Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Scam Accusations => Topic started by: augustocroppo on May 20, 2013, 07:29:42 PM

Title: Do we have a potential fraudster among us?
Post by: augustocroppo on May 20, 2013, 07:29:42 PM
I noticed that one potential fraudster got the VIP status while responding serious accusation in the open forum. Traderfortress, a.k.a. Yan Kevin Wang, not just had the funds to acquire a VIP status but as well to pay for deceiving advertisement against the OpenCoin's software, Ripple.

However, Mr Wang refuse to honor his past agreements, such as return the money he got from a programming job which he did not finished.

We shall give a chance to Mr Wang explain what is really going on before to proceed for a precise investigation of his affairs.

So, Mr Wang, what is the deal? Are you going to honor your past agreements or do you prefer to have your profile exposed in the open forum?

We do not really tolerate fraudsters among us, Mr Wang. See what happened with Pirateat40, R+, PatrickHarnett, Cryptoxchange and Matthew N. Wright. They VIP and donator status were not enough for them avoid the consequences of their fraudulent actions.

Title: Re: Do we have a potential fraudster among us?
Post by: 🏰 TradeFortress 🏰 on May 21, 2013, 01:10:53 AM
Hmm, because of another of your responses, it's quite obvious that this is in response of my exposure of a closed source payments system competing with Bitcoin. I encourage you to read through the information that already exists on the subject. It's interesting that you use the terms unfinished, as the product delivered was for bitcoind (which he can't run on shared hosting). We agreed to rework it with's API, and I agree that the development was rocky. Problems were caused with PHP incompatibilities, tormail being sent to spam, and I was happy and willing to work with him through the whole process.

MoneyPakTrader, on the day before he wanted a full refund, thanked me and asked if I need any more coins because of the extra work with his setup as well as implementing more features which I did for free (not part of his scope). I think that should give an unbiased third party the reasons behind his scam accusation - BTC rose, he wants to get now 10x more than what he paid in USD terms.

It's also funny, because you tried to bluff with dox, but you got it incorrectly. I do appreciate your passive aggressive PM.

Title: Re: Do we have a potential fraudster among us?
Post by: augustocroppo on May 21, 2013, 02:59:59 AM
Hmm, because of another of your responses, it's quite obvious that this is in response of my exposure of a closed source payments system competing with Bitcoin. I encourage you to read through the information that already exists on the subject.

Nah... If it is something which is competing with Bitcoin is not the Ripple software, but that fresh new pump-and-dump currency, Elacoin. Right? I know you are involved with that... Is quite obvious from the evidence I have on you.

It's interesting that you use the terms unfinished, as the uproduct delivered was for bitcoind (which he can't run on shared hosting). We agreed to rework it with's API, and I agree that the development was rocky. Problems were caused with PHP incompatibilities, tormail being sent to spam, and I was happy and willing to work with him through the whole process.

MoneyPakTrader, on the day before he wanted a full refund, thanked me and asked if I need any more coins because of the extra work with his setup as well as implementing more features which I did for free (not part of his scope).

Let's refresh your memory:

I am offering to pay for legally binding arbitration. You choose any reputable service, I pay for it if it's within the general price range. I suggest Since you apparently never heard of it, try Google.

You offered to pay for the arbitration, but later you refused to participate in the arbitration under the pretext that you did not received an invoice or payment instructions from It is obvious at this point that you never had any intention to settle the dispute in a fair manner. All you did was throw excuse after excuse to avoid as much as possible to pay back the work you did not properly finished. Moreover, you did not even published the source code of your work to a third-party verify if you really delivered what you are claiming above.

I think that should give an unbiased third party the reasons behind his scam accusation - BTC rose, he wants to get now 10x more than what he paid in USD terms.

The only reason behind the scam accusation is you, the potential fraudster. On 2nd March you confirmed you were participating in the arbitration. So your pretext that 'BTC rose, he wants to get now 10x more than what he paid in USD terms' is literally bogus and typical from fraudsters which try to blame the victim for their actions. You had enough time to enter the arbitration and settle the dispute.

It's also funny, because you tried to bluff with dox, but you got it incorrectly. I do appreciate your passive aggressive PM.

I am not bluffing and you certainly do not know what I already have on you.

This is just the begin...

You will regret to have used your victim's money to become a VIP member once I finish.

Here you do not have your army of paid shills to protect you and disturb the conversation.

Title: Re: Do we have a potential fraudster among us?
Post by: 🏰 TradeFortress 🏰 on May 21, 2013, 03:38:08 AM
I don't respond to threats or "blackmail", so have fun being here (;u=67058;sa=ignprefs) :)

Title: Re: Do we have a potential fraudster among us?
Post by: augustocroppo on May 22, 2013, 12:00:20 AM
To expose and bring awareness to the flaws in the Ripple payment system, I am giving away 1 BTC on Ripple.

This is a social experiment. Therefore, posts not consisting of an Ripple address to send 1 BTC to will be deleted.

