Bitcoin Forum

Other => Beginners & Help => Topic started by: allthebitandbobs on August 27, 2017, 05:16:41 PM

Title: paypal chargeback questions and and would this prevent it?
Post by: allthebitandbobs on August 27, 2017, 05:16:41 PM
I just curious guys let sat i sell 100 dollars worth of bitcoin and now  have 100 dollars  in the account .I transfer that 100 to another paypal  account of mine nothing to link the 2 accounts both different name email addresses .A charge back happens.There now no money in the frist account .Will paypal take the money out of the second account ?How many accounts will payapl track the money two and will they do a chargeback on each account?Are  will they leave it at the first account with -100 which i never instead to pay those fuckers back they can be left holding the bag .Yeah your out bitcoin and money while paypal and the scammer is siting pretty hell with that  .Trying to think of ways around it .Wonder would this work ???

Title: Re: paypal chargeback questions and and would this prevent it?
Post by: Goosebump on August 27, 2017, 05:20:23 PM
The account that the payment was sent to will have a negative balance of $100 if it is chargedback and the balance is 0. If you have a bank attached to that PayPal account, what will most likely happen is the money will be withdrawn from the checking or savings account that the PayPal is linked to. PayPal also tracks the log-in IP's. So trying to transfer the money from account to account would not work either as they will most likely try to pull the money back to solve the negative balance.

Title: Re: paypal chargeback questions and and would this prevent it?
Post by: ikilledcobain on August 28, 2017, 04:49:39 PM
Years ago, I had a situation where I believe someone paid me on an eBay purchase with carded funds or a stolen account. I was completely unaware, but PayPal froze my account until I sent in a ton of personal information to verify identity.

Even if you never intend to pay the first balance back, don't be surprised if the second account gets frozen.

Title: Re: paypal chargeback questions and and would this prevent it?
Post by: zsmith on August 28, 2017, 11:11:50 PM
If the PayPal account is linked to a bank account,  you can drain and close it and just make a new bank account.  However, this seems like a hassle for only $100.   I personally wouldn't sell bitcoin through PayPal or any credit card, for that matter.  You'd have to charge a high rate to cover losses from chargebacks.

Title: Re: paypal chargeback questions and and would this prevent it?
Post by: eagle10 on August 29, 2017, 05:31:58 AM
Yes, you have to close your bank account and open a new one to avoid finding your account drain already of paypal chargebacks.

Title: Re: paypal chargeback questions and and would this prevent it?
Post by: linenoise on August 29, 2017, 06:46:55 AM
You realize you may never be able to use paypal again? They do require a lot of info to get accounts nowadays and matching you up with a closed account won't be overly hard. They are still one of the most common payment services online and if you use ebay it's required.  If you just want to buy bitcoin with a CC, use coinbase. They allow that.

Title: Re: paypal chargeback questions and and would this prevent it?
Post by: Zionatin on August 29, 2017, 06:11:01 PM
What I want to know is what happens if someone is using a bitcoin debit card connected with a third party to use PayPal and they reverse charge ? Or can't they ?

Title: Re: paypal chargeback questions and and would this prevent it?
Post by: soothaa on August 29, 2017, 06:22:55 PM
It is not worth it. Paypal will screw you over any way they can. If then can figure out who you are they will go after your credit if they cannot go after anything else. The simple way to protect yourself is to not use Paypal. Just do not. They are a scummy evil company who answers to no one and I have no idea how they have gone this long without a major government investigation. It does not matter how safe or right you think you are; Paypal will get you. They are worse than the government.

Title: Re: paypal chargeback questions and and would this prevent it?
Post by: jmaresca on August 29, 2017, 06:28:09 PM
I just curious guys let sat i sell 100 dollars worth of bitcoin and now  have 100 dollars  in the account .I transfer that 100 to another paypal  account of mine nothing to link the 2 accounts both different name email addresses .A charge back happens.There now no money in the frist account .Will paypal take the money out of the second account ?How many accounts will payapl track the money two and will they do a chargeback on each account?Are  will they leave it at the first account with -100 which i never instead to pay those fuckers back they can be left holding the bag .Yeah your out bitcoin and money while paypal and the scammer is siting pretty hell with that  .Trying to think of ways around it .Wonder would this work ???

Sorry to hear about your issue with PayPal. Sometimes it hard dealing with buyers online and then having to use PayPal as a payment processor because it's so common online and then you get a scumbag customer who knows that PP will side with the buyer most of the time. Sometimes you just have to chalk it up to doing business as usual.

Title: Re: paypal chargeback questions and and would this prevent it?
Post by: allthebitandbobs on August 29, 2017, 09:20:41 PM

Sorry to hear about your issue with PayPal. Sometimes it hard dealing with buyers online and then having to use PayPal as a payment processor because it's so common online and then you get a scumbag customer who knows that PP will side with the buyer most of the time. Sometimes you just have to chalk it up to doing business as usual.

No issues at the moment but i did get caught for 200 euro once and vowed never again.So more of a preventive measures

A couple of things i left out

The paypal cant get linked back to me  false name false address and i excess through a vpn .
I only link a disposable debit card  the account also not in my name only 10-15 dollars on it  .

I pretty sure i have it guys i added in  one are two steps  extra .Keeping the last few  a secret :D but i pretty sure if a charge back happens i not   be the one  holding the bag ;D  .