bajak laut ini bagus dan pasti banyak yang suka.
bonti facebook dan twitternya lumayan,rulesnya juga mudah.semoga hasilnya nanti berkah.

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: labuan on August 23, 2017, 05:23:23 AM
izin ikut bountynya gan. oia link facebooknya ko gk bisa di klik gan??
Di ane bisa kok gan ane klik link yg kanan bawah yg bertuliskan facebook

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: idoycodet on August 23, 2017, 06:00:11 AM
project game lagi yaa, seru nih kaya bajak laut lagi permainannya ..
tapi ko link facebooknya gg bisa di buka yaa, mohon pencerahannya

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: marufnang on August 23, 2017, 07:07:37 AM
proyek ICO berkonsep game makin banyak bermunculan,kalo yang ini game bajak laut,
pasti tentang petualangan,layak dinantikan kehadiran gamenya ini.
tapi kalau main game ini apakah juga mendapatkan coin
atau hanya sebatas game biasa ya?

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: aysha9853 on August 23, 2017, 07:13:42 AM
Kemarin ada proyek game, dan bisa mengumpulkan 100 an BTC,semoga sukses aja deh buat proyek ini

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: PrivateerIsland on August 23, 2017, 08:53:14 AM
proyek ICO berkonsep game makin banyak bermunculan,kalo yang ini game bajak laut,
pasti tentang petualangan,layak dinantikan kehadiran gamenya ini.
tapi kalau main game ini apakah juga mendapatkan coin
atau hanya sebatas game biasa ya?

We plan to reward players for reaching a certain level in the game, perhaps even on an ongoing basis, the details are now being worked through

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: sayaya17 on August 23, 2017, 08:57:06 AM
Kemarin ada proyek game, dan bisa mengumpulkan 100 an BTC,semoga sukses aja deh buat proyek ini
emang ada beberapa proyek game seh gan yang udah pada sukses duluan, harapannya ya muga aja proyek game yang ini juga sukses yah
iconya sebentar lagi dimulai, banyak banget ico di bulan ini, jadi bingung pilih yang mana

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: basket ball on August 23, 2017, 09:02:00 AM
proyek ICO berkonsep game makin banyak bermunculan,kalo yang ini game bajak laut,
pasti tentang petualangan,layak dinantikan kehadiran gamenya ini.
tapi kalau main game ini apakah juga mendapatkan coin
atau hanya sebatas game biasa ya?

We plan to reward players for reaching a certain level in the game, perhaps even on an ongoing basis, the details are now being worked through
terimakasih telah mampir untuk menjawab pertanyaan dari member indonesia. sehingga tidak ada kebingungan dan keraguan lagi pada proyek ini.

Kemarin ada proyek game, dan bisa mengumpulkan 100 an BTC,semoga sukses aja deh buat proyek ini
emang ada beberapa proyek game seh gan yang udah pada sukses duluan, harapannya ya muga aja proyek game yang ini juga sukses yah
iconya sebentar lagi dimulai, banyak banget ico di bulan ini, jadi bingung pilih yang mana
contoh lain nya gan yang saya anggap sudah suksus yg berkonsep game seperti rustbit yang sekarang market nya ada di counterparty.

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: Wawa2013 on August 23, 2017, 09:06:29 AM
proyek ICO berkonsep game makin banyak bermunculan,kalo yang ini game bajak laut,
pasti tentang petualangan,layak dinantikan kehadiran gamenya ini.
tapi kalau main game ini apakah juga mendapatkan coin
atau hanya sebatas game biasa ya?

We plan to reward players for reaching a certain level in the game, perhaps even on an ongoing basis, the details are now being worked through
terimakasih telah mampir untuk menjawab pertanyaan dari member indonesia. sehingga tidak ada kebingungan dan keraguan lagi pada proyek ini.

Kemarin ada proyek game, dan bisa mengumpulkan 100 an BTC,semoga sukses aja deh buat proyek ini
emang ada beberapa proyek game seh gan yang udah pada sukses duluan, harapannya ya muga aja proyek game yang ini juga sukses yah
iconya sebentar lagi dimulai, banyak banget ico di bulan ini, jadi bingung pilih yang mana
contoh lain nya gan yang saya anggap sudah suksus yg berkonsep game seperti rustbit yang sekarang market nya ada di counterparty.
Iya mantap-mantap ini proyek yang berbasis game, tiap kali pasti meledak aja suka bikin kejutan, ane juga pengen seh gabung di proyek berbasis game ini, coba ane pelajari neh bountynya kayak gimana, soalnya ane belum baca seluruhnya neh

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: PrivateerIsland on August 23, 2017, 11:15:41 AM
Participants of ICO will get next bonuses:
- bonus tokens up to 50%, in first 2 weeks
- special conditions of alpha and beta testing of game
- in-Game items for their character
- lifetime discount in premium in-Game store, up to 15%
- great conditions to create profitable in-Game business (Want to be a pirate - be it! Got money in fights? Sell it on stock exchange! Want to establish brothel or inn? Make it, earn profit in coins, sell coin via exchange! etc...)

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: Kuingsudaqila on August 23, 2017, 12:17:37 PM
project yang menarik dan game lagi
tapi alokasi bounty untuk signature campaign nya bukan yang terbesar malah sama dengan alokasi untuk bounty translation nya

mungkin baru menarik peserta campaign kalau penjualan awal nya sukses besar

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: mrongoz22 on August 23, 2017, 12:32:30 PM
Kemarin ada proyek game, dan bisa mengumpulkan 100 an BTC,semoga sukses aja deh buat proyek ini
semoga saja proyek ini bisa mendapat lebih gan karena saya lihat gamenya lebih menarik

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: liao chandra on August 23, 2017, 12:33:48 PM
wah ICO baru lagi proyek tentang game petualangan bajak laut sangat menarik dan seru sekali pastinya, apalagi yang namanya game, baik orang kecil sampai dewasa semuanya pada main.  saya mau join di bounty sosmednya karena saya yakin bakal sukses ico nya.  