How it works

1. Register for a forum account if you haven't
2. Complete the following steps in your light (not a full node) Ripple client:

So you can copy and paste the address we're sending your bitcoin from, it's rH3bZsvVUhzugvcYuJVoSYCEMHkfK6wHNv

3. Post your address here. I will send at least 1 BTC to your address.

That's it!

I suggest reading ( afterwards. Please note that you must exchange your bitcoins with an liquidity provider (Ripple does this automatically, when paths are calculated) in order to withdraw them from a gateway.

This social experiment has ended - here was the goals:

1) teach people that Ripple BTCs are not real BTCs
2) teach people that your BTC.* can be substituted for anything you trust, automatically

There was also mass invasion of posters. It's not too hard to figure out who they are. Keep this in mind:

1) I have not profited at all from this.
2) Anyone who lost BTC.* had their BTCs exchanged by other people.
3) Anyone who I sent a BTC to could have redeemed someone else's Bitstamp or whatever IOU.

Please read to learn more!

Title: Re: Do we have a potential fraudster among us?
Post by: augustocroppo on May 25, 2013, 10:00:40 PM
It's roughly comparable to proving that Bitcoin is broken by starting an exchange or web-based wallet and then running off with the money or tricking people into deleting their wallet files. It's a Luddite attack on Bitcoin, Ripple, and technology in general -- an attempt to prove that people are too stupid to have powerful tools.

They are different because Bitcoin does not allow, say, Instawallet to replace 100 BTC in bitcoin-qt with 100 "BTC" in Instawallet without your explicit approval. Nobody would have lost anything if users had to click "I will trade 10 BTC.Bitstamp for 10 BTC.TradeFortress.
Bitcoin allows instawallet to do whatever they want without anyone's approval. Both "attacks" take advantage of the fact that you can trick people into doing things that have negative consequences that they might not be aware of.

Both attacks involve tricking someone into doing something that can have negative consequences of which they may not be aware and then exploiting the results of that trick. Even if it required explicit approval, you could just as easily trick people into providing that approval. By requiring it of them before making a payment to them.

He's convincing people to hurt themselves with powerful technology as a way of arguing that people are too dumb to have that technology or the technology is bad because it enables people to hurt themselves. It's completely different from arguing that there should be better safeties or warnings.

For example, consider a hammer. A person can bash their thumb with a hammer. The Luddite argument is that because people can bash their thumb with a hammer, hammers are bad. Or, worse, convincing people to use hammers carelessly so you can show lots of pictures of black and blue thumbs to stop this scourge of evil hammers. It's not at all the same as arguing that because people can bash their thumbs with a hammer, people need to understand how to safely use hammers or that it might be worth investigating whether a hammer can be designed such that it's more difficult to hit your thumb.

Title: Re: Do we have a potential fraudster among us?
Post by: augustocroppo on May 27, 2013, 09:13:58 PM
What TF did was entirely within the Ripple system, unless you have an analogy where Bitcoin itself was compromised, your argument falls apart.  
It wasn't entirely within the Ripple system. He approached people outside the Ripple system and used mechanisms outside Ripple to convince them to do things. And it wasn't Ripple itself that was compromised, it was just the accounts of the people who did what he told them to do. He told people to tell Ripple to consider a worthless asset as equal in value to a valuable asset, and Ripple did exactly what they told it to do. He used social engineering to induce people to tell a system to do dumb things, then the system did dumb things, and then he blamed it on the system rather than on himself.

No, the design of the system is bad. If it didn't automatically trade IOUs for you, then nobody would have lost any BTC.Bit stamp.
Sure they would have. If it didn't do it automatically, you would just have had to trick them into enabling it. There's no reason to think that would have been any more difficult than tricking them into trusting you.

Title: Re: Do we have a potential fraudster among us?
Post by: augustocroppo on May 31, 2013, 12:36:26 AM
(You can join if you're not a newbie too :))

You need at least 10 posts to carry links in your signature! Please only participate if/when you have 10 posts.

1. Replace your sig with the following:

[url=][size=12pt][glow=#FFF263,1,1][b]CoinLenders - earn interest, get loans[/glow][/size][/url]  [size=12pt][url=][size=12pt][glow=#84E886,1,1][b] [color=#08700A]☕ Free bitcoins chatting - CoinChat[/color][/glow][/url][/size][size=12pt] [url=][size=12pt][b][color=#FF0000]⚠ Ripple is a scam[/color][/url][/size]
[size=2][url=][b]1 BTC[/b] raffle - free to enter![/url] You can include your bitcoin address here if you wish[/size]

It looks like this:

CoinLenders - earn interest, get loans (   ☕ Free bitcoins chatting - CoinChat ( ⚠ Ripple is a scam (
1 BTC raffle - free to enter! ( You can include your bitcoin address here if you wish

2. Reply with a BTC address here.

3. After 1 month from now, a random winner will receive 1 BTC sent to their address. Simple as that. You must have this in your sig for the entire duration of this raffle.

