Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Ucy on August 27, 2017, 09:08:09 PM

Title: The current challenges facing Bitcoin are clear indication that Satoshi never...
Post by: Ucy on August 27, 2017, 09:08:09 PM
All the current challenges facing Bitcoin as regards to Block size/Segwit are  clear indication that Satoshi never anticipated a highly successful Bitcoin in a short time.

There is this theory that Bitcoin is tool of evil elites to usher in a single world currency. I am a believer of this agendas, (they probably will use stuff like PayPal for the Single currency) but the idea that Satoshi could be part of them makes no sense. I have reason to believe that Satoshi wanted to try his luck with the Bitcoin project ... I also think he wanted it to be pure Peer-to-Peer thing for ordinary Internet users.

Title: Re: The current challenges facing Bitcoin are clear indication that Satoshi never...
Post by: Bramen on August 27, 2017, 09:49:39 PM
All the current challenges facing Bitcoin as regards to Block size/Segwit are  clear indication that Satoshi never anticipated a highly successful Bitcoin in a short time.


Block size limitation was not in the initial white paper or BTC implementation. It was introduced as an anti-DDOS measure later, and was always meant to be increased when necessary.

SegWit also was not part of the original BTC, but a fairly recent hack and a temporary measure with questionable benefits.

Title: Re: The current challenges facing Bitcoin are clear indication that Satoshi never...
Post by: Emoclaw on August 27, 2017, 10:34:36 PM
All the current challenges facing Bitcoin as regards to Block size/Segwit are  clear indication that Satoshi never anticipated a highly successful Bitcoin in a short time.


Block size limitation was not in the initial white paper or BTC implementation. It was introduced as an anti-DDOS measure later, and was always meant to be increased when necessary.

SegWit also was not part of the original BTC, but a fairly recent hack and a temporary measure with questionable benefits.
Don't presume to know about what SegWit is when you have no idea what you're talking about.
While Bitcoin did have a scaling plan from the beginning (bigger blocks), technology cannot keep up with Bitcoin's growth.

You'll see it in a year when Bitcoin Cash will have half or less as many nodes as it does to day, QFR this.

Title: Re: The current challenges facing Bitcoin are clear indication that Satoshi never...
Post by: Farfenkugel on August 27, 2017, 10:59:15 PM
I highly doubt the elite created bitcoin to move on a one currency. They all have there hands full with the banking cartel. If it really was the elite pushing for it, we would not see so many resistance from government institutions. Just think about all the puppets they have in control in all the high places. The bill would be passed within a blink on a sunday morning ;) since this isn't the case, i think its the other way arround !

Title: Re: The current challenges facing Bitcoin are clear indication that Satoshi never...
Post by: figmentofmyass on August 27, 2017, 11:06:23 PM
All the current challenges facing Bitcoin as regards to Block size/Segwit are  clear indication that Satoshi never anticipated a highly successful Bitcoin in a short time.

this might be the case. but we don't know satoshi's true vision for scaling. he did, in one post, say that we could increase the block size if needed (and laid out a way to do so). but from reading his posts, i don't think he was thinking particularly hard about this aspect of the system.

i think he hoped that technology would progress fast enough that scalability wouldn't be such an issue, but he didn't stick around to find out. as it is, even 1MB blocks are a threat to the decentralization that is supposed to underlie the system and allow for trustless transactions.

Title: Re: The current challenges facing Bitcoin are clear indication that Satoshi never...
Post by: Bramen on August 27, 2017, 11:45:01 PM
All the current challenges facing Bitcoin as regards to Block size/Segwit are  clear indication that Satoshi never anticipated a highly successful Bitcoin in a short time.


Block size limitation was not in the initial white paper or BTC implementation. It was introduced as an anti-DDOS measure later, and was always meant to be increased when necessary.

SegWit also was not part of the original BTC, but a fairly recent hack and a temporary measure with questionable benefits.
Don't presume to know about what SegWit is when you have no idea what you're talking about.
While Bitcoin did have a scaling plan from the beginning (bigger blocks), technology cannot keep up with Bitcoin's growth.

You'll see it in a year when Bitcoin Cash will have half or less as many nodes as it does to day, QFR this.

I don't know what your point is, other than being condescending (seems to be a popular way to treat new people on this forum).

SegWit was not mentioned in the white paper since it is a fairly recent development (2015 I believe). There have been rather serious security concerns raised about it recently, and it doesn't increase block size much (1.6x?).

I never mentioned Bitcoin Cash, which is not even the topic of the discussion?