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: calya on August 23, 2017, 12:43:29 PM
project yang menarik dan game lagi
tapi alokasi bounty untuk signature campaign nya bukan yang terbesar malah sama dengan alokasi untuk bounty translation nya

mungkin baru menarik peserta campaign kalau penjualan awal nya sukses besar
dialokasi kan dengan presentase besar memang untuk menarik peserta untuk join disini.apalagi banyak bounty signature proyek lain yang cukup prospek dari segi bayarannya.tapi semoga yang support proyek ini banyak dan sukses

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: velive08 on August 23, 2017, 01:29:03 PM
project yang menarik dan game lagi
tapi alokasi bounty untuk signature campaign nya bukan yang terbesar malah sama dengan alokasi untuk bounty translation nya

mungkin baru menarik peserta campaign kalau penjualan awal nya sukses besar
dialokasi kan dengan presentase besar memang untuk menarik peserta untuk join disini.apalagi banyak bounty signature proyek lain yang cukup prospek dari segi bayarannya.tapi semoga yang support proyek ini banyak dan sukses
memang stratetegi alokasi besar sih yang paling efektif guna menarik parstisipan buat join di project gan, selain itu sepertinya sangat susah jika tidak memakai strategi alokasi besar.

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: PrivateerIsland on August 23, 2017, 01:40:15 PM
wah ICO baru lagi proyek tentang game petualangan bajak laut sangat menarik dan seru sekali pastinya, apalagi yang namanya game, baik orang kecil sampai dewasa semuanya pada main.  saya mau join di bounty sosmednya karena saya yakin bakal sukses ico nya.  

Terima kasih atas minat Anda, bergabunglah dengan kami!

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: spain cool on August 23, 2017, 02:39:29 PM
sepertinya proyek ini berasal dari rusia, sebab ada thread rusia nya juga, humaniq juga begitu ada trid rusia nya juga, semoga aja bisa sukses seperti humaniq aja deh habis ico langsung nongol di bittrex.

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: mani mani on August 23, 2017, 03:52:00 PM
ico baru tentang game pasti banyak diminati ... saya juga jadi pengen coba nih game kayaknya seru ...
semoga sukses buat tim dan devnya...

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: PrivateerIsland on August 23, 2017, 05:48:30 PM
sepertinya proyek ini berasal dari rusia, sebab ada thread rusia nya juga, humaniq juga begitu ada trid rusia nya juga, semoga aja bisa sukses seperti humaniq aja deh habis ico langsung nongol di bittrex.

Yes, you right - we are from Russia :)

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: PrivateerIsland on August 23, 2017, 05:51:01 PM
By the way - 4 days left until ICO starts with +50% bonus tokens in first 24 hours!

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: PrivateerIsland on August 23, 2017, 06:22:45 PM
Daily streaming of gamedev is LIVE now!
Today target - make enough material for video presentation


Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: Dirgantara on August 23, 2017, 06:32:35 PM
Ane rada gagal mudeng. Ini token ETH bukan? Jika iya maka ane rasa judul "No Premine" itu tidak sesuai karena jelas sudah semua token ETH yang diperjual belikan dalam ICO itu berbentuk premine.

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: knuckey on August 23, 2017, 06:43:00 PM
ini mau nanya gan, itu bounty blogpost ama sosial media koq ane baca di thread ini malah terjemahannya jadi gini ?


itu maksudnya gimana yah gan ???

Ane rada gagal mudeng. Ini token ETH bukan? Jika iya maka ane rasa judul "No Premine" itu tidak sesuai karena jelas sudah semua token ETH yang diperjual belikan dalam ICO itu berbentuk premine.

mungkin dalam artian No Premine itu semua koin di perjual belikan tidak ada yang dipegang ama devnya, kan ICO yang lainnya itu ada preminenya

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: PrivateerIsland on August 23, 2017, 09:58:02 PM
Ane rada gagal mudeng. Ini token ETH bukan? Jika iya maka ane rasa judul "No Premine" itu tidak sesuai karena jelas sudah semua token ETH yang diperjual belikan dalam ICO itu berbentuk premine.

Tokens creates only in time when investor sent  ETH to smart-contract. So will be only amount of tokens, created when ETH arrived to contract. There will not be situation like when100 millions tokens premined, then part of its sold and we have another part to burn - there will not be tokens to be burned. It is what NO PREMINE means.

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: basket ball on August 23, 2017, 10:42:55 PM
ini mau nanya gan, itu bounty blogpost ama sosial media koq ane baca di thread ini malah terjemahannya jadi gini ?


itu maksudnya gimana yah gan ???

maksud nya tidak ada dukungan pada topik tersebut atau kurang nya peminat gan , akan saya edit segera biar mudah di pahamin.

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: PrivateerIsland on August 24, 2017, 12:03:58 PM
ICO of Privateers.Life ( starts at 12.00 UTC, Aug 28th. Get your +50% bonus tokens in 1st 24 hrs!

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: PrivateerIsland on August 24, 2017, 04:44:16 PM
Please, update code of signature for Jr. Member in start post on this: ( - MMO Game about Pirates with Blockchain based economics!
[ICO: Aug, 28 - Sep, 25]

[center][url=][/url] - MMO Game about Pirates with Blockchain based economics!
[ICO: Aug, 28 - Sep, 25][/center]

And users with status of Jr. Member who participate in signatures bounty please update your signature

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: mani mani on August 24, 2017, 04:52:44 PM
basis game lagi ya gan, tampilan treadnya cukup membuat ane sebagai gamer harus menulusri project ini.
sukses terus gan buat projectnya ane tetep pantau dulu.