The prize will be prorated to 0.01 BTC / reply if there are less than 100 entries to this raffle. So if 70 people enter, then the prize will be BTC0.70

Title: Re: Do we have a potential fraudster among us?
Post by: augustocroppo on June 02, 2013, 08:52:45 PM;u=76065

Title: Re: Do we have a potential fraudster among us?
Post by: augustocroppo on June 02, 2013, 11:50:29 PM
LOL? Prove that I have "changed my deposit address", that was the auto generated one. You can't even change it, bitcoind or doesn't let you. It looks like a vanity address through  :D

Anyway, show me the damages I've done to you. Which is nothing other than your sites relutation, which I think is fair - an eye for an eye. I regularly try to break into sites, and I always disclose it to the owners without any malicious damages done. For some people, I do it publicly.

Here: htmlentities( [db output] ). It's funny how there is so many responses yet no one knows basic web security.

Title: Re: Do we have a potential fraudster among us?
Post by: augustocroppo on June 03, 2013, 12:12:33 AM
Oh TradeFORtress was the one that coded your site? I didn't read that part, I thought it was someone with a copycat name.

Your an idiot, Tradefortress is a legend, your rant is random, probably fake scam report, and invalid. If your site got hacked by someone else, still your fault, it's your website.


Potential fraudster cannot properly finish the services he offers, but he is a "legend"!

That is literally sarcastic. It made me laugh hard!

Tradefortress is already showing contradictions in his statements:;u=76065 accused Tradefortress of something that Tradefortress already confessed to be true.

Title: Re: Do we have a potential fraudster among us?
Post by: augustocroppo on June 29, 2013, 01:20:29 AM
In fact TradeFortress is breaching our contract!

I got spam PM from him:
I'll pay you 25 BTC if you use for Peerbet!

My reply:
I agree for the price.
What obligations do you require from me?


TradeFortress reply:
Sign up for with something like - get an API key and set a callback to

In that file, check to make sure the request came from our IP address. Look up the from email in your database. If it exists, credit that account with the btc deposited. If not, send it back with the note saying "No user found"

For withdrawals, just call the send API to do that. It's a good idea to add a link for deposits that points at the request payment URL.

Let me know when you've implemented the API, since isn't released yet leave your current system. But I will pay you 25 btc when Inputs launches and you make it inputs exclusive

My reply:
I want to store Peerbet's funds on offline PC with Bitcoin-qt for better security and review withdrawals manually as I do it now.

About deposit API I agree and can change Peerbet's scripts to work with your service right now, but at first I would like to receive promised Bitcoins to 1G5FG5yyFjaEunXgYXVy5BP81UW1R6VGde.


He sent 25 BTC and THEN responded:
OK, you can simply send the coins to the offline address after recving them. But you will need to use meaning people need to deposit funds from the off chain network and get withdrawals through the off chain network.

I have sent 25 BTC.

This means that before receiving payment I don't took an obligation to remove off-blockhain deposits.
Nevertheless, I agree to comply with terms of our contract to integrate ALONG WITH normal blockchain deposits.

That wasn't what we agreed to. It was exclusive for deposits. Without a clarifying statement on deposits, it means all deposits.
I explicitly asked you about conditions:

I agree for the price.
What obligations do you require from me?

and you had to answer BEFORE signing a contract by sending payment. By default Bitcoin deposits mean using Bitcoin blockhain, not third-party IOU.

giantdragon is only offering to refund 20 BTC out of the 25 BTC, despite doing nothing whatsoever. I do not accept partial payments, and I only accept a full repayment. giantdragon is claiming that it is for "moral damage for me". However, he has refused to refund the full BTC when I have tried to work it out with him through PMs.
I just offered an option to solve our dispute and close the contract.
Otherwise I still agree to follow contract and integrate into Peerbet (but leave direct blockchain deposits).

giantdragon is only offering to refund 20 BTC out of the 25 BTC, despite doing nothing whatsoever. I do not accept partial payments, and I only accept a full repayment. giantdragon is claiming that it is for "moral damage for me". However, he has refused to refund the full BTC when I have tried to work it out with him through PMs.
I just offered an option to solve our dispute and close the contract.
Otherwise I still agree to follow contract and integrate into Peerbet (but leave direct blockchain deposits).

You left me negative feedback and wasted my time too, so I will be billing you 5 BTC too.

25 - 5 + 5 = 25.

You first send me SPAM message and started this dispute. I would never enter into this contract if know what condition do you really mean.

So both delete the negative feedback ? Then there is no need to charge him 5 BTC for negative feedback and give him his coins back.
I agree to remove my negative feedback if he removes mine, but I think I still deserve moral damage compensation for time lost.
Anyways, I still agree to follow contract and add ALONG WITH direct deposits.

I have deleted my replies in the Peerbet thread. I will only remove posts in this topic after I receive payment. Please don't keep asking.
I think refund will take about 30 mins.

25 BTC refunded to 1GLadosEkeAsLReqS3yQ51E1R3wVtbJCDF.
Remove this thread.

TradeFortress, I think you should leave positive feedback on my profile for decision to voluntarily make a refund.

25 BTC refunded to 1GLadosEkeAsLReqS3yQ51E1R3wVtbJCDF.
Remove this thread.

TradeFortress, I think you should leave positive feedback on my profile for decision to voluntarily make a refund.
It's up to you to delete your posts now.

