Title: US Residents Buying IOTA Post by: CryptoSnyper on September 02, 2017, 06:01:12 PM Hi Peeps,
Where are US residents using BTC to buy Iota being that Bittfinex is now not available to US Res. Thanks for the input Title: Re: US Residents Buying IOTA Post by: vroom on September 02, 2017, 06:24:30 PM you can buy bitcoins somewhere else and then exchange bitcoins to iota on bitfinex
Title: Re: US Residents Buying IOTA Post by: craZyLovE0916 on September 02, 2017, 06:46:15 PM Hi Peeps, Where are US residents using BTC to buy Iota being that Bittfinex is now not available to US Res. Thanks for the input You can use any other exchange which accepts IOTA. Go to cryptomarketcap.com and search IOTA. You can find a list of all exchanges that accept IOTA and use your Bitcoin to buy it there instead. ;) Title: Re: US Residents Buying IOTA Post by: energycom on September 02, 2017, 07:06:57 PM Hi Peeps, Where are US residents using BTC to buy Iota being that Bittfinex is now not available to US Res. Thanks for the input Why should you indicate that you're an US citizen? My friend is US citizen and he buy whatever he wants, he just don't indicate his citizenship. When he want to join ICOs, he changes his IP and keep buying tokens. But I'm not sure about the regulations of Bitfines because I'm strange to that platform. |