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: Dogy mandagy on August 24, 2017, 05:08:57 PM
basis game lagi ya gan, tampilan treadnya cukup membuat ane sebagai gamer harus menulusri project ini.
sukses terus gan buat projectnya ane tetep pantau dulu.

Untuk para gamers nih cocik gan selain emang hobby terus juga bisa ngehasilin uang
Patut dipantau gan dan dinantikan perkembangan projeknya kedepan setelah dilaksanakan ICO

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: Dirgantara on August 24, 2017, 06:39:20 PM
Ane rada gagal mudeng. Ini token ETH bukan? Jika iya maka ane rasa judul "No Premine" itu tidak sesuai karena jelas sudah semua token ETH yang diperjual belikan dalam ICO itu berbentuk premine.

Tokens creates only in time when investor sent  ETH to smart-contract. So will be only amount of tokens, created when ETH arrived to contract. There will not be situation like when100 millions tokens premined, then part of its sold and we have another part to burn - there will not be tokens to be burned. It is what NO PREMINE means.

Thanks for the answer. In other word, the supply will be unlimited depends on how much ETH you guys collected, is that mean you have a fixed token price for the ICO, how much is it?

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: PrivateerIsland on August 24, 2017, 06:49:10 PM
Ane rada gagal mudeng. Ini token ETH bukan? Jika iya maka ane rasa judul "No Premine" itu tidak sesuai karena jelas sudah semua token ETH yang diperjual belikan dalam ICO itu berbentuk premine.

Tokens creates only in time when investor sent  ETH to smart-contract. So will be only amount of tokens, created when ETH arrived to contract. There will not be situation like when100 millions tokens premined, then part of its sold and we have another part to burn - there will not be tokens to be burned. It is what NO PREMINE means.

Thanks for the answer. In other word, the supply will be unlimited depends on how much ETH you guys collected, is that mean you have a fixed token price for the ICO, how much is it?

Not exactly. Supply is limited by 100 millions of tokens (including bonuses, so it can be sold almost 80 millions LDM tokens maximum). Price for ICO is 10000 LDM for 1 ETH.

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: PrivateerIsland on August 24, 2017, 09:17:02 PM
3 days until Privateers.Life ( ICO starts! Charge the cannons!

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: PrivateerIsland on August 25, 2017, 10:45:15 AM
Added instructuon in ICO section ( (RU / EN) how to open wallet on, how to send ETH to contract address and how to check transaction status on (I think here on forums everybody knows how to do it, but we have potencial investors and from offline, so instructions must be useful as well)
And Online consultant was added on website, you may ask any questions anytime, about Game, ICO, Bounty campaign

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: Adhichan on August 25, 2017, 03:01:48 PM
Sepertinya ..proyek game ini smakin berkembang dan smakin maju ..baounty nya juga lumayan gede..seep.dah 👍👍👍👍

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: PrivateerIsland on August 27, 2017, 12:14:31 AM
Why it is a good idea to take a part in ICO PrivateersLife?

1. - full 3D online game with real money economy (earned in game - spended in real life), based on Blockchain technology
2. The earlier participated, the higher bonus (up to + 50% of the tokens in the first 24 hours and 10-30% during the first 2 weeks of the ICO) and the more significant lifetime discount in the gaming store was received
3. Actual and trend topics: survival in the pirate environment of the 17th century
4. A limited number of coins (only those that will be issued under the ICO in exchange for the received ETH), no unsecured amounts
5. After the completion of the ICO, the issuance of new coins is impossible - the capitalization will be formed by the actual volume of coins sold within ICO
6. The infrastructure surrounding the game is planned (own exchange and donation services, there are preliminary agreements with projects and services of third parties on the acceptance of LDM tokens as a means of payment)
7. Successful examples of other game currencies: (coin of the game Spacepirates, within the ICO collected about 400,000 USD, now the capitalization of 2700000 USD (about 3 weeks after ICO) (coin of the game Beyond the Void, within the ICO collected about 1,000,000 USD, now the capitalization exceeds 15000000 USD, for 8 months after ICO)

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: hidzudin fatku rozak on August 27, 2017, 07:02:20 AM
Proyek game lagi, sekarang banyak sy lihat proyek game yg muncul, tp ini gamenya unik juga.  Jadi ingat film pirates of the carribian. Game perompak nih.
seru ada proyek geam lagi  tapi sayank kelihatanya pangkat saya gk bisa berpartisipasi,,,,,,tanya gan ini geam apa guna sistem war seperti geam lainya ya

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: kanayaTabitha on August 27, 2017, 07:09:19 AM
good project..
untuk ikut ico nya mulai nya besok yaa gan tanggal 28 agustus 2017..
semoga berjalan lancar ya yg pada ikut bounty nya, ane mau ikut ico nya besok mudah2an ntar malem coin ane ada yg release hehehe

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: kipoel on August 27, 2017, 07:54:54 AM
good project..
untuk ikut ico nya mulai nya besok yaa gan tanggal 28 agustus 2017..
semoga berjalan lancar ya yg pada ikut bounty nya, ane mau ikut ico nya besok mudah2an ntar malem coin ane ada yg release hehehe
betul gan,saya juga udah nyiapin tapi cuma sedikit sih,yang penting nanti profitnya moga bisa banyak,ICO proyek kayak gini banyak yang
nungguin karena biasanya sukses dan marketnya juga bagus.

