Bitcoin Forum

Other => Beginners & Help => Topic started by: nkocevar on May 21, 2013, 02:22:02 PM

Title: Churches accepting donations in Bitcoins?
Post by: nkocevar on May 21, 2013, 02:22:02 PM
Anyone know of any churches that could accept online "tithes" or charitable donations? Or maybe is there a fund supporting missionary trips in Haiti that operate in Bitcoins?

Title: Re: Churches accepting donations in Bitcoins?
Post by: naphto on May 21, 2013, 02:43:18 PM
Why would they do that?
You can't buy food, or anything with bitcoins.

You can only give bitcoins to a third party that will pay the equivalent amount of fiat to a store that accepts bitcoin as a payment, but will receive euros or usd from **InsertABitTransferWebsiteHere**.

So, you'd better convert your btc into fiat and donate fiat. Else, you'll probably have to wait decades to find something ur looking for.

Title: Re: Churches accepting donations in Bitcoins?
Post by: nkocevar on May 21, 2013, 02:49:57 PM
Why would they do that?
You can't buy food, or anything with bitcoins.

You can only give bitcoins to a third party that will pay the equivalent amount of fiat to a store that accepts bitcoin as a payment, but will receive euros or usd from **InsertABitTransferWebsiteHere**.

So, you'd better convert your btc into fiat and donate fiat. Else, you'll probably have to wait decades to find something ur looking for.

True, but still, accepting donations in BTCs could further the advancement of the Bitcoin community, and possibly get a lot of people to learn about and get involved with Bitcoins.

Title: Re: Churches accepting donations in Bitcoins?
Post by: naphto on May 21, 2013, 02:51:52 PM
I don't know any church doing that, and it would probably creates some news if that happens.

Title: Re: Churches accepting donations in Bitcoins?
Post by: nkocevar on May 21, 2013, 02:52:45 PM
I don't know any church doing that, and it would probably creates some news if that happens.

Exactly! Publicity for bitcoins is always welcome, right? Plus, its for a good cause!

Title: Re: Churches accepting donations in Bitcoins?
Post by: coincurious on November 14, 2014, 05:46:14 AM
Here's another: Shoreline Unitarian Universalist Church.

Title: Re: Churches accepting donations in Bitcoins?
Post by: Kakmakr on November 14, 2014, 06:10:36 AM
They see Bitcoin as the coming of the End! {Somewhere in Revelations in the Bible, these things are predicted}

People putting electronic chips in their hands and a sign of the animal etc etc... Why would they want money from the dark side? ^Frown^
You will not see a lot of churches accepting Bitcoin for that reason. ^Cry^

Title: Re: Churches accepting donations in Bitcoins?
Post by: AnonBitCoiner on November 14, 2014, 08:03:07 AM
They see Bitcoin as the coming of the End! {Somewhere in Revelations in the Bible, these things are predicted}

People putting electronic chips in their hands and a sign of the animal etc etc... Why would they want money from the dark side? ^Frown^
You will not see a lot of churches accepting Bitcoin for that reason. ^Cry^

Where in the Bible does it say that Bitcoin is anywhere associated with the End?

Title: Re: Churches accepting donations in Bitcoins?
Post by: Kakmakr on November 14, 2014, 12:38:26 PM
They see Bitcoin as the coming of the End! {Somewhere in Revelations in the Bible, these things are predicted}

People putting electronic chips in their hands and a sign of the animal etc etc... Why would they want money from the dark side? ^Frown^
You will not see a lot of churches accepting Bitcoin for that reason. ^Cry^

Where in the Bible does it say that Bitcoin is anywhere associated with the End?

^Phew^ You are asking the wrong person, I just comment on what I read. The people who commented on that article, about the chip in the hand, went into great details.

Something about the <<QR Code>> being the mark of the beast and the chip in the hand, being the only method, of buying anything, and if you do not carry the mark of the beast, you will not be able to buy food. ^Frown^

They say it was written and predicted in the book of Revelations, if you want to know more, you will have to read it on your own, I am not a Preacher, far from it. ^Frown^

Title: Re: Churches accepting donations in Bitcoins?
Post by: AnonBitCoiner on November 14, 2014, 08:12:21 PM
They see Bitcoin as the coming of the End! {Somewhere in Revelations in the Bible, these things are predicted}

People putting electronic chips in their hands and a sign of the animal etc etc... Why would they want money from the dark side? ^Frown^
You will not see a lot of churches accepting Bitcoin for that reason. ^Cry^

Where in the Bible does it say that Bitcoin is anywhere associated with the End?

^Phew^ You are asking the wrong person, I just comment on what I read. The people who commented on that article, about the chip in the hand, went into great details.