Title: Re: Do we have a potential fraudster among us?
Post by: augustocroppo on June 30, 2013, 04:13:18 AM
For a scammer tag, the accused person needs to have promised to do something and then failed to deliver on the promise. TradeFortress never promised to pay anyone any bitcoins here. If you trust him to do something that he didn't promise, that's your problem.


I am offering to pay for legally binding arbitration. You choose any reputable service, I pay for it if it's within the general price range. I suggest Since you apparently never heard of it, try Google.

To expose and bring awareness to the flaws in the Ripple payment system, I am giving away 1 BTC on Ripple.

Title: Re: Do we have a potential fraudster among us?
Post by: augustocroppo on July 19, 2013, 08:43:33 PM
So, today I accessed my account and found that I have received negative trust from two users, DiamondCardz and TradeFortress.

Here is a copy of the pms:

I sent this to both of them:


I noticed you left me negative trust, can I ask why?

I am the operate for the YACoin p2p pool node here is the forum thread

I have not scamming anyone and the trust you left me is very confusing. Can you please explain why or otherwise I will have to ask a mod to remove your trust.

Here are the replies I received:


Join me on Freenode - /query TradeFortress

I am not dumb.

I've been told to leave you negative trust because you are part of a phishing ring. (I was told so by a trusted member with lots of rep)

I have not scamming anyone and the trust you left me is very confusing. Can you please explain why or otherwise I will have to ask a mod to remove your trust.

Mods don't remove trust, I believe. I'll contact the person who told me to leave the trust about it, ofc I'm not going to elaborate further because this "phishing ring" goes quite deep and I'm trying to stop it.

After checking the information, this trust will not be removed as your account was bought.

Here is the PM I sent back to TradeFortress:

Huh? I have nothing to say to you.

Just to let you know I've reported you to a moderator, but can you please explain why you left that negative trust, it doesn't make any sense. How is my account a scam or phishing account? I find this whole thing very confusing...

And to DiamondCardz:

Umm... what? This is not a premium account it's a free one, and what would that have to do with anything?

Just to let you know I've reported you to a moderator.

And here is the replies I received:

I'm happy to talk to you.

Enter your nickname.

Type /query TradeFortress

Say hi.


Listen, join me on IRC and I'm happy to talk to you.

Or do you prefer BitMessage or Cryptocat?

As you can see, it's clear this TradeFortress person told DiamondCardz to leave me negative trust, he seems to want me to chat 'off-site' which I do not feel comfortable doing.

I have search the forums and found a number of scam accusations against this TradeFortress so I have decided to block him as I think he is trying to scam me.

It's also clear that DiamondCardz blindly left me trust without actually believing it too.

Can I ask a mod to please remove this fake feedback? I have not scammed anyone and do not see any reason to warrant negative trust.

Title: Re: Do we have a potential fraudster among us?
Post by: augustocroppo on July 19, 2013, 11:23:15 PM

Posted 12 January 2010 - 04:12 AM
This... Abomination, has infiltrated our somewhat peaceful game (save greifers) and has completely ruined an ENTIRE FEATURE of this game that paying users receive. Lailai recently came onto CG62's server and asked to be let out. We denied him when he did not show the password, so we kicked him. When he came back, we banned him. Then he come on Lailai2 and I IP banned him. That was the last I thought we would here of him. Well I went on happily RP until someone in the RP shouts, that LaiLai, has committed a horrific crime. He released the indev version of minecraft. This may not seem like a big feature to non-paying users, but this is what seperates paying players from non-paying. It is the only useful thing that we have. It allows us to test indev things, such as fire or tools. This is alot of fun to play around in and is the best feature a paying player gets. Well, LaiLai decided to ruin that. I won't release the address to the public for obvious reasons, but this is what is on his page:

If this is not working / you have a problem / you have a question, email me at and I'll try to fix it

This version of the game is under heavy development, and will contain bugs! But why should you fucking care about them?

PEOPLE WHO HAVE VISITED THE SITE 000149 Please do report bugs you find in this version to notch

(Indev Version screen goes here)

News: Working inventory items (press I).
Fire, spreads from tile to tile!
New level generation screen
Sound engine by Paul Lamb
Press F7 to save an isometric map. Press I to access the inventory
enjoy no more pre-peeks haha :)

There are 2 things I wish to point out in this. One is at the very end:

enjoy no more pre-peeks haha :)

So his main goal was to prevent paying players from receiving this function. In the real Indev version, Notch says he will not release the indev anymore if someone publishes it. God this guy is evil.

Two is somewhere near the beginning:

Now, I'm not usually a bad guy when it comes to revenge, but this guy has really got me ticked. I won't say anything if you decided to COMPLETELY FLOOD HIS E-MAIL WITH COMPLAINTS.

I beg Notch to please not shut down Indev for all the paying players who love this game so much. PLEASE NOTCH, DO NOT SHUT IT DOWN!

Sorry to anyone who payed, and this makes them lose indev, but I could not bear to watch this guy STEAL MONEY from Notch. If you do not believe me, there will probably, in the very near future, be an announcement about this entire ordeal.