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: superplus on August 27, 2017, 09:20:53 AM
Yang masi newbie bisa ikut sosmed nya ngk gan , tolong di bantu ??
Berdasarkan rules thread bountynya, tidak ada yang menyatakan bahwa newbie tidak boleh mengikuti campaign sosmed atau minimum rank untuk campaign sosmed jadi jawabannya adalah bisa.

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: PrivateerIsland on August 27, 2017, 12:25:36 PM
Yang masi newbie bisa ikut sosmed nya ngk gan , tolong di bantu ??

If you have any questions - just ask me here or Consultant on website (

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: YoNaF on August 27, 2017, 12:34:57 PM
[ASK] gan aku kan sudah daftar tapi FB, Liat kalo aku udah terdaftar gimana yah? Kok yang ada ditabel cuma twitter smua? masih newbie nih aku

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: PrivateerIsland on August 27, 2017, 02:54:51 PM
[ASK] gan aku kan sudah daftar tapi FB, Liat kalo aku udah terdaftar gimana yah? Kok yang ada ditabel cuma twitter smua? masih newbie nih aku

If you has twitter or facebook account with at least 100 followers/friends - you may participate in bounty. In this case we are do not care your status on Bitcointalk.

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: PrivateerIsland on August 27, 2017, 04:22:26 PM
Take a look at bonuses for participants of ICO, which starts tomorrow at 12.00 UTC:

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: kristiawan on August 27, 2017, 06:43:36 PM
saya sudah bergabung bounty facebook , makasih

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: reus on August 27, 2017, 06:59:35 PM
Yang masi newbie bisa ikut sosmed nya ngk gan , tolong di bantu ??
bisa gan , ane aja masih newbie bisa ikut boanty sosmed ,,

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: joey alexander on August 27, 2017, 07:04:12 PM
banyak juga ane lihat projek yg berbasis game,, mungkin karena bakal banyak peminat kali ya...
dan di projek ini dev nya sering muncul disini tanda keseriusan dalam mempromosikan projek ini,, semoga sukses...

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: PrivateerIsland on August 27, 2017, 08:07:19 PM
Yang masi newbie bisa ikut sosmed nya ngk gan , tolong di bantu ??
bisa gan , ane aja masih newbie bisa ikut boanty sosmed ,,

newbie not allowed, sorry. But when you become a Jr. Member - welcome

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: PrivateerIsland on August 28, 2017, 10:53:08 AM
Token sale starts within 2 hours on (! Get your +50% bonus tokens in first 24 hours of ICO!

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: mrongoz_imut on August 28, 2017, 01:27:22 PM
Token sale starts within 2 hours on (! Get your +50% bonus tokens in first 24 hours of ICO!
nice picture
semoga projectnya berjalan lancar dan token sale bisa mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal sesuai yang di rencanakan

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: PrivateerIsland on August 28, 2017, 01:44:35 PM

The issue of burning tokens, which will not be sold under the ICO. I will answer in detail:
- we do not have a premined tokens, tokens are created when they are purchased by the investor (including tokens intended for bounty payment, developers and operating expenses - all of them are created only when purchased by the investor, according to the scheme presented in the infographics)
- so we will not and can not have "extra" tokens on the basis of ICO results, which could put pressure on the course - all tokens will be covered by ETH received within ICO
- so there is nothing to burn, that part of the tokens that can not be bought within the ICO, simply will not be created

Why developers needs tokens?
As for the tokens, everything is quite simple - they can pay current expenses (by arrangement with advertising platforms, designers and other specialists), increasing the number of token holders, and hence the stability of the entire emerging economic system. The more people have coins, the more interested in its stable growth.

Game bonuses will be calculated by the "base" of purchased coins, or by actually received coins? That is, if on the first day I contribute 1 ether and receive 15,000 coins, I will get a legendary item and 15% of the store discount, or still an epic thing and a 10% discount?
It will be calculated on the basis, since the bonus part will decrease with time, and the base remains unchanged, which allows investors at any stage to be on an equal footing with the funds spent

Why should I participate in ICO of PrivateersLife (
1. - a full-fledged 3D online game with real money economy (earn tokens in the game - spend tokens in real life), built on the basis of Blockchain technology
2. The earlier participated, the higher the bonus (up to + 50% of tokens in the first 24 hours and 10-30% during the first 2 weeks of the ICO) and the more significant lifetime discount in the gaming shop was received
3. Actual and trending theme: survival in the pirate environment of the 17th century
4. A limited number of coins (only those that will be issued under the ICO in exchange for ETH received), no unsecured amounts
5. After the completion of the ICO, the issuance of new coins is impossible - the capitalization will be formed by the actual volume of coins sold within ICO
6. The infrastructure surrounding the game is planned (own exchange and donation services, there are preliminary agreements with projects and services of third parties on the acceptance of LDM tokens as a means of payment)
7. Successful examples of other game currencies: (coin of the game Spacepirates, within the ICO is collected about 400000 USD, now the capitalization is 2700000 USD (about 3 weeks after ICO) (coin of the game Beyond the Void, within the ICO collected about 1,000,000 USD, now the capitalization exceeds 15000000+ USD, about 8 months after ICO)

How will the investor's addresses be linked to accounts in the game?
We are now working on the technical point of organizing in-game transactions directly between the purses of counterparties, that is, without converting to any additional currency, namely the transfer of LDM tokens between players directly in the game. That is, the answer is likely to be: the purse is indicated in the player's profile and the account is associated with the purse specified in the profile.