Something about the <<QR Code>> being the mark of the beast and the chip in the hand, being the only method, of buying anything, and if you do not carry the mark of the beast, you will not be able to buy food. ^Frown^

They say it was written and predicted in the book of Revelations, if you want to know more, you will have to read it on your own, I am not a Preacher, far from it. ^Frown^

Overblown exaggerations, if you ask me. The Bible doesn't say anything about that, and I'd be surprised if someone would be able to convince me otherwise

Title: Re: Churches accepting donations in Bitcoins?
Post by: cutesakura on November 14, 2014, 11:37:18 PM
I think if we want to donate part of our bitcoin to charity, stay now how to make charitable bitcoin wallet used to help our brothers and sisters who are in economic difficulties, such as hunger, homelessness, illness due to war, and others, it this must be arranged so that bitcoin donations can be precisely targeted ...  ::)

Title: Re: Churches accepting donations in Bitcoins?
Post by: leonaa on November 16, 2014, 12:04:08 AM
damn, if I saw a QR code passed around, I`d feel so happy inside and just take out my phone and scan.

Then question, if this address was really for the church or not lol.

Title: Re: Churches accepting donations in Bitcoins?
Post by: tripppn on November 16, 2014, 07:13:48 AM
Why would they do that?
You can't buy food, or anything with bitcoins.

You can only give bitcoins to a third party that will pay the equivalent amount of fiat to a store that accepts bitcoin as a payment, but will receive euros or usd from **InsertABitTransferWebsiteHere**.

So, you'd better convert your btc into fiat and donate fiat. Else, you'll probably have to wait decades to find something ur looking for.
WOW!  Why so negative?  I'm sure there are plenty of churches or at least charities that give to churches that accept BTC.

Title: Re: Churches accepting donations in Bitcoins?
Post by: dothebeats on November 16, 2014, 01:13:46 PM
I don't know any churches or missionaries that accept bitcoins as a kind of donation, but if that happened, sure it will create some news.
And also, it will be a nice sign of increased adoption of bitcoin throughout the community as well.

Title: Re: Churches accepting donations in Bitcoins?
Post by: BRE on November 16, 2014, 01:21:49 PM
Bitcoin = Money
Simple , and for charity actions yes they can receive bitcoin.But it will happen if the people behind this charity project understand and know about bitcoin.

Title: Re: Churches accepting donations in Bitcoins?
Post by: axel2078 on November 16, 2014, 03:14:26 PM
They see Bitcoin as the coming of the End! {Somewhere in Revelations in the Bible, these things are predicted}

People putting electronic chips in their hands and a sign of the animal etc etc... Why would they want money from the dark side? ^Frown^
You will not see a lot of churches accepting Bitcoin for that reason. ^Cry^

Where in the Bible does it say that Bitcoin is anywhere associated with the End?

^Phew^ You are asking the wrong person, I just comment on what I read. The people who commented on that article, about the chip in the hand, went into great details.

Something about the <<QR Code>> being the mark of the beast and the chip in the hand, being the only method, of buying anything, and if you do not carry the mark of the beast, you will not be able to buy food. ^Frown^

They say it was written and predicted in the book of Revelations, if you want to know more, you will have to read it on your own, I am not a Preacher, far from it. ^Frown^

Overblown exaggerations, if you ask me. The Bible doesn't say anything about that, and I'd be surprised if someone would be able to convince me otherwise

Actually, it is in the Bible, but of course there is no mention of QR codes or microchips.  This is in Revelation 13:16.  "And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17  And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."

Title: Re: Churches accepting donations in Bitcoins?
Post by: AnonBitCoiner on November 16, 2014, 06:27:06 PM
They see Bitcoin as the coming of the End! {Somewhere in Revelations in the Bible, these things are predicted}

People putting electronic chips in their hands and a sign of the animal etc etc... Why would they want money from the dark side? ^Frown^
You will not see a lot of churches accepting Bitcoin for that reason. ^Cry^

Where in the Bible does it say that Bitcoin is anywhere associated with the End?

^Phew^ You are asking the wrong person, I just comment on what I read. The people who commented on that article, about the chip in the hand, went into great details.

Something about the <<QR Code>> being the mark of the beast and the chip in the hand, being the only method, of buying anything, and if you do not carry the mark of the beast, you will not be able to buy food. ^Frown^

They say it was written and predicted in the book of Revelations, if you want to know more, you will have to read it on your own, I am not a Preacher, far from it. ^Frown^

Overblown exaggerations, if you ask me. The Bible doesn't say anything about that, and I'd be surprised if someone would be able to convince me otherwise

Actually, it is in the Bible, but of course there is no mention of QR codes or microchips.  This is in Revelation 13:16.  "And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17  And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."

The mark of the beast is Satan, whose physical appearance is actually described throughout the Bible and particularly because the verses are in the book of Revelations. So, not really, the QR codes/microchips are not what it's referring to. :o

That being said, has the OP found any churches that do accept online donations? I'd be interested as well!

Title: Re: Churches accepting donations in Bitcoins?
Post by: Wusolini on November 16, 2014, 10:04:38 PM
Who cares. Churches always tried to rob working people. I believe they would accept anything what can be monetized or sold for gold
Bible isn't saying "Thou shalt not accept BTC", so why not?