Once again, that's:

Title: Re: Do we have a potential fraudster among us?
Post by: augustocroppo on July 20, 2013, 11:23:24 AM
In one single page Tradefortress alias Milkshake is answered by Tradefortress's shill, Atruk:

It's more of 'is this user important or not', a lot of people are serious.

Serious / important people:
PsychoticBoy - runs ABM
usagi - ran GLBSE funds with questionable practices, silver asset is pretty legit
TradeFortress - btcinvest looks promising
Deprived - very active in the securities section with high quality contributions
MPOE-PR frequently trolling but you're stupid if you ignore her
Namworld - runs various high quality assets (except BTCMINING which loaned out their coins during the period where loans were like the mortgage bubble)

Totally ignore because troll
Monster Tent - "P.S. In almost all cases where someone uses a woman as their forum avatar they turn out to be a scammer. " LOL

Just irrelevant (/ not important)
The people here aren't people you should ignore - a lot of people here trade bitcoins, buys assets, et cetra but they're not really people I consider important.

marketersales - asks for loans and lawns straight out of newbie queue
camolist - not important
stochastic - lots of posts, doesn't matter
dishwara - not important, he did run the DISHWARA asset in a pretty joke style


Post an address and claim your prize.

Not quite the rankings I'd give. I'd throw some people in different categories. Still, it seems like you put some effort into it.

The evidence which links Tradefortress to Elacoin and shows that Milkshake is his sock puppet:

Most alt coins have a very short life, because they're not announced in advance, and the only users of it are the early adapters or the preminers. Elacoin is an open cryptocurrency based on the Scrypt hashing algorithm, with a few innovative modifications:


Elastic block reward algorithm based on the difficulty and Moore's Law
The more computational power you throw at it, the more each block will give.
The reward is halved every nine months to preserve the coin's value.

Stable Currency that Regulates Itself Through Supply and Demand
Less demand? Less hashpower, less block reward, less supply. Same value.
High demand? More hashpower, more block reward, more supply. Same value.

Fast Payments and Confirmations
The block target is one every 2 minutes, which is the perfect amount.
Fast enough without running into network IO limits, or bloating your hard drive.

Open to everyone. No premining, no shenanigans, announced release
Elacoin will be released after 24 hours of this message. Elacoin is not premined,
with the genesis block timestamping "Traffic from Syria Disappears from Internet".

The genesis block for Elacoin will be released after 24 hours of OP. Get your scrypt
miners ready (a miner is included in the client), and have fun  :D :D :D

Elacoin has being released!

Official forum - on (,21.0.html)

Elacoin Website (

Elacoin Wiki (

#elacoin on Freenode

Tradefortress's sock puppet pretending to do an investigation on Tradefortress's business to appear not related to Tradefortress's schemes:


I am doing an investigation into TradeFortress, regarding possible scams, and I'm seeking transaction ID's of deposits/withdrawals from coinlenders.

If you feel comfortable anonymously disclosing your transaction ID's or information related to any possible scams TradeFortress has commited, you can send it to

Your anonymity is ensured.

Kind regards,

Title: Re: Do we have a potential fraudster among us?
Post by: augustocroppo on July 20, 2013, 11:34:46 AM
I collected some data from the post history from Tradefortress and Milkshake. I compared the data and realized that on 19th February 2013 both users produced posts at different times, following a pattern which indicates that both users are controlled by one single person. Observe the time of each post:

Title: Re: Do we have a potential fraudster among us?
Post by: augustocroppo on July 20, 2013, 05:11:41 PM

Domain :
Status : Live
Expiry : 2014-06-21

NS 1   :
NS 2   :

Owner  :
       : Cloud bitcoin wallets
       : Sydney
       : NSW
       : Australia

name   class   type   data   time to live   IN   A   86400s   (1.00:00:00)   IN   SOA   
serial:   2013062508
refresh:   14400
retry:   14400
expire:   1209600
minimum ttl:   86400
86400s   (1.00:00:00)

Title: Re: Do we have a potential fraudster among us?
Post by: augustocroppo on July 20, 2013, 07:35:51 PM


I am currently selling two items. Buy em up! If you have any questions feel free to ask me here. Please post feedback if you buy.

-$10 Walmart Gift Card ->

-$15 Starbucks Gift Card -> SOLD

Selling one adult village cinema voucher:

"This voucher entitles one adult to attend a movie session at any of the following Village Cinemas locations – Airport West, Albury, Century City, Coburg, Crown,
Doncaster, Eastlands, Fountain Gate, Geelong, Glenorchy, Hobart, Jam Factory, Karingal, Knox, Launceston, Morwell, Rivoli, Shepparton, Southland, Sunshine and
Werribee. For films showing and session times check It may take up to 60 minutes after purchasing this voucher before it can be redeemed
online.  This voucher is valid for one adult admission only, and is to be surrendered at the cinema box office for a ticket or redeemed online. Gift Vouchers do not
guarantee a reserved seat - seating is subject to availability. Vouchers are not valid for Gold Class, group bookings, movie marathons, special events or in
conjunction with any other offer or promotion unless otherwise stated. A surcharge applies for Vmax and 3D/Real D films. It is the responsibility of the holder of the
voucher to ensure that it is used prior to the expiry date. The expiry date is not extendable. This voucher expires at midnight on the date listed. Tickets are not
refundable or redeemable for cash. Any advertisement, circulation or publication, which includes a reference to movie vouchers, must first be approved in writing by
Village Cinemas."