How to see the tokens in my wallet?
Click Create your own token (for example, in - button under you ETH balance),
Enter the address of the purse purse from the site in the field: 0x28a40acF39b1D3C932f42dD8068ad00A5Ad6448F
Enter the token ticker: LDM
Enter the fraction: 18

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: senopratama on August 28, 2017, 06:01:57 PM
Token sale starts within 2 hours on (! Get your +50% bonus tokens in first 24 hours of ICO!
nice picture
semoga projectnya berjalan lancar dan token sale bisa mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal sesuai yang di rencanakan
benar gan semuga bisa berjalan sukses. saya juga tertarik dengan proyek ini. ikut meramaikan bountynya. semoga kedepan proyek ini bisa menguntungkan. semoga sukses.

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: PrivateerIsland on August 29, 2017, 10:42:56 AM
There is only 1.5 hours left to buy LDM tokens with bonus +50%!

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: PrivateerIsland on August 30, 2017, 05:46:03 PM
Privateers.Life ( listed on

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: PrivateerIsland on August 30, 2017, 06:16:05 PM
Tables updated and stakes accrued for Bounty for 2 weeks. Please remember to use the reporting form ( after repost / retweet in order to update the tables took less time.

P.S.: if you are "not counted" - add not counted posts in the reporting form and let me know, we`ll check and update the result in the appropriate table.

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: PrivateerIsland on August 30, 2017, 10:41:10 PM
In this video you will find instructions on:
- how to get a wallet on
- How to work with (1:14)
- how to withdraw from (for example, ETH, 1:49)
- how to participate in #ICO #PrivateersLife and how to buy #LDM tokens (3:00) and get 30% bonus for this (ATTENTION: bonus + 30% is up to September 5, 2017!)
- how to add the desired token to the wallet (for example, the LDM token) so that it can be seen in the list of tokens (3:58) (

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: PrivateerIsland on September 01, 2017, 07:02:57 PM
Some news:
PrivateersLife listed on
ICO LIVE! Get your +30% bonus LDM tokens now on!

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: PrivateerIsland on September 02, 2017, 07:27:11 PM
2 days until bonus +30% ends. Buy LDM tokens now on and get +30%!

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: PrivateerIsland on September 03, 2017, 02:12:15 PM
There is less then 24 hours left to buy LDM tokens with +30% bonus! Buy now on and get +30% additional coins!

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: PrivateerIsland on September 04, 2017, 01:12:56 PM
Info for Bounty Program participants: now you may write in few rows in link field of Control Activity Form ( (for reports of retweets/reposts)

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: PrivateerIsland on September 05, 2017, 02:51:10 PM
Join PrivateersLife Discord channel (
What is Discord? It`s like Slack but better ;) - only 6 days until bonus +10% ends!

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: PrivateerIsland on September 06, 2017, 01:01:25 PM
Only 5 days within you may get legendary in-Game item with 10% discount when you buy LDM tokens with +10% bonus:

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: PrivateerIsland on September 08, 2017, 01:28:10 PM
New publication about Privateers.Life on popular website:

*Statistics of this website by Alexa Rank (

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: PrivateerIsland on September 11, 2017, 12:35:42 PM
14 days until Privateers.Life ICO ( ends! Buy tokens now and take a part in economic revolution in online games!

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: PrivateerIsland on September 13, 2017, 11:50:47 AM
Signatures code was updated HERE (, please update your signature if you are participating in Bounty.

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: PrivateerIsland on September 18, 2017, 01:01:52 PM
Info about cooperation of PrivateersLife & BRAT COIN on

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: PrivateerIsland on September 23, 2017, 03:54:55 PM
Less then 48 hours left until ICO PrivateersLife ends! If you are not bought LDM tokens - you may do it now and get 10000 LDM for 1 ETH!
Contract number only: 0x28a40acF39b1D3C932f42dD8068ad00A5Ad6448F

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: PrivateerIsland on September 24, 2017, 10:46:46 AM
All bounties end at 12 pm tomorrow (UTC). After the completion of the Bounty, everyone has almost a week (until midnight from Friday (29th) to Saturday (30th)) to check the tables and send missing links. Then during the weekend everything will be checked and the total number of steaks will be displayed and the share will be considered. After the share is registered for your account no reconciliation will be accepted and the values will change and will not be revised either. Charging tokens for the bounty will be made until the end of Sunday (October 1st).

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: PrivateerIsland on September 25, 2017, 01:02:45 PM
ICO successfully finished!

Total LDM tokens sold:

404,926.76 LDM

This is now total and maximum supply!

Congrats our investors and us with this new big point in our work on game!

P.S.: all kinds of bounty ended now. You have to check all tables and your results. If you have any comments - send links to reposts or posts to me (PM) untill Saturday 00.00 UTC. In Sunday we will calculate all stakes and send LDM for it.

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: PrivateerIsland on September 30, 2017, 01:37:42 AM
Welcome LDM of PrivateersLife on 1st decentralized exchange!

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: labuan on September 30, 2017, 02:40:21 AM
Welcome LDM of PrivateersLife on 1st decentralized exchange!
wow pekerjaan yang bagus dev tapi masih belum ada dinding beli dan dinding jual, kapan bounty akan di bagikan?

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: PrivateerIsland on September 30, 2017, 11:22:18 AM
Welcome LDM of PrivateersLife on 1st decentralized exchange!
wow pekerjaan yang bagus dev tapi masih belum ada dinding beli dan dinding jual, kapan bounty akan di bagikan?

Everything has its time. Follow the news.