Sorry for this but im strict atheist, and anytime I hear words "church" and "donation" together,  everything inside me starts boiling.

Title: Re: Churches accepting donations in Bitcoins?
Post by: bornil267645 on November 17, 2014, 06:22:57 AM
Bitcoin donation for charity could make the advertisement of the bitcoin community much easier. But no, haven't heard any church accepting BTC.

Title: Re: Churches accepting donations in Bitcoins?
Post by: Kakmakr on November 17, 2014, 06:23:04 AM
People steal from people, not the church. So what makes the people in the church so special, that they will not steal from other people? ^Frown^

If you blame a church, you are barking up the wrong tree.

I have seen MANY good and bad things being done, by these organizations, but for the most part, they seem to do more good, than bad.
They are after all human, and humans make mistakes. ^Smile^

I found some links to charities, but I first want to validate them, before I post them.

Title: Re: Churches accepting donations in Bitcoins?
Post by: gogxmagog on November 18, 2014, 07:31:49 AM
OP, you sound like a religious person so I'm assuming you go to a church of your choice. Why don't you approach your pastor and set him up with a wallet and place QR codes in the church. You would be tithing your time and knowledge, and like the old adage says; give a man a fish and he has a meal, teach him to fish and he can eat for a lifetime. Also, tell them Bitcoin Jesus sent you lol.

I would be careful with the QR codes though, I just had a thought that someone could go in and replace the qr with thief own 😜 put the code under glass

If setting up a church to accept btc isn't an option I know a few branches of boys and girls clubs accept as do United way. Not churches but worthy causes.

Title: Re: Churches accepting donations in Bitcoins?
Post by: Simon8x on November 18, 2014, 07:45:49 AM
OP, you sound like a religious person so I'm assuming you go to a church of your choice. Why don't you approach your pastor and set him up with a wallet and place QR codes in the church. You would be tithing your time and knowledge, and like the old adage says; give a man a fish and he has a meal, teach him to fish and he can eat for a lifetime. Also, tell them Bitcoin Jesus sent you lol.

That is the right spirit, and it can improve bitcoin acceptance.

Instead of asking whether there are shops/restaurants/churches/charities taking bitcoin near you, why not asking your favourite shops/restaurants/churches/charities to start taking bitcoin? :)

Title: Re: Churches accepting donations in Bitcoins?
Post by: gogxmagog on November 19, 2014, 10:25:16 AM
OP, you sound like a religious person so I'm assuming you go to a church of your choice. Why don't you approach your pastor and set him up with a wallet and place QR codes in the church. You would be tithing your time and knowledge, and like the old adage says; give a man a fish and he has a meal, teach him to fish and he can eat for a lifetime. Also, tell them Bitcoin Jesus sent you lol.

That is the right spirit, and it can improve bitcoin acceptance.

Instead of asking whether there are shops/restaurants/churches/charities taking bitcoin near you, why not asking your favourite shops/restaurants/churches/charities to start taking bitcoin? :)

Especially a church because the preacher has the attention of everyone in the congregation. I'm sure he could come up with some angle about god and technology where he could slip in a little Bitcoin wisdom into the sermon. In my experience preachers will use any excuse to speak about donations, why they are good and why you should give. Bitcoin Jesus will take your church into the future! Yea brother and amen!

Title: Re: Churches accepting donations in Bitcoins?
Post by: jjacob on November 20, 2014, 01:07:06 AM
Especially a church because the preacher has the attention of everyone in the congregation. I'm sure he could come up with some angle about god and technology where he could slip in a little Bitcoin wisdom into the sermon. In my experience preachers will use any excuse to speak about donations, why they are good and why you should give. Bitcoin Jesus will take your church into the future! Yea brother and amen!

Ha ha.That would be good.
Anything coming from the preacher would be taken as gospel by his followers.  :)

Title: Re: Churches accepting donations in Bitcoins?
Post by: tbt on February 05, 2015, 07:34:18 PM
Anyone know of any churches that could accept online "tithes" or charitable donations?

I know one local church (a mainline Christian denomination) that will be accepting bitcoins in a matter of days.  I'll announce here once it's up and running.

Title: Re: Churches accepting donations in Bitcoins?
Post by: LewiesMan on February 05, 2015, 07:59:53 PM
Anyone know of any churches that could accept online "tithes" or charitable donations?

I know one local church (a mainline Christian denomination) that will be accepting bitcoins in a matter of days.  I'll announce here once it's up and running.

Lol there will be a bitcent worth of donations.

Title: Re: Churches accepting donations in Bitcoins?
Post by: tbt on February 16, 2015, 08:24:12 PM
Anyone know of any churches that could accept online "tithes" or charitable donations?

As promised . . . Fern Creek United Methodist Church in Louisville, Kentucky, U.S.A. just went live today. (