Purchase it here:

Oh why not. Have fun.

Gee thanks for ruining this launch...
Wasn't planning on it until I saw the premined 1360 block chain. I just exposed it for what it is ;)

I'll also take this opportunity to say that someone who can't even compile their own client really has no business releasing their own coin.

You could have waited for a reply from milkshake at least.

Title: Re: Do we have a potential fraudster among us?
Post by: augustocroppo on July 20, 2013, 10:53:10 PM;u=81730


- The domain bitcoin- was registered by a company with the PO Box 0823-03411
- DNS record of the domain bitcoin- shows similar data found in the domain DNS record
- Last record change was two days after Tradefortress left a negative feedback in his sock puppet trust profile


Domain ID:D169045063-LROR
Created On:25-Jun-2013 02:47:36 UTC
Last Updated On:19-Jul-2013 11:09:58 UTC
Expiration Date:25-Jun-2014 02:47:36 UTC
Sponsoring Registrar:eNom, Inc. (R39-LROR)
Registrant ID:21f7f92e3f8f08b0
Registrant Name:WhoisGuard Protected
Registrant Organization:WhoisGuard, Inc.
Registrant Street1:P.O. Box 0823-03411
Registrant Street2:
Registrant Street3:
Registrant City:Panama
Registrant State/Province:Panama
Registrant Postal Code:NA
Registrant Country:PA
Registrant Phone:+507.8365503
Registrant Phone Ext.:
Registrant FAX:+51.17057182
Registrant FAX Ext.:
Admin ID:21f7f92e3f8f08b0
Admin Name:WhoisGuard Protected
Admin Organization:WhoisGuard, Inc.
Admin Street1:P.O. Box 0823-03411
Admin Street2:
Admin Street3:
Admin City:Panama
Admin State/Province:Panama
Admin Postal Code:NA
Admin Country:PA
Admin Phone:+507.8365503
Admin Phone Ext.:
Admin FAX:+51.17057182
Admin FAX Ext.:
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Title: Re: Do we have a potential fraudster among us?
Post by: augustocroppo on July 21, 2013, 12:48:29 PM

I've spaced out the links in advance because the forum replaces them as "phishing". Obviously, don't go to the bloody links.

This was as much of the chat logs as I could salvage.