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: PrivateerIsland on September 30, 2017, 12:30:16 PM
Video-tutorial how to trade on EtherDelta (ETH & Tokens deposit and withdraw, buy and sell coins, PRESS IMG TO GO TO THE VIDEO): (

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: bekti3 on September 30, 2017, 01:19:38 PM
kayak nya oke ini project nya, tpi kok keliatan ny alokasi untuk bounty kecil ya gan

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: bocil on September 30, 2017, 01:55:24 PM
this job is very good

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: ruli stylon on October 01, 2017, 03:32:46 AM
Video-tutorial how to trade on EtherDelta (ETH & Tokens deposit and withdraw, buy and sell coins, PRESS IMG TO GO TO THE VIDEO): (
good project and is ended. I see no calculation of stake.I want to immediately trade in etherdelta.

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: junkerr on October 02, 2017, 03:34:34 PM
permisi gan, numpang tanya. apakah ico ini sudah berakhir? lalu kira-kira kapan ya coin nya akan dibagikan, terima kasih

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: PrivateerIsland on October 02, 2017, 05:19:04 PM
permisi gan, numpang tanya. apakah ico ini sudah berakhir? lalu kira-kira kapan ya coin nya akan dibagikan, terima kasih

Yes. ICO ended. If you mean Bounties - it will be distributed within 48 hours.

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: nurlela on October 02, 2017, 08:32:48 PM
permisi gan, numpang tanya. apakah ico ini sudah berakhir? lalu kira-kira kapan ya coin nya akan dibagikan, terima kasih

Yes. ICO ended. If you mean Bounties - it will be distributed within 48 hours.

makasih privateers life, koin LDM nya udah mendarat walaupun kecil ;D
apakah sudah ada exchanger nya selain di etherdelta? kira-kira berapa harga 1 LDM?

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: PrivateerIsland on October 02, 2017, 09:27:00 PM
permisi gan, numpang tanya. apakah ico ini sudah berakhir? lalu kira-kira kapan ya coin nya akan dibagikan, terima kasih

Yes. ICO ended. If you mean Bounties - it will be distributed within 48 hours.

makasih privateers life, koin LDM nya udah mendarat walaupun kecil ;D
apakah sudah ada exchanger nya selain di etherdelta? kira-kira berapa harga 1 LDM?

EtherDelta was just 1st. Will be more soon. LDM price for now is within 0.00034-0.00035 ETH.

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: ruli stylon on October 02, 2017, 10:55:58 PM
permisi gan, numpang tanya. apakah ico ini sudah berakhir? lalu kira-kira kapan ya coin nya akan dibagikan, terima kasih

Yes. ICO ended. If you mean Bounties - it will be distributed within 48 hours.

makasih privateers life, koin LDM nya udah mendarat walaupun kecil ;D
apakah sudah ada exchanger nya selain di etherdelta? kira-kira berapa harga 1 LDM?

EtherDelta was just 1st. Will be more soon. LDM price for now is within 0.00034-0.00035 ETH.
Terima kasih privateers.saya melihat untuk bounty artikel belum ada perhitungan stake kapan akan mulai perhitungannya?

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: PrivateerIsland on October 02, 2017, 11:08:26 PM
Terima kasih privateers.saya melihat untuk bounty artikel belum ada perhitungan stake kapan akan mulai perhitungannya?

Bounty distribution is already in process

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: ruli stylon on October 03, 2017, 05:20:03 AM
Terima kasih privateers.saya melihat untuk bounty artikel belum ada perhitungan stake kapan akan mulai perhitungannya?

Bounty distribution is already in process
LDM sudah masuk,tapi sedikit hanya 2.25 LDM yang saya terima.Berapakah alokasi untuk artikel bounty?

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: PrivateerIsland on October 03, 2017, 12:45:25 PM
Terima kasih privateers.saya melihat untuk bounty artikel belum ada perhitungan stake kapan akan mulai perhitungannya?

Bounty distribution is already in process
LDM sudah masuk,tapi sedikit hanya 2.25 LDM yang saya terima.Berapakah alokasi untuk artikel bounty?

All info in tables.

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: nurlela on October 03, 2017, 01:26:10 PM
bagus juga ini proyek kayak nya mengambil tentang bajak laut, persis kayak film nya gan,
gabung bounty nya aja lah, semoga masih di terima, goodluck untuk alianter

mo nyepam? liat-liat dulu mana proyek yg mau berjalan, yg lagi berjalan, dan yang sudah selesai.
mo gabung bounty apa rupanya? proyek dah selesai kok mau gabung.

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: imamb on October 05, 2017, 06:17:30 AM
Untuk perhitungan bounty projek ini seharusnya sudah selesai... apakah ada yang udah masuk ke wallet bounty nya???
Atau apakah emang bounty nya belum dibagi...

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: PrivateerIsland on October 08, 2017, 03:09:43 PM

A small announcement.

Currently, we are actively developing the game for the release of the first alpha version and in connection with this we declare the readiness number one for the first large-scale event connected with the appearance of a playable version of our game .

After the release of the alpha version of The Island, which is a demonstration of the Privateers Life world we are developing, we will hold the first Survival Contest , which will identify the coolest survivor that can live on the island the longest. But unlike other games of this kind, a lot of prizes are planned in our Contest.

Preliminary information briefly:
- Alpha version of the game for the preparation for participation in the Survivors Competition will be given to everyone who will have at least 100 LDM coins on their wallet (you will not have to pay for the game at this stage - the first contest will be conducted for testing and popularization, moreover - these LDM after the end of the Competition can be freely sold, along with the received prize coins)
- Coins (100 LDM) must be on the purse during the entire Competition (you can buy more and use freely, but the minimum balance must be 100 LDM for the entire duration of the Contest - before it is completed and the prize money is paid out
- For participation in the Competition (just for compliance and fulfillment of its terms) LDM will be credited (the amount is specified)
- For prize-winning places LDM will be credited in a much larger amount than simply for participation.

More details on the first Survivors Contest from Privateers Life appeared after the release of the alpha version of the game.

Useful links:
  • EtherDelta ( (the exchange where you can buy LDM relatively inexpensively, closer to the release of the alpha version of the game and the beginning of the Competition, the price will be much higher), if, due to the antiDDos check, you throw it on the main page of the exchange - just select LDM in the list of traded coins
  • Instructions for working with the EtherDelta exchange for beginners:
  • The development of the game is live [url = https: //] on the YouTube channel [/ url], subscribe and come to the stream to be up-to-date with the latest news

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: Vexana on October 08, 2017, 03:18:10 PM
ini bounty media social Privateers masih di buka ga ya gan,,,,???

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: PrivateerIsland on October 16, 2017, 12:06:13 PM
LDM was added in voting on Coingather:

The voting conditions are simple and do not even require registration: every 0.0002 BTC (about 1 USD) sent to the purse number for voting ( 15tWNCPjEAYDTkby3imGrFYKu6rEmBn3Dv ) is equal to 1 vote. The coin is usually added to the exchange upon reaching 1500 votes (that is, the amount received by the voting purse should exceed 0.3 BTC).

How is this usually done? They ask to vote, offering nothing in return. We will go the other way and offer the community a form of mutually beneficial cooperation : for every vote you send, we will credit to your wallet 5 LDM (current exchange rate you may find on EtherDelta (

The algorithm is simple:
  • Send any amount of BTC (necessarily a multiple of 0.0002) to the vote purse 15tWNCPjEAYDTkby3imGrFYKu6rEmBn3Dv
  • Copy the number of your transaction after receiving 1 network confirmation
  • Send this transaction number and the number of your ether-wallet (for receiving LDM tokens) to me in a personal message here on the forum, in a discord or simply to Online Consultant on our website (
  • You get LDM tokens and my personal thanks

Together, we will gradually add LDM tokens to different exchanges, which means we will give them more weight and significantly expand the community around the game, to mutual benefit and success.

UPD from 25.10.17: not relevant

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: PrivateerIsland on October 17, 2017, 04:30:01 PM
LDM was added in voting on one more exchange:

To quickly find, just do a search on the page or enter into the filter a token token: LDM.
You can vote for free 1 time in 14 days (if there is an account on the exchange), there is also the possibility of paying a vote (the price of the vote is 0.0001 BTC). For each vote, as in the previous case, we are ready to credit 5 LDM with your purse (no matter whether paid or free voice)

I also remind you that the voting takes place on one more exchange:

More details on how to get 5 LDM for each of your votes on any exchange where voting on our token passes - тут (

UPD from 25.10.17: not relevant

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: PrivateerIsland on October 17, 2017, 09:38:52 PM
Ludum Coin [LDM] is listed:
Ludum Coin Dice: (

LDM-BTC Trade:
LDM-ETH Trade:
LDM-USD Trade:
LDM-RUR Trade:

Donate LDM coins to our Giveaway:

Thank you.

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: PrivateerIsland on October 20, 2017, 10:46:05 AM
Add this to start-post please:

Total supply of LDM tokens is

404,926.76 LDM
(and no more tokens will be!)


EtherDelta ( // YoBit LDM/BTC ( // YoBit LDM/ETH (

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: PrivateerIsland on October 27, 2017, 11:54:59 PM
Let`s ask them to add LDM! Just reply to their tweet something like "Add LDM, please" and a couple word of why they have to (I am really interresting about it - most creative will get 10 LDM each!)

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: Brorasael17 on October 28, 2017, 02:39:18 AM
Add this to start-post please:

Total supply of LDM tokens is

404,926.76 LDM
(and no more tokens will be!)


EtherDelta ( // YoBit LDM/BTC ( // YoBit LDM/ETH (

Ternyata iconya sudah selesai, penjualan tokennya juga lumayan banyak 400 ribuan, selamat buat bounty hunter semoga yang ikut bounty proyek ini pada panen semua dan koinnnya cepat didistribusikan.

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: ukiert on October 28, 2017, 07:58:13 AM
Add this to start-post please:

Total supply of LDM tokens is

404,926.76 LDM
(and no more tokens will be!)


EtherDelta ( // YoBit LDM/BTC ( // YoBit LDM/ETH (

Ternyata iconya sudah selesai, penjualan tokennya juga lumayan banyak 400 ribuan, selamat buat bounty hunter semoga yang ikut bounty proyek ini pada panen semua dan koinnnya cepat didistribusikan.
ane juga ucapin selamat gan  token nya juga lumayan banyak gan yang terjual di bilang  sih ini project sangat bagus gan dan cukup sukses gan karena pencampaian tokennya juga lumayan gan , sekali selamatnya semoga lancar sampai selesai .

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: dddudidd on October 28, 2017, 08:02:32 AM
saya pikir game ini akan banyak peminatnya nanti... semoga berhasil

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: PrivateerIsland on October 28, 2017, 12:03:47 PM
Thank you, guys.