chipug how is it HIS site then? i thought it was yours? 16:42
realhacker my site is bitcoi 16:42
s1d2a3h4 Ugh... you can really notice summer, this is getting full of people with too much free time trying to troll. 16:42
realhacker i think it was someone from here from referrer info 16:42
anonymous9 lol realhacker 16:42
anonymous9 realhacker: that's a phishing link. 16:42
chipug right well going by the confusion i think safe to say no one here so bai then +0.02 16:42
Aero i'm off to bed CoinChatter02, talk to you tomorrow +0.02 16:42
krishna nuke 16:42
realhacker you all like this devin guy, so yeah 16:42
darko55 Sweet thanks chipug thats really helpful. +0.02 16:42
DiamondCardz realhacker: Want to give me your IP so I can show you what a DoS is? Also, I doubt anyone here is able to DDoS 16:43
DiamondCardz Considering you need a botnet for a DDoS. 16:43
chipug no probs, i know nothing either but i know folk that do. sailing boats right? 16:43
realhacker you dont need the ip 16:43
realhacker you know the site 16:43
realhacker ;) 16:43
DiamondCardz Not that site. 16:43
DiamondCardz YOUR. IP. 16:43
realhacker why not? 16:43
realhacker 16:43
realhacker thats my hostname 16:43
DiamondCardz sighs 16:43
devinthedev #1 No one likes me ;) #2 Please don't target me. #3 It's illegal in the US and you'd be DDos attacking Godaddy. +0.2 (nice)  16:43
realhacker 16:44
realhacker heres my ip 16:44
realhacker have fun dude 16:44
DiamondCardz Funny, because I have no plans to DoS you 16:44
darko55 Your fake ip. 16:44
realhacker no people are ddossing MY site bitcoin-t 16:44
DiamondCardz whois 16:44
realhacker and the person who done it came from this site 16:44
devinthedev My domain is currently parked. I didn't change the name servers yet. You'd be DDos attacking Godaddy servers. 16:44
realhacker so im just warning you all 16:44
DiamondCardz 16:44
darko55 is your websites ip. 16:44
realhacker yeah have fun ;P 16:44
DiamondCardz OrgName: Echo Online Internet Inc. OrgId: ECOL Address: 2600 Skymark Avenue Address: Building 9 - Suite 201 City: Mississauga StateProv: ON PostalCode: L4W-5B2 Country: CA RegDate: Updated: 2013-04-19 Ref: 16:45
DiamondCardz Doesn't match with your "hostname" +0.06 16:45
krishna wel. we are warned happy? 16:45
realhacker have fun again 16:45
DiamondCardz Nice lie. 16:45
realhacker hostname is MY IP not MY SERVER dumbass 16:45
krishna why are we still listening to realhacker 's rants? 16:45
krishna mute realhacker +0.05 16:45
DiamondCardz Funny, because I asked for your IP, so you give me the phishing sites server 16:46
realhacker anyway, its stopped now, but if it happens again, the ddosser is from this site 16:46
DiamondCardz That's funny. 16:46
realhacker i didnt I gave you my ip dude 16:46
realhacker 16:46
realhacker hostname was the .se thing 16:46
realhacker ;P 16:46
DiamondCardz Pfff, do you visit HF by any chance? 16:46
CoinChatter02 My IP address is 257.392.459.999 16:46
realhacker hf is for children 16:46
DiamondCardz You are a child. +0.04 16:46
realhacker lulz chipug 16:46
realhacker CoinChatter02 *** 16:46
chipug how do you know they came from here realhacker ? 16:46
good2go Hi friends 16:47
krishna admin: please do something about realhacker +0.02 16:47
DiamondCardz krishna: No. 16:47
realhacker I checked my logs, that IP clicked on a link from this site 16:47
Sorath CoinChatter02: are you not afraid of revealing your ip adress? 16:47
darko55 Yeah realhacker; how do you know you didn't piss someone else off? 16:47
krishna why not DiamondCardz ? 16:47
CoinChatter02 Sorath: I did. 16:47
realhacker NOW FUCK ALL OF YOU IM OUT 16:47
devinthedev He'd be shutting down Godaddy servers. +0.06 16:47
realhacker what the fuck does godaddy have to do with this????? 16:48
good2go do u know if he gave a fake ip? 16:48
realhacker somebody dosssed my vps 16:48
realhacker they flooded apache2 with connections 16:48
chipug lulz @ what realhacker ..i think i missed summat 16:48
realhacker i didnt mean to quote you chipug 16:48
krishna realhacker: we get that. what makes you think someone from here did it? 16:48
chipug oh lol i was totally lost there 16:48
seakazoo um... what the hell is going on? I click a different window for a few minutes and come back to this? 16:48
realhacker somebody clicked on link form here 16:48
good2go Whats going on here? 16:49
realhacker there ip then dossed me 16:49
realhacker simple 16:49
realhacker so its one of you guys 16:49
chipug i dont even know hw thats done dude 16:49
realhacker they have since stopped though 16:49
realhacker so they copped on 16:49
DiamondCardz That's your IP? 16:49
DiamondCardz I call bullshit. 16:49
DiamondCardz 16:49
s1d2a3h4 realhacker you're flooding, guy, make your sentences larger :( +0.02 16:49
realhacker lol! DiamondCardz I drop pings you idiot 16:49
DiamondCardz Either your IP service is shit or that's a fake IP. 16:49
DiamondCardz You drop pings? Lmao +0.2 (nice)  16:50
realhacker ping the real 16:50
DiamondCardz So you're scared, huh? 16:50
realhacker do it 16:50
realhacker no its called a fucking firewall 16:50
realhacker and everyone should have one 16:50
krishna s1d2a3h4: he's trollong,abusing etc. 16:50
DiamondCardz Firewalls don't always auto-drop pings +0.04 16:50
realhacker yes they do when you configure them to drop everything that isnt port 80 16:50
DiamondCardz Dropping a 32-byte ping is fucking pointless. 16:50
realhacker no its not you fucking asshole 16:50
realhacker you dont know shit honestly 16:51
realhacker nobody can tell if im online or not 16:51
krishna stop cussing 16:51
realhacker nobody can ddoss me by ping 16:51
chipug im interested. realhacker i think you wouldve gotten further here if you came on and hjust said look this has happened and i think the person was from here. we would all be like wow lets find out but youre alienating people that wouldve helped you 16:51