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: PrivateerIsland on November 06, 2017, 12:46:08 PM

To get free of charge (that is, gift) a certain amount of LDM is sufficient to meet simple conditions:

- Fill in this form ( (login to bitcointalk, ETH-purse number where you want to receive LDM, link to constructive or useful message in any of our topics, written no matter when (including those that were written during the ICO, the main criterion is the semantic load, determined by us subjectively), an additional plus for the approval of the application will be your presence on our channel in the Discord:
- the ETH-purse number specified in the application should not contain LDM earlier (that is, it did not participate in the ICO, it was not bought before and was not otherwise obtained by LDM)

Note 1: any LDM Holder can donate any LDM quantity to the Airdrop for this purse number: 0x5C31b3343537dC95C22f63c34e3efFa3846088c2 (your donation will be offset by the growth of the LDM rate as the community grows)
Note 2: Airdrop is intended to increase interest in the coin among the crypto-currency community and increase the number of coin holders
Note 3: during this week we accept applications for participation in the airdrop through the form and donations from not indifferent holders to the above purse, starting from Sunday (November 12) we will send coins to those whose applications will be satisfied
Note 4: if the amount of donations remains within 1000 coins, then coins will be distributed to 100 members of the Airdrop, if more than 1000, then 100 participants will be added for every 1000 coins
Note 5: At the moment, LDM is traded on EtherDelta  ( YoBit (, the average rate is about 15 cents per 1 LDM (x5 to the ICO price) and this is just the beginning

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: PrivateerIsland on November 08, 2017, 06:36:47 PM
New daily gamedev stream of Privateers.Life is LIVE NOW!

Watch anywhere you wants:


Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: izumaki on November 08, 2017, 09:31:14 PM
seems this token is doing an airdrop, i just signed up, i believe in tokens with low supply, they tend to hold up prices pretty well

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: akbarharyadi8 on November 08, 2017, 09:44:27 PM
Add this to start-post please:

Total supply of LDM tokens is

404,926.76 LDM
(and no more tokens will be!)


EtherDelta ( // YoBit LDM/BTC ( // YoBit LDM/ETH (

Ternyata iconya sudah selesai, penjualan tokennya juga lumayan banyak 400 ribuan, selamat buat bounty hunter semoga yang ikut bounty proyek ini pada panen semua dan koinnnya cepat didistribusikan.
ane juga ucapin selamat gan  token nya juga lumayan banyak gan yang terjual di bilang  sih ini project sangat bagus gan dan cukup sukses gan karena pencampaian tokennya juga lumayan gan , sekali selamatnya semoga lancar sampai selesai .
Wah ketinggalan nih , padahal kalo proyek yang berbau games maupun perbankkan pasti hasilnya akan bagus dan banyak peminatnya terutama para investor
Tapi ya sudah lah selamat aja buat para mas bro dan mba sis yang sudah selesai mengikuti event dan memanen hasilnya

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: PrivateerIsland on November 12, 2017, 12:21:11 PM
News of 1st Airdrop:

We received 1920 applications for participation in Airdrop, significantly more than expected. Under the terms of Airdrop, 1100 LDM will be distributed to 200 first wallets corresponding to the conditions. The remaining applications remain in the table and will primarily participate in subsequent distributions of coins. Sending coins will begin tonight.

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: PrivateerIsland on November 13, 2017, 03:56:31 PM
1st LDM Airdrop finished. Tokens sent.

Statistics in blockexplorer - here (

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: PrivateerIsland on January 24, 2018, 12:56:25 PM
The second Airdrop LDM begins!

A little about the project in general and LDM in particular:
1. Privateers.Life is the game we are creating (survival in the pirate environment of the 17th century) with the game economy based on Blockchain
2. At the moment we have released the early alpha version of the game ( for Win 7-8 and Linux, which you can play with at least 100 LDM on your ETH-account (you do not need to send anywhere, the system will simply check if they are present at registration ( and authorization)
3. LDM is the in-game currency of Privateers.Life, a kind of gold that will participate in the gaming economy of the multiplayer version of the game
4. LDM is traded on and at an average rate of 16-17 cents per 1 LDM (5 times higher than the ICO price).

Anyone can participate in Airdrop and get some LDM on their ETH-wallet. To do this, it is sufficient to fulfill a few simple conditions and fill in form ( Fulfillment of each condition adds 1 stake to your share in distribution.

To get LDM on your wallet, you need to fulfill at least one of these conditions:
- be a subscriber of our page in FB ( and make a repost on your page of any record from there
- to be a subscriber of our group in ( and make a repost on your page of any record from there
- be our follower on Twitter ( and retweet any of our messages
- write any constructive message in any of our topics on Bitcointalk
- join our Discord channel (
- have on your wallet any quantity of LDM or tokens of our partners (Brother (BRAT))

If you fulfill all of the above conditions, then your share in the distribution of LDM will be maximum. Ready to start? Then forward the links and then fill in this form (

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: PrivateerIsland on January 26, 2018, 02:13:03 PM
LDM on 3rd market!

LDM just added to
It is decentralized exchange like EtherDelta, if you never work with decentralized exchanges - watch these guides:

Title: Re: [ICO][BOUNTY][NO PREMINE] - 1st Pirates MMOGame dalam Blockchain
Post by: PrivateerIsland on June 15, 2018, 05:29:00 PM
I already said that we are planning to implement in the game a world map of the 17th century on a scale of about 1 to 10:

The source image in higher resolution here (

Attentive comrades could pay attention to the state in the northeast under the name of Tartary. You can argue a lot about its historical reality, but here we will not do it. Let us dwell on the fact that the world of our game is already being built on the basis of this map, without the need to prove its realism.

So, from today we start cooperation with Public Foundation named "Tartaria" ( The project is quite young (April 2018), but ambitious. What will grow out of it will be shown by time. More information can be obtained from the topic on Bitcointalk (link above) or on official resources:

VK -
Twitter -

In what form will the cooperation of our game and the project "Tartaria"? A good question, and the answer depends on you, investors and future players, tell us about your vision of such cooperation. From myself I can throw some information for thought: it will be possible to realize the use of the coin of the Tartariya project in the territories of Tartaria in our gaming world as a local currency (on certain mutually beneficial terms and, for example, with a security fund that can be provided by their administration, for example, in exchange for LDM), the project "Tartaria" administration can also participate in the development of the territories of this state in our gaming universe (consultations, specialists or in any other form). In general, there is potential, let's develop it together.