krishna good point chipug :) 16:51
realhacker look its a phishing site, obviously somebody is pissed I hacked devins shit 16:52
chipug i think its awful youve been ddossed or whatever but its shit you come on like this. dont be pissed off at everyone. if someone is hacking shit, shouldnt we ALL know about it? +0.02 16:52
realhacker so there we go, hes stopped now 16:52
realhacker i wasnt ddossed btw my site bitcoin-t was 16:52
krishna realhacker: Here's a question: Why did you hack devinthedev ? +0.05 16:52
DiamondCardz realhacker: How old are you? 16:52
realhacker krishna: for BTC 16:52
chipug you know what i mean dont be so pedantic +0.05 16:52
DiamondCardz krishna: He's an extortionist 16:52
realhacker krishna: its a job 16:52
DiamondCardz "for BTC"? Lolno, it's funny that you'd commit a felony for $20 +0.04 16:52
realhacker and dont fuck with my job whoever you are 16:52
DiamondCardz A job? Get a fucking real job 16:53
CoinChatter02 Chipug: I love use of the word pedantic. 16:53
krishna realhacker: I bet u made a lot of friends huh? 16:53
realhacker DiamondCardz: you think devin was the only one? 16:53
realhacker hhaha 16:53
CoinChatter02 Just ignore realhacker -- everyone just ignore the guy. +0.02 16:53
DiamondCardz Every sentence you say makes me more fucking tempted to bring down a real DDoS on you +0.04 16:53
chipug CoinChatter02: me too lol +0.02 16:53
realhacker go to bitcointalk and ask them about my site 16:53
chipug no 16:53
CoinChatter02 chipug: it's a great word. :) 16:53
krishna realhacker: U sure it wasn't one of your other "friends"? 16:53
DiamondCardz admin: Are you able to see realhacker's IP? 16:53
realhacker krishna: they clicked on a link from coinchat and then dossed 16:53
chipug if youd come here and just told me about it instead of shouting and swearing at me i would listen more realhacker 16:54
realhacker simple 16:54
krishna ok 16:54
chipug simple 16:54
Shinodan Is that fuckin prick hacker back again? 16:54
realhacker i dont want you to listen, i just wanted the person to stop and they did, so nice one 16:54
realhacker byebye 16:54
realhacker also that IP isnt mine im not dumb 16:54
realhacker and I only use TOR + VPN 16:54
chipug dont ask to go to your site then 16:54
DiamondCardz What a surprise, lmao. 16:54
Shinodan You are dumb 16:54
krishna Wow. 16:54
krishna I'm surprised 16:55
chipug its the opposite of what youre saying now 16:55
DiamondCardz >>ping bitcoin-t 16:55
admin Nuke on sight. done. 16:55
chipug <3 16:55
krishna admin: A little late. 16:55
krishna :) 16:55
DiamondCardz It's funny, he threatened to do something if one of us "DDoSes his site again" 16:55
Shinodan Lmao for real? 16:55
DiamondCardz something being...I don't even remember, most of it was empty 16:55
DiamondCardz Actually, him saying that makes me more tempted to do just that. 16:56
admin Hmm, I might even go on hackforums and pay someone to ddos that site. 16:56
Shinodan He's just trying to start shit haha 16:56
CoinChatter02 Ohs noes. I'm skeerd. 16:56
DiamondCardz admin: Exactly my thoughts 16:56
chamacua cybervandals, cat get enough of them (NOT) 16:56
DiamondCardz HF is excellent 16:56
krishna "its a job" 16:56
DiamondCardz I think he's confused, he probably treats his hacking as extra income and his "job" consists of welfare checks 16:57
CoinChatter02 DiamondCardz: Can someone still get Employee of the Month on welfare? :) 16:58
chamacua ha ha ha admin, you should just so he knows who he is messing with! 16:58
chamacua Hackforums rule, theres always someone eager to hack! 16:58
DiamondCardz So tempting to attempt to ping using a 65,537 byte packet, lmao 16:58
krishna guys. wanna play #lottery? 16:58
DiamondCardz I bet he hasn't even disabled ICMP 16:59
krishna ENough about that dweeeb. New Topic 16:59
CoinChatter02 Howly cow #moobot, the ad is showing TheBitcoinCard? Is this for real? I want one! 17:00
DiamondCardz I believe the phishing site is being hit atm 17:00
DiamondCardz Look at my 32-byte ping stats. 17:00
Atheist i got the phone call i wanted - the government *IS* going to give me 25,000$ and not ask me to pay it back, ever 17:00
Atheist suddenly, loving government 17:00
DiamondCardz just remember where them taxes come from 17:00
diamondshit DiamondCardz: you do realize when I ment when I said I drop EVERYTHING? LOL! your such an idiot its no even funny! :D 17:01
DiamondCardz j/k enjoy yo' free money 17:01
Atheist yes. from me. for the last 20 years. 17:01
CoinChatter02 Atheist: I guess you can be an anarchist any more! :) 17:01
DiamondCardz diamondshit, LMAO that's funny. 17:01
DiamondCardz Even funnier because it didn't drop "everything" +0.1 17:01
Atheist i never really was an anarchist; maybe when i was young, but as you get older... you realize society DOES have its benefits ;) 17:01
diamondshit ;) 17:01
DiamondCardz a 75% loss is not everything 17:01
DiamondCardz I better be seeing a 100% loss within 5 minutes, kid, or i'll get someone to make it 100% loss +0.04 17:01
diamondshit iptables block all inputs but port 80 17:01
diamondshit its everything dude 17:01
CoinChatter02 Atheist: exactly :P 17:02
Atheist regardless, i'm going to college for free 17:02
DiamondCardz I'd like to see what your phishing site can do vs THE POWER OF MONEY +0.1 17:02
Atheist yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay 17:02
anonymous9 yay 17:02
chamacua Is Diamondshit = realhacker? +0.02 17:03
anonymous9 ya 17:03

Interesting, isn't it? Just going to leave these chat logs here. It was on CoinChat (

Title: Re: Do we have a potential fraudster among us?
Post by: augustocroppo on July 21, 2013, 01:08:06 PM

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